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1、Ernxje中国农业大学学报第11卷第1期生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙。 -无名中国农业大学学报 第11卷 第1期 2006年4种提取法对富硒灵芝主要功效成分的提取效果赵 镭1, 2 高海燕3 张美莉4 吴继红1 胡小松1(1 中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083;2 浙江雨田集团, 浙江 平阳 325401;3 北京大学 深圳研究生院, 广东 深圳 518055; 4 内蒙古农业大学 食品科学与工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018)摘 要 对富硒灵芝子实

2、体采用水提、碱提、醇提和酶提进行的主要功效成分提取和分析试验表明,4种提取法对总糖、硒及蛋白质的提取率依次为碱提法酶提法水提法醇提法, 差异显著(P0.05),但4种提取法均不影响灵芝蛋白氨基酸的分布(tt0.01)。相比而言,酶提法是较理想的提取富硒灵芝主要功效成分的方法。关键词 富硒灵芝子实体; 提取方法; 主要功效成分中图分类号 Q 5-3;Q 949.329.7 Effect of different methods on the extracting of main nutritional components from Se-enriched Ganoderma lucidumZh

3、ao Lei1,2, Gao Haiyan3, Zhang Meili4, Wu Jihong1, Hu Xiaosong1(1 College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083, China; 2 YUTIAN Group, Zhejiang Pingyang 325401, China; 3 Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China; 4 College o

4、f Food and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Huhhot 010018, China)Abstract Data reported here show that the nutritional composition of different extracts from Se-enriched Ganoderma lucidum was definitely different due to different extracting methods (P0.05). The extracting rate of

5、saccharide, selenium and protein was in the order of alkaline extractingenzyme extractingwaterextractingalcohol extracting. All extracting methods studied did not affect the distribution of amino acids of the protein in Se-enriched G. lucidum. Enzyme extracting is comparably a good method for prepar

6、ing the extracts from Se-enriched G. lucidum. Key words Se-enriched Ganoderma lucidum; extracting methods; main composition新型肝癌介入治疗药物90Y-P204-Lipiodol的制备及其稳定性研究牟培源1,2 陈 靖1 王建晨1 蒋小良1 何千舸1 金美娟2 李 芳2(1 清华大学 核研院, 北京 102201; 2 解放军二炮总医院, 北京 100088)摘 要 目的:研究了新型肝癌介入治疗药物90Y- P204-Lipiodol的制备方法及其稳定性,旨在为肝癌的介入性

7、内照射放疗提供满意的放射性药物。 方法: 采用传统化学工艺中比较成熟的萃取技术与核医学中的放射性核素标记方法相结合, 以碘油(Lipiodol)作为萃取过程中的有机相,同时碘油也是被标记核素的载体,选择萃取剂 P204作为碘油标记的偶联剂,利用萃取剂的萃取性能,在一定的pH、温度、搅拌时间和搅拌 频率等条件下,对钇-90(90Y)进行萃取标记,测定萃取率, 然后按不同的相比加入到生理盐水、新生小牛血清以及人的血液中,于液闪仪上测定被标记90Y 的损失率。 结果: 0.01 mol/L的P204碘化油溶液萃取率高达99.9%,符合放射性核素标记的要求 。本萃取法碘油标记后形成的络合物90Y-P2

8、04-Lipiodol并不改变碘化油的结构,而且具有很好的稳定性。 结论: 借助现代医学影像技术尤其是实时超声显像引导精确定位技术,有望通过瘤区注射方法使90Y-P204-Lipiodol稳定积聚在肝肿瘤组织内,从而实现真正意义上的肝癌内照射放疗,未来的研究将促进其在肝癌介入性内照射放疗中的早日应用。关键词 肝癌; 介入; 萃取; 钇-90; 碘油; P204Study on extraction and stability of new interventional therapeutic isotope 90Y-P204-Lipiodol for liver cancer Mu Peiyu

9、an1,2, Chen Jing1, Wang Jianchen1,Jiang Xiaoliang1,He Qiange1,Jin Meijuan2, Li Fang2(1 Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University,Beijing 102201, China;2 Erpao General Hospital of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100088, China)Abstract Purpose: In order to provide the best isotope for i

10、nterventional therapy of liver cancer, this paper has reported a new method of chemical extraction and steady analysis for new isotope 90Y-P204-Lipiodol. Method: Extraction is used to label yttrium-90. Di(2-ethylhexyl)-orthophosphoric acid (P204)、Di(2-ethylhexyl)-phos acid (P507)、Cyanex 272、nonanoic

11、 acid、naphthenic acid、oleic acid and oxine are selected as extractants in this study. Result: The labeling efficiency with P204 can reach 99 9%, while the labeling efficiency with any other extractant is lower than that with P204. The loss efficiencies of 90Y-P204-Lipiodol in physiological saline so

12、lution, newly-born cattle serum and humans blood are 0.01%-0.16%, 3.12%-6.02%, and 2.55%-7.82% respectively. Conclusion: The stability of labeled yttrium-90 with P204 (90Y-P204-Lipiodol) is satisfying. 90Y-P204-Lipiodol is potential in interventional therapy for liver cancer. Key words liver cancer;

13、 interventional; extraction; yttrium-90; lipiodol; P204 马尾松树皮提取物体外抑制人大肠癌细胞生长规律初探1 生物防治国家重点实验室, 教育部基因工程重点实验室, 中山大学 生命科学院, 广州 510275;2 阜阳师范学院 生物系, 安徽 阜阳 236032; 3 广州嵩珍营养源研究所, 广州 510645摘 要为深入研究马尾松树皮提取物(PMBE)的抑癌生长作用,构建PMBE的动物药理模型,本研究通过细胞培养、细胞活力检测(MTT实验)及计算机模拟评估马尾松树皮提取物(PMBE)抑制体外培养人大肠癌LoVo细胞生长规律,建立了马尾松树皮

14、提取物(PMBE)、胎牛血清(FBS)及处理时间(t)三因素对LoVo细胞生长抑制率的反应模型,利用该回归模型对三因素优化组合,同时就各因素单独效应及其互作效应进行了探讨。PMBE、FBS、t三因素适量水平搭配(0、1、0)可提高对LoVo的生长抑制效率,最高可达0.42,即三因子用量分别为140 g/mL、15%、48 h时效果最佳。系列数据分析结果表明,在体外处理细胞过程中可能存在抑制物效应报酬递减规律,且试验体系中多因素综合效应呈现随机非线性特点。该研究是统计学在医学科研设计、衡量和评价(D.M.E)领域的一次尝试,可为构建PMBE的动物药理模型确定药用剂量提供参考。关键词 马尾松树皮提

15、取物; 胎牛血清; 处理时间; 二次通用旋转组合设计; 大肠癌LoVo细胞; 生长抑制率; 统计建模Research on growth inhibition of PMBE to human colon cancer cell in vitroCui Yingyu1, Chen Xiaohong2, Wu Chunlian1, Xie Heng3, Wang Jinfa11 State Key Laboratory for Biocontrol, Key Laboratory of Gene Engineering of Ministry of Education, College of L

16、ife Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guang zhou 510275, China; 2 Fuyang Normal College, Fuyang 236032, China; 3 Institute of Songzhen Nutritional Resource, Guangzhou 510645, ChinaAbstractIn order to probe further into the role of PMBE inhibiting the growth of cancer, and construct the pharmacologic

17、al animal model, combination of cell culture, multiple group MTT assays and computer modeling techniques was used in this present study to assess the effect of PMBE, FBS and t on the cell growth inhibition ratio (GIR) of human colorectal carcinoma LoVo cells cultured in vitro. Quadratic general rota

18、tional design at 5 levels of 3 factors was used to design the MTT assay scheme. The reaction model between the GIR (Y) and PMBE (X1), FBS (X2) and t (X3) was established. Optimal combination of the three factors, effects of single factor and interaction between them were explored respectively, and a

19、ppropriate combination of different factors could suppress the cell growth effectively. By simulation with computer, the optimal combination of PMBE, FBS and t with the highest GIR 0.42 was found at 0, 1, 0 level, or 140 g/mL, 15% and 48 h, respectively. A law of “reward descending of inhibitor effe

20、ct” and nonlinear characteristic of many factors integrative effect during cell treatment were first put forward. This research is a novel attempt to apply statistics principle in design, measurement and evaluation (D.M.E.) fields of medical scientific research, with reference significance in determ

21、ining the dosage of candidate drug for pharmacological animal model. Key words Pinus massaniana bark extract (PMBE); fetal bovine serum (FBS); treatment time (t); quadratic general rotational design; colorectal carcinoma LoVo cell; growth inhibition ratio (GIR); Statistical modeling全生育期二氧化碳与温度处理对水稻生

22、理性状的影响初报谢立勇1,2 林而达1 孙 芳1 赵海燕1(1 中国农业科学院 农业环境与可持续发展研究所, 北京 100081; 2 沈阳农业大学 农学院, 沈阳 110161)摘 要为揭示大气中二氧化碳浓度与温度增高对水稻生长发育与产量形成的影响机理,采用半开放式二氧化碳温度梯度系统对水稻全生育期进行梯度处理。研究表明,550 mol/mol CO2浓度及温度升高1.5 、650 mol/mol CO2 浓度及温度升高2.0 处理提高了水稻叶片叶绿素含量,灌浆期比对照(400 mol/mol 及自然温度下)分别增加13.41%16.74%,但对叶绿素a/b的比值影响较小;可溶性糖含 量从拔

23、节期开始随CO2浓度及温度增加而升高,增幅为6.06%14.82%;可溶性蛋白含量 总体上各处理结果均低于对照;脯氨酸含量在生育前期高于对照,在抽穗期趋于相同,在灌 浆前期明显低于对照。表明CO2浓度与温度增高改变了水稻生理性状,改变了水稻生长对物质和能量需求平衡,延长了生育期,此点为导致水稻产量形成的最终变化提供了理论证据和支持。关键词 二氧化碳浓度增高; 温度增高; 水稻全生育期; 叶绿素; 可溶性糖; 可溶性蛋白; 游离脯氨酸Effects of CO2 enrichment and temperature increase during growth duration on physi

24、ological characteristics of riceXie Liyong1,2, Lin Erda1, Sun Fang1, Zhao Haiyan1(1.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development of Agriculture, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 2.College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161,China)Abstr

25、actTo unveil the mechanism of effect of elevated CO2 concentration and temperature increasing on growth, development and yield formation of rice, many physiologi cal characteristics of rice were measured from the half-open CO2-temprature gradient system, which treated whole growth duration of rice b

26、y different CO2 concentrations and temperature levels. The result shows as, 550 mol/mol CO2 and 1.5 temperature increasing、650 mol/mol CO2 and 2.0 temperature increasing treatments increase chlorophyll contents of leaves to 13.41%-16.74% than CK(400 mol/mol CO2 and ambient temperature), especially d

27、uring latter stages, but not changed rate of chlorophyll a/b. Soluble sugar content of treatments increase 6.06% -14.82% than CK since jointing stage. Soluble protein content of treatments is lower than CK. Dissociate proline content of treatments is higher CK in early stage, is close to CK at earin

28、g stage, and is lower than CK at early filling stage . The result indicates that elevated CO2 concentration and temperature increasing has changed physiological characteristics of rice, also changed the demand of matter and energy of rice growth, and delayed growth duration. These changes affected y

29、ields formation process of rice. Key words elevated CO2 concentration; temperature increase; whole growth duration of rice; chlorophyll; soluble sugar; soluble protein; dissociate proline光照和埋植褪黑激素对内蒙古绒山羊氮分配和生产性能影响的研究王林枫1 卢德勋2 孙海洲2 赵秀英2 珊 丹2(1 中国农业科学院 畜牧研究所, 北京 100094; 2 内蒙古畜牧科学院, 呼和浩特 010030)摘 要 本试验

30、从氮分配的角度用改变光照和埋植褪黑激素的方法研究日粮氮营养在绒山羊体内的分配机理及应用效果,用消化代谢试验测定总沉积氮(NT),用同位素稀释技术和差减法活体测定体沉积氮(NB=NB终-NB始),用差减法测得毛绒沉积氮(NF=NT-NB)。结果表明,光照时间和埋植褪黑激素对绒山羊相关激素有显著影响: 1)褪黑激素(MT)、胰岛素(INS)随光照时间的缩短而升高,埋植MT组显著高于对照组;催乳素(PRL)、类胰岛素促生长因子-I(IGF-I)、瘦素(LEP)随光照时间的缩短而降低,埋植MT组低于对照组; 2)短光照(8 h)和埋植褪黑激素(1.86 mg/kg)组毛绒氮的分配比例与正常值相比增加了

31、10%,而体氮分配比例减少10%;反之,在长光照和不埋植组毛绒氮分配比例减少而体氮分配比例增加; 3)短光照和埋植褪黑激素组体脂肪含量增加(最高达到(24.671.41)%),而其他成分(体蛋白、体水分和体灰分)相应降低,长光照和不埋植组体脂肪含量降低(最低(14.1 60.59)%)而其他成分相应增加; 4)试验期内短光照和埋植褪黑激素组绒山羊的产绒量平均增加(338.8372) g,提高73. 8%。绒毛各项品质指标均达到纺织工业标准的要求。本研究证明,绒山羊的氮分配、体成分和绒毛产量可以通过改变光照时间和埋植褪黑激素进行调控。关键词 光照; 褪黑激素; 绒山羊; 氮分配; 山羊绒Effe

32、cts of photoperiod and implanted melatonin on nitrogen partitioning and production performance in Inner Mongolia white cashmere goatsWang Linfeng1, Lu Dexun2, Sun Haizhou2, Zhao Xiuying2, Shan Dan2(1 Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Beijing 100094, China;2 Inner Mongolia Academy of Animal Science, Huhhot 010030, China)AbstractObjective: This study investigated the mechanism of photoperiod and m

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