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1、关于幸福的英文句子关于幸福的英文句子导读:本文是关于关于幸福的英文句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、买了很多口味的棒棒糖,然后挑出一个最喜欢的口味,然后送给最爱的人。Bought a lot of flavored lollipop, then pick a taste of love, and to love the people.2、新鲜感和兴奋感都不是幸福,那是人生最肤浅的追求。The freshness and excitement are not happy, that is the most superficial pursuit of life.3、幸福是天空,是阳光,是

2、草地。幸福,就是我们的生活。Happiness is the sky, the sun, the grass. Happiness is our life.4、爱情中的甜浆可以抵消大量的苦液,这就是对爱情的总的褒誉。Love in the sweet slurry can offset a lot of hard liquor, this is to love the general praise praise.5、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。Is God, in love and to be wise.6、当我们年华老去,还能有人天天陪着一起闲扯,那将是一件多么幸福的事啊!When we

3、grow old, someone can accompany together every day on, it will be a very happy thing!7、失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正地属于你,也不必惋惜。The lost things, actually never truly belong to you, also dont regret.8、放出一只我心中的风筝,即使我们长久地分离,也会有不断的长线,沟通我们心底的停息。A kite in my heart, even our long separation, there will be a long-term cont

4、inuous cease communication of our heart.9、我想过飞到天空去触摸云朵、却发现遥不可及。I want to fly to the sky to touch the clouds, but found out of reach.10、你的诞生带给我希望,而我希望带给你幸福。Your birth gives me hope and I hope to give you happiness.11、当我向你倾诉我的烦恼的时候,那不是抱怨,那是我对你的完全的信任。When I talk to you my troubles, its not complaining,

5、 it is I to your complete trust.12、看你躺在我怀里,开心的样子,就是我想要的幸福。See you lying in my arms, happy, is the happiness that I want.13、幸福,是两个人找遍地图上所有想去的地方,然后一起去。Happiness is two people hunted all want to go on the map, and then go to.14、知足就是幸福,它只是一种感觉,一种平和的感觉。Contentment is happiness, it is just a feeling, a fe

6、eling of peace.15、我微笑,在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。I smile, happy or sad, for that is the last thing I can do.。16、花开了又谢,风起了又歇,我为了你,把爱写了又写。Flowers wither again, the wind is up and down, I order you to love writing and writing.17、幸福就像你身后的影子,你追不到,但是只要你往前走,它就会一直跟着你。Happiness is like the shadow behind you, you c

7、ant chase, but as long as you go forward, it will always follow you.18、我的媳妇是个小孩子,所以我要处处让着她陪着她成长。My daughter is a child, so I want to let her everywhere with her growing up.19、人生总有无法不流泪的时候,能够觉醒的人,才会了解眼泪的意义。Life is not without tears, to awaken people, will understand the meaning of tears.20、若你这般温柔地握住我

8、的手,是因为我掌中所有茧的记忆,你能懂。If you hold my hand so gently, because my hands all the cocoon of memory, you can understand.21、再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.22、爱情对于男人不过是身外之物,对于女人却是整个生命。Love is just something for a man, for the womans whole lif

9、e.23、所谓幸福,就是一个笨蛋遇到一个傻瓜引来无数人的羡慕和嫉妒。The so-called happiness is an idiot to meet a fool attracting countless people envy and jealousy.24、对不爱自己的人,最需要的是理解,放弃和祝福。Do not love themselves, most need is to understand, give up and blessing.25、没有什么比家更温暖,没有什么比亲情更珍贵。No more than what a warm, not what is more prec

10、ious than the affection.26、看穿但不说穿,很多事情,只要自己心里有数就好了,没必要说出来。See through but not the issue, a lot of things, as long as your heart is good, no need to say.27、幸福其实是人的一种美好心态,只有心态平和,心境好的人才能真正体会幸福Happiness is a beautiful mind, only peace of mind, a good mood can really appreciate happiness28、如果你没办法不去爱一个不爱你

11、的人,那是因为你还不懂得爱自己。If you cant love a person who does not love you, it is because you do not know how to love themselves.29、我们不察觉自己幸福,因为我们不知道有些痛楚、失望、悲欢离合,也是幸福。We are not aware of their own happiness, because we dont know some pain, disappointment, grief at separation and joy in union is happy.30、幸福,是一句

12、问候,一个微笑,或一个拥抱。Happiness is a greeting, a smile, or a hug.31、痛苦的人未必没有幸福,幸福的人未必远离痛苦,说到底,幸福只是一种感觉。The pain of the people is not happy, happy people may not be free from pain, after all, happiness is just a feeling.32、幸福,可能有一辈子,可能只有一个月,也可能是一过既逝的一瞬间。Happiness, there may be a lifetime, may be only a month

13、, may have not only lost a moment.33、我现在只能做的,便是以一段拙劣的文字来祭奠我那段流逝的岁月。What I can do now, is a bad word to pay homage to me at that time.34、我知道感情不能拿来比较,但无意中还是习惯用他拥有的来抱怨他所缺少的。I know that love shall not be compared, but I still used to complaining what he is lack of.35、人生的路,如同肚子里的柔肠千转百回,最终到达终点。The road of

14、 life, like the belly of the turn Rouchang 1000 100 back to the final destination.36、两颗心注定会变成单数,不是太拥挤就是太孤独。Two hearts destined to become singular, not too crowded or too lonely.37、我相信了你编写的童话,自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花。I believe in the fairy tale you wrote, and myself becomes the faint flower fairy.38、一个人什么时候最有满足感

15、或者说幸福感,在梦想成真的时候。What is the best time for a personal satisfaction or happiness, when dreams come true.39、安心的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你,有人陪你,有人等你。Peace of mind happiness is three things: some people believe you, someone to accompany you, someone is waiting for you.40、单纯的生活,其实很快乐;傻傻的活着,其实很幸福。Simple life, actually

16、very happy; I live, in fact very happy.41、握紧了的手就不要放开、我懂的过了就不会回来。Clenched hands, dont let go I know I will not come back.42、幸福生活是什么:是秋天看见漫天红叶飞舞,拉着长长的影子在夕阳里散步。What is the happiness of life: see the autumn leaves fluttering, took a long walk in the shadow of the sunset.43、当你真的喜欢上一个人的时候,你的眼中除了他整个世界都不存在。

17、When you really like a person, in your eyes, in addition to his whole world does not exist.44、幸福是生活美好了,家庭和睦了。Happiness is a good life, family harmony.45、生命太短,一分钟都不能留给那些让你不快的人或事。Life is too short to be left to the people or things that make you unhappy.46、笨人寻找远处的幸福,聪明人在脚下播种幸福。The search for distant h

18、appiness, smart people at the foot of sowing happiness.47、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。Loyal love is full of my heart, I can not estimate the wealth of their own.48、幸福就是,可以欣赏周围所有的美好并将痕迹留在心里。Happiness is, you can enjoy all the good and the traces left in the heart.49、幸福和快乐都是简单的,而追求它们的人却是复杂的。Happiness an

19、d happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one.50、心满意足享受每一点快乐,是走向幸福的唯一途径。To enjoy every happiness, is the only way to happiness.51、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。Love is buried deep in ones heart,not between the lips.。52、一个承诺在最需要的时候没有兑现,那就是出卖,以后再兑现,已经没什麼意思了。A commitment in the most needed time

20、 is not cash, that is sold, and later to honor, there is no meaning.53、幸福生活是什么:是夏天看见骄阳四射百花盛开,坐在海边看潮起潮落。What is the happiness of life is: the summer sun shining see flowers bloom, sitting on the beach watching the tide.54、不想面对他离开,逃避不是一个好方法,但却是唯一的办法。Dont want to face him to leave, escape is not a good

21、 method, but it is the only way.55、我也相信爱可以解除万难;只是,万难以后,又有万难。那是我更相信的。I also believe that love can overcome all difficulties; but, after all, there are all kinds of hardships. Thats what I believe.56、幸福,是智慧圆满,功成名就;慈善捐助,无畏布施;救人于水火。Happiness, is the perfect wisdom, charity, fearless achieve success and

22、win recognition; save and sacrifice.57、疯子最幸福的时光是有傻子的陪伴,而我最美好的时光只是有你在身边。The happiest time of a madman is a fools company, and the best time is when you are with me.58、我一直都不厌烦等人。因为等得越长久,重逢时也就更幸福。Im not tired of all the time. Because the longer you wait, you will be more happy when you meet again.59、一滴

23、雨代表一个音符,听雨,如同在听自己喜欢的歌曲,熟悉而动听。A drop of rain on behalf of a note, listen to the rain, like listening to love songs, familiar and pleasant.60、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。Until the day fine, maybe Ill love you again.61、我又回到了,那块曾经属于我们的地方,什么都好,就只是没有你不好。I returned to the piece, once belongs to us, what is good,

24、just not good without you.62、幸福就是无论何时何地,那一个人的心永远与你贴在一起。Happiness is everywhere, that a mans heart forever and you stick together.63、幸福五大原则:心中无恨;脑中无忧;生活简单;多些付出;少些期待。Happy five principles: no hate; brain worry; simple life; give more; expect less.64、你就像一杯美酒,看起来迷人,闻起来诱人,喝起来有点辣,回味起来还挺甜。You like a glass

25、of wine, looks charming, seductive smell, taste a little spicy, kinda sweet aftertaste.65、婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。Marriage can not save a broken love, broken love will get a broken marriage.66、后的我们坚持、坚强、寂寞、可那份坚持,又在坚持着什么,又坚强什么After we insist, strong, lonely, and that insist, insist on what,

26、and what a strong.67、感谢知识赐予我们无限的智慧和能量,让我们变得坚强自信,Thank you for giving us the knowledge of infinite wisdom and energy, let us become strong and confident,68、懂得珍惜身边所拥有的一切,这就是人生中最大的幸福。Know how to cherish all around, this is the greatest happiness in life.69、该是你的迟早都会是你的,若不是你的即使强留也留不住。This is your will is

27、 for you, if you are not even persuaded cant stop.70、不要浪费时间追忆失去的东西。要知道因为生命不会走回头路。Dont waste time remembering whats lost. To know that life will not go back.71、幸福,是大爱大义,大仁大德。以遒劲之笔画人生山水,用丰碑之传立不朽之说。Happiness is love, righteousness, graciousness. In the spiritual life with the strokes of the landscape,

28、the immortal monument of mindshare said.72、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。73、我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福!I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness!74、人没有什么好或坏,只有清澈的人和浑浊的人。Not what is good or bad, only one clear and muddy pe

29、ople.75、所有的痛苦都来自选择,所谓幸福,就是没有选择。All the pain from the choice of the so-called happiness, there is no choice.76、生活中有太多无可奈何的选择。社会就像江湖,总是让人身不由己,言不由衷。There are too many helpless life choices. As the social arena, always let people involuntarily, insincere.77、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。Love is like wea

30、lth, depends on the wheel of fortune, it is always in the severe bumps up and down.78、思恋一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。A persons taste is like drinking a glass of ice water, then use a very long time to flow into tears.79、情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。Valentines day, I want to be a fish, you roast, boiled, steamed, then lying in your stomach.80、幸福生活是什么:是早上睁开眼睛,看到阳光洒满了房间,用力嗅嗅阳光和早晨的味道。What is the happiness of life is: open your eyes in the morning, seeing the sunshine through the room, sniff the sunshine and smell of morning.

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