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本文(福建省福州市届九年级英语上学期期末质量检测试题扫描版 人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

福建省福州市届九年级英语上学期期末质量检测试题扫描版 人教新目标版.docx

1、福建省福州市届九年级英语上学期期末质量检测试题扫描版 人教新目标版级英语上学期期末质量检测试题福州市20152016学年第一学期九年级期末质量检测英语试卷听力材料第一节 听对话选图。听下面五段对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出与对话意思相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。1. W: John, have you seen Lucy ?M: Oh, she has gone to the movies.2. W: Please dont spit everywhere in public. M: Sorry. I wont do it again.3. W: What is the robot

2、made of ? M: A special kind of plastic, I guess.4. M: How do you improve your spoken English ? W: By taking part in the English club.5. M: Kate is a kind and helpful girl. W: So she is. Whenever you ask her for help, she always makes a lovely gesture of “OK”.第二节 对话理解。听下面七段对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每

3、段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,完成第6小题。W: Look! The chemical factory is pouring waste water into the river.M: Lets go and stop it.听第二段对话,完成第7小题。M: Did you do anything for the First National Youth Games in Fuzhou?W: Yes. I was a volunteer and helped guide the traffic.听第三段对话,完成第8小题。M: Sally, you look worried. Whats the

4、 matter?W: Im going to Paris on business next month. But I cant speak French.M: Take it easy! Many Frenchmen can understand English.听第四段对话,完成第9小题。W: Hi, Tim! How are you doing ?M: Not very well. Although I have been in Beijing for 2 months, I cant get used to living here.W: Im sorry to hear that. Wh

5、ats the biggest problem you meet?M: The air, I think. The air here is much more polluted than that in my hometown.听第五段对话,完成第10、11小题。W: Grandpa, can I have a look at your old photos?M: Its a pity that I dont have any old photos. We were too poor to take photos when I was young.M: No, we couldnt.M: No

6、t really. We often read newspapers.听第六段对话,完成第12、13小题。W: I hate washing clothes.M: Why dont you use a washing machine?W: My mother says washing by hand can save water.M: Since the first washing machine was invented in 1858, it has improved a lot. Now there are many kinds of water-saving washing machi

7、nes for you to choose from.W: Thats great. Ill ask my mother to buy one.听第七段对话,完成第14、15小题。W: Dad, can you buy me a smart phone?M: Why do you need a smart phone? A telephone is enough for you.W: I can use it as a small computer. For example, I can search for the information I need.M: It can also help

8、 you with your homework, right?W: You are so smart, Dad! So will you buy one for me?M: No!W: But why?第三节 短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。短文读两遍。Have you ever made a sandwich by yourself ? Can you imagine that it costs Andy George, a 28-year-old young man, $1,500 to make a sandwich? Besides, h

9、e spends 6 months growing and collecting things he needs. Andy puts a video named “How to Make a $1,500 Sandwich in Only Six Months” on the Internet. The video shows how he does all these things by himself.It is very difficult to grow and collect everything he needs. For salt, he travels to the seas

10、ide to take sea water. He boils the water to make some sea salt. He also has to learn how to milk a cow. He uses the milk to make cheese. To make the bread, he plants wheat, collects honey and makes butter as well. At last, he kills a chicken. Finally, he makes his sandwich. “The sandwich tastes not

11、 bad,” says Andy. Whats his goal? He wants everyone to know one thing: its not easy to make food, and we shouldnt waste any food.福州市20152016学年第一学期九年级期末质量检测英语试卷参考答案及评分标准第I卷(选择题 共110分)第一部分 听力(共三节,满分30分)第一节 听对话选图 7.5 分 1-5 B A B A C 第二节 对话理解 15分 6-10 C C A B A 11-15 B A B A C第三节 短文理解 7.5分 16-20 C B A C

12、 A第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分35分)第一节 单项选择 15分 21-25 A C A B B 26-30 A B C C A 31-35 B C C A B第二节 补全对话 10分 36-40 C E A F B第三节 完形填空 10分 41-45 A A C C B 46-50 A B C A B第三部分 阅读理解(共二节,满分45分)第一节 阅读理解 40分 (A) 51-55 A C D D D (B) 56-60 B A C C A (C) 61-65 D A C D B (D)66-70 C D A B B第二节 阅读理解 5分71-75 B D A C C第II卷(非选

13、择题 共40分)第四部分 读写综合(共四节,满分40分)第一节 词汇 5分 76. punished 77. sleepy 78. hardly 79. silence 80. harmful83.wont; my 84.been/lived/stayed; in 85. to; stop/prevent第三节 短文填词 10分 86. heard 87. communication 88. attention 89. different 90. chose 91. than 92. feed 93. also 94. If 95. modern第四节 书面表达 15分 (范文仅供参考)Im

14、sure I can get good grades in the coming senior high school entrance exam.书面表达评分标准第一档12一15分包含所有信息,内容完整,语句通顺,意思连贯。没有或基本没有语法、拼写错误,书写规范,词数符合要求。第二档811分包含大部分信息,内容较完整,表达基本清楚,语句较通顺,有少量语法、拼写错误书写规范,词数基本符合要求。第三档47分写出基本信息,语句基本通顺;但句子较简单,表达不够清楚,有部分语法、拼写错误。第四档l一3分仅能传递个别信息,通篇只有个别句子可读。第五档0分只字未写、通篇不知所云或写的内容与所要求的内容无关。

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