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6B Unit 4 Road safety 五课时教案.docx

1、6B Unit 4 Road safety 五课时教案6B Unit 4 Road safety 五课时教案Unit 4 Road safety教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读safety, cross, safely, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rule, stay.2能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写road, must , safe, follow, light;句型和日常用语You mustYou must not3.能了解句子的重读,并能在平时的朗读中形成习惯。4.了解中西方两种通行制度。5.了解字母y在单词中的读音。6.

2、能正确理解、朗读story time 和cartoon time,了解一些行路安全的规则和安全知识。教学重难点:1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2能正确使用情态动词must和mustnt 的用法;must 和can 的区别。课时安排:5课时第1课时:Story time第2课时:Grammar time,Fun time ,Sound time第3课时:Cartoon time ,Culture time第4课时:Checkout time,Ticking time第5课时:Revision (review , exercise)Unit4 Road safety Peri

3、od 1教学内容: Story time教学目标:1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights2. 初步感知运用日常交际用语You must mustnt you can cant3. 初步掌握文中出现的交通规则:You must first look for a zebra crossing and then look at the traffic lights. We must first look left, then right and then look

4、 left again. We mustnt run and play on the road. etc3. 理解,掌握课文内容,用正确的语音语调朗读课文。教学重点:1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights2. 正确运用日常交际用语You must mustnt you can cant3. 能借助提示,完整的复述本课内容。4.通过本课时的学习,让学生能够理解一些常见的交通规则,并能用英语进行表达及其描述。教学难点:理解课文内容,能借住图片提示完整的复述本课内

5、容。教具准备:单词卡片,挂图,多媒体课件教学设计(主备)复备Show teaching aimsStep1. Warm up & Lead in1Sing a song. The wheels on the bus.2. Free talk T: How do you come to school? Ss: I come to school by bus car bike on foot. etc.T: I see. You use different traffic tools to come to school. I think road safety is the most import

6、ant for us. (Learn the topic: Road safety )S: Yes.T: Lets learn Unit 4 Road safetyStep2. Presentation1. Learn the new wordsT: Boys and girls, what can you see on the road?Ss: I can see (交通灯,斑马线, green man, red man )Show the pictures about them and learn the new words.pavement , road , zebra crossing

7、, green man, red man, traffic lightsLearn the words the groups, help each other to learn the words.Have a chant:Traffic lights, red, yellow, green.Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop.Yellow light, yellow light, wait ,wait, wait.Green light, green light, go, go ,go. (边说边做相应的动作。)2. Learn the traffi

8、c rules.T: Now you are a student in Grade 6. Do you know any traffic rules?Read the rules and judge.(根据学生已有的生活经验和学生的英语知识积累,先通过思考朗读帮助学生的建立知识建构,为下面学习课文和语言输出做铺垫。)We must walk on the pavements. ( )We can cross the road with other people. ( )The traffic lights have two colours. ( )We mustnt run and play

9、on the road. ( )Before crossing the road, we must look left and right.( )We must run quickly on the road.( )T: Well down. You know many traffic rules. What can you find from the sentences?(让学生读句子,感知语气上的变化。) must 的语气强一些,表示一定,必须。它的否定形式是mustnt. can 的语气相对弱些,表示可以能够。3. Text teaching1).Watch the cartoon an

10、d put the sentences in right orders.A. Sometimes, you cant find a zebra crossing, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.B. First, you must look for a zebra crossing.C. You can cross the road with other people. Because the driver can see you easily.D. Then, you must look at the

11、 traffic lights and wait for the green man.E. Before crossing the road, you must first look left, then right and then left again. Work in groups. BDA EC Check the answer. 2) Listen and repeat Read in groups, help each other to read the text. 3) Then complete Think and write. Complete the notes below

12、. Check in groups. The teacher checks.Ss read it together.4) Look and act. Look at the pictures, suppose you are a policeman, What should you say? 5) Look and say.Show the picture on page 38.Work in groups.What must you do to cross the road safely? We must What must you not do on the road? We mustnt

13、 Write them on the books. Summry: 情态助动词can, must的用法:can: 能,可以。Cant: 不能,不可以,是否定形式。后面都接V原形.Must:必须,一定,mustnt: 禁止。后面也加V原形。Must.?回答:Yes, sb. must. No, sb. neednt.Step 3 Consolidation1. Finish P38 Think and write Complete the notes below.2.把教室的过道布置成一个街道,让学生自己过马路,边走边说出安全过马路的步骤和注意事项。Show in groups. Then sh

14、ow in front of the class. Homework:1. Read the story correctly and freely.2. Write some traffic rules.3. Make a play :On the road., act next class.How can we cross the roads safely ?Lets learn from the storytime.1) Read freely2) Try to answer with “first,then”1) Read freely. And try to get the main

15、imformation.2) Line down the answers of these queations.Questions:Where must we wait before we cross the road?What should we do when we wait?How should we look out for the traffic?Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? WT shows the pictures on P36-37 It is a red man. You mustnt cross

16、 the road now. It is a green man. You can cross the road now. You must wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. You can wait with other people. The drivers can see you easily. You mustnt play on the road. (出示课文图片,创设当警察的情境,让学生用所学的语言进行有目的的操练。) Blackboard design:Unit4 Road safety How can y

17、ou cross the roads safely? Traffic rules What must you do to cross the road safely? We must + V原形 What must you not do on the road ? We mustnt + V原形 Backsight: Unit4 Road safety Period 2教学内容: Grammar time , Fun time &Sound time教学目标:1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和课文内容。2. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra cross

18、ing, green man, red man, traffic lights3. 正确运用日常交际用语You must mustnt you can cant4. 通过本课时的学习,让学生进一步用英语表达交通规则,通过情态动词和重读来强调句子的重要部分。教学重点:1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和课文内容。2. 正确运用日常交际用语You must mustnt You can cant3. 了解句子的重读。教学难点:1. 正确运用日常交际用语You must mustnt You can cant2. 让学生进一步用英语表达交通规则,通过情态动词和重读来强调句子的重要部分。教具准备:tape r

19、ecorder教学设计(主备)复备Show teaching aimsStep 1: Revision1Review the textT: Good morning, class. Last lesson, we learned the text Road safety , did you remember?Ss: Yes.2.Answer the questions.教师提问,让学生回忆课文,回答出正确答案1. How can you cross the the roads safely?2. When you cant find a zebra crossing , what can yo

20、u do?3. What must you not do on the road?问题回答后,让个别学生朗读课文,并复述课文。T: Who can read the text for us?Ask some students to read the text.3. Show your play: On the road.1. Step2. Grammar1. Learn “must” and “mustnt”, can and cantT: You know the rules very well.To keep safe, we must follow the rules. Everybod

21、y must follow the rules everywhere and at all the time.Do you know “must”?Ss: Yes.T: Mustnt means you shouldnt do the things. mustnt= must not.a. Read the four sentences on P39. Understand the sentences.b. Play a game: 去掉“must” and “mustnt”.(比较句子的含义发生了什么变化。)Then teacher ask them to make sentences wi

22、th “must” and “mustnt”.eg. You look for a zebra crossing. -You must look for a zebra crossing. You play football on the road. -You mustnt play football on the road. (也可以把本部分两个方框中句子中的情态动词 can 和must, cant 和mustnt 进行调换,体会其意义和用法)c. Discuss in groups and make sentences.2.Choose the words to complete the

23、sentences.“must、mustnt、can、cant”. We talk loudly in the library. You eat too much sweet food. They wait under the big tree.You keep your classroom clean.You plant more trees to keep the air clean.You run quickly on the road.Summary:情态助动词can, must的用法:can: 能,可以。Cant: 不能,不可以,是否定形式。后面都接V原形.Must:必须,一定,mu

24、stnt: 禁止。后面也加V原形。Must.?回答:Yes, sb. must. No, sb. needntStep 3 Fun time1. Play the game in groups: (模仿书上范例玩“红绿灯“游戏,一人为交警,提出问题,指定人回答,要求迅速准确。)2. Change the places:T: What must you do in the library?Ss: You must keep quiet.T: What mustnt you do in the library?Ss: You mustnt eat or drink here.3. Listen a

25、nd repeat. (听着对就跟读,否则不跟读,并订正。)Step 4 Sound timeT: You tell others the rulers with “must、mustnt、can、cant” correctly. And you can use Stress correctly. Lets listen what the stress is?(告诉学生除了情态动词可以表示事情的重要性外,对句中个别词的重读也可以起到强调的作用。) Listen and repeat. 感知被重读的单词。 Practice in groups. Show time. 举一反三朗读本单元Story

26、 time 中的句子,尝试重读和弱读。 Homework1. 熟读Story time,注意重读。2. 抄写Grammar 中的句子。并用“must、mustnt、can、cant”.仿写4个句子。3. 预习Cartoon time.Blackboard design:Unit4 Road safetycan: 能,可以cant: 不能,不可以must:必须,一定mustnt: 禁止。后面都接V原形green means go,red means stop.(左转弯标志 停车) It means you can turn leftpark here.(禁止左转弯 停车标志)Can you tu

27、rn leftpark here? You mustnt turn leftpark here.Rule 1:First, we must look for the zebra crossing, then we must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.Rule 2:We can wait on the pavement and we can cross the road with other people.Rule 3:We mustnt play or run on the road主要考察学生对must和 mu

28、stnt用法的掌握,不过要跟熟练地听、说、读。Unit4 Road safety Period 3教学内容: Cartoon time & Culture time教学目标:1. 能用正确的语音语调朗读cartoon,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。2. 能了解中外交通规则的差异。 教学重难点: 理解、表演cartoon故事。教学准备:多媒体课件,卡片教学设计(主备)复备Show the teaching aimsStep1. warm up1. Greeting2. Listen, read and judgeStep2.Culture timeJudge the last sentence ab

29、ove.T: Is it true?Ss: No. We walk on the right side.T: Yes, inChina, people drive on the right side of the road. But ,there are two places, they are not like this. Do you know where they are?Read the Culture time and find them.Learn the new words: except, Macau.Listen and learn to say: In the UK, pe

30、ople drive on the left side of the road.InChina, except Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the right side of the road.Homework: 上网搜索还有哪些国家从道路左侧或右侧走路。Step 3 Cartoon time 1、T: Now Bobby and Tina wants to get out Lets watch the cartoon and answer the questions. Q1:Where do Bobby and Tina want to go?Q

31、2 How do they get there?Q3: How many times does the bus stop? Why?2. Read the cartoon and answer the questions. The bus stops two times, why ? Encourage the Ss to collect the information from the whole text. The bus stops two times. The bus stops the first time, because there is a red light. The second one ,because some elephants are crossing

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