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2、和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结n加油束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分n加油:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5n加油小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题n加油中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相n加油应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回n加油答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How mun加油ch is he shirt?A. $19.15 n加油 B. $9.15C. $9.18 n加油 答案是B.1. Where are tn加油he mans gloves at the momen

3、t?A.n加油 On the shelf.B. On the desk.n加油C. In the cupboard.2. When will the n加油speakers have a meeting today?A. An加油t 12:00 p.m.B. At 2:00 p.m.C.n加油 At 7:00 p.m.3. What n加油are the speakers talking about?An加油. A film.B. A novel.C. A writer.n加油4. What does the woman n加油plan to do on Friday?A. Wn加油ork.B

4、. Buy tickets.C. Attend an加油 concert.5. Why didnt the woman ren加油ad the e-mail from the mann加油?A. She lost the e-mn加油ail.B. She wasnt in the compann加油y.C. She forgot to checkn加油 her e-mail box.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,n加油满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题n加油中做给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试n加油卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将

5、有时间阅读各个小n加油题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒n加油钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。n加油6. What was wrong with n加油Hun?A. He hurt his hen加油ad.B. He fell ill with hearn加油t trouble.C. He was hitn加油 by a taxi.7. What didn加油 the woman do?A. Shen加油 called the doctor.B. She checken加油d Huns body.C. She took Hun to the hon加油

6、spital.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。n加油8. How does the woman feel abn加油out climbing the rock?A. Tired.B. n加油Relaxed.C. Excited.n加油9. What will the woman do with Katen加油?A. See films.B. Have dn加油inner.C. Watch TV shows.听第8段材料,回n加油答第10至12题。10. What does the woman加油n say about her apartment?A. It hasn加油 two bedrooms

7、 with a big kitchn加油en.B. It has two bedrooms witn加油h a small balcony.C. n加油It has one bedroom with a largn加油e balcony.11. How much should tn加油he man pay the woman if he hin加油res the apartment?A. About $100.Bn加油. About $200.C. About $400.12. Whn加油en will the woman meet the man?A. n加油On Wednesday.B.

8、On Thursday.C. Onn加油 Friday.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why din加油d Tim do a project on Hon加油w to Lead a Greener Life?A.n加油 To find more information fn加油or his science lessons.Bn加油. To do something to hn加油elp the environment.C. To gen加油t his family interestedn加油 in the project.14. How does Tn加油im go to scho

9、ol now?A. n加油By car.B. By bus.C. By bike.15. What n加油advice is Tim going to give his tn加油eachers?A. Ask students to send in thn加油eir homework electronically.B. Ren加油quest students to recycle schn加油ool paper.C. Make stun加油dents use both sides of paper.16.Whan加油t does Tim think the schn加油ool cafeteria

10、 should do?n加油A. Use local produce.B. Have mean加油tless Mondays.C. Stop selling bottled dn加油rinks.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What kn加油ind of trip had the speaker been expen加油cting?A. A sea diving trip.B. n加油A river diving trip.C. A lake divn加油ing trip.18. Where did the spn加油eaker go on his diving trip?A.

11、To Indonn加油esia.B. To the USA.C. To Aun加油stralia.19. What did then加油 speaker see on his diving trip?A.n加油 Sharks.B. Whales.C. n加油Flying fish.20. How many dives didn加油 the speaker do on the tn加油hird day?A. Three.B. Four.Cn加油. Five.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节n加油,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题n加油2分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、n加油C、D

12、)中,选出最佳选项。ABread Garretts Comen加油dy Club Category: Comedy Bestn加油 known for his role on the Emmy n加油award-winning sitcom (情n加油景喜剧) Everybody Loves n加油 Raymond, Brad Garrett returnn加油s to his Vegas roots with his comedy cn加油lub at the MGM Grand. It is a n加油good place to check out when you neen加油d a b

13、reak from work. Pn加油rices from: $56.40 and up An加油ge restriction: Must be 21 yearsn加油 of age or older Show Len加油ngth: 115 minutes Mac King Comedn加油y Magic Show Categorn加油y: Comedy, Magic The Mn加油ac King Comedy Magic Show in加油s different every afternoon, n加油with lots of audience participationn加油. He

14、is willing to make fn加油un of himself instead n加油of his guests in order to make everyonen加油 feel welcome and entertained. Tn加油he afternoon is kid-friendlyn加油 from start to finisn加油h. Still, whether youre en加油ight or 80, you wont be able tn加油o figure out Kings secrets. Prin加油ces from: $40.90 andn加油 up

15、 Age restriction: No age n加油restriction Show Length: 90n加油 minutes The Mentalist, n加油Gerry McCambridge Caten加油gory: Comedy, Magic Using hisn加油 skills as a “mentalist”, Gerry McCambn加油ridge shocks the crowds as he uses hin加油s abilities to predict just wn加油hat audience members will do nn加油ext. Anyone

16、who has seen the n加油show has walked away in n加油disbelief, amazed by n加油his unusual power. Prices from: $3n加油4.99 and upAge restriction: Unn加油der 13 will not be admitten加油d into the theater Show Lenn加油gth: 75 minutes Rock of Ages Categorn加油y: Plays & Musicals The cheerful Rockn加油 of Ages brings audie

17、nces back n加油to the times of big hair ann加油d even bigger bands with 28 popular rocn加油k songs from the 80s in加油ncluding “Every Rose Has Its Thon加油rn,” “I Wanna Know What n加油Love Is,” “Here I Go Again,”n加油 and more. Rock of Ages hasn加油 been nominated(提名) for five Tony Awan加油rds including Best Musical

18、and n加油Best Direction of a Musical. n加油It also received a Drn加油ama League nomination for Distinguin加油shed Production for a Musical.n加油 Prices from: $74.00 and up n加油Age restriction: Must be 15 years of an加油ge or older Show Lengthn加油: 125 minutes 21.Who is most likn加油ely to be able to read audien加油nc

19、es minds? A. Raymon加油nd. B. Mac King. Cn加油. Brad Garrett. D. Gerry n加油McCambridge. 22.Which of the followin加油ng is good for a kid of 10n加油 years old to go to? A. Gn加油erry McCambridges show. B. Bn加油rad Garretts Comedy Clubn加油. C. Mac Kings comedy magic shon加油w. D. Performances of Rocn加油k Of Ages. 23.

20、 If someone in加油s interested in musicals, his besn加油t choice must be _. A. Rockn加油 of Ages B. Bread Garn加油retts Comedy Club C. Macn加油 King Comedy Magic Show Dn加油. The Mentalist, Gerry McCambridgen加油 BWhen Sarah Hansen first n加油came to Bonnie Schlachtes baln加油let studio, she jokingly called n加油hersel

21、f a “weeble-wobble,” telling n加油her ballet teacher that when shn加油e tried to walk, she won加油uld fall. “She couldnt walk n加油across the room without holding onn加油 to something,” recalls Schlachten加油. “She would immediately fall.”Han加油nsen was only in middlen加油-school, but a progressive neurologican加油l

22、 disease was hindering her abilityn加油 to walk, let alone do ballen加油t. But Hansen had a tenaciousn加油 spirit and desperately wantn加油ed to learn ballet. Hansen joinen加油d in weekly group clasn加油ses at Schlachtes ballet stn加油udio called Ballet for all Kidn加油s, a studio that teaches children with dn加油isa

23、bilities. Soon after she began classn加油es and private lessons, her family sn加油aw a vast improvement in her n加油ability to move.She worked tin加油relessly in the studio, focusing on whan加油t her instructor wanted fron加油m her. “At the time, her foon加油t wouldnt fully rest on the floor,” expn加油lains Schlach

24、te. “Thats why shn加油e couldnt stand on her own, there wan加油s no support.”Schlachte pun加油shed her student, explaining to Hansen加油n that her brain has neuroplasticitn加油y(可塑性) so eventually it will rn加油eceive the message.As a mom, a cn加油lassically trained baln加油lerina, and holding a degrn加油ee in psycho

25、logy, Bonnie Scn加油hlachte was the perfect n加油person to push Hansen ton加油 do her best. Schlachte n加油put herself through collegn加油e with dance and theater scholarshin加油ps. After graduation, she n加油came across an opportn加油unity with children wn加油ith developmental disabilities. Sn加油he fell in love and c

26、hose ton加油 focus on jobs in that field.Yean加油rs later, Schlachte foundn加油 herself watching and cen加油lebrating Hansen, who atn加油 one point could barely walk, was now mn加油oving across the floor on her own two fn加油eet. “One day, her ankle droppen加油d, and she put her whole foot on the gn加油round,” says S

27、chlachte. “I was cn加油rying, her mom was cryin加油ng, it was a great moment.”n加油24. Why did Sarah Hansen call hen加油rself a “weeble-wobble”?A. Shn加油e met Bonnie Schlachte fn加油or the first time.B. Shn加油e had great difficulty in walking prn加油operly.C. She could waln加油k very fast carrying sometn加油hing.D. S

28、he would stopn加油 herself from falling quicklyn加油.25. What kind of person was Sarah Hn加油ansen?A. Determined and hard-won加油rking.B. Energetic and confident.C.n加油 Happy and generous.D. Anxioun加油s and careful.26. What did Schlachten加油 do to help Hansen wan加油lk?A. She put Hansen加油ns foot fully on the flo

29、or.B. She pun加油shed Hansen in a wheelchair.Cn加油. She asked Hansen to control her bran加油in.D. She paid the fn加油ee for her.27. What made Schln加油achte and Hansens mother cry?An加油. Hansens degree in psycholn加油ogy.B. Hansens dance andn加油 theater scholarships.C.n加油 Hansens opportunity with children.n加油D.

30、Hansens improvement in walking.n加油CAsk any kid, and youll n加油likely hear that time spen加油nt with friends is the coolestn加油 and most important part on加油f the school day. Educn加油ators, as well, acknown加油ledge that making friends is one of thn加油e most valuable things children do n加油as they learn and gr

31、ow. But many parn加油ents are perplexed by tn加油heir childrens social lives, wondn加油ering how to help their n加油kids cope with the challn加油enges, heartbreaks, and the joys of mn加油aking friends, losing them, n加油and making friends again.“Friendshipn加油s help children graduan加油lly learn to be independent, c

32、n加油ontributing members of a community an加油nd its just as importantn加油 as their academic growth” noten加油s Diane Levin, Ph.D., author of “Remn加油ote Control Childhood.” Howevn加油er, its a slow process. There aren加油 many social skills to lean加油rn, which advance with age n加油and experience, trial and n加油error, and e

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