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1、石油人职称英语考试宝典 The ocean is the place where we should be putting our efforts in order to provide for future generations. Why,as we do a-land: the great ones eat up the little ones. A French zoologist,Professor Brouardel,has preliminary evidence that some marine animals of the abyss thrive in the blackn

2、ess without any discernible action of photosynthesis. An observer,looking at the earth from another planet,would be likely to call it Oceanus. As a life environment,the sea is a kind of land turned upside down. at both ends. Because there are so many languages within the above two super-categories o

3、f language families,linguists have further divided these linguistically rich and geographically diverse families into sub-groups,one of which,the Germanic language group,has the second-largest number of speakers (Chinese being first). Consider the abyssal valley called the Marianas Trench,lying west

4、 of Guam. In 1951,the British Challenger expedition sounded6 33,640 feet at one place in the trench. felt myself becoming immersed in your every detail,as you placed your hat on the table and cupped your hands around the hot cup of tea,gently blowing the steam away with your pouted lips. He instantl

5、y identified it as a coelacanth,a species believed extinct for 60 million years. If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed flat,the earth would be covered by water more than 12,000 feet deep.。 In 1957 the Soviet ship Vitiaz sounded 300 feet deeper at another place nearby,and later the Russi

6、an vessel found a spot 225 feet deeper than that. It is considered dull work to catalogue fish. It seems certain that no human observers will ever get closer to the core of the earth than these men. It will take him years of the most painstaking instrument building,campaigns at sea,and every conceiv

7、able cross-check to establish the doubt. One aspect of oceanography that has fallen into neglect is that of identifying fish: taxonomy. One main branch of sea science,physical oceanography,holds enormous unanswered questions. One of the great taxonomists is J.L.B. Smith of South Africa,the discovere

8、r of the fabulous coelacanth. Only if these negative results are valid will he be able to formulate the question: how do they live,if not by photosynthesis? pulsing jelly fish,darting shrimp,fixed colonies5 of coral polyps,and crawlers and diggers of the floor. Sea and air are divided by a viscous c

9、urtain; Seventy-one percent of the earths surface is covered by water. Somewhere in his files,Smith recalled seeing the animal as an empty fossil split from a rock. Take the theory of photosynthesis,which holds that the growth of all vegetation,and consequently of animals,depends on the action of th

10、e sun on carbon dioxide and water. The athletic animals come up to graze in this fertile prairie and become links in extensive food chains,formed roughly along the lines3 suggested by Shakespeare The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being revised continuously,and nuclear submarines are now charting th

11、e Arctic basin under the ice. The food chains extend to the abyss. The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench. The mature eel has not been discovered,but it could possibly come in sea serpent dimensions. The most amazing fact about this inv

12、erted life pyramid is that only 2% of the nutritive matter ends up in swimming fish. The rest falls tothinvertebrates: The questions themselves may be wrong,and many of the answers are under challenge. The recent discovery of an eel larva many times the size of the common one may furnish a basis for

13、 stories of sea serpents. The worlds deepest land shaft accessible to men is the Champion Reef gold mine in India,which is only 9,811 feet deep. Then the study can begin. They lowerednets,dredges,bathythermographs,still cameras,water bottles,coring pipes,and current meters. This is a common vegetari

14、an species,never before found more than three feet long. Today continuous recording instruments from a ship underway are able to bring up data from a long strip of the sea. Unable to see the underwater world until recently,oceanographers have relied on blind groping into the depths. We know that sev

15、eral depressions in the floor are deeper than Mt. Yet vast areas of the Pacific are unmapped and the Indian Ocean has hardly been touched. Yet we know that many animals live in the deeps at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch.Iwas16once,hesaid,TherewasntanythingIwantedmore.Butsupposesomeoneto

16、ldmethatwouldbetheonlycarIdgetinlife?Buffettsaidthenhewouldhavereadtheownersmanualmanytimestomakethecarlast.Youonlygetonemind, a great civil war ,testing whether that nat

17、ion,or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure .in a great civil war ,testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure .See Help key for more information.See Help key for more information. Full-time sailing will have to wait. 50/10Asforthestock

18、tip,BuffettsaidtheremightbealittlementionofacompanyBerkshireboughtthatwasntpublicknowledgeyet.A great man shows his greatness, said Carlyle,by the way he treats little men. And Dr. Johnson said: God himself,sir,does not propose to judge man until the end of his days. Why should you and I?Ads are fol

19、lowing the eyeballs to where they make transactional decisions.All mirrors, says George Macdonald,The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.And remember,no matter what happens,that I love you always.And where do you put your feet?And where do you sit? he continued.At this point

20、 in my life,I want to have more freedom,and theyve accommodatedme. 50/7At this rate ,I figureIll work another few years.Blood is a pretty hostile environment for the viruses, notes Russell. The name of the game is to dodge the immune defenses for a few hours and give the viruses enough time before t

21、he immune system gets in and stops them.Dont complain about the snow on your neighbors roof, said Confucius,when your own doorstep is unclean.Dont criticize them;Dr.Angelouistrulyaphenomenalwoman.E pluribus unum. Out of many,one.Fifteen miserable years!For us,it was a business decision , says Stephe

22、n Wing,director of government programs. 50/6How fine it must be to have had the opportunities you have had in life, she said.How long have you been doing this? he pursued.How was your date? my wife asked when I got home that evening. Howdy, the man replied. He was very tall and had to stoop slightly

23、 to peer into the car.I have so much living to do, she told me once.I need to be there while my grandchildren grow up.I dont want to miss any of it.I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you, I said.I told my lady friends I was going out with my son,and they were all impressed, she said

24、as she got into my car.I used to be the menureader when you were little, she said.Iplantoleavethenameofastocktipinitforwhoeverbuysit,BuffetttoldtheJournal.If people feel hopeless, says Anderson,they dont bother to acquire the skills they need to succeed.If we could teach people to think more positiv

25、ely, says psychologist Craig A. Anderson of Rice University in Houston,it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills.Im not good at this, he says. I always fail.Insurance is the term that we understand today. Some companies are beginning to use the term assurance”.It comes down tothe p

26、erceptionthat if youre 58,how much do I want to investin you? she says. 50/4It is glazed brick.Itll be late when you get to Birmingham,and these children will be hungry before then.Its those people back there at the Pan Am,standing in the rain. Theyve got children. Its Christmas.Its trial and error,

27、not guarantees,but give yourself a chance.Ivenevergoneforthetopoftheline,Buffettwasquoted.Just the two of us. Id like that a lot. she replied.My dear lady. he replied,have you never received an opportunity?Nice.nicer than I thought it would be, I said.No one is doing this for fun, he says. Theres to

28、o much at stake.No,no,Idontthinkso.ifitgotthathigh,IdbesorryIdidntsellitmyself.WhenthesubjectcameupoftheHooterspass,Buffettsaid:Itexpired,andtheydidntoffermearenewal.Not me. I have never had a chance, she said.On the floor, she answered,more puzzled.Suddenly,having cashoutside of retirement plans be

29、gan to look like a pretty good idea, says Markway,now 55. 50/2Thats-What-You-Think Listening:The Internets effect on help-wanted classifieds, the study found, cost newspapers $1.9 billion in revenue between 1996 and 2004.Then its time for you to relax and let me return the favor, I said. There is a

30、good probability that microbe approaches will be part of the arsenal of the future, says Kenneth Kinzer,a cancer researcher,Were betting on it.They can try to be the destination where you go online and can be really successful with citizen journalism and blogs, says Fine.They cant wait to hear about

31、 our evening. This is a critical issue for employers to overcome -for their own good.50/4We are having some difficulties, he said. At this time,it appears we have no nose-wheel steering.We can make a good anticancer agent, says Russell,by harnessing and channeling these destructive powers.We want our staff to look like our customers. 50/6Well,I didnt think so, my father said,winking at my mother,because when I saw Santa

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