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2018-2019第三轮复习 模拟冲关(三).pptx

1、,模拟冲关(三),一、词汇运用。,从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(C)1IsJennystillaheadoftheothersingersinthesinging competition?YesBut the others are trying to catch up with her Ainstead ofBbecause ofCin front of,DontworryComputersarenotascleverashumanbeings in the presentAnowBin the pastCas a gift,(A)2The compu

2、ter AlphaGo won Chinas Go grandmaster KeJie by 300 on May 25,(,)3WhycouldMarymakesomanyfriendsduringher educational exchange in England?,Because she is kind and she canexpress herselfeasily inEnglishAcommunicate with herself Bremember thingsCsay her thoughts,C,Yes,I doI live acrossher flat,so I ofte

3、n see her on thebalconyAnext toBin front ofCopposite to,(C)4Do you live in the same neighbourhood with Jenny?,Whydidntyouraiseyourhandtoasktheteacherfor help?AcollectBput upCget up,(B)5I felt terrible in class this morning,(A)6We have to set off forthe railway station right away Thetrain is leaving

4、in an hourSam will be here soonLets wait for two more minutes Aleave forBtake offCget down,)7Its reported that up to125 countries and organizations havejoined the Belt and Road Initiatives(一带一路)AreachBas many asCmore than,(B,Sure,I willkeep talking about itkeep it secretstop doing it,(B)8Remember to

5、 keep a lid on itI dont want anyone else toknow about it,根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。,)9 are the written information that tells you how to door use somethingAInstructionsBMessagesCNotices,(A,But they spend money in a foreign countryIllstudy in the best university in China Aaboard;much tooar

6、ound;too manyabroad;too much,(C)10More and more students choose to go to furthertheir studiesWhat about you?,(,YeahTaking in some oxygen is helpfulin surpriseunder the weatherin general,B)11It is said that most of people feel when they getto Tibet,)12When somebody feels,he or she is unhappy anddoesn

7、t have any hope for the future,AlifelessBbrightClow,(C,YesYoucanleave youwantifyourenotinterested in itAhoweverBwhateverCwhenever,(C)13Can we leave halfway during the lecture?,)14Its said millions of teenagers visit Disneylandin Shanghai,ButIhavenointerestinitbecauseIhavebeentoDisneyland in Hong Kon

8、g many timesAare dying toBdont want toChave no time to,(A,)15Today many people like writing e-mails to eachother,Thats because the e-mails can reach others andwe can get a reply in a short time Aget close to;in the endremind of;on their ownkeep in touch with;in a second,(C,二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、

9、C 三个选项中选出能 填入相应空白处的最佳选项。When I was young,my father always took me to play baseball in the park next to our neighborhood,Onedayatthepark,awoman16ayoungboyina wheelchair stopped to watch us play My dad went over and asked ifthe child could join in our17The woman explained that her sonhadpolio(小儿麻痹症)an

10、dwouldntbeabletogetoutofthe chairButmy dadplaced thebatintheyoungsters handThenhe,18out to me,“Anne,pitch(投)one in to us”,I aimed at the bat and let the ball flyThe ball met with the batwith help of my dad and the child screamed(尖叫)with19As I turned,I heard my dad singing Take Me Out to the Ball Gam

11、eAn hour later we all left the field,very20,but very happy Dad told themother to bring the boy21the next Saturdayand we would play another game,Dad and I were at the field the next Saturday but the mother and son never came Twenty years passed,with my dad gone,I had verymixed emotions about leaving

12、the neighborhoodBefore moving,I decided to walk around the park where dad and I had 22 so many happy momentsTwo teams were on the field just about to start a gameI was in tears as I watched the children play the game,“Jeff,protect your base,”one coach shoutedI cheered the runner on when the ball was

13、 hit far into the outfieldThe coach turned andsmiled,“Inever23Ideverbeacoachplayingon this fieldYou see,I had polio as a child and had to sit in a wheelchair With the help of a man,I was able to24the ball and hear him singingthesongTakeMeOuttotheBallGameIbelievethat experience gave me the desire to2

14、5againI hope that someday Ill look up in the stands and see that man and his daughter againI would like to thank him”,)16Aputting)17Ateam)18Acalled,BpushingBclass Bpointed Bfear Bhungry,CcarryingCgame Cran Cshame Ctired,(B(C(A,(A)19Ajoy(C)20Athirsty,(,BbackBsaved Bthought Bkick Bwalk,CoutCarranged C

15、expected Ccatch Cplay,(B)25Awin,(B)21Aup,A)22Aspent,(C)23Arealized(A)24Ahit,三、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出最佳选项。Doctor Seuss(苏斯博士)was born in 1904By the middle 1950s,hehadbecomeoneofthebestlovedandmost successfulchildrensbookwritersintheworldHisbooksareverypopularwithyoungreadersTheyenjoythein

16、ventedwordsandthepictures ofunusual funny animals and plants,In 1954,Life Magazinepublished a report about school children who could not read The report said many childrens books were notinterestingDoctor Seuss strongly hoped to help children and decidedto write books that were interesting and easy to read He used words with the same ending sound,like fish and wishHe did not receive training in artYet,he drew the pictures for most of his books,In 1957,DrSeuss wrote The Cat in the HatHe used less

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