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学年高中英语创新方案外研版必修1Unit 1 Section 5讲义 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高中英语创新方案外研版必修1Unit 1 Section 5讲义 Word版含答案技法指导电子邮件是通过网络发送的信件,其格式都是由计算机中的电子邮件程序预先设定的,一般只要按部就班就能完成电子邮件的写作。电子邮件的正文内容和格式要求与纸张信件一样,只是发送的方式不同而已。1电子邮件的写作模式 (1)日期和地址:由于在发送email时,网络系统本身会显示时间,所以写email时,通常只需要写收信人的电子邮箱地址和主题行。(2)称呼:空一行顶格写收信人的称呼,前面可以加上dear,以示礼貌,如:Dear Mr. Lee等,其后常用逗号。(3)正文:email和一般书信一样,有正式与非正式之分

2、。通常因对象的不同,会有语气及用词上的差异。比较正式的电子邮件(如商务信函)的正文,用词要正式,最好不要用比较随便的英语问候语,如:How are you?对于朋友之间的问候电子邮件(如问候信),语言的使用可以比较随便。(4)结尾称呼:根据写信者与收信者之间的关系来确定结尾称呼。可用Yours respectfully/Yours truly/Yours sincerely等正规说法,也可以直接署上写信人的姓名。2电子邮件的主题及语言(1)要有一个说明性的、合适的主题。其目的在于让收信者快速地了解电子邮件的主要内容。如:Life in Britain/Congratulations from

3、Wang Hai等。(2)要用简练的词语。电子邮件的语言主要讲究简洁、真实、准确,如maybe, possible, most of等不确定的表达方法是不宜多用的,但可用一些具体的数目作辅助说明。为了让被描述事物的特征给读者留下具体而深刻的印象,可以用一些生动的词汇或句型来表达。如rather, better than before, only, if you try it ., when you use it .等。特别是在一些商务电子邮件中,语言的正确性尤其重要。黄金表达,教你如何营造亮点常用的开头语1I have been in the United States for a month

4、.2Thank you for your letter of Oct. 16th.3I have a great pleasure to tell you that .4I have received your message today.5How are you getting along with your daily life?话题引入语1If so, please email me in response.2As far as I know, .3As to/for your question, .4I wonder how you learnt that .5Im glad to t

5、ell you something about it.常用的结束语1Enjoy a good day & have fun!2Please keep in touch with me.3With kind/best regards.4Im looking forward to your answer.5Please write to me soon and tell me about your .写作规范题目要求假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友Mike想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Mike写一封email,向他介绍我国的传统节日春节的情况。内容提示:1.春节在中国的重要性;2春节期间人

6、们的主要活动(节前、除夕、节日期间)。注意:1.词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。Dear Mike, How are you? Best wishes!Yours,Liu Wei三步作文法第一步:搜索词汇1传统的traditional2持续 last3对感兴趣 be_interested_in4像;例如 such_as5用装饰 decorate_._with6在前夕 on_the_eve_of7燃放焰火 set_off_fireworks第二步:由词造句1春节在中国是最重要的传统节日,通常持续15天。Spring_Festival_is_the_


8、s_any_bad_luck.During_the_days_before_the_festival,_people_clean_their_houses_which_they_think_sweeps_any_bad_luck.第三步:连句成篇Dear Mike,How are you? Im really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, MidAutumn

9、 Day. Id like to introduce the Spring Festival to you.Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China, which usually lasts for 15 days.During the days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cut

10、s. On the eve on the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish e

11、ach a happy year and good luck. How happy we are!Best wishes!Yours,Liu Wei对应学生课时达标训练(四).阅读理解Doing homework not only can help children master the knowledge they have learned, but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone, planning the time and doing the duties. But some children dont

12、 like to complete the work. Why? There are some reasons.Some children feel it is very difficult to do their homework, because they cant understand their teacher clearly, and cant follow their teachers teaching process. Maybe there is something wrong with their intelligenceBut some childrens intellig

13、ence is normal. They are even cleverer, but they dont listen to the teacher carefully. It is hard for them to sit well and pay attention to anything. It needs to carry on the attention centralized (集中注意力) training to help the children.Some children love their teacher and then they like the subject.

14、Their interest depends on the teacher who teaches them. So every teacher should be helpful and kind. It can make children love you and the subject you teach. So they can do their homework happily.语篇解读:这篇短文主要介绍了学生不喜欢写作业的原因,一方面是学生听不懂老师讲的内容,另一方面是学生注意力不集中,再就是学生是否喜欢这个老师。1Doing homework can help children

15、_. Amaster the knowledgeBtrain their abilitiesClearn new lessonsDBoth A and B解析:选D细节理解题。根据短文第一段“Doing homework not only can help children master the knowledge they have learned, but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone, planning the time and doing the duties.”可知做作业不仅可以掌握知识而且可以训

16、练他们独立完成作业、计划时间、尽责任的能力,故选D。2Some children find the homework difficult. Which reason is NOT right? AThey cant understand their teacher clearly.BThey cant follow their teachers teaching process.CThe intelligence of all the students isnt normal.DThey dont listen to the teacher carefully.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段

17、“But some childrens intelligence is normal.”可知许多孩子的智力是正常的,故C错误。3Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “intelligence” in Para. 2? A作业B智商C思想 D方式解析:选B词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句意可知:也许他们的智商有问题,故选B。4According to the last paragraph, the writer thinks _ is very important.Aa teacher Ba subjectCattention Dhome

18、work解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段可知作者认为老师在学生乐于学习方面很重要,故选A。.任务型阅读When I was 16 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. 1._ It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was far away. 2._ I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone.Every time I listened to o

19、ther students talking and laughing, I felt my heart break. I couldnt talk about anyone with my problems. And I didnt want my parents to worry about me.Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. 3._ I didnt know who he was. He passed me and

20、 then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile on his face.Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy, lively and warm 4._ I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smi

21、le has become my best friend now. One day I asked him why he smiled, but he couldnt remember smiling at me! 5._ I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think it lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.AAt that moment, a boy entered the classro

22、om.BHes living in Australia now and he loves it.CIt doesnt matter because all the dark days have gone.DIt was a smile.EThat smile changed my life.FIts practically impossible to make friends here.GAs a result, no one knew who I was.1解析:选D根据下文内容“He looked at me, with a smile on his face.”他脸上带着笑容,看着我。文

23、章最后一句“So smile at the world and it will smile back.”对世界微笑,世界就会对你微笑。综观全文内容可知“我十六岁的时候,一个男孩给了我一个重要的微笑”。所以下一句应是“它是一个微笑”。故选D。2解析:选G上一句提到:我原来的学校很远。下句:我很孤单,害怕与任何人交朋友。可知我不敢和别人交朋友,说明没有人认识我。故此空选G。3解析:选A根据下文的“I didnt know who he was”可知有一个男孩进入了教室。故选A。4解析:选E根据上文的“It made me feel happy, lively and warm.”空格下一句说的是:

24、我开始和其他学生谈话、交朋友。所以此处表达的应该是“微笑改变了我的生活”。可知E正确。5解析:选C根据上句:带着幸运微笑的男孩已经变成了我最好的朋友。下句是:我相信这个世界是你认为它是什么。根据上下文可知作者认为一切的黑暗都过去了。所以选C。.完形填空A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students on stress (压力) management. He _1_ a glass of water and asked the audience, “How _2_ do you think this glass of water is?”The s

25、tudents answers ranged (变化) _3_20g to 500g. “It does not matter on the absolute _4_. It depends on how_5_ you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for a(n)_6_, I will have a pain in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to _7_ an ambulance (救护车). It is exactly the

26、 _8_ weight, but the longer I hold it, the _9_ it becomes.” The whole audience became silent, lost in thought. After a moment, the lecturer continued, “_10_we carry our burden (负担) all the time, _11_, we will not be able to carry on with the burden becoming increasingly heavier, _12_ heavy for us to

27、 bear. “What you have to do is to _13_ the glass, rest for a while _14_ holding it up again.”As is shown in the story above, we have to put down the burden periodically, _15_ we can be refreshed and are able to carry on. So before you _16_ home from work tonight, put the burden of _17_down. Dont car

28、ry it back _18_. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burden you are having now on your _19_, let it down for a moment if you can. Life is short, _20_ it!语篇解读:我们在一生中有许多的责任要承担,但是不要让这些责任把我们压垮。一杯水分量不重,但是如果要一直举着,人们就不能承受。同样的道理,背负的负担不大,但是一直压在心头就会让人难以轻松。所以,我们要学会放下负担,享受生活。1A.neededBdrankCsupported Draised解

29、析:选D考查动词辨析。need“需要”;drink“喝”;support“支持”;raise“举起,提出”。从下文内容“It depends on how_ you hold it.”可知演讲者举起一杯水,选D。2A.sweet BpureCheavy Dmuch解析:选C考查形容词辨析。sweet“甜的”;pure“纯的”;heavy“重的”;much“许多”。根据下句的回答可知演讲人问一杯水的重量,选C。 BfromCwith Dbetween解析:选B考查介词辨析。从句意可知人们的猜测从20克到500克不等,range from . to“从到不等”。4A.height Bvo

30、lumeCweight Dquantity解析:选C考查名词辨析。height“高”;volume“体积”;weight“重量”;quantity“数量”。从后文可知演讲人认为一杯水的重量对于人们能端着的时间没多大关系,选C。5A.difficult BlongCtight Dhigh解析:选B考查形容词辨析。difficult“困难的”;long“长的”;tight“紧的”;high“高的”。根据后句“but the longer I hold it”,可知选B。6A.hour BsecondCday Dhalf解析:选A考查名词辨析。hour“小时”;second“秒”;day“天”;half“一半”。根据下文day 判断演讲人是假设人们举一个小时的杯子,选A。 BinviteCrequire Dask解析:选A考查动词辨析。call“喊,打电话”;invite“邀请”;require“要求”;ask“问”。从语境可知如果端一天杯子,那么就会进医院,所以选A。8A.right BsameCproper Dusual解析:选B考查形容词辨析。right“正确的,右边的”;same“同样的”;proper“恰当的”;usual“通常的”。从上文可知演讲人是说端同样的杯子,但是时间不同,故选B。9A.more BlighterCless Dheavier解析:选D考

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