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1、致用口语2期末口语试题Dialogue 1 Plans for the futureThis is the last year of college life. Jiang Shuang and Li Yang are talking about their plans for the future and their new terms resolutions.Jiang Shuang: 1. (毕业后你打算做什么?) Li Yang: 2. (我想出国。)Jiang Shuang: Going abroad? To work or to study? Li Yang: To study.

2、Im attracted to the MBA Program at Harvard Business School. Im dreaming of studying there.3. (所以我的短期计划是通过托福考试。)Jiang Shuang: Then you have a lot of work to do. Li Yang: I know. 4. (我打算每天早上听半个小时的英语新闻。) Jiang Shuang: Passing TOEFL is only the Step One. You have many other preparations to do, such as m

3、aking applications and obtaining a visa.Li Yang: Yeah! We all know,“Man proposes, God disposes.”If I fail, 5. (我想我可能会先找份工作。)Jiang Shuang: 6. (我会为你祈祷的。) Dialogue 2 Good News to ShareIts dinner time. Jiang Shuang and Li Yang meet in the canteen. Jiang Shuang is excited, as she has some good news to sh

4、are.Jiang Shuang: Hi, Li Yang. Good news! We can get access to many online courses from top U.S. universities now. Li Yang: Great! 1. (你今晚就打算看吗?)Jiang Shuang: Definitely. 2. (没有什么可以阻止我看。) Li Yang: 3. (你推荐哪门课程?)Jiang Shuang: Justice: Whats the Right Thing to Do? Thats for sure. Li Yang: I know Justic

5、e is one of the most popular courses at Harvard. 4. (你想观看哪个版本?) The one with English subtitles only or the one with both English and Chinese subtitles?Jiang Shuang: 5. (我可能会看有英文字幕的。) I hope I can follow it.Li Yang: No problem. The professor is fun, most topics are interesting and the delivery is fan

6、tastic.Jiang Shuang: 6. (这学期我一定尽可能多地上开放课程。) Li Yang: Thats one of your new terms resolutions. Right?Jiang Shuang: Right.Dialogue 3 Making Comments on the Course and the Professor After the winter break, its school opening. Ma Li hasnt decided which courses to take. She is thinking of Professor White

7、s Biomedical Engineering. She meets Li Lin in front of the library. Now Li Lin is making comments on the course and the professor.Li Lin:Hi, Ma Li, have you made up your mind which courses youre taking?Ma Li: Not yet. Im still shopping around, looking at various courses. Do you know Professor Whites

8、 Biomedical Engineering? Li Lin: Of course, I chose it last year. Professor White is l. (一位令人尊敬的教授。)Ma Li: Then you know very well about the course and teacher.Li Lin: Yeah, 2. (他教学很认真并且教学内容很丰富。)Ma Li: That means a large amount of information.Li Lin: Yeah, but 3. (仅仅掌握事实和概念是不够的。)4. (他重视能力的培养和独立思考习惯的

9、养成。)Ma Li: Independent thought?Li Lin: Exactly. 5. (分析问题、提出问题、解决问题的能力。)Ma Li: That will benefit students a lot. Is it easy to pass the exam?Li Lin: The test questions are very in depth yet practical. 6. (习惯死背书本的人会过不了关的。)Ma Li: Sounds like a lot of fun! Ill go and sign up for it. Thanks a lot.Li Lin:

10、 You are welcome.Dialogue 4 Waiting for the Report CardThe final exam has come to an end. Li Kai anxiously waits for his report card. Today he receives it and shows it to Mum.Li Kai: Mum, I got an A in English and Bs and Cs in other subjects. Heres my report card.Mum: Let me see. 1. (我很高兴你的英语终于得了A。)

11、But why only a C in history?2. (这成绩太低了。) I thought you liked history.Li Kai: I do, but I didnt do very well in this exam. I dont know why.Mum: I know why. 3. (你不够用功。)Li Kai: Oh, no. I studied very hard. But our teacher asked some dumb questions.Mum: Excuses, excuses.Li Kai: But I got a B in math.Mum

12、: 4. (真棒!你的数学很有起色。)Li Kai: I think so. The new teacher makes everything clear. Mum: On the whole, 5. (成绩单不算差。) But try to do better in history next term. 6. (不要再找借口啦。)Li Kai: Ok, Mum.Dialogue 5 Work BurdenVivian just got a part-time job in a company. After one weeks work, she felt exhausted. Now, sh

13、e is talking with her mother. Vivian: Mum, 1. (跟您说实话,我太累了。) The job Im doing now is really killing me.Mother: Oh, dear. Whats wrong? Vivian: 2. (事实上,我感到无能为力。)Mother: Tell me more about your work.Vivian: I need to complete customers inquiry form and file for the information in our database.Mother: Th

14、at doesnt sound too bad. 3. (放轻松点儿。) Vivian: 4. (一方面,有时候客户的书写太难辨认了;另一方面,我不熟悉数据库程序。)Mother: 5. ( 别泄气。) I know you can cope with the difficulties. 6. (实际上,做一个有难度的兼职并不是一件坏事。)Vivian: Thats true. The managers so kind. 7. (实际上,当我不好意思寻求帮助的时候他总是帮助我。)Mother: Hes so nice. You are lucky. Vivian: Yes. 8. (也许下周我

15、应该请他喝咖啡。)Mother: Thats a good idea. Dialogue 6 At the Job FairTony and Annie are seniors and they will graduate next month. They meet at a job fair. They are talking about the stress of finding a job.Tony: Hi, Annie. Have you found your desired job?Annie: Hi, Tony. Not yet. Have you?Tony: The same a

16、s you. The supply of university graduates exceeds demand.1. (职场实际上是压力和焦虑的始发地。) We havent got a job but we are already starting to feel the stress.Annie: 2. (事实是毕业生正面对很多压力。) Tony: Nobody wants to be there. 3. (事实是我不想要前景不明确的工作。)Annie: But nearly all the big companies need the employee to be experience

17、d. You have been a part-time worker for 3 years. 4. (显然你是个有先见之明的人。) This experience adds color to your resum. Tony: Thats right. The worthy experience provides me more chances to get a preferred job. And I know youre a sensible person because you learnt Japanese as a second foreign language and acce

18、pted training of computer and assistant.Annie: A teacher has told me 5. (实际上,如果我想在将来享受阳光,现在就要甘于寂寞。) But lack of experience is my biggest obstacle on my career which I should gain during college.Tony: No matter what happens, life should move on. 6. (让我们化压力为动力吧,我们一定行的!)Annie: Yes! Lets combine our eff

19、orts!Dialogue 7 At Ellens Birthday PartyToday is Ellens birthday. She invites her friends to her birthday party. Her friends have a great time. Now Lisa and Tom are leaving and saying thanks to her. Lisa: Ellen, 1. (非常感谢你能邀请我们参加你的生日宴会。)It was so much fun tonight.Ellen: Im very happy to hear that. I

20、hope you enjoy it.Lisa: The party was perfectly organized and we enjoyed every minute of it. 2. (我们非常感谢你的精心安排。)Tom: Yeah, we had a good time here. All the food was fantastic, the music was perfect, and those mixed drinks were marvelous. 3. (谢谢你举办了这么好的宴会。)Ellen: Im glad you liked it. Actually, 4. (很感

21、谢你们的光临。)Would you like something else?Tom: No, thanks. In fact, were thinking of leaving.Lisa: 5. (再次感谢你所做的一切。)Ellen: 6. (不用客气。) Come again sometime.Tom: Wed love to.Dialogue 8 At Michaels Dinner Party Simon is invited to attend Michaels dinner party. They are drinking beer now.Michael: Have another

22、 glass of beer?Simon: Thanks. Oh, 1. (对不起,啤酒溢出来了。)Michael:Did it spill on your suit?Simon: No. But it spilled on the table cloth. 2. (我真的很抱歉。)Michael: 3. (别放在心上。)Simon: Im afraid its too hard to wash off the stain.Michael: Its nothing to get upset about.Simon: 4. (我必须为我的粗心道歉。) Is there anything I ca

23、n do?Michael: 5. (不要记挂在心上。) Simon: 6. (我真的感到很内疚。)Let me buy a new one for you.Michael: Dont be silly. Think no more of it. Simon: But.Michael: Lets enjoy ourselves. Dialogue 9 The Tudors Ma Xiao and Yang Fan are both members of the English Poetry Club. Even if they are not from the same class or eve

24、n grade, their friendship is fostered by their shared interest and mutual admiration. Right now, Yang Fan is a few months away from graduation while Ma Xiao already started working as a teaching assistant at a university.Yang Fan: Ive got to tell you that the videos you lent me The Tudors are absolu

25、tely fascinating and mind-blowing! 1. (我可以再多留几天吗?)Ma Xiao: Take your time! Do you know the Tudors are the most storied royal familyin British history?Yang Fan: Yes. I am also thinking of writing a paper on that family.2. (不知道下周能不能和你聊聊这个话题!)Ma Xiao: Id love to! Wednesday afternoon is my office hour,

26、1:00 to 4:00!Yang Fan: Great, I will see you next Wednesday! 3. (要是周三我带上一篇最近写的随笔,你是否有时间看一看呢?)Ma Xiao: Of course I will find time for it. Your writing is simply too good to miss. By the way, 4. (周三来找我的时候,你能不能顺便把同学们的作业也一起带过来呢?)Yang Fan: With pleasure!Ma Xiao: Could you tell me who you intend to choose

27、 as your research subject?Yang Fan: For the sake of interest, Queen Elizabeth should definitely be my best choice. However, 5. (学校图书馆内关于伊丽莎白的图书文献十分有限。) I am afraid I wont.Ma Xiao: Dont worry! Ive got quite a few books and research papers about her and her half friend half sister Mary. Do you mind pi

28、cking them up the next time you drop by my apartment?Yang Fan: Of course not. Wont that bring too much trouble for you?Ma Xiao: No trouble at all! Besides, I am also pretty thrilled to explore the “frenemy” relations between the half sisters with my BFF.Yang Fan: 6. (你的无私帮助真的让我感激不尽!)Dialogue 10 Coul

29、d You Do Me a Favor?The English speech contest is just around the corner! Li Ying, president of the English club, is in desperate need of a new host. Her last host bailed out almost last minute, leaving her with the mission impossible. While Li Ying is now dining alone at the cafeteria, Zhao Li, a f

30、riend of her roommate suddenly catches her eye! Li Ying offers food and tried to be friends with Zhao Li. After a few exchanges of chit-chat, Li Ying has sensed the chance to offer her proposal.Li Ying: Well, here is the thing, I need a big favor from you.Zhao Li: A big favor? 1. (难怪人们说世界上没有免费的午餐。)L

31、i Ying: In your case, its free ice cream and newspaper! You wouldnt say no, would you?Zhao Li: It depends on what it is.Li Ying: As you can see, my club is having an English Speech Contest this Friday.2. (不知你是否可以做我们这次比赛的主持?)Zhao Li: 3. (很高兴你能让我来帮这个忙。) Is it in English or Chinese?Li Ying: I would be most grateful if you can do it in English. After all, its an English Speech Contest.Zhao Li: 4. (我不想拒绝你,但是英文主持不是我的强项。)Li Ying: I know its last minute, and 5. (如果你不能帮忙我也完全理解。) But Ive seen you doing it before, so I have good reasons to believe hosting is really your thing! No matter its in Englis

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