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1、新目标英语七年级下册基础知识填空题新目标英语七年级下册基础知识填空题一、根据句意和首字母填空。1、Where is your pen p from?2、She is from C .3、We l in Paris with our parents.4、China is a very friendly c .5、What l do you speak?6、There are many countries in the w .7、Whats your likes and d ?8、They come from France, and they speak F .9、Mr. King is from

2、 Japan, and he is J .10、Whats your f subject?二、用所给的词的适当形式填空。1、Can you speak (Japan)?2、Whats (he)favorite subject?3、Where (be)the boys? Do you know?4、Does Tom (live)in Singapore?5、They are from three different (country).6、Can you (tell)me the answer?四、句型转换。1、My sister comes from Beijing.(改为同义句) My si

3、ster Beijing.2、His uncle lives in Paris.(对画线部分提问) His uncle ?3、I can speak Chinese and English.(对画线部分提问) can you speak?4、She speaks French.(改为一般疑问句) She French?5、My brother is from Canada.(对画线部分提问) Your brother from?六、用动词的适当形式完成下面的短文。 Mr. Green is from the United Kingdom. He (teach)English in a midd

4、le school. He (speak)some Chinese. But he cant (speak)much. He (go)to Chinese classes every week. He (like) (work)in China very much. He says the Chinese people (be)very kind.三、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1、What l does your uncle speak?2、I think China is a very i country.3、My favorite s is P.E.4、Can you w to me

5、soon?5、I dont like math. Its too d .6、My uncle l in Sydney.7、He is from Japan, and he speaks J .8、 Where is Sydney? Its in A .9、I think China is a very interesting c .10、Please write and tell me about y .四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、We dont want to (play)soccer now.2、Does she speak (Japan)?3、I like (go)to the mo

6、vies and (play)sports with my friends.六、句型转换。1、Liu Lei is from China.(改为同义句) Liu Lei is .2、Can you write a letter to him?(改为同义句) Can you ?3、Nancy speaks English and French.(对画线部分提问) Nancy speak?4、Her brother lives in Beijing.(对画线部分提问) her brother ?5、Her favorite subject is Chinese.(对画线部分提问) her favo

7、rite subject?七、完成句子。1、你的笔友来自哪儿? Where is your from?2、你的爷爷住在哪儿? does your grandpa ?3、他们来自澳大利亚。 They are from .4、吉娜说什么语言? does Gina speak?5、你有兄弟姐妹吗? Do you have brothers ?6、我想找一个中国笔友。 I want a pen pal .7、我认为中国是一个非常有趣的国家。I China is a very country.8、我喜欢踢足球和打篮球。 I like soccer and basketball.9、你经常给你的朋友们写信

8、吗? Do you often your friends?10、请写信告诉我有关你自己的情况。 Please and me .二、根据中文意思完成句子。 1John 每天都忙于写作。 John _ _ _ every day. 2 一直向前走,你就可以找到那家银行了。 _ _ and you can find the bank. 3.Center Street 是一个好玩的地方。 Center street is a good place _ _ _. 4.我喜欢听音乐。 I enjoy _ _ _ _. 5.公用汽车站就在学校的前面。 The bus station is _ _ _ the

9、 school.一、 根据句意和首字母填空。1、Your shoes are clean, but my shoes are d .2、The Great Wall is an interesting P . We want to visit it this Sunday.3、 Excuse me, is there a bookshop near here? Yes, go s and turn left.4、Where is the p phone? I want to call Lisa.5、We often take a walk in our g .6、A river goes t

10、the city.7、You can borrow a book from the l .8、We often go shopping in this big s .9、If you are h ,you can have some rice.10、There is not a bank in the n .二、 用适当的介词填空。1、The library is across our school.2、The post office is Fifth Avenue.3、Wednesday is Tuesday and Thursday.4、There is a bank in the .5、

11、Linda often walks the park to go to school.6、The supermarket is next the hotel.五、句型转换。1、Our school is in the neighborhood.(改为同义句) Our school is .2、The hotel in the city is across form the post office.(对画线部分提问) the hotel in the city?3、The post office is on Fifth Avenue.(对画线部分提问) the post office?4、The

12、re is a quiet street near here.(改为一般疑问句) a quiet street near here?5、There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句) books on the desk?一、根据句意及首字母补全单词。1、A h has rooms and restaurants.2、The shop is b the library and the hotel.3、If you are h ,you can buy some food to eat.4、Lets go out and take a w .5、The par

13、k is a good place to have f .6、We can enjoy the citys q street and small parks.7、My house is on a b street. Its too noisy(吵闹).8、 Do you e your work? Yes, I like it very much.9、There is a pay phone b the bank.10、Lets be q in the library.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、Linda enjoys (read) English every morning.2、The

14、 hotel with an (interest) garden is Mr. Smiths.3、There are four (library) in the city.4、The post office is (cross)from the library.5、Across from the shop (be)some restaurants.6、The r is very clean. We like to eat in it.7、There is two big b over the river in our city.五、句型转换。1、The post office is next

15、to the supermarket.(对画线部分提问) the post office?2、Let me tell you how to get to the airport.(改为同义句) Let me tell you the airport.3、Excuse me, is there a bank near here?改为同义句) Excuse me, is there a bank ? 4、There are some hamburgers in the supermarket.(改为否定句) There hamburgers in the supermarket. 5、Walk t

16、hrough the street and you can find it.(改为同义句) through the street and you can find it.六、完成句子。1、他们常常打的去宾馆。 They often to the hotel.2、沿着银行街一直往前走,你就会看到公用电话。 bank Street, you can see the 3、请问,这附近有一家宾馆吗? ,is there a hotel ?4、 超市在哪儿? 它在银行对面。 the supermarket? Its the bank.5、公园在邮局的前面。 The park is the the pos

17、t office.6、图书馆在花园和动物园之间。 The library is the garden the zoo.7、当你看到一座桥时,左拐弯。 you see a , .8、在这儿附近有一个带花园的房子。 There is a house near here.9、欢迎返校。 to school10、让我们去散步吧 Lets 。一、根据句意及首字母填空。1、W to the zoo.2、Giraffes are very i .3、The elephant like to eat g .4、The lion is very u , I dont like it.5、We know t ea

18、t meat.6、The koala sleeps d the day, but gets up at night and eats.7、The girl is very b , and we all like her.8、I have two sisters. One is Linda, the o is Kathy.9、We like to eat m for supper.10、She is very l , and she dont want to do anything.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、Dolphins are very (friend)to people.2、I

19、like giraffes because they are very (interest).3、I want to see the tigers (one).4、Lets (is)quiet.5、There are many (leaf)on the tree in summer.6、There are two (zoo)in our city.7、Shes four (year)old.8、The boys want (play)soccer now.9、What other (animal)do you like?10、Nancy (play)with her friends every

20、 day.四、句型转换。 1、He sleeps 15 hours a day.(改为一般疑问句) he 15 hours a day? 2、Where does he come from?(改为同义句) he ? 3、The picture is a little ugly.(改为同义句) The picture is ugly. 4、I like them because panda are cute.(改为同义句) Pandas are I like them. 5、I like dolphins because they are very friendly.(对画线部分提问) do y

21、ou like dolphins?五、完成句子。1、Its (有点儿)late now.2、你通常晚上几点睡觉? What time you usually to night?3、上课了,请安静。 Class begins, please .4、海豚还算有趣。 Dolphins are ?5、汤姆为什么想看长颈鹿? Does Tom see the giraffes?6、他太懒,他每天睡觉、放松20个小时。 Hes too . He and every day.7、爸爸最喜欢的动物是狮子。 My fathers animal is .8、 难道它不是来自中国吗? 是的,它来自澳大利亚。 it

22、China? , its from .9、他儿子有点怕生。 Her son is .10、他喜欢和朋友们一起玩耍,也喜欢看电视。 He likes to his friends and TV.一、根据句意及首字母补全单词。1、 Do you want to be a r for a TV station? Yes, I do.2、I am a policeman. My job is very interesting but kind of d .3、The girls are shop a at a book store.4、My aunt works in a hospital, but

23、she isnt a doctor. She is a n .5、He counts a lot of money every day. He is a bank c .二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、The are very popular. (act)2、He is a policeman and are afraid of him.(thief)3、This is an job. I want to get it. (interest)4、He knows many (story)about Lei Feng.5、Her mother is good at . (cook)四、同义句

24、转换。1、Whats your job?What you ?2、I have two skirts. is new and is old. He .3、I count(数)much money every day, but its not my money. I count money every day, but its not my money.4、My sister is a waitress in that restaurant. My sister .5、He wants to work in the police station. He a policeman.一、根据句意和首字母

25、完成单词。1、Linda works in a shop. She is a shop a .2、Cheng Long is a famous(著名的)s . He play in many movies.3、She is very busy. She often works I at night.4、Mary works at a TV s . She is a reporter.5、The man is out of work(失业). So he doesnt make m .6、Do you want to be a n in a hospital?7、You cant play so

26、ccer in the street. Its d .8、Jims father like to read m after work.9、The r can write a lot of stories and meet a lot of people.10、Mr. Smith likes reading n after supper.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、 (do) your brother work in the bank?2、Lisa wants (be) a good nurse.3、Bob is a policeman. (thief) dont like him.4、H

27、is father often (go) out to dinners at weekends.5、Hi, (wait)!Give me a cup of tea please.6、 (write) down your name, please.7、I like going to the movies and (play) sports.8、His father and uncle are (policeman).9、The (child) in the picture are from the US.10、I dont know he is your (teach).四、句型转换。1、My

28、father works in the bane.(改为否定句) My father in the bank.2、What is your brother?(改为同义句) What your brother ?3、She starts in a new movie.(对画线部分提问) She in a new movie?4、He want to be a policeman because he thinks its an exciting job.(对画线部分提问) he to be a policeman?5、The thief doesnt like him.(改为复数句子) The

29、like .五、完成句子。1、我们给你提供一个当服务员的工作。 We a job you a waiter.2、他喜欢和别人交谈。 He like other people.3、这些故事书有些有趣。 The story is .4、你想成为一名警察吗? you want to a ?5、他的工作忙碌且刺激吗? Is his work and ?6、当人们出去吃饭时服务员很忙。 Waiters are very busy when people .7、我每天忙着做家务。 I am homework every day.8、你想为一家杂志社工作吗? Do you want to a ?9、她不想在银行工作。 She to work in the bank?10、你喜欢写故事吗? Do you like ?一、词型转换。 1、clean(现在分词)

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