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七年级下册英语Unit 4 Finding your way教案牛津版.docx

1、七年级下册英语Unit 4 Finding your way教案牛津版七年级下册英语Unit 4 Finding your way教案(牛津版) 七年级下册英语Unit 4 Finding ur a教案(牛津版)Unit 4 Finding ur ai strip and ele t the unitTeahing Ais:1 Intrdue the latin and traffi tpi2 Tal abut visit and traffi de3 Distinguish diretinsStep 1 Presentatin 1 Sh se pitures t learn se rds a

2、but different diretins trip path nrth suth east est nrth-est nrth-east suth-est suth-east2 Then read alud the ne rds fll vt 跟随,效仿path n 小路,小径nrth n, ad ≈adv 北,北方est n, ad ≈adv 西,西方suth n, ad ≈adv 南,南方east n, ad ≈adv 东,东方trip n 旅行,旅游iletre= n 千米,公里have t 不得不,必须Step 2 Pratise 1 Pratise in

3、pairs lie this t tal abut here the plae is A: here is ? (旅游)? B: Its nrth / suth/east/est f 2 As students t plete Part A n Page 43Step 3 Presentatin Present se pitures fr Ss t learn h t get there Then as Ss t ae se dialgues Step 4 Listen and anser 1 Listen t part B and anser the flling questin here

4、are the ging fr their lass trip?here is the z?H ill the get there?2 Read after the rerder3 Pratie in pairs4 At it ut ae their n dialgueStep Learn the nversatin1 Listen t the tape and as:1) here are Hb and Eddie standing?2) hat des Hb as Eddie t d in the piture?3) D the have t g up the hill again?4)

5、Des Hb reall n the a? es: 1 The are n the tp f the hill2 He ass hi t g dn the hill3 es, the d4 N, he desnt2 At ut the nversatinStep 6 Explanatin 1 方位介词的用法小结 be nrth/ suth/ est/east f 在北部/南部/西部/东部 be nrth-east/ suth-est f 在东北部/西南部 be nrth-est/ suth-east f 在 西北部/东南部A is in thef B (A在B内部方位) A is n thef

6、 B (A与B接壤) A is t thef B (A与B不接壤)2 be afraid f ding sth/ f sth 害怕做某事 be afraid thatI afraidStep 7 ExerisesTranslatin1 别这么肯定。我们请老师帮帮忙吧。 Dnt be s sure Lets as the teaher fr help2 别害怕,我们会帮你的。 Dnt be afraid e ill help u3 有些人害怕狗。 Se peple are afraid f dgs4 玄武湖离我们学校不远,就在学校北边。 Xuanu lae is nt far aa fr ur

7、shl It is ust nrth f the shl 跟我走吧,我认识去公交车站的路。 Fll e I n the a t the bus stpStep 8 Her:1 Read the text b and learn the ne rds and phrases b heart2 D the exerises in the rb3 Previe the ne rds f reading partReading ITeahing Ais:1 Learn se ne rds abut taling abut different anials2 Pratise reading sills

8、b learning the trip t the zStep 1 PresentatinPresent the ne rds and read the aludeverbd straight n bab all da lng alng rad ing reeber that dangerus sund frest funn laugh giraffe quite ne leaf (leaves) nrth-east bridge rss Step 2 aring upAs Ss the questins: here is the z in ur it? H an u get t the z

9、fr ur shl? hat anials d u lie? Tell us h?Sh se pitures f pandas, lins, birds, nes, giraffes, elephantsStep 3 Reading 1 Listen t text and anser the questins:1) H an inds f anials are there in the artile? Six2) hat are the? The are pandas, lins, birds, nes, giraffes and elephants2 Read the artile agai

10、n and plete part B1 n page43 Read alud the artile and put T r F in the blansThe students start their visit fr the Nrth Gate _Pandas d nt lie t lie dn all da lng _Visitrs annt g near the lins _The birds in the z are ver quiet _nes are lever and funn _T the nrth-east f the giraffes there is a hill _ e

11、s:FFT FTF4 Disuss and fill the table f B3 n Page 464 Read alud the text tgether plete B4 n page 466 he the ansers 7 At B4 utStep 4 Her1 Read alud the artile and underline the diffiult parts2 Reeber the ne rds in this lessn Reading IITeahing Ais:1 Learn the language pints in this artile2 Learn t tal

12、abut Ss n tripsStep 1 RevisinRetell the text arding t the pitures and the e rdsStep 2 Explanatins 1 G straight n, u ill find the Panda Huseg straight n 径直走 2 The lie t eat bab and lie dn all da lng lie dn 躺下 all da lng 整天 eg The pandas lie dn all da lng3 al alng the rad 沿着这条路走。 alng “沿着,顺着” 是个介词。 4

13、The lins are the ing f the anial rldthe ing f 的国王 Reeber that the are dangerus reeber作及物动词,意为“记得,记住”,后可直接跟名词(短语)、代词或that从句。例如: I dnt reeber his phne nuber 我不记得他的电话号码。 This is Lisa D u reeber her? 这是丽莎。你记得她吗? I reeber that u have learned hinese ung fu befre 我记得你以前学过中国功夫。 reeber后既可接动词不定式作宾语,也可以接v-ing形

14、式作宾语,但二者在意义上有区别:reeber t d sth意为“记得去做某事”,即事情未做;reeber ding sth 意为“记得做过某事”,即事情已做。例如:Reeber t l the dr 别忘了锁门。He reebered ling the dr 他记得他把门锁上了。 dangerus作形容词,意为“危险的”,可位于名词之前作定语,也可放在be动词之后作表语。be dangerus fr sb t d sth 意为“对某人说做某事是危险的”。例如:I thin bxing is a dangerus sprt我认为拳击是一项危险的运动。Fling planes is danger

15、us驾驶飞机是危险的。Its dangerus fr hildren t si in this river对孩子们说,在这条河里游泳是危险的。6 Birds ae beautiful sunds hen the singae beautiful sunds 发出美妙的声音 7 nes are lever and funn fun n “乐趣”, 为不可数名词 fun ad “有趣的” funn ad “好笑的,滑稽的” eg e have lts f fun tgether The b is fun He is a funn persn8 nes up arund and ae peple l

16、augh up arund / int / ut f 跳跳去/ 跳进/ 跳出 ae sb d sth ae为使役动词, 后面用省略t的不定式。相同用法的词还有let / have。 ae + ad 使怎么样 eg The fil aes us laugh It aes us happ9 rss the bridge, and ull see the elephants rss作及物动词,意为“穿过,横过”。例如: rss the bridge, and u ill see a pst ffie n ur right 过了桥,你就会看见在你的右边有一个邮局。 Are u sure e an rs

17、s the river safel? 你确信我们可以安全地过河吗?Suar: 通过对的学习,我们总结一下指路语言:G straight n, and ull find the Panda Huseal alng the rad T the nrth f the Panda Huse, ull find the linsTurn left, and t the est f the Lins Area, ull find the rld f BirdsNrth-east f the giraffes theres a bridgerss the bridge, and ull see the el

18、ephantsStep 3 ExerisesStep 4 Intervieu are an intervieer u ant t intervie illie abut the trip t Sunshine Z r in pairs, tr t as at least five questins abut the shStep Her1 Reite this artile2 Reeber the language pints in this lessn GraarTeahing Ais:1 Intrdue the usage f a, an and the2 Learn se prepsit

19、ins f plaeStep 1 PresentatinEn a piture and present the ne rd ageStep 2 aring upEn re pitures and tal abut the usage f a, an and theStep 3 Explanatin 不定冠词a / an 的用法 1第一次提到某人或某物时。 I have a b2 泛指某一类的人或物。 A panda is ver lvel判断一个单词用a还是用an,是根据其读音,而不是根据其首字母。以元音音素开头的词前用“an”,以辅音音素开头的词前“a” 。如:an hur, an appl

20、e, an elephant, a useful b等。定冠词the的用法1指上提到过的人或物。如: Lu bught a ne bie, the bie is green2世界上独一无二的事物。如: the sun the n3谈到彼此都知道的人或事物。如: pen the dr, please4序数词和形容词最高级前。如: She is alas the first t get t shl乐器名词前用。pla the pian pla the vilin6定冠词与形容词连用表示一类人,加在姓氏前面表示一家人。the rih the ung 7某些专用名词和习惯用语中用定冠词。the Gre

21、at all b the a 不用冠词的情况1名词前已经有指示代词(this, that, these, thse)、形容词性物主代词(, his, ur )或名词所有格等限定词。2表示语言、学科、三餐、球类运动、棋类运动的名词前。3表示星期、月份、季节、某些节日的名词前。4表示人名、国名、称呼语或头衔等专有名词前。某些固定短语中。 b bie , b bus, at first, at r, n ft, g t shl, g t bed ,等。Step 4 Ding exerises1 plete the dialgue n Page 47Ntes: arss作介词,既可表示静态的位置关系,

22、意为“在对面”,也可表示动态的移动方向,通常和一些表示“移动”的动词搭配使用,意为“从穿过”。例如:The htel is ust arss the fler shp旅馆就在花店的对面。It ill tae the t ees t al arss the desert徒步穿过这片沙漠将会花费他们两周的时间。2 D re exerises在必要的地方用a, an, the填空。1 here is Peter? He isnt at _ shl 2 There is _ range in the fridge an3 _ penil n the des belngs t Sand The4 I h

23、ave _ ne bie I lean _ bie ever da a, the Dad ften ges fishing in _ suer 6 A: an I help u? B: I ling fr _ pair f shes a7 The students ften g t shl b _ bie 8 h is gd at plaing _ ftball in ur lass? 9 _ b in a red at is usin The 10 I live n _ third flr the 11 There is _ “h”, _ “”, _ “u” in the rd “hur”

24、an, an, a 12 Sin lies t pla _ pian but he desnt lie t pla _ basetball the, 13 Beiing is _ apital f hina theStep Presentatin1 Use se pitures t present the ne rd abut prepsitins f plae2 Read abut the ne rdsStep 6 Explanatinver 在的正上方 under 在的正下方abve 在的上方(表面不接触)bel 在的下方n 在的上面(表面接触)Step 7 Exerises1D the

25、exerises n page 48 2he the ansers3D re exerises填入适当的介词使句子通顺。1 The ftball is _ the dr, s I ant see it behind2 Dnt stand _ us, r e ant see the fil learl in frnt f3 There is an eletri fan _ the des n4 L! ur rubber is _ the hair Pi it up under The n is n _ the trees abve6 Eddie desnt ant t live _ the pa

26、lae in7 Stephen is hatting ith his friends _ the baln n 8 Li ing is neighbur His huse is _ ine beside/ next tStep 8 Her1 Reeber the ne rds in this lessn 2 Finihs the exerises in the rbIntegrated sillsTeahing Ais:1 Learn se rds abut shing the a 2 Pratise listening sills b listening t a textStep 1 Pre

27、sentatin1 Present the ne rdsturning n 转弯处treasure n 宝藏traffi n 交通,往车辆traffi lights n 交通灯shuld dal v 应该,应当rssing n 交叉路口rner n 拐角,街角;角落2 Read alud these ne rds:Step 2 ning the signsSh se pitures and n the signs rssrads zebra rssing turn left turn right g straight nStep 3 Listening1Listen t the tape an

28、d finish part A12he the ansers3Listen t the instrutins and plete part A24Listen again and dra the rute n the apStep 4 Language pints1 rss the bridge= G / al arss the bridge2 Tae the send turning n the right= Turn right at the send turning3 al past the huse= Pass the huse4 al alng a sall path next t

29、the river 沿着河边的小路走。 这里的next t the river修饰path, 做后置定语。SuarFinding the a 1 rss the bridge/rad2 Turn left/right3 G/al arss 4 al past al tards 6 al alng/dn 7 al straight n8 Tae the send turning n the right/left =Turn right/left at the send turning1 过桥/ 过马路2 向左转/向右转3 横穿过4 经过 跑向6 沿着跑7 一直向前走8 在第二个转弯处向右拐/向左

30、拐Step Spea up1 Listen and suar指路的常用表达方式G/al straight n, and ull find / see theal alng the rad/street/bridgeT the nrth/suth/est/east f , ull findTurn left/right, ull findNrth-east/Suth-est f theres rss/G arss the bridge, and ull seerss the bridge and turn rightTae the send turning n the rightTurn right at the send turning/at the traffi lightsrss the rad at the zebra rssingal past/t/alng Its far fr Its in rad/s

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