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1、英美文学重点作者汇总一、 早期和中世纪的英国文学 Geoffrey Chaucer ii1. 简介:Geoffrey Chaucer is the founder of English poetry and a forerunner of humanism. He was regarded as the founder of English realism. 代表作:Troilus and Criseyde特洛伊斯洛与克瑞西达(改变于意大利);The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集(包括:“The Prologue”总序;“The Wife of Bath”巴斯妇人)。 The

2、 Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集的影响:It shows a true-to-life picture of Chaucers time. (之所以说乔叟是The founder of realism,是因为早期英国文学歌颂英雄(Anglo-Saxon poetry),中期英国文学歌颂骑士精神(The Romance),之后虽然有了piers the plowman,也不曾直接写社会不公,直到乔叟真实描写中世纪及各层人民。) Taking from the stand of rising bourgeoisie, Chaucer affirms men and opposes

3、the dogma of asceticism preached by the Church. His tales expose and satirize the evils of his time, attack degeneration of the noble, the corruption of the Church.2. 语言特色/贡献:He is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, e

4、specially the Heroic couplet to English poetry. He is good at the terza rima, which makes his language a high style.二、 英国文艺复兴 Thomas More ii1. 简介:Thomas More is an English humanism churchman. 代表作:Utopia乌托邦。2. 评价:More dared to fight against the feudalism ruler and he was a humanist. But, he was no re

5、volutionary in the sense of wishing to arouse the people or to start any revolutionary movement. The system of bondsmen suggested to solve the problem of social productivity still remains the features of class exploitation. He could never find the means by which socialism could be realized. Francis

6、Bacon3. 简介:He is the founder of English materialist philosophy, the first English essayist and the founder of English Modern Science. He is the one who introduced essay, the literary form, to England. 代表作:Advancement of Learning学问的演进;New Instrument新工具;The Essays随笔(58篇)“Of Studies”论学习;“Of Beauty”论美;“

7、Of Wisdom for a Mans Self”论自私。 “Of Studies”论学习:Its message is conveyed with sweeping effect and overwhelming power, which lie in the unity of the message and the consistence of forceful argumentations. 内容:The text focuses on one controlling idea“studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for abili

8、ty.” “Of Beauty”论美:Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bacon makes full use of so meager a vocabulary to explicate his great theme: the criterion of beauty. He makes a conclusion that only the beauty of virtue can “shine” eternally, beyond time and space.4. 主题/技法:Bacons essay writing is classified in

9、to Classic Essay. The classic essay is as comprehensive in subject matters and styles as in all classic literature. In subjects, the classic essay deals with a variety of themes: philosophy, literary criticism, arts, politics, history, social problems, travels and other aspects of life. In style, Ba

10、con is weight and highly sententious. Many of his sentences have become wise old sayings. Edmund Spenser5. 简介:Edmund Spenser was recognized as the “Poets poet”. 代表作:The Shepherds Calendar牧羊人日历;Epithalamion结婚曲;Amoritti爱情小唱;The Faerie Queene仙后。 The Spenserian Stanza: It refers to a nine-line-stanza wi

11、th the following rhyme scheme: ababbcbcc. The first eight lines are written in iambic pentameter. The ninth line is written in iambic hexameter which is called an alexandrine. The Faerie Queene仙后:A long poem planned in 12 books, of which he finished only six. It is set in the mythical world of King

12、Arthur and his knights. theme: Nationalism, Humanism and Puritanism.6. 地位:The publication of The Shepherds Calendar marked the budding of the Renaissance flower in the northern island of England(Ireland). The language had changed into Modern English distinguished from the Middle English of Chaucers

13、day. Spenser is the first master to make that language the natural music of his poetic effusions. He invented the Spenserian stanza, which became a popular verse form in the historical development of English poetry. Christopher Marlowe ii7. 简介:Christopher Marlowe was the most preeminent figure among

14、 the “university wits”, as well as the greatest playwright before the rise of Shakespeare. 代表作:Tamburlaine帖木儿大帝(对权力的贪婪);The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人(对金钱的贪欲);Doctor Faustus浮士德博士。 Doctor Faustus浮士德博士:The play deals with themes including sin, redemption, and damnation. The chief feature of Faustuss characte

15、r is an insatiable thirst for knowledge. The tragedy of Doctor Faustus is characteristic of a humanist in the age of Renaissance.8. 社会意义:Marlowes plays show the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie. The heroes of his plays are typical images of the era of the primitive accumulation of capital. The theme

16、 of Marlowes plays is the praise of individuality freed from the restraints of medieval dogmas and law. However, the heroes in Marlowes plays are merely individualists. Their individualistic ambition often brings ruin to the world and sometimes to themselves.9. 文学成就:Marlowe was the greatest of the p

17、ioneers of English drama. He reformed the English drama and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works. He first made blank verse the principal instrument of English drama. Although his plays lack of variety in characterization and construction, he was famous for his “mighty line”. William S

18、hakespeare10. 简介:Shakespeare is the most remarkable playwright and poet all over the world. 戏剧分期: 1590-1594初期,实验各种戏剧类型。早期人物塑造不够丰满,历史精确性不够,以诗剧为主要形式却无法摆脱押韵诗的死板僵硬。Henry VI亨利六世;Richard III理查德三世;The Comedy of Errors错中错;The Taming of the Shrew驯悍记;Loves Labours Lost爱的徒劳;Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶。 1595-1600成熟

19、期,史剧、十四行诗都很成熟。总体上积极向上但已有了些许苦痛,人物成熟饱满,史料丰富,采用马洛的无韵诗写法。Richard II理查德二世;Henry IV亨利四世;Henry V亨利五世;The Merry Wives of Windsor温莎的风流娘们;Julius Caesar朱利尤斯凯撒;伟大喜剧“Great Comedies”A Midsummer Nights Dream仲夏夜之梦,The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人;As You Like it皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night第十二夜。 1601-1607伟大悲剧时期,由于社会剧变,作品悲观。Alls Wel

20、l That Ends Well终成眷属;Measure for Measure一报还一报;Antony and Cleopatra安东尼和克里奥佩特拉;伟大悲剧“Great Tragedies”Hamlet哈姆莱特;Othello奥赛罗;King Lear李尔王;Macbeth麦克白。 传奇剧时代。Cymbeline辛白林;The Winters Tale冬天的童话;The Tempest暴风雨;Henry VIII亨利八世。 诗歌:Venus and Adonis维纳斯和阿多尼斯;The Rape of Lucrece鲁克丽丝受辱记;Sonnets十四行诗集。 Ben Jonson11.

21、简介:Ben Jonson was one of the leading dramatists of the Renaissance period. 代表作:Every Man in His Humour个性互异;Volpone, or the Fox福尔蓬奈(或狐狸);The Alchemist炼金术士;Bartholomew Fair巴梭罗缪市集。12. 作品特点: Jonsons comedies are “comedies of humours”. His portrayal of characters is one-sided, flat, and lacking developme

22、nt instead of being round and flexible. Jonson took a firm stand for the “three unities” (time, place and action) and strongly disapproved of a mixture of serious and comic episodes in a play. He advocates a truthful and realistic description of life and people. He was a forerunner of classicism in

23、English literature.三、 英国资产阶级革命时期 John Milton1. 简介:John Milton is the third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare. 早期写诗歌,中期写宣传册,晚期写史诗。代表作:“Lycidas”利西达斯(悼亡诗);“On his Deceased Wife”致亡妻;Areopagirica论出版自由;Defence of the English People为英国人民辩护(查理二世雇人写文章讨伐英国人民,因为当年他们支持处死查理一世,米尔顿写此文为英国人民辩护。);Pa

24、radise Lost失乐园;Paradise Regained复乐园;Samson Agonistes力士参孙。 Paradise Lost失乐园: 概况:Paradise lost, consisting of 12 books, naturally divides into three equal parts of four books each. The stories were taken from the Old Testament and written in blank verse. In this work Milton tried to answer the old que

25、stion challenging all Christians, namely: if God is all-good and all-powerful, why is there so much suffering and evil in this world 主题:There are three striking aspects of his intention can be felt in this epic: his faith in God, his inclination for classicism, and his yearning for reformation and f

26、reedom. 人物: Satan, though defeated, still sought revenge, is the most striking character in the poem. Though feebler in force, he remains superior in nobility, since he prefers independence to happy servility. Satan is the spirit of questioning the authority of God. In the poem God is no better than

27、 a selfish despot, seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing his praises. However, we can never take it for granted that Milton is attacking God. The God Milton cursed was, in fact, not the Christian Providence but a mere symbol for anything he believed to be bad or im

28、moral. Adam and Eve embody Miltons belief in the powers of man.2. 贡献/技法: Milton was political in both his life and his art. He wrote the greatest epic in English literature. He and Shakespeare have always been regarded as two patterns of English verse. He is a master of the blank verse. He first use

29、d blank verse in non-dramatic works. He is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style. (a). His style is characterized with the epic elements in it. (b). He always inverse the word order. (c). His writing is circumlocution (累赘的陈述). (d). His use of immensely long sentences and the epanalepsis

30、(语句间隔反复) He has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.四、 十八世纪英国文学(思想启蒙时期) Alexander Pope1. 简介:Alexander Pope was known as representative of the Enlightenment. He is one of the first to introduce rationalism into England. He believed in the necessity of universal

31、education, especially that of social morality, classic culture and scientific knowledge. He also assumed the role of champion of traditional civilization. (为什么说他是启蒙运动的代表)。 代表作:Essay on Criticism论批评(用英雄双韵体作);The Rape of the Lock卷发遇劫记;The Dunciad群愚史记;Essay on Man人论(启蒙主义重要的作品)。2. 成就/局限性: Pope was an ou

32、tstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school in the first half of the 18th century. He usually writes in the form of heroic couplets. His style is direct and compact. He was at his best in satire and epigram. Almost all his works are satires. He is good at saying brilliant and true things in a sparkling way. But he lacked the lyrical gift. Daniel Defoe(赏析)i

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