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人教版高中英语必修4 第二单元unit2单词讲解.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修4 第二单元unit2单词讲解重点单词.词组讲解1. struggle v.努力,拼搏,斗争He has struggled to help them for the past five decades. struggle to do sth努力做某事 We were struggling for the gun when it went off! struggle for争夺; They had to struggle against all kinds of difficulties. struggle against同斗争【期末测试】 The children talk

2、ed so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _. A. to be heard B. to have heard C. hearing D. being heard 【2013江西】They have to struggle for their independence. 2. equip vi. & vt. 使(某人)具备条件;装备,配备Your training will equip you for your future job. equip sb. for/to do sth.使某人具备做某事的条件He equipped hi

3、s bike with a head light. equipwith用装备。equipment n. 设备,装备【期末测试】It is often that human beings are naturally equipped to speak. A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said【2013福建】equip the unemployed with different skills【2013江西】She _ the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour. A. connected B. fi

4、tted C. equipped D. matched.3. confuse vt. 使某人迷惑;把某事搞乱They confused me by asking so many questions. 他们提了一大堆问题上,把我弄糊涂了。confused 感到迷惑的; confusing 令人迷惑的【2015上海完形】1.A. impatient B. confused C. pleased D. regretful【2012北京】Confused, I glanced toward my stone-faced teacher. 4. reduce vt. 减少, 缩小, 简化He is tr

5、ying to reduce expenses. 他正试图减少开支。reduction n. 减少;降低【期末测试】Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life and more , have reduced the need for face-to-face communication.A. easily; efficient(有效率的) B. easier, efficient C. easy; efficiently D. easily; efficientl【2015浙江完形】40. A. ass

6、essed B. involved C. covered D. reduced【2015福建】Reduction of your expectations.5. supply 1) n. 指“供给;供应”等,其反义词为demand (需求)。作名词时一般是不可数名词,但有修饰语时可加不定冠词 We have a good supply of water here. supply and demand 供与求 be in short supply 供应缺乏,供应不足 food supply 食物供应 water supply 供水n. 当“供应品;生活用品;补给品”等,常用复数supplies。

7、 household supplies 家庭用品 medical supplies 医用品2) v. 指“供给,提供,备办”等supply sb. (with) sth , supply sth. to /for sb. - They supplied food to/for him. 【11安徽】the supply of coal and gas failed to meet needs【2013天津】The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers one of the main pipes.A. had

8、repaired B. have repaired C. repaired D. are repairing【期末测试】As the worlds population continues to grow, the _ of food becomes more and more of a concern. A. worth B. supply C. package D. list6. whatever 1.引导让步状语从句 (=no matter what)Whatever you say, I wont believe you. 无论你说什么,我都不信。 2.引导名词性从句=any (thi

9、ng) (that) Whatever she did was right. 凡是她所做的都是正确的。 【期末测试】 - How about camping this weekend, just for a change? - OK, _ you want. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever7. export The verb is pronounced /mpt/. The noun is pronounced /mpt/.1) vi. & vt. 输出,出口We export rice but import wheat. Our

10、factory exports to Southeast Asia. 2) n. 出口输出品;出口商品These cars are made for exportimport n. 进口,进口商品; vt. 输入,进口【2013上海完形】60. A. consume B. deliver C. export D. advertise【2012江苏】America will increase its food export8. suitable adj. 合适的,适当的,相配的 This toy is not suitable for young children. be suitable fo

11、r =be fit for适合suit vi. 合适,相称【期末测试】It is _ that two and two make four.A. certain B. sure C. suitable D. necessary【2011全国】This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience. 【2014湖北完形】A. desperate B. ready C. suitable D. thankful【2013北京】 it is unsuitable f

12、or children and pets9. hunger n.饥饿;欲望,渴望 vt.&vi.(使)饥饿Everybody has a hunger for success. have a hunger for something 渴望. hungry adj.饥饿的,渴望的Students are hungry for knowledge. desire 渴望;热望;欲望But Fred was bored and desired to go homeI had a strong desire to help and care for people【2013四川完形】13. A. hung

13、er B. cold C. defeats D. burns【2014北京】The bear behaved abnormally, probably because of hunger.【2015课标2】Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing , while cold colors make us feel less hungry 10. expand vt./vi.面使变大,扩展,伸展 增大,增加,扩展.Metals expand when they are heated. expand (sth) into 发展

14、扩展His business gradually expanded into a supermarket empire. I am trying to expand the story into a novel. 辨析:expand 指向四面八方的扩大扩张 extend 强调向某一方向的延长 spread 指消息,疾病,瘟疫等的传播、蔓延,也指把某物铺开,把胳膊张开【练习】用expand,extend,spread,stretch的适当形式填空。1). The man _ the information around. 2). The empire _ its country in the 1

15、6th century. 3). The road builders worked hard to _ the high way. 【期末测试】If water is heated, it will _. A. expand B. spread C. develop D. increase 【2014湖北完形】48. A. started B. failed C. expanded D. declined 【2015安徽】Their expanding business became a large corporation in 199611. born intofamily (由于)出生于的

16、家庭Born into a poor peasant family, he couldnt go to college. 12. graduate from毕业于Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College. 袁博士毕业于西南农业大学。He graduated in law from Oxford. 表示毕业于某专业,用in graduate n. 毕业生 vt. 毕业;定等级 vi. 毕业;获学位 He is a graduate in medicine. They graduate 30,000 engineers every y

17、ear.【2012全国】First ,science graduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China.【2012陕西】Spring is coming, and it is time for those about to graduate to look for jobs. Competition is tough, so job seekers must carefully consider their personal choices.13. thanks to (=because of) 由于,多亏Thanks to you

18、r help, we were successful. 由于你的帮助,我们成功了。Thanks to you, I was saved from drowning. 幸亏你,我才没淹死。14. ridof使摆脱(讨厌或不想要的)Thanks to his research, the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger. You should rid yourself of that bad habit. 你应改掉那个坏习惯。get rid of 除掉,去掉He shook the blankets to get rid of the dust.15.

19、 be satisfied with 对感到满意/满足= be content with Im very satisfied with you. satisfy vt.& vi. 使满意,满足 satisfaction n. 满足,满意a sense of satisfaction感到满足感 to sb s / sth s satisfaction 使某人满意的是satisfied adj. 满意的,满足的 satisfying adj. 令人满意的,令人满足的【期末测试】She told me that she was not _ with my examination results.A.

20、 inspired B. surprised C. satisfied D. excited【期末测试】My first _ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. A. expression B. attention C. satisfaction D. impression【2013天津】Psychologists think satisfying work is key to happiness 【2013陕西完形】35. A. satisfy B. comfort C. encourage D. praise 16

21、. care about 感兴趣,关心 The only thing he cares about is money. care for 喜欢 I dont much care for sweets【期末测试】If you _ faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. .A. come across B. care about C. look for. D. focus upon【2014北京】we tend to care about the output but no

22、t to control the input.【2014福建】his care for the elderly woman puzzled the flower seller.17. lead alife过着的生活 注:其中的lead也可用live替换。 He didnt want to lead an empty life. They lead an easy life (=a life of ease).lead to sth./doing sth. 导致,通向Smoking can lead to lung cancer. 【2015安徽】So, how can you make sma

23、ll talk lead to a new friendship or job【期末测试】It doesnt matter _you turn right or left at the crossing -both roads lead to the park.A. whether B. how C. if D. when18. would rather 宁愿1.表示宁愿做某事,直接接动词原形。He would rather keep time for his hobbies. Id rather not go there.我宁愿不去那里。2. 表示“宁愿做不愿做”,后接than (do) s

24、th.。Id rather stay at home than go. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去。2. 后接从句,从句谓语动词用一般过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表示过去。Id rather you came tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天来,不要今天来。Id rather you hadnt done that. 我真希望你没做过那事。【期末测试】We would rather our daughter _ at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.A. woul

25、d stay B. has stayed C. stayed D. stay20. insist on坚决主张,一定要(后接doing)He insisted on my going with him.他坚持要我跟他一起去。注:insist表示“坚决主张,坚决要求”时,后面的that从句的谓语要用“(should+)动词原形”; She insisted that he was wrong. He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts. I called in the hope of finding you at home. 我去看你是希望你

26、在家的。【期末测试】Are you sure you wont come for a drink with us? ,if you insistA. Not at all B. It depends C. All right then D.I dont care【2013辽宁完形】43. A. insisting on B. relying on C. arguing about D. wondering about【2014湖南】He also insisted that they should leave enough space for children. 22. used to 过去常

27、常(现在已不是如此了)He used to walk to his rice fields twice a day, but now he prefers to ride his motorcycle. You used to live in London, usednt /didnt you? 你过去是住伦敦的,是吧?比较:be/get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事You must get used to getting up early. 【期末测试】 There _ a temple on the side of the mountain, didnt th

28、ere?A. would be B. would have C. used to have D. used to be23. (be) rich in盛产,富于 The country is rich in oil and coal. 这个国家石油和煤资源丰富。【2012重庆】the queen is rich in tour experience 24. regret 1. 对感到后悔 Five years later she regrets having given up her home. regret doing / having done sth. 后悔已做了某事2. 为抱歉;很遗憾

29、地说/通知你 I regret to say the job has been filled. regret to say/tell/announce/inform 遗憾地说/告诉/宣布/通知regretful adj. 惋惜的;遗憾的;后悔的 I am regretful for hurting her feelings. be regretful for对.后悔 I am never regretful to choose the major by now. be regretful to do后悔做某事 regretfully adv. 懊悔地;遗憾地【期末测试】 If we _ now

30、 to protect the environment, well live to regret it.A. hadnt acted B. havent acted C. dont act D. wont act【2015新课标1】If we fail to do so, well live to regret it. 【2011重庆完形】38.A.unforgivable B. unforgettable C. cheerful D. regretful26. focus 1) vt.& vi. (使)集中,(使)聚集;调整焦点 focus on=focus (one s attention

31、/mind/efforts) on集中(注意力/心思/精力)于 Many of the papers focus their attention on the question of homeless peopleFocus your camera.2) n. 焦点, 主题;重点Her children are the main focus of her life【期末测试】 George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he_ more on its culture.A. focus B. focu

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