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人力资源管理 三级 英语复习资料.docx

1、人力资源管理 三级 英语复习资料人力资源管理 三级 英语复习资料上海市职业资格鉴定企业人力资源管理人员(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus 奖 金2. Compensable factors 报酬要素3. Delayering 扁平化4. Forecasting 预 测 5. Gain sharing plans 收益分享计划6. Job classification system 工作分类法7. Minimum wage 最低工资8. Performance feedback 绩效反馈9. Staffing tables 人员配置表10. W

2、age-rate compression 工资压缩11. 培训 Training12. 即时奖金 Spot bonus13. 工资结构 Pay structure14. 劳动力市场 Labor market15. 精简 DownsizingAnswer:1. 奖金 2. 报酬要素3. 扁平化 4. 预测5. 收益分享计划 6. 工作分类法 7. 最低工资 8. 绩效反馈 9. 人员配置表 10. 工资压缩 11. Training 12. Spot bonus 13. Pay structure 14. Labor market 15. Downsizing二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)A

3、. reward B. job analysis C Human Resource management D. ethics E. benefit programs F. human capital G. agency H. goals I. contracts J. recruiting 1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or human capital lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those o

4、f previous generations.对于管理者,培养智力或人力资本的挑战在于,这样的员工必须有不同的管理方式,而不是以前的几代人。2. In summary, is Human Resource management an integral part of every managers job.总之,是人力资源管理的一个组成部分,每一个经理的工作。3. In the area of recruiting and hiring, its the line managers responsibility to specify the qualifications employees ne

5、ed to fill specific positions.在招聘和招聘方面,这是直线经理的责任,指定员工需要填写具体职位。4. HR manager also administers the various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).人力资源经理还负责管理的各种福利计划(健康和意外保险、退休、休假等)5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for reward allocations.绩效评估被用作

6、奖励分配的基础。6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals .管理人员被授权协助和建议线路管理者完成这些基本目标7. Determining the nature of each employees job is job analysis .确定每个员工的工作性质是工作分析8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills,

7、 follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional ethics . 劳动者应当完成劳动任务,提高劳动技能,遵守劳动安全卫生规程,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德9. Labor contracts are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations

8、 of each party.10. In a public employment agency , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.在一个公共就业机构中,为寻求就业的工人和雇主提供了服务,雇主对他们进行了采访,并对他们进行了采访。Answer:1.F 2.C 3.J 4.E 5.A 6.H 7.B 8.D 9.I 10.G

9、三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known as halo effect or error .A. similarity error B. halo effect or error C. leniency error D. single criterionA相似误差 B晕效应或误差C宽大误差 D

10、单准则一个计算器让一个人评价一特质影响他或她对其他性状的人评价称为晕轮效应或错误倾向2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as the paired comparison .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the gr

11、oup order rankingD. critical incidentsA配对比较 B个人排名 C组顺序排序 D关键事件绩效评价方法,将每一位员工和每一位员工进行比较,并将其作为一个高级或较弱的成员,被称为配对比较。3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as person an

12、alysis .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysis D. group and individual analysisA人分析 B人口统计分析C 个体分析 D组与个体分析确定任务性能是否可以接受,并研究将被放置在训练环境中的个人和团体的特性,被称为人分析4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career l

13、inesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employees responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of perf

14、ormance over timeD. factors outside the employees control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge,

15、 mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gainsharing plan? . A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourag

16、e future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gainsharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique

17、 used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known

18、as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluationAnswer:1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.C四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the

19、 detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge.

20、 Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or

21、 it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectua

22、l or mental, perceptual or social.Competences the behaviors competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required.attitudes the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work.performance standards what the fully competent individual ha

23、s to be able to achieve. 1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isnt the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task succ

24、essfully .A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following except .A. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial

25、, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform t

26、asks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to behave or to perform in a way neednt be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance s

27、tandards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standardsAnswer:1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B(二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely t

28、o be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skil

29、ls and potentials;Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates);Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effec

30、t of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets.Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations wh

31、ere comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. Computerized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and

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