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大一下学期课本英语词汇汇总win 版.docx

1、大一下学期课本英语词汇汇总win 版 Unit 3Vocabulary1.1)Itll only be a _visit ,because we recently havent much time.2)The job is great_advancement but the starting salary is rather low.3)Wed better pay that electricity bill before they _us_.4)As pace of life quickens things _to change fast in the city.5)Why dont we

2、get rid of these old chairs,since we dont use them_6)The earths atmosphere makes_observation of distant stars difficult.7)The lawn was laid out_the figure 8. 8)I shouldnt always have to tell you what to do,use your own _.9)Words cannot _how grateful we are for his timely help.10)It seems to me that

3、the board of directors is_over the opening of a branch office in South Africa.11)I find it difficult to grasp the _of infinite space.12)Philip presented a complex argument that was completely beyond my_.3.1)The films appeal_not only the entertainment it provides to the audience but also the question

4、s it raises about the possible_human beings and alien civilizations.(contact,lie in)2)The decision on the new project is made on the_scientific project _to succeed despite the fact that we do not have_funds_.(at the moment,basis,sufficient,likely)3)True it is hard to make accurate predictions,but_gr

5、owth of the information industry_that this line of growth of the information industry _that this line of products_profitable.(highly,steady,ensure)Comprehensive Exercises: Do we have the right attitude towards scienceHawking suggests that many people are _ (1) distrustful of it. This might change if

6、 the public were better informed. But how can we_bring _(2)It is _(3)that schools are important, especially if science is taught in an interesting science is changing at such a fast_(4) that what we learn in school is no longer _(5) to last a lifetime. What can we use to _(6) news of the latest idea

7、s and developments Popular science books can help, but the _(7)of the population that read them is not very large. _ (8) we need to rely on television, for only television can _(9) the message reaches a sufficiently large audience. Science is interesting and exciting. Why Science helps you_(1) the w

8、orld in which you live. For example, science explains how airplanes fly and how birds find their way when they_(2) long distances. Besides, people use science to make discoveries that have_ (3) value. One of these discoveries is the_ (4) of light to carry telephone messages through a glass (5) is th

9、e lengthening of human life through the use of heart pacemakers (心脏起搏器)and other mechanical devices(器械).In the future, there will_ (6) be an endless number of new discoveries. These discoveries will _ (7) your career and your daily life. Television, computers, and space shuttles are part of todays w

10、orld. Who can imagine what new, yet-to-be-discovered _ (8) lie ahead In the future, scientists may discover how to predict earthquakes and how to produce an endless_ (9) of you may live and work in a space station in orbit around the earth. Scientists will continue to make dioveries that will change

11、 the world in which you live. Unit 6Vocabulary1.1) The former lake bed is now a _plain producing good crops of wheat.2) Aunt Pats rough, red hands _ a life of hard physical labor.3)If you are living_,you may not have to pay tax in your own country.4) Helen is pretty, of_ build, with blue eyes.5) We

12、_ the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves.6) Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer _the trapped miners.7) The _of the setting sun reddened the stream.8) The kidnappers (绑架者)_the boy into the car and drove off.9 )It is common knowledge that dogs have a _ sense

13、 of smell.10) The unusually cold winter caused many plants to _late this year.11) Training is provided, so no _experience is required for the job.12) We can go to the seven oclock performance or the eight一_ suits you best.3.1) During the 1880s, several black colleges were founded in the opportunitie

14、s for black students and help them _in the world.(broaden, make onesway)2) The food at this hotel _me. Why not dine at the restaurant across the street Well, we havent reserved a table, but well _its not being full.”(take a chance,disgust)3) About 15,000 artists participated in_opening ceremony of t

15、he Beijing Olympics, which left 91,000 spectators from China_ mesmerized (着迷).The event,directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou,_Chinas rich history and cultural heritage.(overseas,reflect,grand)Comprehensive Exercises: I had no difficulty in_ (1) him, standing there with the book_ (2) firmly in o

16、ne hand. A book had seemed the natural choice, as it had been those notes in the _ (3) of another that had brought us together in the first place. He was right on time,just as we had scheduled. I liked that. It seemed to fit well with everything I had discovered from_(4) with him while he was _(5).N

17、ow here he was in the flesh, looking_(6) handsome as he stood there in his uniform. I almost _ (7) to put him to the test, but it was too late to change my mind and I was _ (8) to the lady for agreeing to help. I_(9) past him and didnt wait to see his response to her. So here I am in the restaurant,

18、waiting to see whether I am going to have dinner on my own or he end up_(10) after all So Raymond found himself unpacking his bag in a London hotel before he had decided on his approach(接近的途径)to Jenny. He _ (1) thought of the telephone, but he knew that wouldnt do. Jenny believed that he was dead. H

19、e couldnt just_(2)up and say he wasn(3) could he just ring her doorbell and be standing there on the mat. She would think she was seeing things(眼花了). A hot bath and a change of clothes did not bring any revelations (启示),either. He sat down at the writing desk and began a letter to her 一tore it up an

20、d began_(4) 一and tore that down the pen and went out into the early October dusk of London, _(6) avoiding the address where Jenny was living. He was unaccustomed to dilemmas(两难境界)like this which could not be _ (7) out in a decent length of time, and he was getting angry with_ (8). Moodily he turned

21、into a cheerful-looking_(9) and had a lonely meal, aware that he might have Jennys happy face across the table 一he was wasting time 一but after so many years, did a few more hours_10) Unit 7Vocabulary1.1)The financial (财政的)help they got from the local government didnt _ toward solving the problem.2)

22、Their retail (零售)business in Asia _ rapidly since the early 1990s.3) _world peace, we must promote(增进)mutual understanding among nations with different social systems.4) I thought it was still early, yet I got to the library_find it closed.5) On the train l_an old lady who happened to be a neighbor

23、of my daughters when she lived in Los Angeles.6) Our several American companies for the past few years in joint ventures.7) Phil looked around at the other competitors(竞争对手)and_ his chances of winning.8) The police believed that the reason they failed to find anything suspicious in that guys bag was

24、 that members of the gang(一伙歹徒)_bags at the airport.9) Our visit to the Far East has certainly broadened our_.10) Emily felt increasingly uncomfortable under the womans steady _.11) Everything was going smoothly until suddenly the_struck.12) Smallpox (天花),which used to be a severe epidemic(流行性的)dise

25、ase, has been completely_.3.1)Scientists _various kinds of _research projects_ animal intelligence, but they still cant reach an agreement on whether it exists or not. (explore, original,undertake)2) Lots of _us that the lost ancient tunnel (地道)must have run right_the city,_the seashore. (extend,con

26、vince,evidence,underneath3) We should try _a win-win solution when resolving issues we _ in foreign trade. First we need _ what caused the problems. Then we should proceed to _ways of solving them that are beneficial to both sides. (encounter, figure out, explore, negotiate)Comprehensive Exercises:

27、Interviewer: You mention the case of one whale helping to save another in an _(1). What does this suggestLinden: Well, it seems to me that this is clearly_(2)of_(3) thought. Here we see an animal _(4) a situation and then taking appropriate action in cooperation with humans.Interviewer: And when Jen

28、dry_(5) with Colo, what does that_(6)Linden: It shows that some animals, gorillas at least, are intelligent enough to bargain, to _(7).Interviewer: Then there is the case of Miles and Chantek. Linden:Oh, like to think of ourselves as the _(8)species, but that doesnt mean animals cant sometimes play tricks on us when its _(9)!Interviewer: Like Melati_(10)ShewmanLinden: Exactly.Interviewer: So would you say your approach to the problem settles the _(11)over animal intelligenceLinden: Thats not an easy_(12) to make, but it does,I think, open up interes

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