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1、5S制度Contents1 5S评估标准的目的与适用范围1 The Targets and Validity of 5S Evaluation Standard1.1 目的1.2 使用范围1.1 Targets1.2 Validity 2 制定5S评估标准2 Establish 5S Evaluation standards 2.1 办公室5S标准2.2 现场5S标准2.1 Office 5S Evaluation standards2.2 Workshop 5S Evaluation standards3 5S评估3 5S Evaluation 3.1 评估流程图3.2 5S评估组织3.3

2、5S评估区域3.4 5S评估频率3.5 评估结果可视化3.6 改善措施3.1 Evaluation Process 3.2 Evaluation Organization3.3 Evaluation Area3.4 Evaluation Frequency3.5 Visualize Evaluation Result 3.6 Improvement Measures4 5S公司激励方法4 5S Incentive Methods of company4.1 精神奖励4.2 物质奖励4.1 Spiritual Encouragement4.2 Material Award5 相关表格5 Rele

3、vant Forms1. 5S评估标准的目的与适用范围1.1 目的 5S评估标准为审核小组对办公室和生产现场5S的定期审核提供了统一审核标准。 各区域在制定5S check list时,各检查项目的制定也要符合5S评估标准的要求1 The Targets and Validity of 5S Evaluation Standard1.1 Targets 5S Evaluation Standard provides a uniform evaluation standard for 5S audit group regularly audit 5S performance in office

4、and workshop. When each area develops own 5S check list , each inspection items must meet the 5S Evaluation Standard requirements1.2 适用范围 本标准适用于全公司1.2 Validity This Standard applies to all areas in SEDL2 制定5S标准2 Establish 5S Evaluation standards 2.1办公室5S标准2.1 Office 5S Evaluation standards见附件1现场5S标准

5、Detailed please see enclosed file “Office 5S Audit Standard” 2.2 现场5S标准 2.2 Workshop 5S Evaluation standards见附件2办公室5S标准Detailed please see enclosed file “workshop 5S Audit Standard” 3 5S评估3 5S Evaluation 3.1 5S评估流程图3.1 Evaluation Process3.2 5S评估组织 3.2 Evaluation Organization参与评估人员至少由4名审核人员和1名参与人员组成。

6、陪同人员:被审核部门的5S协调员陪同人员职责:陪同人员不负责评分,只负责记录审核员发现的问题并拍照,制成本部门的5S审核报告,制定和追踪持续改善措施。审核员:至少由3位来自非被审核部门委员会成员(被审核部门的DM不能参加评估)和两名5S顾问组成审核员职责:负责按照5S标准对被审核区域进行评分。审核员资格:审核员必须是5S实施委员会成员,了解5S知识,熟悉5S流程并且对被审核区域了解,具备持续改善的知识和精益思想是必要的。The auditor team members consist of at least four auditors and one Participant.Participa

7、nt: 5S coordinator of audited departmentsDuty of participant : Participant is not responsible for rate. He/She is responsible for recording the problems which fund by auditors and take photo then finish the 5S Audit Report for department, workout the continuous improvement measures and track the res

8、ult .Auditors : Auditors consist of at least three members from 5S steering committee of non audited departments and two 5S consultants.Duty of Auditors: Responsible for evaluate and rate each area in accordance with 5S Evaluation Standard.Auditor Qualification :The audit team should know the facts

9、(organization, procedures and technical info) about the area as well as the methods used. (5S, CIP, tactics etc.)3.3 5S评估区域3.3 Evaluation Area5S评估区域由各部门FM划分,在最终评分和奖励时也按照该区域进行小组奖励5S Evaluation Area should divide by FM. This area will be the same area for final spiritual encouragement and material rew

10、ard. 3.4 5S评估频率3.4 Evaluation Frequency评估每季度至少进行一次Evaluation conducted at least once per quarter3.5 评估结果可视化3.5 Visualize Evaluation Result 将各区域各项评分累计后计算最终分数,并且在评估结束后的两天内公布评估结果Calculate the cumulative scores of each area.Visualize the final evaluation score in two days.3.6 改善措施3.6 Improvement Measure

11、s各被评估部门的5S协调员记录评估委员会提出的不符合项目制成改善报告,制定改善措施,指定负责人和改善完成日期,并要求附有前后对比照片5S coordinator in each department responsible for recording the problems which fund by auditors and finish the 5S Audit Report for department, workout the continuous improvement measures with responsible person and plan finish date. V

12、isualize the improvement result by before and after photo.4 5S公司激励方法4 5S Incentive Methods of company4.1 精神奖励4.1 Spiritual Encouragement 办公室和现场的第一名分别颁发“5S流动红旗” 5S结果优秀区域在公司月度5S发布会上进行经验分享 The first place of office and workshop area will award by 5S floating red flag 5S excellent areas share their expe

13、rience in company 5S monthly press conference4.2 物质奖励4.2 Material Award每季度一次对办公室和现场的第一名以审核区域为单位进行小组奖励Quarterly award the first of office and workshop area 5 相关表格5 Relevant Forms现场5S 评估标准办公室 5S 评估标准Workshop 5S Audit StandardOffice 5S Audit Standard附表一:Enclosed file 1:现场5S 评估标准 Workshop 5S Audit Stand

14、ard评估区域 Area:评估日期 Date:评估者 Auditors:参与评估人员 Participants:分数说明: 1=该项未执行 2=执行了但是结果很差 3=结果一般 4=好的状态 5=非常好Score Remark: 1 =Not carried out 2 = Carried out but bad result 3 = Average Result 4 = Good 5 = Excellent区域类别Area CategoryNO1S - 整理1S - Sort评分 Score备注Remark12345工作区域Working Area1工作区域内没有私人物品,特殊物品应放在规定

15、区域。个人的水杯不放在工作区域。No personal belongings in work area. Specific objects place on prescribed area. No personal drinking glass keep in working area.2通道没有阻塞物No obstructions along the aisle way3地面上没有不用的托盘、废弃的零件、破损不能使用的设备、吊具、材料车和工具车No unused tray, scrap parts, unused equipment, lifting device, material car

16、t and tool carts lying in ground 4工作台、工具柜或者架子上没有不能使用的模具、夹具、工具、量具和量块No obsolete dies, jigs, tools, gauge block on working table and cabinet5工作台、机器或设备周围没有不经常使用的物品No less commonly used objects on working table or around the equipment6没有不必要或者破损的座椅在工作区域No unnecessary or damaged chairs in working area7在机器

17、、设备和叉车上不放置不必要的物品No unnecessary objects placed on machines, equipment and forklifts8每个工作区域不重复放置垃圾桶No repeating rubbish bins in working area9没有旧的或过期地海报、图表、备忘录或者通知在看板或者墙上No old or outdated posters, graphs, memos or notices on the notice boards or walls.10各工位没有过期的图纸,废弃的工作标准和检验标准No outdated graphs, scrap

18、 working standard and inspection standard in each work area11各个工位人员都穿戴处于完好状态的防护用品Employees wear personal protection equipment correctly现场办公区域Office Area in Workshop1领班的抽屉里、柜子里没有储存过量的劳保用品No excess stock of waste cloth, hand gloves kept in the drawer or cabinet of foreman2办公桌周围不放置不必要的物品、零件和材料No unnece

19、ssary things, parts and materials placed around desk3抽屉里不放置私人物品No personal belongings kept in the drawer4在领班工作台区域内没有过期的信息、通知或文件No any obsolete memo, notices around the supervisor work area5在领班的办公区域没有破损的座椅No damaged chair in supervisor work area休息室/吸烟室Resting Room/Smoking Room1桌子、椅子等设施保持完好状态Desks, ch

20、airs and other equipments in good condition2地面、桌椅上没有报纸、废纸、空易拉罐、烟灰和生活垃圾Floor and desk are clean free from dirt, dust, newspapers, bills, empty cans littering3墙壁上不要粘贴不必要的宣传物并且保持洁净状态Walls are clean - free from unnecessary posters 连廊connective corridor1保持林廊通道的通畅,没有堵塞物No obstructions along the aisle way2

21、林廊里不储存不使用的设备或者材料、WIP等No unused equipment, material or WIP on the floor备品备件间Spare parts Room1没有破损不能使用的物品No broken or unused objects 2没有长期不使用的物品No long-term non-used materials 分类总分 Sub Total Score:区域类别Area CategoryNO.2S - 整顿2S - Set in Order评分 Score备注Remark12345工作区域Working Area1按照地标线要求划分了通道、移动设备通道。材料存

22、放区、垃圾桶、危险物品和消防通道区域线;所有区域线内都存放正确的物品Floor areas are demarcated for walkways, mobile equipment roads, material stores, trolleys, rubbish bins are strictly adhered to; All objects in the right place 2地标线清晰、处于良好的状态Identification line clear and in good condition3所有的材料存放区(原材料、WIP、完成品)都有清楚的标识并且都放对了地方All mat

23、erials, work-in-process in the right place and indicated clearly4所有的产品或者材料都在合适的托盘或者容器中放置All products or materials are placed in right tray or container5所有的工具车、工具柜、工具箱的位置都有标示;所有的工具都适当的方法管理并且可视地放置,如果有工具放错了能一眼识别All tool carts, cabinet, tool boxes are stored in marked areas, clearly indicating and visua

24、lization by means of proper methods when something is missed or in wrong place6日常使用的工具、吊具、模具、工装都放在机器或者工位附近,易于取放和管理All regularly used tools, materials etc. are kept close to the machine and can be got and managed easily.7所有的标准作业指导书、检查标准、图纸都放在机器旁或工位近处All SOP, inspection standard, drawing are kept clos

25、e to the machine or working area8所有的存储罐和气路都清楚地标识内含物名称并且标识可视化Storage tanks and gas path are clearly marked and visualized9所有的机器、设备的运行状态被清晰地标识All states of machine and equipments are marked clearly10所有机器、设备上操作按钮的标识清晰可见,所有的外国文字都被翻译成中文Words or labels on machines are clear and visible, all foreign langua

26、ges are translated into Chinese11物料车都有标识,使用后放在正确的位置Material carts are clearly labeled and stored in right place after use12工作台上的物品都有标识,工作台上放置合适数量的物品All objects on the working table are stored properly with indicators and proper quantity13所有的柜子、抽屉里面的物品有清单There is goods list in cabinet and drawer14地面上

27、没有散落的电线No disheveled electric wire lying on the ground15物料整齐地码放在托盘上Materials put neatly on the tray16如果同一托盘存放多种物料,每种物料必须有明确的标识,整齐摆放在托盘单元格之间If variety of materials store in a tray, each material must be clearly labeled, neatly placed in the tray between the cell17高货架存储的物料必须进行保护如缠绕膜或防护围挡High-shelf sto

28、rage of materials must be protected, such as stretch film or protective tools.18每辆叉车在不使用时都有固定的存放位置Each fork lift when not in use have a fixed storage location19测试安全防护栏有警示标志且随时关闭Test security fence have warning signs and closed at any time现场办公区域Office Area in Workshop1所有重要的文件,工作指导,标准和相关的管理表格都被标识放在方便存放的位置All important documents(WI, Standard, Mgmt. forms) are put at proper place and fetched easily 2柜子、抽屉里的文件是有序地保存An

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