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高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高一第08讲 第十单元学生版.docx

1、高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高一第08讲 第十单元学生版核心单词讲解1. earn vt. 挣得; 赢得搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。(1)earn ones living_(2)earn ones own living_(3)earn a fortune_运用:用earn翻译下列句子。(1)他利用晚上工作,已经挣了好多钱。He _ by working in the evenings.(2)他的诚实得到了朋友们的赞扬._ the admiration of his friends.(3)她担任一名兼职秘书来谋生.She _ as a parttime secretary.2. det

2、ermine vt. 确定;决定搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。(1)determine to do sth._(2)determine on/upon (doing) sth._ (3)determine sb. to do sth._(4)determine sb. against doing sth._(5)be determined to do sth_运用:用相关短语翻译下列句子。(1)他决定致力于当地的教育事业.He _devote himself to the local educational cause.(2)他们决定早点出发.They _an early start.(3

3、)老师的建议使她决定从事写作。The teachers suggestion _ take up writing. (4)那件事使他决定不再离开家了。That determined her _home.拓展: 写下列单词或指出各词组的汉语意思。(1) _ n. 决定,决心(2)a written statement of determination_(3)a man of determination _(4)a matter for determination by sb._(5)carry out a plan with determination _3. aware adj. 知道的, 意

4、识到的;有意识的;明智的搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。(1) be/bee aware of sb./ sth. _(2)be aware that_拓展: 写出下列单词,或翻译下列短语。(1) _ n. 知道,意识,注意(2)environmental awareness_(3)increase public awareness of sth_(4)a very aware person _运用:用适当的词完成句子.(1)Were you aware _ something was wrong?(2)Everyone should be made aware _ the risks in

5、volved.4. bargain v. 讨价还价; n. 交易,便宜货搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。(1)bargain with sb. _ (2)bargain for _(3)bargain sth for sth _ (4)bargain sth away _(5)its a real bargain. _ (6)a bad bargain _(7)a good bargain _ (8)even bargain _运用:用bargain翻译下列句子。(1)按那样低的价钱出售,这房子是便宜的。At that low price the house is _.(2)这小男孩正在用玩

6、具与同龄的一个女孩交换糖果。The little boy _his toy with a girl of his same age _ sweets.(3)这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外。The exam was more difficult than I_. 5. aggressive adj. 好斗的,有进去心的搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。(1)aggressive weapons _(2)an aggressive salesman _(3)an aggressive foreign policy_运用:用aggressive翻译下列句子。(1)他是那么的咄咄逼人,以至班上几乎所有的

7、学生都不喜欢他。He is _ that almost all the other students in the class dislike him.(2)这位售货员上进心很强,工作很努力。The salesman _ and he worked very hard.(3)那边有只危险、有攻击性的狗。There is a dangerous _ dog over there.6. remove vt. 移动,迁移,脱下,消除,开除职务理解:理解下列各例句的意思(1)Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.(2)He removed his fact

8、ory to Shenzhen in order to make more money.(3)He removed his shoes and went to have a bath.(4)The news removed any doubts about the panys future.(5)She was removed from her office due to her laziness.运用:用remove翻译下列句子。(1)他慌忙地把盘子从桌上拿走。She _ the dishes _ the table hurriedly.(2)为了更好的生活,他把家迁移到西海岸。He _th

9、e family _ the West Coast for a better living.(3)班主任把他的名字排除在考虑的范围之外。The headteacher _ his name _ consideration.7. puzzle v. 使困惑,使为难 n. 迷, 智力游戏搭配:写出下列单词,或用适当的词填空。(1) puzzle _sth. 为苦思冥想(2) puzzle sth _想出,苦思而求得运用:用相关短语翻译下列句子。(1)凯伦整个晚上都在想这个问题。Karen _ the question all evening.(2)他终于想出了如何解决这个问题。He finally

10、 _ how to solve the problem.拓展:用puzzle的适当形式填空。(1) He stared at the words in plete _.(2) I think its really a _ problem. I really dont know which to choose.(3)She listened with a_ expression on her face.(4) Im doing a word_ in this newspaper.8. firm adj. 坚定的,牢固的, 坚定的 n. 公司, 商行理解:理解下列各例句的意思(1)The teac

11、her was firm and did not change her mind._(2)Mother kept a firm hold on her sons hands as he said goodbye to her._(3)The leg of that table is not very firm._(4)I started working in an engineering firm. _拓展:firm 还可以作副词,意思是 “牢牢地,坚定地”,stand firm站稳立场。9. annoy vt. 使生气, 使烦恼理解:理解下列各例句的意思。(1)These flies are

12、 annoying me._.(2)What annoyed him most was that he hadnt received her letter._.拓展: 写出下面的词或短语。(1)感到烦恼的(adj.) _(2)令人烦恼的(adj.) _(3)对某人/事生气_运用:用annoy的适当形式填空。(1)I was _with him because he kept asking me the same question.(2)It really _ me when people forget to say “thank you”.(3)Her most _ habit is play

13、ing the piano at midnight.10. behave v. 表现,有礼貌, 表现得体,(机器等)运转搭配:翻译词组:behave oneself _拓展:写出单词 _(n.) 行为理解:理解下列各例句的意思。(1)She behaves as if she were a child._(2)She doesnt know how to behave in public._ (3)How is your new car behaving?_(4)The teacher told the children to behave themselves._11. focus v. 聚

14、焦, 集中 n. 焦距, 焦点 搭配: 填入适当的介词。(1) focus ones mind/attention _ work集中思想/注意力于工作(2)_ focus焦点对准, 清晰的(3)_ focus焦点未对准的, 模糊不清的运用:翻译下面句子。(1)请把注意力集中在下面的问题上。Please_ the following questions.(2)大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。All eyes _ the speaker.(3)要想有清晰的照片就要把焦点对准物体。Bring the object _if you want a clear photograph.(4)她总是想成为注意的

15、焦点人物。She always wants to be _.12. practical adj. 可实施的, 切合实际的; 实用的,有实用效果的,善于干实际工作的,实践的理解:理解下列各例句的意思(1) Your idea sounds good, but it isnt practical._(2) Your invention is very practical._(3) She was a simple, practical and hardworking woman._(4) He has practical experience of teaching. _拓展: 写出下列单词或翻译

16、下列短语。(1) 练习, 实践(n.) _(vt.)_(2)一条切实可行的建议_(3)实践工作经验 _核心词组1. be ashamed of sb./ sth./ oneself 以为耻辱/羞愧She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party. 她深深地为自己在晚会上的行为感到羞耻.拓展: 翻译下面词组。(1)feel ashamed for sb_(2)be ashamed to do sth._(3)be ashamed for sth./ doing sth. _运用:补全下列句子。(1)你应该为说这样的谎话而感到羞愧。You s

17、hould _ telling such a lie.(2)我昨天表现不好,我现在感到羞愧。I behaved badly yesterday and I _ now.(3)她不好意思提这么简单的问题。She _ ask such a simple question.2. appeal to sb. / sth 上诉,呼吁, 要求,吸引运用:根据汉语提示,补全英文句子。(1)他不服判决提出上诉。He _ the decision _ a higher court.(2)这个设计务必要吸引所有年龄和所有社会阶层的人。The design has to_ ages and social group

18、s.(3)政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The government is_ everyone _water.3. force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事运用:根据汉语提示,补全英文句子。(1)她强迫自己对他们要有礼貌.She _ polite to them.(2)我不得不打的, 因为最后一班车已经走了。I _take a taxi because the last bus had left.温馨提示:旧式英语中force sb. to do sth 还可说成force sb. into doing sth.。如:Bad health forced him into taking

19、 early retirement.他身体不好迫使他早退休了。4. give away 颁发; 捐赠; 泄露; 出卖; 背弃理解:理解下give away在下列各句中的含思。(1)The rich man gave away most of his money to charity(慈善机构)._(2)The headmaster will give away the prizes at the school speech day._(3)The secret was given away by one of their friends._(4)I wont give him away in

20、any case because we have been friends for many years._拓展: 在下列give短语中填入一个适当的介词或副词。(1)give _发出(气味,热等),分发,用完(2)give _放弃(3)give _交给,交付,交出(4)give _归还,送回,报复(5)give_屈服,投降,退让运用:用give 短语的适当形式填空.(1)In those days, he used to _ a part of his ine to help his friends.(2)Mary had to _ her job after she got married

21、.(3)She tried to appear unconcerned, but her eyes _her.(4)The wood _ a sweet smell as it burned.5. earn/ make money 赚钱, 获利运用:完成下列英文句子。(1)你只知道赚钱。You only care for _.(2)他生财有道。He was expert in _.(3)汉特先生在股票市场赚了一大笔钱。Mr. Hunter _ in the stock market拓展: 翻译下面的表达。(1)失财_(2)存钱_(3)花钱_(4)筹集资金_6. out of work 失业 (

22、=out of a job /without a job)理解:理解下列各例句的意思。(1)I am worried about whether I will be out of work._(2)He is now out of work._比较:表示“失业”的out of work是介词短语,与be连用可与时间段连用;而lose ones job短语动词,且不可与时间段连用。如:Hes been out of work (=without a job) for two years.他失业两年了。If I lose my job, I will/shall go abroad. 如果我失业了,我就出国。拓展: (A)指出下列句中“介词+work”短语的意思。(1)More people are in work than ten years ago.(2)Do you want to go for a drink after work?(3)Dads at work right now.拓展:(B)填入适当的名词。(1)out of _混乱的,有毛病的,出故障的(2)out of _身本不好,不成样子(3)out of _看不到(4)out of _过时的,过期的(5)out of _失去控制(6)out of _脱离危脸(7)out of

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