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本文(版高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 模块考点复习 Unit 8 Adventure教师用书 北师大版必修3doc.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 模块考点复习 Unit 8 Adventure教师用书 北师大版必修3doc.docx

1、版高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 模块考点复习 Unit 8 Adventure教师用书 北师大版必修3doc2019版高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 模块考点复习 Unit 8 Adventure教师用书 北师大版必修3话题单词1.violent / valnt/ adj.猛烈的;激烈的2.fundamental / fnd mentl/ adj.基本的;基础的3harmful / hmfl/ adj.有害的 4.gentle / dentl/ adj.温和的;文雅的5glorious / lrs/ adj.光荣的;荣耀的 6.astronomy / strnm/ n天文学7system / s

2、stm/ n系统;体系;制度 8.theory / r/ n学说;理论9gravity / rvt/ n万有引力;重力 10.satellite / stlat/ n卫星;人造卫星11spacewalk / speswk/ n太空行走 12.atmosphere / tmsf/ n大气层;气氛13spaceship / spesp/ n宇宙飞船 14.physicist / fzsst/ n物理学家15oxygen / ksdn/ n氧气 16.crash /kr/ vt.& vi.碰撞;坠落话题短语 system 太阳系2.launch a satellite 发射人造卫星3i

3、n ones turn 轮到某人;接着 4.prevent .from 阻止;制止5manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船 out 密切注视;当心;提防7a oneday trip 一天的行程 8.a facetoface talk 面对面的交谈9realize ones dream 实现某人的梦想 harmful to 对有害11be proud of 对感到自豪 e into existence 开始产生;成立13for the time being 暂时;目前 14.A is three times as big as B A是B的三倍大话题句型1.I

4、 make it a rule to keep an English diary every day.我有每天写英语日记的习惯。2How to solve the problem remains unknown.还不知道怎么解决这个问题。3It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting.我们在哪里召开会议并不重要。4Now that I have written down all the things we need,then its your turn to buy all the items for us.既然我已经写好了我们所

5、需要的东西,就该由你来负责购买了。5The atmosphere in the house relaxed after my mothers inspiring talk cheered me up.妈妈一番激励的话让我很振奋,家里的气氛也放松了下来。6The sudden change in climate prevents some kind of species from existing.气候的突变使得有些物种灭绝。话题语篇长期以来,中国人一直梦想进入太空。19992002年,中国成功发射了三艘无人飞船;2002年12月31日,“神舟四号”又一次成功发射,并于2003年1月5日安全返回

6、地面。它完成了七项科学试验并为下一次载人飞船的发射做准备。2003年,第一艘载人飞船神舟五号进入太空,中国人的梦想变成了现实。星期二上午,在湛蓝的天空中,神舟十号和三名宇航员从甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心升空,这是中国为在2020年前建立起自己的空间站迈出的坚实一步。【话题模板】Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space ever since beforeChina had launched three unmanned spacecrafts successfully from 1999 to 2002.On Dec.31,

7、2002 ,the launch of the fourth spacecraft “Shenzhou IV” was another big success and the spacecraft returned to the earth safely on January 5,2003.During its flight,seven scientific experiments were carried outThe purpose of the flight was to make preparations for the launch of a manned spacecraft ne

8、xt time.The successful launch and return show that China is able to send a person into space soon.In 2003,the first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V was sent into space successfully.And the Chinese dream has come trueShenzhou X and three astronauts blasted off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center,Gansu

9、Province,into a clear blue sky on Tuesday,bringing the nation one step closer to setting up its own space station in 2020.对应学生用书P48.单词过关A拼写单词1 adj. 较重要的;较严重的 n. 专业 n. 大多数,多半2 adj. 忧虑的,担心的3 adv. 确切地,精确地 adj. 确切的,精确的4 vt. 使惊愕(惊奇)5 n. 目的;目标 n. (同义词)目的;目标6 n. 兴奋,激动 adj. 激动的;兴奋的 adj. 令人兴奋的7 n. 边界,限度8 adj

10、. 没有希望的 adj. 有希望的9 adj. 远处的;久远的B拓展单词10distant adj.远处的;久远的 n遥远11limit n边界;限度 adj.有限的12uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的 adj.舒服的 n&vt.安慰13differ vi.不同于,有区别 n不同之处 adj.不同的14anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的 n焦虑,不安15amaze vt.使惊愕(惊奇) adj.惊愕的,吃惊的 adj.令人惊异的 n吃惊,惊愕16confuse vt.使困惑 adj.困惑的 adj.令人困惑的 n混乱;困惑17wealthy adj.富有的;富裕的 n

11、财富;富有18preparation n准备;预备 vt.准备;预备19cheerful adj.愉快的,高兴的 n&vt.欢呼20patience n耐心;忍耐力 adj.耐心的 n病人 adv.耐心地C识记单词21adventure n 22extra adj. 23optional adj. 24organisation n organise vt. 25extreme adj. 26similarity n similar adj. 27risk vt. 28various adj. variety n vary vi. 29equipment n equip vt. 30prefer

12、ence n prefer vt. D语境运用31What me was Liu Qians performance which made all the people present look at him in (amaze)32Judging from his expression,he didnt understand the problem referring to teenagers mental health.(confuse)33Hes a good doctor.He always has with his and talks with them (patient)34The

13、re were a few moments in the basketball game.Therefore,all of us watched it with (anxious)35The car is from that one.Their lie in color and type.(different)答案:A.1.major;majority2.anxious3.exactly;exact4.amaze5.goal;aim6.excitement;excited;exciting7.limit8.hopeless;hopeful9.distantB10.distance11.limi


15、.amazed;amazing;amazement32.confused;confusing33.patience;patients;patiently34.anxious;anxiety35different;differences.短语排查A短语翻译1 起飞2 就在此刻3 目的是,以便4 出现,到场;把(声音)调大5 决定不履行(承诺的事)6 使理解(某事)7 轮流,依次8 (坏事)突然发生,爆发9 把关进监狱10 坚持(某种说法)11 在途中12 用完,耗尽13 继续做某事14 (机器等)损坏,不能运转;身体出毛病,垮掉15 颠倒地,倒置地B选词填空(选用A中短语填空)1We are n

16、ot prepared to and let them close our school.2As the plane was ready to , all the passengers fastened their seat belts.3He and wept when he heard the bad news.4It took a long time to to the workers the way the system worked.5Once you have given your words, dont try to 6After he left I just tried to

17、as usual in spite of some difficulty.7A big fire in the hotel last night, but all the people were able to escape from it.8Everything in the house was turned for the lost diamond ring.答案:A.1.take off2.right order to do sth.4.turn up5.back out6.get turn8.break out9.put .into prison

18、10.stand by11.on ones way12run out of13.carry on14.break down15upside downB1.stand by2.take off3.broke down4.get across5.back out6.carry on7.broke out8.upside down.句式仿写1教材原句When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.

19、我第一次站在跳台上紧张得真想退缩下来,但是朋友们说服了我。仿写运用(环境)这么嘈杂,以至于我们都听不到自己说的话。It was we couldnt hear ourselves speak.2教材原句Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true.虽然人们爱读他的书,但许多人认为马可写的东西太离奇而不可信。仿写运用我太忙了,没时间照顾我的小孩。Im my baby.3教材原句Then came

20、the total darkness of the polar winter.接下来极地冬日的极夜时期到来了。仿写运用然后铃响了,下课了。Then and class is over.4教材原句The next to go was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty walking.接下来离开的是奥茨上尉,他行走不便。仿写运用天下着大雨,我们费了好大劲才到达目的地。It raining hard,we the destination.答案 noisy that2.too busy to take care of3.goes th

21、e bell4.had great difficulty reaching.课文回扣语法填空With food 1. (cook) on the fire and a hot cup of coffee in your hand, you relax and watch the sun go down the 2. (amaze) Mount Qomolangma. If youre looking for experiences like this, Adventure 2000 is the 3. (organise) for you. We have experienced guides

22、 to make sure the hiking trip is 4. (comfort) and safe. As 5. as the group guide,we have cooks and porters, 6. means you can simply enjoy the experience.Good travel 7. (arrange) are also important. We organize all the 8. (flight) and accommodation for you. 9. you dont want to go straight home afterw

23、ards,therere special offers for you! The hike costs 2,500 10. (include) all flights and accommodation. Maximum group size is 15 people.答案:1.cooking2.amazing3.organisationfortable5.well6.which7.arrangements8.flights9.If10including 对应学生用书P491differ vi.不同;相异;意见相左(1)differ from 不同于;和不同differ in 在方面不同dif

24、fer with sb.on/about/over sth. 在某事上和某人有分歧/异议(2)make a difference to . 和有差别;对有影响tell the difference between A and B 分清A和B(3)be different from .in . 在方面与不同(1)The story he told the police differed from the one he told his mother.他在警方和母亲那里的说辞不一。(2)The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions.两

25、位领导人在制裁问题上存在意见分歧。即学即练单句语法填空(1)Tomorrows world will be very different the world of today.(2)English differs Chinese this respect,so we must pay more attention to it.(3)Tom differs Mike on the plan made yesterday.(4)It seems that living green is surprisingly easy and affordable.A small step makes big

26、difference.(5)Can you tell the (differ)between the words“require” and “request”?I sometimes get puzzled by their meanings.答案:(1)from(2)from;in(3)with(4)a(5)difference2risk v冒的危险;n.危险;风险(1)risk sth./doing sth. 冒着的危险(2)at risk 处于危险之中at the risk of sth./doing sth. 冒着的风险take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒

27、着的危险做某事take a risk/risks to do sth. 冒险做某事(1)Tom risked losing his job to help you out of the trouble.汤姆冒着失去工作的危险去帮助你摆脱困境。(2)I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.我不知道我是否正在把自己的生命置于危险境地。(3)He is willing to take a risk to save someones life.他愿意为了拯救某个人的生命而承担风险。即学即练一句多译他冒着生命危险救了那个落水男孩。(1)He saved t

28、he drowning boy his own life.(2)He losing his own life to save the drowning boy.(3)He his own life to save the drowning boy.答案:(1)at the risk of losing(2)took the risk of(3)risked losing3confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难(1)confuse .with/and . 把和混淆(2)confused adj. 困惑的be/get confused with/about 对感到困惑(3)confusing adj

29、. 令人困惑的(4)confusion n. 混乱;混淆;困惑(1)I cant see how anyone could confuse you with another!我不明白怎么会有人把你和另一个人搞混!(2)Things were happening too quickly and Brian was confused.事情发生得太快,把布赖恩给弄糊涂了。即学即练用confuse的适当形式填空(1)She looked Her reaction seemed very slow.(2)Since we moved to our new house,all of our things

30、are in (3)The instructions on the medicine bottle are so that Im at a total loss how to use it.答案:(1)confused(2)confusion(3)confusing4quantity n数量;量in quantity 大量quantities of名词复数谓语动词 许多a quantity of单数谓语动词 大量(1)Quantities of food and tents were sent to earthquakestricken areas from Shandong.大量的食品和帐篷从山东

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