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1、九年级英语上学期期中测试九年级英语上学期期中测试(满分:120分;时间:100分钟)题号第 一 部 分第 二 部 分总分得分第一部分:听力 (20分).听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. Chinese food. B. Basketball, of course. C. P.E.( ) 2. A. Not at all. B. No, I wouldnt. C. Yes, I would.( ) 3. A. I often send e-mail to you. B. Sure, its Smith bton. com. uk. C. The Internet

2、 is interesting.( ) 4. A. Im happy to hear that. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Im glad to hear that.( ) 5. A. He must give it up. B. He doesnt need to worry about it. C. He had better not smoke at home.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5分)( ) 6. A. His favorite sport is skating. B. Swimming is his favorite. C. He

3、likes running best.( ) 7. A. It will be rainy. B. It will get better. C. The bad weather will last for a long time.( ) 8. A. He met Michael. B. Tom didnt go to watch the football game. C. Michael didnt go to watch the football game.( ) 9. A. Drink some hot water with honey. B. Eat less food and get

4、more exercise. C. Go to see a dentist.( ) 10. A. Read a lot of stories.B. Did sports and read stories.C. Learned on the Internet and had sports.听对话,回答问题。对话读一遍。(5分)( ) 11. Why does Sandy drink milk often?A. Because her mother asks her to.B. Because she wants to.C. Because drinking milk is good for he

5、r health.( )12. How often does Sandy drink milk?A. Every day. B. Sometimes. C. Never.( )13. Whats Sandys favorite food?A. Meat. B. Dumplings. C. Bread.( )14. When does Sandy eat oranges?A. After breakfast. B. After lunch. C. After supper. ( )15. Does Sandy think junk food(垃圾食品) is healthy?A. No, she

6、 doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she does.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( ) 16. Who was Michael?A.A great football player. B. A great basketball player.C.A great vollyball player.( ) 17. Why could few people catch his ball?A. Because he ran very fast. B. Because he hit the ball too hard.C. Because he jumped

7、 very high.( ) 18. What did he want to do for the children in his city?A. Build a school. B. Build a zoo.C. Set up a park.( ) 19. How did he die?A. In an air accident. B. In a traffic accident.C. In a match. ( ) 20. When did the park open?A. In 1974. B. Three years after he died.C. In 1985.第二部分:笔试 (

8、100分).单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. I see him _ basketball almost every day.A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays( ) 2. There _ more roads, trees and tall buildings in Beijing in 2008.A. will has B. is going to haveC. will be D. is going to has( ) 3. Maybe you should _ a dentist. Thats a good idea.A. look B. re

9、ad C. watch D. see( ) 4. Would you mind _ down the music?A. not to turn B. not turn C. turning D. to turn( ) 5. Youd better _ too much meat. You are much too fat.A. not eat B. eat C. not to eat D. dont eat( ) 6. Mike and John, did you enjoy _ on Childrens Day? Yes, we did.A. myself B. yourselves C.

10、ourselves D. themselves( ) 7. Must I come at four oclock? Oh, no, you _.A. dont B. mustnt C. dont have to D. cant( ) 8. I broke the window.You _ play football near the window.A should B. shouldnt C. had better D. must( ) 9. Will you go _ with me?OK, I will.A. anywhere else B. somewhere else C. else

11、anywhere D. else somewhere( ) 10. Sally sings pretty _ and she is also _ at dancing.A. well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; good( ) 11. He spent a week _ the novel.A. to read B. in reading C. on reading D. for reading( ) 12. The germs can get _ the human body _ the mouth.A. on; across B.

12、into; across C. on; through D. into; through( ) 13. Would you please come and _?A. cheer on us B. cheer us on C. cheer for us D. cheer with us( ) 14. Whats the meaning of “by mistake?”Its “_”.A. 正确的 B. 正确地 C. 错误的 D.错误地( ) 15. Sorry, Doctor Smith isnt here right now.May I _ a message on his desk?A. t

13、ake B. send C. have D. leave.情景交际。(5分)A: Hello!B: Hello! 16 A: Just a minute. May I ask whos calling?B: 17 A: Hold on, please. Your call, Yang Lin. Its from Li Ming. C: Hi, Li Ming. This is Yang Lin speaking. B: Hi, Yang Lin. Thank you for asking me to your party. 18 You see, my sister is sick and I

14、 have to stay at home with her. C: 19 I hope its not serious. B: Not really. She is really a bit better now. C: Glad to hear that. Please tell your sister I hope she gets better soon. Good night!B: Thanks for calling. 20 A. This is Li Ming.B. Good night.C. Can I speak to Yang Lin, please?D. Im sorry

15、 to hear that.E. Im sorry I cant come.16. 17. 18. 19. 20. .完型填空。(10分)In the doctors waiting room, sick men and women were sitting on the chair. Bob, a school boy, was among them. They all looked very sad 21 Bob. He lost himself(沉浸于) in an 22 story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in and said

16、 he was ready 23 the next person. Bob jumped up and 24 the doctors room. “Whats your trouble?” asked the doct or. Before Bob could say a word, the doctor made him 25 on the bed. “Now Ill listen to your heart beat.” Bob tried to speak, but the doctor told him not to 26 anything.“Ill 27 your temperatu

17、re.” Bob tried 28 , but the doctor stopped him. After a moment, the doctor said, “Well, boy, dont 29 . There is 30 with you.” “I know,” said Bob. “I just come to fetch(取) some medicine for my father.” ( ) 21. A. except B. and C. or D. so( ) 22. A. excited B. interest C. interesting D. interested( )

18、23. A. for B. with C. at D. in( ) 24. A. ran into B. run in C. walk into D. entered into( ) 25. A. lie down B. to lay C. lied D. lying( ) 26. A. say B. said C. talking D. speaking( ) 27. A. make B. let C.bring D. take( ) 28. A. sit up B. to sit up C. and sit up D. to sit down( ) 29. A. afraid B. wor

19、ry C. happy D. laugh( ) 30. A. wrong nothing B.wrong anything C.nothing wrong D.anything wrong.阅读理解。(40分)(A)At midnight Mr. King coughed again. He got up and took some medicine. Before he lay down again, he smoked. And he couldnt go to sleep any longer. He found the medicine book and began to read i

20、t. He was afraid he had lung cancer. He seemed to see death was waiting for him. Tears(眼泪) ran down his face. He didnt see his wife was standing by him. “Whats wrong with you, dear?” asked the woman. “Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands. The old woman opened the book a

21、nd understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now.”“I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How cant I do that?”“But I think health is more important.”Mr. King coughed again and his wife said, “Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He will be able to help you, I think.”The doctor told Mr.

22、 King to have an Xray examination of his lungs. And then he looked at the Xray carefully for a long time. “Tell me the truth, doctor.”said Mr.King, “Do you see any shadows(阴影)in my lungs?”“No, I dont see anything.”“Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really?”“Yes. Your lungs are turning black. How can

23、I see any shadows?”( ) 31. Mr.King got up to .A. smoke againB. talk with his wifeC. read the medicine bookD. take some medicine( ) 32. Mr. King coughed because .A. he couldnt go to sleepB. he was afraid to dieC. he smoked too muchD. he was too old( ) 33. , so tears ran down his face.A. Mr. King thou

24、ght he had lung cancerB. Mr. King couldnt understand the bookC. Mr. King was too sad to go to sleepD. The doctors refused to help Mr. King( ) 34. The doctor told Mr. King to have an Xray examination because .A. he was sure the man would die soonB. he wanted the man to stop smoking right nowC. he wan

25、ted to know if there was something wrong with his lungsD. he was sure the man would soon be all right( ) 35. Which of the following is true?A. There was nothing serious with Mr. King.B. Smoking too much caused Mr. Kings lungs to turn black.C. The doctor found some shadows in Mr. Kings lungs.D. Mr. K

26、ing decided to stop smoking at once.(B)During his life, Dr. James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E. and wrote several books. While he never thought it very important, Dr. Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of basketball.Dr. JamesNaismithwasborninCanadain1861andhis

27、firstjobwasataspecialsportsschoolintheUSA. OnedaytheschoolprincipaltoldJameshewashavingaproblemwiththestudents. Becauseofheavysnow,thestudentscouldnotgooutside.HetoldJamesthattheyneededasportthe boyscouldplayindoorsandgavetheteachertwoweekstothinkofsomething. ItwasontheverylastdaythatJamescameupwith

28、hisidea.The“birthofbasketball”issaid tobeonDecember21,1891,whentwoteamsfromtheschoolplayedthefirstgame. Itwasquitedifferentfromthebasketballgamesoftoday.Ithad9playersoneachteamandfootballswereused insteadofbasketballs.Soonafter,thegamechangedto5playersoneachside,usingspecial“basketballs” throughnets

29、. AlthoughDr. Naismithdidnotlivetoseebasketballbecometheworldwidegameitistoday, in1936,justthreeyearsbeforehisdeath,basketballbecameanOlympicsportatthegamesinBerlin.( ) 36. WhichofthefollowingthingsdidDr. JamesNaismithNOTdo?A. TeachP.E.inschool. B. Writesomebooks. C. Workathospital. D. TakepartintheOlympicGames. ( ) 37. InwhichseasondidDr. Naismithinventbasketball? A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Spring. D. Autumn. ( ) 38. WhyisDecember21thoughttobethebirthdayofbasketball? A. ItwasonthisdaythatDr. Naismithcameupwithhisideaforbasketball. B. ItwasthedayonwhichDr. Naismithwasborn

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