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1、PIM产品开发流程管理文档PIM产品开发流程管理文档DaleVersionComments日期版本备注2017-10-091.0Rewrite of Document for SISFunction 职位Name 姓名Date 日期Signature 盔名Written by 拟定.Verified by 审核Verified by 审核Approved by 批准PIM lifecycleOR DRO DR1fyoduct creation phase Development phaseDR2DR4Qualification phaseDR5DR61.Purpose and Applicat

2、ion Field1.1PurposeTins manual descnbes how to implement a project for tlie development of a Global Product Offer:The productThe accessoriesThe end to end solutionsThe services1.2App丘cation FieldThis manual applies to all projects earned out in 某 for the purpose of defining, designing constructing a

3、nd tlie product basic elements of a commercial proposal. Tlie method described here must be adapted to each project in line witli tlie constrain specific to the product offer m question.2.ResponsibilityThe PIM is accompanied by a Project Development Plan (PDP) vuider the responsibility of the Projec

4、t Manager and in keepmg with tlie basic procedure; m mcludes in particular any adaptations/ simplification of the procedure.Project core team responsibility see 4.33.Reference DocumentNone4.Description4.1 Project Life CycleTlie life cycle of a project is made up of the following as shown in the atta

5、ched figure:Life cycle of a productSales cycle of a product offerPost commeicialization (After Sales)The Hnplementation of a project is based on compliance witli tins Life cycle, split mto phases.Every phase, except tlie last, finishes with an end- of phase revie called a decision review (DR) repres

6、endiig a formal decision- making process. The filial phase, called the end- of- life; is undated by a decision review in which the pliase is planned.A Phase is characterized by a specific objective and responsibility for tlie performance of the activities required for tins phase to be completed in a

7、ssigned to a Project Managei.DR List DRPHASES DECISION REVIEWOpportunity StudyOROpportunity Review (Kick Off Review)Feasibility StudyJ D.R.0Feasibility Rex-iewSpecificationD.R1Project Commitment ReviewPrototype DevelopmentT.S.RTool Start ReviewM I R (*)Mock up Integiation ReviewP.I.RPrototype Integr

8、ation RedewD.R.2Product Performance and Process Udation RedewCommercial Kick- offCKRCommercial Kick-off ReviewCommercial PrepaiationD.R.3Commercial Launch ReviewFirst ShipmentF.S.RFirst Slupment ReviewProduction Ramp- upD.R.4Product Release ReviewMass ProductionD.R.5Full Qualification ReviewEnd of P

9、hase kick offC.K.REnd of phase Kick-off RenewMass ProductionD.R.6Change to End of life ReviewEnd of Life(*): Dependuig on tlie complexity of radio/ digital development, the project team can decide to skip the mock up development phase.4.2Project organization and management4.2.1DefinitionThe PII is H

10、itended to apply to the definition, design, construction and production of the base elements of our commercial offer (product, accessories, end to- end solutions e.g.).Products ManagedPurchased products (developed or manufactured to specifications or document files).Compatibility* with sendees provi

11、der offer, PC or PDA offerThe followuig general objectives validated at DR1, are the reference for the project.Schedule-QualityQuantity*-Cost(decision reviews .)(FPY, reminrate .)(Ramp up, production capacity .)(FCP, budget.) Product Characteristics (Marketuig specifications, orders and deliveries p

12、rocess,.)-Product VTaimntv-Liabilities(Duration, responsibility,.) Supply Cham(Rules, orders and delivenes process, .)They are all mentioned in PDP.In case of paiuiers and/ or subcontractors, both will agree.4.2.2Project StructureProjects are organized into phases. Each phase ends with a Decision Re

13、view.PhaseEach phase has a specific objective witli dedicated activities. It transforms specific mputs mto outputs.Responsibility for the performance of the activities required for a phase to be completed is assigned to the project managei.A decision review is performed at tlie end of each phase m o

14、rder to validate the outputs and to acknowledge the transition to tlie next phase.See: PIM check list:ORO R Check ListDROD.R.0 Check ListDR1D.R.1 Check ListD.R.2D.R.2 Check List (including P.I.R)C.K.R./ D.R.3C.K.R to D.R.3 Check ListF.S.RF.S.R ChecklistD.R.4D.R.4 Check ListD.R5D.R.5 Check ListD.R6D.

15、R.6 Check ListProject Development PlanThe conditions for applying tlie project performance methodology to a given case are defined m the Project Development Plan drawn up by the project manager for DR14.2.3Decision to Create A ProjectThe concept of a project is mseparable form the companys commitmen

16、t to invest tlie resource (human, material and financial) needed to enlarge its range.A project is undertaken following a Decision Review called Kick off Review or OR- Opportumty Review.The process of defining tlie project and settuig up the project team and the associated budget is a gradual one in

17、volving phases of marketing analysis and specification.A budget line is started at the OR.The companys commitment to earn* out a project is made official by a Decision Review7 called tlie Project Commitment RexeW or DR1.4.2.4Building The Project TeamThe Project Core Team is appomted (partial or comp

18、lete):To prepare the O R (Opportunity Retiexv).At tlie O R, appomtment of a partial oi complete Project Core Team to prepare and present the DRO.(InclucUiig the development of teclmological bucks, if needed).The requested resources to prepare the DRO must be defined and scheduled.At lease, tlie Proj

19、ect Core Team dedicated to a Project is appomted at tlie DRO.(*) If needed: Major teclmological gaps (ex: new reference design, new product concept, new teclmo: HWD/SUD)Accordmg to project reqiurements, tlie project team is made up of permanent or assigned members, and experts may be co- opted to me

20、et specific needs. If generally comprises:Project ManagerPJMProduct ManagerPDMTechnical Project ManagerTPMIndustrial Project ManagerIPMPurchasing Project ManagerPPMQuality Project ManagerQPMCustomer Service Project ManagerCPMOperation Project ManagerOPM(*)Software Project ManagerSPMHardware Project

21、ManagerHPMMechanical Project ManagerTalidation Project ManagerOPM & VPI exist only for VCNV brand project, (see Appendix I Project core team orgaiuzation chart).4.2.5Project Scope Change ControlFor DR1 onwards, any change affecting the defiiution of the product and/ or alterations of chaiactenstics,

22、 for whatever reason, are subject to a specific processECR/ECN Product change management procedure4.2.6Allocation And Consolidation (Resources And Budget)The resources and expenditure prior to DR1 are allocated at the OR, and renewed at DRO by the BU director.The filial budget allocated to a project

23、 is validated at DR1. It must comprise tlie phases from DRl to DR5.As regards of die dedicated tooluig, commitments are autlionzed at tlie Tool Start, apart from a few exceptions (cf section above)This budget has to be consolidated bottom up by the BU director.Within the limits of tlie budget alloca

24、tions, the Project Manager is responsible for how resoLiices and expencUtiue are committed.Budget approxral will be released and re-appioval penodically and iiuiuinum at each Design review. In case of partners and/or subcontractors, both will agree.4.2.7Scheduling And Progress Follow- upThe general

25、schedule validated at DRl, is the reference schedule for the project. In case of partners aiid/or subcontractors, botli will agree.Ongomg consolidation and adjustment of the general schedule take place durmg the weekly or bi-montlily project progress meetuigs headed by the Project Manager. All these

26、 meetings are recorded and updated action pouit and risk follow-up lists are drawn up.A formal, concise, relevant progress report to the directors is made on a monthly basis, from DRO to DR5 The main objective is to report critical/major risks. The presentation contains the following items:-Highligh

27、ts for the previous month-Projects Risks TOP 5 on global product offer-Other Projects Risks / mam problems (if necessary, otherwise in tlie report)Q/C/T Project Indicators (Plammig, Budget, FPC, Quality)-Maui Decisions taken tlie previous month 01 to take durmg the presentation, if necessan*Other md

28、icators (if necessary, otherwise m tlie report)Higlilights for the current monthA formal progress report is recorded and sent to tlie management accordmg to the diffusion list witli m particular the synthesis of actions and decisions taken during the review.In addition, eveiv DR will be followed by

29、a debriefing by the project team, for all teams mvolved in the phases of tlie project, possibly witli the urvolrement of tlie directors.blonitoang is also done by ALL members of the team with a weekly or by-montlilv progress report and list of action point.4.3Missions Sheetblissions of Product Proje

30、ct Teams Members4.3.1Project Manager (PJM)The project manager is responsible for achieving the commitments validated at DR1. He acts as arbiter witluii lus team, for optimization for tlie Q/C/T objectives.These missions:Manage all tlie specification (system lerel) for the product.Drive the core team

31、 management (weekly meetnig with the basic project team, conflict resolution .). And take autlioiization of core team members performance e-aluation.Define and apply the Project Development Plan for the project Q/C/T objectives.-Coordinate tlie activities relating to the development, lndustnaiization and commercial preparation of the product offer. (Releases . JCarry- out the project

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