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1、3500词汇精选pptConvertor1. have a wide knowledge of 掌握了2. in a voice 用.的嗓音 at the top of your voice 用最大的声音3. cant wait to do 迫不及待做wait on 招待4. declare war (on sb) 对sb宣战5. warn sb (not) to do 警告sb(不)要去做6. it is a waste of time/ money/ effort 浪费时间/金钱/白费力 waste in doing sth 做sth浪费了sth8. weep for 为sth/s

2、b而哭泣9. put on/ gain weight 增重 lose weight 减肥10. make sb feel welcome 使sb感到受欢迎的 be welcome to do 欢迎做sth11. in a whisper 耳语12. be wild with anger 狂然大怒13. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成14. be willing to do 愿意做sth15. wish for 希望得到sth have no wish to do 没有意愿去做 16. withdraw A from B 从b撤回a17

3、. it is no wonder that难怪18.keep sbs word 守诺言19. sth be worth sth/ doing 值sth/值得去做 be worthy of 值得20. in sbs youth 在sb年轻的时候1那个门前有两棵树的屋子是他过去曾经居住过的地方。(介词+which)The house , in front of which there are two trees, was the place he used to live in.2这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子。(watch over)The mother is watching over her

4、 sleeping child now.3这个问题值得讨论。( worth)The problem is worth discussing.4.他收到了一份礼物,难怪他那么开心。 ( no wonder )He had received a gift. No wonder that he was so happy.5.除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。 (a balanced diet, put on weight )Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.1.have trouble in doing sth 做s

5、th有麻烦 have trouble with sth有麻烦2. in trouble 在麻烦中3. sth come true 实现 realize ones dream4. to tell the truth 说实话5. be unable to do 不能做sth ; enable sb to do6 . be unconscious of 没有知觉7. underconditions/ circumstances 在.的情况下9. undergo a change 经历改变10. undertake a task 承担一个任务11. in school uniform 穿校服12. b

6、e united with sb 和团聚13. it be up to sb to do sth 由sb决定做sth14. urge sb to do 催促sb去做sth15. make use of 利用 Its no use doing sth 做sth没有用16 .be/ get used to doing 习惯于做sth sb used to do sb过去常常做sth sth be used to do sth被用来做sth17. vary from A to B 从a到b改变18. have strong views about sth 对于sth有强烈的观点19.hold a v

7、iew 持有观点; in sbs view 在sb看来20. pay sb a visit 拜访sb1.不论发生什么事情,我将永远都不会放弃。 (No matter)No matter what may happen, I will never give up.2.他知道在收集、分析这些事实之前,他们不可能得出一个的结论。 (notuntil;draw a conclusion)He knew they would not draw a conclusion until all the facts had been gathered and analyzed.3.学校饭堂为我们提供各种各样的菜

8、式。 (a variety of)The school canteen provides a variety of food for us.4.到目前为止,我对居住在广州感到非常满意。(up to now; be content with)Up to now, I have been content with living in Guangzhou.5.多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。(thanks to)Thanks to everyones hard work, the performance was a great success.11. be thirsty for s

9、th 渴望sth12. under threat 处于威胁中sth; threaten sb with sth 用sth来威胁sb13. clear your throat 清清嗓子14 .be tired of 厌倦15. all too/ only too to非常(强调不希望存在却存在的事物)16. keep/ stay in touch with sb和sb保持联系 get in touch with sb 和sb取得联系17. trace sth back to 追溯到18. trade sth for sth 用sth交换sth19. translate sth from A in

10、to B 把sth从a翻译到b20. treat sb like/ as 象.一样对待sb1 .我们应该积极参加社区服务. 这样可以丰富我们的生活. (take part in, enrich)We should take an active part in community service, which can enrich our life.2 .这对夫妇由于失业,不得不向亲戚求助。(out of work; turn to; relative) Being out of work, the couple had to turn to their relatives.3.虽然他自己并没有

11、觉得做了什么突出的事情,他的同事们却对他交口称赞 .(think highly of) His colleagues thought highly of him though he himself didnt think he had done anything special.4 .我肯定他在会议上出现,因为他是一个守诺言的人。(turn up; keep ones word)Im sure that he will turn up to the meeting because he is a man who keeps his word.5.他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)He wa

12、s amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.1.have/ find the strength to do 有力气做sth2.under stress 在压力之下;stressful 压力重的;紧张的 strict about sth 对sth严格;be strict with sb 对sb严格4.struggle to do/ for 挣扎去做 subject to 臣服于;change the subject改变话题6.substitute A for B 用a代替b = rep

13、lace b with a7.succeed in doing 成功做sth=be successful in doing sth8.suchas 象.一样的.; such as 例如9.suffer from 遭受10.suggest doing 建议做 suitable for 对sth/sb适合12.a large sum of money 一大笔钱 superior to 优于 sb with sth 提供sb sth; supply sth to supposed to do 应该做sth16.make sure 确保

14、;be sure of 肯定sth; be sure to do 肯定去做sth17.take sb by surprise 使sb吓一跳18.carry out/ conduct a survey 做调查19.suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑sb做sth20.swear to do 发誓去做sth21.switch on/ off 打开/关掉22.take in 吸收;take off 起飞;take on a new look呈现一片新面貌;take to sth/sb/ doing喜欢;take up占据/从事于; take over 移交23.have a tale

15、nt for 对sth有天分= be talented in=have a gift for=be gifted sb into/ out of doing 说服sb去做sth; talk about/ of 谈论25.have the task of doing 有做sth的任务26.have a taste for 对于sth有品位 tears 泪流满面; tearapart 撕碎; 1. (假设你是学校英语报的小记者)上周以“你支持低碳生活吗?”为主题对学校300名学生进行了一次调查。(survey)Last week a survey concerning

16、 low-carbon life was carried out among 300 students in our school.2. 专家建议: 家长和学生在选购文具(stationary)时,应尽量避免使用有浓烈香味和刺激性气味(strong and offensive smells)的文具。(suggestion)Some experts put forward the suggestion that school children should try to avoid using stationary with strong and offensive smells.3.虽然承受着

17、巨大的压力,他的父母努力不让他感觉别人的生活条件比他优越。(stress, struggle, superior)Though under great stress, his parents struggle to rid him of the feeling that others are living a life superior to his.4. 自从我们用一台液晶电视(Liquid Crystal Display TelevisionLCD TV)换掉旧电视以后,我们家的客厅面貌一新。(substitute, take on)Since we substituted an LCD

18、TV for the old one , our living room has taken on a new look.5. 她心脏不好,不适合承担这么繁重的工作。(suffer, suitable, stressful)Suffering from a heart disease , she is not suitable for such a stressful job.1.or so 大约so as to 为了去做sth;so that 为的是;sothat 如此.以至于;so many/ much/ few/ little 这么多/少;so great a man 如此伟大的一个人;

19、2.the solution to the problem 问题的解决办法;solve a problem 解决问题 soon as;一.就.;sooner or later 迟早4.a sore throat 嗓子痛5.heart and soul 全心全意6.Can you spare me5minutes?我能占你分钟吗?spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力去做sth7.give/ make/ deliver a speech 发表演说 the speed of 以.的速度;speed up 加速9.spend sth on sth 在sth上面花

20、sth;spend sth in doing 在做sth上面花了 in good/ high spirits 情绪高昂/心情好 spite of 尽管12.spoken English 英语口语13.on the spot 在现场14.stand up 站起来;stand for 代表; stand by旁观;stand up for支持 standards 生活水平16.stare at sth/sb 盯着sth/sb看17.start to do/ doing 开始做sth ; to start with 首先 a bad/ terri

21、ble state 处于糟糕的状态19.steal sth from sb 从sb那里偷sth20.stick to 坚持21.stimulate sb to do 激励sb去做sth,促进sb去做sth22.stock market 股票市场23.a stones throw (away) from 一步之遥24.stop to do/ doing 停下来做sth/停止做sth;stop sb from doing 阻止sb做sth;come to a stop 停止/停顿;bring sth to a stop 使sth停止1. 随着生活水平的提高,一些平民百姓开始进入股票市场.(stan

22、dard,start,stock)With the development of living standards, some common people started to enter the stock market.2. 关于这个问题,我想出了三种解决方案。您能抽出10分钟时间听我解释吗?(solution,spare)I have come up with three solutions to this problem. Can you spare 10 minutes to listen to my explanation ?3. 在这次英语口语比赛中,参赛者必须发表三分钟的演讲。

23、(spoken,speech)In this spoken English competition,the participants are required to deliver a three-minute speech .4. 高考竞争如此激烈,它激励着所有高三学生时刻保持高昂的斗志。(stimulate,spirit)The university entrance examination is so fiercely competitive that all senior three students are stimulated to fight in high spirits at

24、 any time.5. 不管在过去的一年里我们经历了多少艰难困苦,现在我们离成功只有一步之遥了。(spite, stone)In spite of the hardship over the past year, now we are just a stones throw from success. 1.see sb. off 为sb送行;see through 看穿;see to it that 保证,确保;see sb do/ doing/ done 看见sb做sth/正在做sth /被2.seize a chance/ an opportunity 抓住机会; grasp a cha

25、nce抓住机会3.sell out卖完4.send sb. sth = send sth to sb 把sth送给sb; send sb to do 派sb去做/使sb去做;send for sb.派人去请 senior to 比.高级/年长6.a sense of humor 幽默感. There is no sense in doing sth 做sth没有意义. make sense 讲得通,有道理 sensitive to sth 对sth敏感 ; be insensitive to sth. 对sth不敏感8.death/ jail sentence 死刑/判坐

26、牢;sentence sb to sth 宣判sb去sth9.separate A from B 把a和b分开10.a series of 一系列地11.serve as sth. 起着sth的作用12.set about doing 开始做sth;set aside 留置,节省;set off 出发;set out to do 开始做sth;set up 建立;set an example 树立榜样13.settle down 定居下来14.shake hands with sb 和sb握手15.a sharp turn 急转弯at oclock sharp 在点整16.shift the

27、blame/ responsibility (onto sb) 把责任推卸到sb身上;day/ early/ late/ night shift 中班/早班/晚班17.a shoe shop 鞋店;in sbs shoes 在sb的位置18.shoot at sb/sth 朝sb/sth射击 short of 缺少;water/ food shortage 缺水/食物;shortly before/ after 在.之前不久/在.之后不久20.broad shoulders 宽阔的肩膀;look over sbs shoulder 监督sb;shoulder to shoulder肩

28、并肩21.shout at/ to sb 朝sb喊叫shout out 叫出 sb sth= show sth to sb 把sth给sb看;show off 炫耀;show sb around sp 带领sb参观sp; on show 在展出中 first sight 第一眼at the sight of 看见sth;in/ out of sight 看得见/看不见 similar to A in B 在b这个方面和a相似25.sleep soundly 熟睡; sleep like a log 熟睡26.slow down 减慢。二、句子翻译1. 专家们建

29、醒某些地区要抓住机遇调整产业结构。(seize)The experts remind that some areas must seize the opportunity to adjust their industrial structure.2. 马丁先生被判处三年监禁,但这个判决并没有让他的家人与他分开。(sentence, separate)Mr. Martin was sentenced to three years in prison, but the sentence didnt separate him from his family。3. 收到短信后不久,她就动身去电影院了。

30、(shortly, set)Shortlly after receiving the message, she set off for the cinema.4. 法官说这种惩罚将起到杀一儆百的作用. (serve)The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.5. 他是一个具有幽默感的人,这一点跟他父亲很相似。(sense, similar)He has a sense of humor, which is similar to his father.1.resist doing 抵抗做 som

31、e respects 在某些方面 pay your respects to sb 对sb表现出尊敬 respect sb for 因为sth而尊敬sb3.respond to 对.作出回应 in response to对.作出回应4.take/ have responsibility for 对sth有责任 be responsible for 对sth/sb负责 a result (of sth) 由于sth result in 导致 result from 由于 return (for sth) 作为对sth的回报7.reward sb with sth 用sth来回报/奖励sb; reward sb for 因为sth而奖励sb。8.get rid of 摆脱9.give rise to 引起10.risk doing 冒险做sth11.rob sb of sth 抢sb的sth12.have/ play a role in (doing) sth 在sth中起着作用 role model 模范13.make r

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