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届九年级英语Unit 8练习厦门一中.docx

1、届九年级英语Unit 8练习厦门一中厦门一中学习资源网Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks The first period Section A . 认真预习课本P60-61, 完成下列任务。(一)写出下列单词1. 饿 (n.) 2. 饿 (adj.) 3. 无家可归的 4. 打扫 (n.) 5. 标牌; 招牌 6. 广 告 7. 建立 8.公告 (二)写出下列词组 1. 打扫干净 2. 使 振 奋 3. 分发;发放 4. 推迟;拖延 5. 建立;设立 6. 想 出 7. 在户外工作 8. 辅导小孩做功课 9. 在食物救济站 10.一个课后补习计划 1

2、1.清 洁 日 12.看起来很伤心 (三) 根据中文,完成下列各句, 并熟读。1 我想鼓励生病的小孩。Id sick kids.2 你可以志愿参加课后补习计划。You could in study program.3 你可以在食物救济站分发食物。You could food a food .4 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。You could the city parks.5 一群学生正在计划一次城市公园的清洁日。 students a City Parks Day.6 我们需要制定一个计划。We need a plan.7 我们不能耽搁制定计划.We cant a plan.8. 清洁日距现在只有

3、两个星期。 is only two weeks .9. 我放学后要分发广告。 Ill advertisements .10.我们打算建立一个食物救济站来帮助饥饿的人。 Were a food bank to help people.学习与巩固一、 根据首字母提示,写出下列各词.1. There is a s_. It says“No Smoking!”.2. His home was burnt. He was a h boy.3. In Africa h is one of the greatest problems.4. Were going to e a food bank for th

4、e poor.5. Id like to c up the sick kids.6. I think being a v is great in Beijing in 2008, we can help foreigners learn more about China.7. They said they would c up all the rubbish in the river.二、选择填空1. Its your turn to _ the room, Wang Fang.A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off2. Im hung

5、ry. Id like _ . A. to drink a glass of water B. to eat some bread C. drinking a glass of water D. eating some bread 3. Ask him _ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesnt D. isnt4. Its twelve now. Lets have _ lunch together. A. a B. an C. the D. x5. We can put off _ the meeting. A. to h

6、eld B. holding C. to have D. for having6. Please help me _ the picture on the wall. A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put into7. You can visit the sick people in the hospital _ . A. to cheer them up B. cheer them up C. to laugh at them D. to cheer up them8. I _ help kids _ their schoolwork. A. would

7、 like; to B. would like; with C. like to; to D. would like; with 9.He looks _ . Lets _ . A. sad; to cheer him up B. sad; cheer him up C. sadly; cheep up him D. sadly; cheer up him10. Be quiet, please. Im going to _ your test papers. A. give out B. give away C. give up D. give to 三、根据A句,用括号里所给的词完成B句.

8、1. A: I like to speak English. What kind of volunteer work could I do?B: (start, club)2. A: Hed like to work outside.B: (help, clean up )3. A: Id like to help kids with their schoolwork.B: (volunteer, after-school study program)4. A: Id like to help stop hunger.B: (give out, food bank)四、用put off, pu

9、t into, put up, put on 的适当形式填空.1. Its cold outside. Youd better your coat!2. Dont till tomorrow what you can do today.3. Jimmys some signs looking for old books.4. Nothing is impossible if you your heart it.五、根据汉语完成句子。1.我准备带他去看电影让他高兴起来。 I am going to take him to the cinema to _.2.这些词都很重要,请把它们记下来。 Th

10、ese words very important. _, please!3.你知道谁在校门口分发广告了吗?Do you know who _ at the school gate?4.我五分钟前在我卧室的墙上帖上一张海报. I a poster the wall of my bedroom five minutes ago.六、你们班将组织一次志愿者活动,请你帮助班长完成活动计划。A. smoking B. cheer up kids C. after school D. hungry E. painting F. on weekends G. help old people H. singi

11、ng I. reading J. visit sick people K. great L. clean up city parks1. Being a volunteer is .2. We can do volunteer work or during festivals.3. Some of us like and .4. We can or . 七、根据短文内容填空。Yesterday was my fathers birthday. We came u with a way to surprise him. Hes been a little stressed o lately, a

12、nd we wanted to c him up. We called u all his friends and s up a surprising party. I of bringing gifts, we asked each person to w down on a piece of paper one thing they like about Dad. My sister and I made the papers into paper airplanes. When Father came in, we t the airplanes at him and shouted “

13、Surprise!” Then we p them up on the wall so everyone at the party can r them.Father was very happy, saying “Thank you. I will n forget this day forever.”八、完形填空One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods in another town and buy some things there. He 1 to take ten servants with him. They would carry

14、the goods and also some 2 to eat on their way. The rich man said to 3 of his servants, “ Ali, you are the 4 and the weakest one. You may 5 the lightest loads ( 担子 ) to carry.” Ali thanked him and chose the 6 load . I t was their food - bread. The rich man said, “How foolish you are! Thats the heavie

15、st one.” But Ali was 7 to list it up. And so they set off. Four hours 8 , They stopped for a rest. They all 9 some of the bread. Then there was 10 bread for Ali to carry. Each time they ate some, the load became smaller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.( ) 1. A. agreedB.

16、likedC. decidedD. refused( ) 2.A. foodB. goods C. waterD. meat( ) 3.A. allB. bothC. none D. one( ) 4.A. tallestB. smallestC. busiestD. fastest( ) 5.A. findB. giveC. chooseD. carry( ) 6.A. lightestB. smallestC. bestD. bigger( ) 7.A. glad B. worriedC. sorryD. tired( ) 8.A. earlyB. later C. pastD. last

17、( ) 9.A. lovedB. putC. calledD. ate( )10.A. more B. littleC. lessD. no九.阅读理解Tadatoyo Yamamoto is a Japanese businessman. He visits the US from time to time. While he was telephoning at a hotel on a visit to Chicago, he put his bag on the floor. A few minutes later, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto reached down

18、for it, but it was gone. Inside it were about $900,his passport, photos of his family, and his return ticket to Japan. But three weeks after he returned to Tokyo, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto received an envelope. There was nothing inside but his passport, his airline ticket and money order(汇票)for more than

19、 $900 and a letter from Mr Joseph Loveras. It said,“I hope this money order and the things will make you believe in the people of Chicago.”The next time he travelled to the US, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto called on Mr Joseph Loveras. He was 67 years old and in bad health. He got only $493 a month. He said

20、that he saw the bag on a street corner and found the money and the ticket in the top part of the bag. He changed the money into money order and spent his own money to send it to Japan.Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto was very moved by what Mr. Loveras had done.“I asked him why he would go to all the trouble to

21、return everything to me. He told me that if he had not done it, it would have made him feel bad for the rest of his life.”Now they have become friends. Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto visits Mr Loveras every time he is in the US.1.While he was visiting Chicago, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto_.A. lost his bag B. made fri

22、ends with an old American C. changed his money into money order 2.When Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto couldnt find his lost things_.A. he felt sorry for the people of Chicago B. he thought the people of Chicago were very friendly C. he thought they would never be found 3.Mr Loveras sent back the things to Mr

23、Tadatoyo Yamamoto because he wanted _.A. to get some money from him in return B. him to come to visit America more often C. him to know most people in Chicago are nice 4.From the passage we know that Mr Loveras was_.A. very rich B. not rich D. very healthy 5.Which of the following is true?A. Mr Love

24、ras took the bag away from the hotel and then returned it to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto.B.A thief(小偷) took the bag away and threw it on a street corner.C. If Mr Loveras didnt return everything to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto,he would die.The second period Section A 3a - Section B-2c. 认真预习课本P62-63, 完成下列任务。(一) 英汉互译

25、1. 主要的 2. 奉 献 3. 基础的 4. 兽 医 5. 训练;指导 6. 修 理 7. 修理;修补 8 相 似 的 9 与 相 像 10. 修理(短语) 11. 赠送;分发 12. 用 完 (二)根据中文,完成下列各句, 并熟读。1. 第77中学有三个与众不同的年轻人. Number 77 High School three very young people.2. 他们都自愿花时间去帮助别人.They all their time other people.3. 这份志愿者工作每周要花去他们每人几小时的时间.This volunteer work of them several hou

26、rs a week.4. 他计划毕业后学习兽医.He study to a veterinarian when he school.5. 他每周六上午在一家动物医院工作.He every Saturday morning in animal hospital.6. 他在市医院给病人唱歌来鼓励病人.He for groups of people the city hospital to them .7. 帮助别人不仅使我感觉很好,而且我还可以把时间花在我喜欢的事上. do I feel about other people, but I get to spend time I love to d

27、o.8. 他们计划在学校发起一个志愿者计划.They plan a student volunteer project at their school.9.我不确定我应该做什么?Im not I should do .10.你认为我能做什么样的志愿者工作?What kind of do you think do?11.你可以帮助训练儿童足球队.You could a football team little kids.12.我将把我的自行车捐给慈善机构.Ill my bike to charity.13.他已把钱用光了.Hes his money.14.我和我妈妈长得很像.I my mothe

28、r.I my mother.学习与巩固一、根据首字母提示写出下列单词.1. I know he is Mr Greens son, because he t after his father.2. They s two days helping the farmers do the farm work last week.3. She had r out of her money, so she couldnt buy the beautiful present.4. Our football team will play against No. 2 Middle School next mo

29、nth. Could you please c our team?5. Tom loves his school and it is h to him.6. Not only Jim b Kate had a good rest a moment ago.7. After Uncle Wang repaired the toys, he g them away to the children.二、选择填空1. I _ to read, so I always put my _ to good use by working in the after-school care center at her elementary school.A. love; loves B. loving; loving C. love; love D. loves; loves2. It took me a lot of time _ my homework.A. finish B. to finish C. finishing

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