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1、英语四六级考试必记的热点词句英语四六级考试必记的热点词句(一)动词短语和词组1.向祝贺,向干杯raise a glass to sb.婚礼上,人们举杯向这对新人祝贺,祝福他们永远幸福。At the wedding party, people raised a glass to the new couple wishing them a happy life for ever.2. (疑心 / 兴趣 / 好奇心)与日俱增(ones suspicions / interest / curiosity) to be aroused over time随着孩子们年龄的增长,他们对周围世界的好奇心与日俱

2、增。As children get older, their curiosity about the outside world around them is aroused over time.3. 全部买进buy up考试大论坛听说要涨价,市民们纷纷到商店大量抢购。Word of price rise sent the citizens to shops to buy up as much as they could.4. 投入大量资金 / 投资于provide a large injection of cash intopour money intosink money into政府投入

3、了大量的资金去改善生活环境。The government provided a large injection of cash into bettering the living environment.5. 使起死回生 / 使焕发生机bring sth. / sb. back to life改革开放政策使深圳这个过去的小镇焕发了生机。The policy of reform and opening-up brought Shenzhen, a small town in the past, back to life.6. 实践梦想,生活在幻想中live out a fantasy她年轻的时候

4、幻想着自己是个电影明星,过着和她们一样的奢侈生活。When young, she led an extravagant life, living out a fantasy that she was a movie star.7.提升为rise to a position as经过努力,这位年轻人很快升为公司的总经理。Through his own effort, the young man soon rose to a position as the general manager of the company.8.遭到不幸,倒霉fall upon dark days当那个地区的人民遭受不幸

5、时,政府和社会各界都表示了他们的关怀和爱心。When the people in that area fell upon dark days, both the government and the people from all walks of life showed their concern and love.9.(尤指在困难时刻)继续支持,忠于stick by sth. / sb.尽管球队目前处于低谷,但忠实的球迷们继续支持她。Although the team is at the lowest point, the devoted football fans stick by he

6、r as they used to.10. 收回,撤回get sth. back / take sth. back这位企业家在此小镇投入巨资,并无意收回,而只是为了回报家乡的养育之恩。This enterpriser sunk a large amount of money into the town with no intention of getting it back but with the mere purpose of repaying his hometown for her love and care for his growth.11.开展活动,反对 / 支持conduct

7、activities against / for被占领国的人民举行各种活动反对这个超级大国的入侵。The people of the occupied country conducted various activities against the invasion of the superpower.12. 深深地 吸引了某人;因使某人着迷capture ones heart with电影“泰坦尼克”以它那美妙的音乐和感人的情节深深地打动了许多年轻人的心。Titanic, a wonderful movie, captured many young peoples hearts with i

8、ts fascinating music and touching plots.13.消失在远方/夜幕中/人群中disappear into the distance / in the dark / in the crowd当夜幕降临时,整个村庄消失在黑暗中。As evening came, the whole village disappeared in the dark / into darkness.14.向远方行进march over the horizon部队唱着歌,迈着整齐的步伐向远方前进。Singing songs, the troops are marching in step

9、 over the horizon.15. 获取,得到 / 占领的绝大部分acquire / conquer the bulk of sth.通过收购其股票,这家国有公司很快控制了那家私营公司绝大部分的股权。Through purchasing the stocks, the state-owned company soon acquired the bulk of the stocks of that privately-run company.16. 和打交道 / 作交易来源:考试大strike / make a deal(s) with生意人应当以诚信为本,公平交易。A business

10、man must take honesty as his cardinal principle and make fair deals.17. 停滞不前stand still在人生的竞赛中,如果你总是安于现状、停滞不前,你永远也不会成为胜者。In the race of human life, you will never win any place if you are always satisfied with what you are and stand still.18. 前进,向前move ahead只要不断进取,勇于创新,你就能登上最高领奖台。As long as you keep

11、 on moving ahead and strive to bring forth new ideas, you will reach the top of the winners platform.19. 落后,落伍fall behind那个领导的观点已经落伍了。The leaders opinion had fell behind.20. 受支配be slaves to意志坚强的人主宰自己的人生,而意志薄弱者甘愿受命运摆布。A man of strong will feels in control of his own life while a man of weak will feel

12、s himself to be a slave to his fate.21. 深深感到have a rather acute sense of风雨同舟几十年,这对老夫妇深感人生中爱情的珍贵。Having gone through many years of hardship in the same boat, the old couple have a rather acute sense of the true value of love in their life.22. 寻求注意力,引起注意seek attention这家公司独特的宣传和推广活动使它最终在交易会上出尽了风头。The u

13、nique publicity and promotion eventually helped the company seek more than enough attention from the public at the trade fair.23. 匆匆忙忙地做来源:考试大的美女编辑们race through时间不够了,这些学生只好匆匆忙忙地做完卷子上剩下的题目。As the time is running out, these students have to race through the rest of the questions on the test paper.24.

14、恢复,返回get back to退耕还林使这个地区又恢复了昔日的秀美。The move to return grain for green has got this area back to its former beauty.25. 认为某事是针对某人的take sth. personally当老板进行泛泛的批评时,不要对号入座。When the boss makes general and negative comments, dont take it personally.26. 伴随,配合go with幸福未必总与金钱相伴,而常常与积极的人生观相伴。Happiness doesnt a

15、lways go with money. More often than not, it goes hand in hand with a positive outlook on life.27. 增进(信任等)develop a sense of (trust等)军校生活的熏陶,使我增强了责任感和国防意识。Nurtured in the military college life, I have developed my sense of responsibility and my awareness of national defense.28. 千方百计地做work hard at th

16、e task of doing sth.在危难时刻,这些共产党员千方百计地帮助灾民摆脱困境。At the critical moment, these Communists worked hard at the task of helping the victims out of the trouble.29. 制定/做出一系列的produce / make a steady flow of在这次大会上,中央政府做出了一系列关系国计民生的重大决策。At this conference, the central government made a steady flow of significa

17、nt decisions concerning the national economy and peoples livelihood.30. 与关系不大或没有关系have little or no relation to与其说浪漫的生活与人的经济状况有关,倒不如说与人的性格有关。Romantic life has not so much relation to ones financial condition as to ones personality.31. 更加重视give added / increasing weight to sth.本文来源:考试大网随着全球环境的恶化,许多国家

18、越来越重视对自然的保护。With the global environment worsening, many countries are giving increasing weight to the protection of nature.32. 把 看作一种标志take sth. as a sign of一些年青人把吸烟看作是成熟和具有男人气概的标志,但吸烟实际上是个潜在杀手。Some teenagers take smoking as a sign of being mature and manly, but actually smoking is a potential kille

19、r.33. 向 投入资金、精力和注意力pour capital, energy and attention into她把自己全部的爱和精力都倾注到对这群山村孩子们的教育上。She poured all her love and energy into the education of these mountainous children.34. 关心,关注concern oneself withThe young people today should not just concern themselves with the pursuit of personal goals. Instead

20、, they should keep the entire motherland in mind and the whole world in view.今天的年青人不应该只关心个人目标的实现,而应该胸怀祖国,放眼世界。35. 出现,涌现spring upDuring the past twenty years of Chinas reform and opening-up, thousands of modernized enterprises have sprung up around China.改革开放的二十年间,一个个现代化的企业在中国大地上雨后春笋般涌现出来。36. 采取举措mak

21、e / undertake initiativesThe central government is making some fresh initiatives to ensure a steady income for the farmers.中央政府正在采取一些新举措,确保农民收入稳定。37.把降到低水平; 使沦落到reduce sth. to a low levelIncreasing university enrollments doesnt mean reducing the entrance requirements to a low level.高校扩招并不意味着要降低入学标准。

22、38. 对做出严格限制set strict limits onThe Ministry of Education no longer sets strict limits on the age and marital status of those who intend to participate in the college entrance examinations.教育部不再对参加高考者的年龄和婚姻状况做出严格的规定。39. 采取措施(行动) take measures (steps/ action) to do sthIn the face of dangers, it is bet

23、ter for one to take positive actions against them rather than wait passively for ones end.在危险面前,与其坐以待毙,不如采取针锋相对的行动。40. 面对来自的抗议face the protests fromFacing the pressure from the stressful work and life, an increasing number of people prefer to get close to nature for relaxation.面对紧张的工作和生活带来的压力,越来越多的人

24、喜欢到大自然中放松自己。41. 保持生态多样性preserve the ecological diversityJust as nature requires the ecological diversity, an open society needs to preserve the diversity of its cultures.正如自然界需要生物的多样性一样,一个开放的社会需要保持其文化的多元化。42. 致力于,努力做seek / struggle to do sth.This company has been seeking to exploit and develop the a

25、bundant natural resources in the western regions of China.这家公司一直致力于开发中国西部地区丰富的自然资源。43. 改弦易辙reverse courseOnce stuck in a dilemma, a wise man does not head blindly for a dead end but reverses his course in time to find his way out.一旦陷入困境,聪明的人不是一味地钻牛角尖,而是适时地另辟蹊径以谋求出路。44. 批准/ 同意计划agree to a plan to do

26、sth.The government has agreed to a nationwide body-building plan to improve the general physical condition of the whole nation.政府批准了一项旨在提高全民整体健康水平的全民健身计划。45. 作为典范serve as a model forLei Feng will forever serve as the role model for the whole society to follow in that his holy spirit has become the s

27、piritual wealth of Chinese nation.雷锋将永远是我们整个社会学习的榜样,因为他的崇高精神已经成为中华民族的精神财富。46. 巩固/ 加强基础strengthen the base来源:考试大的美女编辑们Only by strengthening the base of national defense can we ensure the victory in the future regional hi-tech war.只有不断地巩固国防基础才能确保在未来局部高科技战争中的胜利。47. 为 带来(开发)新财源bring (develop / exploit)

28、a new source of wealth to sb. (for sb.)We should be frank and open, and hide nothing from each other, thus removing the sources of misunderstanding.我们彼此应开诚相见,都不要有所隐瞒,从而消除误解的根源。48. 减缓速度slow the rate of doing sth.When it came to the key points, the teacher slowed the rate of speaking on purpose so tha

29、t the students had enough time to take notes.在讲到要点时,老师有意放慢速度以便学生们有足够的时间做笔记。49. 不赞成frown uponMost parents frown upon their children doing part-time jobs though they may benefit from it.尽管上学打工或许有益处,但大多数父母不赞成他们的孩子这样做。50. 发起/ 开展运动wage (conduct / launch) a campaignThe university has conducted a diversity of activities to enhance the students comprehensive qualities.学校开展了丰富多彩的活动来提高学生们的综合素质。51. 使某人转变思想,使某人接受观念convert sb. to the idea of / thatThe severe competition in the job market eventually converted many students to the idea that knowledge plus ability is the only w

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