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高中英语人教版必修四 Unit 2Working the land Section ⅡLanguage Points11页word版.docx

1、高中英语人教版必修四 Unit 2Working the land Section Language Points11页word版2019学年度人教版必修四Unit 2Working the land Section Language Points.单项填空1In the last two decades the advanced technology _people live longer.Amake BmadeChas made Dhad made解析:考查动词时态。句意为:在过去的20年里,先进的技术已经能让人们更长寿。in the last two decades作时间状语,句子常用现

2、在完成时。答案:C2_news came_an unknown disease was spreading in the area. ADisturbing;that BDisturbed;whichCDisturbing;which DDisturbed;what解析:句意为:令人不安的消息传来,一种不明疾病正在这一地区传播开来。disturbing令人不安的;disturbed不安的,心烦的。that引导同位语从句,说明news的内容,但是要注意在本题中,news和它后面的同位语从句被谓语动词came分隔。答案:A3Do you know what Jims_ is?Hes a dance

3、r,if I remember rightly.Aoccupation BsummaryCroot Dnationality解析:根据答语中的Hes a dancer可知对方想知道吉姆的“职业(occupation)”。其余三项:summary总结;root根源;nationality国籍,均不符合语境。答案:A4The manager put down the phone,_with the solution to the problem.Asatisfied BsatisfyingCto be satisfied Dhaving satisfied解析:be satisfied with是

4、固定短语,意为“对感到满意”。此处用过去分词短语作伴随状语。答案:A5Tom would rather_poorthan_money by dishonest methods;we all admire him.Ato be;get Bbe;getCto be;getting Dbe;getting解析:would rather do sth.than do sth.表示“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。答案:B6In order to know more people,it is important_your contact list beyond just family and friends.

5、Ato express Bto expandCto extend Dto explain解析:句意为:为了认识更多的人,你应该扩大你的联系范围,不要只局限于家人和朋友。express表达;expand扩大;extend延伸;explain解释。答案:B7Statistics show that house prices in the last two years has risen_they had expected.Aas much as twice Bas twice much asCtwice as much as Das much twice as解析:考查倍数表达法。A倍数as形容词

6、或副词的原级asB。答案:C8After a long journey,the three of them went back home,_.Ahungry and tiredly Bhungry and tiredChunger and tired Dhungrily and tired解析:句意为:长途旅行之后,他们三人又累又饿地回家了。此处考查形容词作状语,补充说明主语的状态。答案:B9Your education will_you to earn a good living.Work hard from now on.Aassociate BequipCrelate Dfeed解析:句

7、意为:你所受的教育会使你过上好生活,从现在开始努力学习吧。associate使联合;relate适应;使相互关联;feed喂养;向提供。equip使有能力,符合语境。答案:B10(2011天津卷) We feel_our duty to make our country a better place. Ait BthisCthat Done解析:考查代词。句意为:我们觉得让我们的国家成为一个更加美好的地方是我们的责任。根据句子结构可知后面的不定式短语to make.place为真正的宾语,设空处应为形式宾语,四个选项中只有it可作形式宾语,故答案为A项。答案:A11As is reported

8、,the employment rate of college students has continued to rise in some areas,_the efforts of the local governments.Athanks to Baccording toCas a result Din addition to解析:考查短语辨析。thanks to幸亏,由于;according to根据;as a result结果;in addition to除之外。根据句意选A。答案:A12John was very busy that night._,he didnt go to M

9、arys birthday party.AHowever BThereforeCAnyway DBesides解析:句意为:约翰那天晚上很忙,因此没去参加玛丽的生日聚会。故选B项。therefore因此,所以。答案:B13The people there are fighting to gain their_fromforeign control. Afreedom Blimit Callowance Dability解析:句意为:那里的人民正为摆脱外国统治、争取自由而战斗。freedom自由;limit限制;allowance津贴,零花钱;ability能力。答案:A14Little Bro

10、wn,can you talk about your wishes of the New Year?I hope my father can earn more money in the New Year _he can buy me a handheld game player.Awhile BalthoughCso that Das if解析:句意为:“小布朗,你可以说一下你的新年愿望吗?”“我希望爸爸能在新的一年多赚钱,以便他能给我买一个便携式游戏机。”A项意为“当时候”,B项意为“虽然”,C项意为“为了,以便”,D项意为“好像”,根据句意选C。答案:C15.Do you mind me

11、 using your dictionary?_.Please go ahead.ANever mind BOf course notCYes,I do DThats all right解析: 句意为:“你介意我用你的字典吗?”“当然不,用吧。”根据答句中第二句可知是“不介意”,故选B。A项意为“没关系,别理会”;C项“是的,我介意”;D项“不客气,没关系”。答案:B.完形填空Im a 43yearold mother of three young kids with a Master of Science degree. I also_1_pizzas for a living. I sta

12、rted doing it after_2_home with my children for four years. Caring for your kids all day is a_3_opportunity for many women,but it wasnt right for me. I began suffering from_4_and decided to get a job so Id have more of my own identity. Now I work nights when my husband is home so we dont have to_5_c

13、hild care.After I learned the basics of pizzas deliverylike getting the_6_together and not getting lostI began my new “career”Being_7_and organized by nature,I studied the tipping patterns of the town.Our community had a small,expensive liberalarts_8_full of students who ordered lots of pizzas. Most

14、 of the kids were friendly andpolite._9_Fridayand Saturday nights,some of the dorms had huge parties._10_the stairs were sticky from beer and the music was so loud theycouldnt_11_me knock on the door,the crowds of happy students shouting,“Pizza!Pizza!”always let me through.The first few days of each

15、 month,one of us drivers would take_12_turncovering the publichousing developments. These customers did not always tip (给小费) well,_13_I always liked seeing the children and adults sitting outside and_14_the evenings when the weather was nice.I also deliver to multimilliondollar homes now,but the_15_

16、I make in tips has stayed the same. As I _16_to these beautiful houses,its easy to fantasize about a_17_tip.The person who answers the door always_18_young and,like the members of my own family,_19_educated.All I usually get is a brief “Thank you” and a dollar or two.People might say Im crazy to was

17、te my education,but I have_20_most of them dont:a job I love.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位三个孩子的43岁母亲坚定地追求自己的所爱抛弃了自己多年所受的教育而从事一份自己热爱的工作。1A. buy BwaitCturn Ddeliver解析:根据第二段第一句可知答案。答案:D2A. staying BcleaningCcoming Dgoing解析:根据下文的Caring for your kids all day.but it wasnt right for me判断,多年“待在家”(stay home)照看孩子不适合自己

18、,故此处应填staying。答案:A3A. bad BfantasticCdull Dterrible解析:照看孩子对许多女人而言是“妙不可言、美好的”(fantastic)机会,可不适合“我”。其他三项与此意相反。答案:B4A. depression BsatisfactionCexpression Deducation解析:于是,“我”开始感到“消沉、沮丧”(depression)。satisfaction满意,expression表达,education教育,显然不符合句意。答案:A5A. call for Bdepend onClearn about Dknow of解析:孩子们由“我

19、”和丈夫轮流照看,所以不必“依赖”(depend on)托儿服务。答案:B6A. goods BnewsCbooks Dorders解析:I began my new “career”是因为“我”学习了外送比萨饼的基本技能,如将“订单汇总”(get the orders together)“外送不迷路”等。答案:D7A. competitive BlazyCchangeable Dquiet解析:因为“我”天生喜欢“竞争”(competitive),而且做事有条理。显然,lazy和quiet可排除,而changeable(可改变的)也不符合句子含义。答案:A8A. bar BcollegeCc

20、ompany Dhouse解析:根据下文的关键信息,如full of students,the dorms,the crowds of happy students等判断,此处是college。答案:B9A. On BInCAt DOf解析:强调在具体日期(如星期几)的晚上用介词on。答案:A10A. After BWhenCThough DIf解析:根据上下文关系,应该用表示让步的连词though。答案:C11A. have BmakeCnotice Dhear解析:因为上文的“音乐声大”,所以他们不能够“听见我敲门”。答案:D12A. our BtheirCyour Dmy解析:与上文的u

21、s drivers一致。答案:A13A. thus BbutCeven Dthen解析:上文提到这些顾客给的小费不高,“但是”(but)“我”喜欢这景致。答案:B14A. describing BenjoyingCconsidering Dexpecting解析:坐在户外,“享受”(enjoy)夜色。答案:B15A. amount BnumberCdegree Dweight解析:虽然“我”给千万富翁家里送外卖,但得到的小费“数额”(amount)还是一样多。number数字,degree程度,weight重量。以上三者均与句子意思不符。答案:A16A. pick out Bmake outC

22、drive up Dshow up解析:倒数第三段中提到 one of us drivers,“我”去multimilliondollar homes应当是drive up(驱车)前往。pick out挑选,make out辨认出,show up出现,均不符合句子含义。答案:C17A. generous BhonestCfriendly Dmodest解析:由上文的信息multimilliondollar homes以及these beautiful houses,很容易就会梦想得到一次慷慨的小费。答案:A18A. sees BwatchesClooks Dstares解析:此处用took作系

23、动词,后面跟形容词。其他三个动词是实义动词。答案:C19A. high BhighlyCdeep Ddeeply解析:表示抽象意义的副词highly修饰过去分词educated,与上文的young同作looks的表语。答案:B20A. who BwhichCwhat Dthat解析:疑问代词what引导宾语从句,作most of them dont (have)的宾语。答案:C.阅读理解Studies show farmland in Africa often lacks important nutrients. But researchers say a change of farming

24、methods may help.Since the world food crisis (粮食危机) several years ago,researchers have paid more of their attention to small farms. Most farms in areas south of the Sahara Desert are only about one or two hectares. One of the goals is to increase production without clearing more land to grow more cr

25、ops. American researchers say that can happen with greater use of an agricultural system called perenniation. It mixes food crops with trees and those plants that return year after year.Soil scientist John Regan old is at Washington State University. He said,“One of the major problems is that the so

26、il is very poor in most of the regions. So how do you grow food on poor soil?There have to be food production systems that can build the soil and improve the production.” The scientist says perenniation is already used in Africa. Using this method,farmers plant trees with their crops. John Reganold

27、says farmers in Africa have been doing this for sixty years,but it seems to be growing in popularity. The method is gaining widespread use in countries such as Niger,Burkina Faso,Malawi and Zambia. The trees are planted among crops. They add nitrogen (氮) to the soil not only through their roots,but

28、also through their leaves when they fall off and break down. At other times of the year,the trees can protect plants from strong sunlight.John Reganold says he knows of one woman who has had great success with perenniation. He said,“Shes a grandmother in her fifties. Her nameis Rhoda and she started

29、 using this system about twenty years ago. And her yield(产量) at first was about a ton of corn. Now with a good year she gets four tons per hectare,four times what she was getting before.”语篇解读非洲的土地比较贫瘠,土地产量偏低,人们可以通过把树木跟农作物种在一起来提高土地的质量,从而提高农作物的产量。1According to Paragraph 2,what do researchers think sho

30、uld be done to increase production in Africa?AClearing more land.BGrowing more crops.CPlanting new plants.DUsing a better farming method.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段的American researchers say that can happen with greater use of an agricultural system called perenniation可知研究人员认为通过改变种植方法可以提高那里农作物的产量。答案:D2From what John Reganold said in Paragraph 3,we learn that_.Athe so

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