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1、高中英语必修一单词及语言点总结1高中英语必修一单词及语言点总结1 高中英语必修一单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Friendship一、单词拼写1hen learning English, it is quite iprtant t develp the abilit f_ (交际)2Failing in the exainatin again _ (心烦意乱) her a lt3Thse h are in diffiult s_ usuall r harder t get ut f it4As an e_ f the nespaper, I shuld be respnsible fr

2、 hat is printed in itHe as punished b the shl beause f his _ in the exa6an t_ are s raz abut ftball that the get up t ath ftball gaes at idnight 7 English is ver friendl t us She ften gives us se a_ n learning English8Its quite n_ fr a persn t refuse the ffer f help fr strangers9hat is the r_ fr ur

3、absene f esterdas eeting?10Daning ith the rih in the part, he had a f_ f being laughed at二、选词填空。fae t fae list nern abut g thrugh share reasn suffer pint habit add up1Ever tie he _ the figures, he gets a different anser2The are _ ith a ne prble hih the ust slve at ne3I a nt in the _ f ging t see a f

4、il in the da4She _ all the things she had t buhat are the _ t l fr hen u are buing a ne puter6She ust suddenl left ithut giving an_7e _ the st f the eal8r Zhang _ heav lses in the aident9She has _ an unhapp tie reentl10She thins nl f herself, she never _ ther peple三、短语翻译1努力去做某事_2根据_3对很狂热_4度假_关心_6镇定下

5、_7与相处得好不好_8有的麻烦_9经历,经受_10故意_Unit 2 English arund the rd一、单词拼写1 He ls handse and gentle, but a_ he is a thief2 Prnuniatin and graar is quite iprtant in English learning And s is v_3 He ent t Britain, hping t learn s_ English there4 “A_ ” is ften used in Aerian English hile “flat” is used in British E

6、nglish Se English peple have a strng a_ , hih adds diffiulties t ur understanding f the6 an s_ have been built in Guangzhu As a result, peple an travel uh faster than befre7 If u dnt n h t use the ediine, read the d_ arefull befre using it8 ur it used t be ver ld, but n it has bee a _ ne9 hen e are

7、in ther untries, e shuld respet the _ there10 Exuse e, Prfessr Li, an u be p_ at ur eeting trr?二、单项选择:1 I an hardl _ friend hn h is earing dar glasses A n B see regnize D realize2 estern dinner usuall _ an aperitif, ain urse, dessert and ffee A inludes B is reains D hlds3 Hng ng as ne _ b the Britis

8、h befre she returned t hina in 1997 A ended B ruled anaged D ntrlled4 I request that u _ the tas n tie A finished B shuld finish uld finish D uld finish _ hih diretin shuld e g, est r east? A n B T In D ith6 ie is alas gentle and _ He is a an f ulture A pleased B aazing happ D plite7 It is said that

9、 living _ nature a help peple live lnger A ae t B far fr lse D lsel8 The prble _ at the eeting esterdaA ae t B ae arss ae up D ae up ith9 e shuld _ t studA ae tie gd used B ae gd uses f tie use f tie D ae gd use f tie10 The faus fil is _ a hinese fair taleA basing at B abased in bases n D t base at

10、Unit 3 Travel urnal 一、单词拼写1 At the part the freign teaher as r_ t sing se sngs2 He is a s_ persn ne he has ade up his ind, he ill nt hange3 Thugh e have learned English fr t ears, e ant uniate ith native speaers p_4 The gds ill be t_ t Hng ng b ship I advised hi nt t in the F_ he aepted advie6 Being

11、 a fan f Liu Dehua, she bus ever usi r_ that is prdued b hi7 hats ur a_ t earing eelr t shl8 At last e ere persuaded t _ (骑自行车)arund hina9 rithing travel _ aes u thin re and en re10 I a s _ (熟悉) ith hi that I regnized his vie the ent I pied up the telephne二、选词填空, 注意形式。rerd deterine treat altitude ha

12、nge nes ind be failiar t give in drea bring up s far 1 ne she is deterined t d sething, it is ipssible t get her t_ 2 Nadas, an ung hildren uld lie t bargain ith their parents hen asing fr ne Unfrtunatel their parents seld _3 The insisted the _ equall4 Pp sngs _usuall _ teenagers He as brn in Shandn

13、g Prvine and _ there6 She gave e a _ l, hih suggested that she uld never ae an hanges7 She ften _ that she uld bee a faus singer ne da8 The have been t seven Eurpean untries _9 After it leaves the high _, the river bees ide and runs int the sea10 He n anther gld edal as he set a ne _ in the 100 dash

14、 Unit 4 Eathquaes一、单词拼写1 lder students ere having diffiult in studing and _ theselves2 That plae is dirt and s_ 3 In the it, the ater pipes in se buildings raed and b_4 Peple began t nder h lng the d_ uld last F_ ater as taen t the it b train, tru and plane6 Everhere the led nearl everthing as d_7 T

15、he raila tras ere n u_ piees f steel8 ithut _ (电),dern life uld be ver diffiult9 _ (判断)fr his appearane, the anger ust be ver fift10 Dead and _ (受伤的)peple la everhere after the terrible aident二、单项选择1The huses arss the street are _ , but the ere in gd nditin a fe ears ag A in rs B in ruins in nuber D

16、 in detail2 The b as s areful that he _ the street and bre his leg A fell dn B fell ver fell ff D fell nt3 He as a ar-hearted and hard ring an, and_ b his lassatesA high thught f B highl thught f badl thught f D as ell thught4 -The used t be gd friends, but n the are lie strangers -H _ this _ ? A de

17、s; e abut B did; e abut ere; taen plae D ere happened _ ill be built here next ear A A great deal B A large aunt f A large nuber f D The nuber f6 After living in Paris fr 0 ears, he returned t the sall tn _ he gr up as a hild A hih B that hen D here7 D u reeber the plae _ e visited last ear? A that

18、B here hen D in hih8 I dnt lie _ u spea t her A the a B the a in that the a hih D the a f hih9 _ the ahine begins t r, u ant stp it _ A hile; sn B Fr; right aa ne; at ne D Until; iediatel10 In the untr sales f fruits and vegetables_ 38% in the last 3 ears A have risen b B have raised t has lifted n

19、D has gt int三、短语翻译1 立刻,马上_2 结束,终结_3 以为自豪_4 许多,大量的_ 分发,发出(气味,热等)_Unit Nelsn andelaa dern her一、单词拼写1 Q_ is re iprtant than quantit2 After 4 ears universit stud, he _ his stud fr a bahelrs degree3 She is nt nl beautiful, but als ell e_4 She did a ver gd b and gt a r_ fr the pan I hated being treated it

20、h v_ 6 The _ f life put an end t his life7 In ur untr peple f r ver 18 have the right t v_8 The event has put hi int an ebarrassing p_9 Bs are usuall nt a_ in English lass10 He bre the la and as put in p_ 二、短语翻译(每空一词)。1刚开学的那天,我们的老师就给我们提了一些学习英语的建议。 n the ver first da f shl, ur teaher _ us _ English l

21、earning2 大多数下岗的人员都是化不高的人。 st f the peple h _ _ _ _ usuall have little eduatin3 别灰心, 你会成功的。 Dnt _ _ u ill sueed4 相信自己,别相信他的鬼话。 _ _ urself Dnt _ hi 大学尚未毕业,他就创办了自己的公司。 He _ _ his n pan befre graduating fr llege6 他从不为考试担心。 He _never _ _ _ exainatin7 只有通过努力拼搏, 才能实现自己的梦想。 nl b ring hard _ u _ ur drea8 我们决

22、不能嘲笑那些陷入困境的人,相反,我们应该帮助他们。 e shuld never laugh at thse _ _ n the ntrar, e shuld tr ur best t help the 9 他上台后就推出了一系列的改革方案。 After _ _ _, he arried ut a series f refr10 他乐于助人。He _ _ _ _ thers参考答案Unit 1一、 1 uniatin 2 upset 3 situatin 4 editr heating 6 teenagers 7 advie 8 natural 9 reasn 10 feeling二、 1 ad

23、ds up 2 fae t fae 3 habit 4 listed pints 6 reasn 7 shared 8 suffer 9 gne thrugh 10 nerns herself abut ith三、1ae an effrt t d sth 2 arding t 3 be raz abut 4 n hlida be nerned abut 6 al dn 7 get n alng ell badl ith 8 have truble ith 9 g thrugh 10 n purpseUnit 2一、1 atuall 2 vabular 3 standard 4 Apartent

24、 aent 6 subas 7diretins 8 dern 9 ulture 10 present二、1- ABB 6-10 DADBUnit 3 一、 1 requested 2 stubbrn 3 prperl 4 transprted finall 6 rerd 7 attitude 8 le 9 urnals 10 failiar二、1 hange her ind 2 give in 3 be treated 4 are, failiar t brught up 6 deterined 7 dreaed 8 s far 9 altitudes 10 rerdUnit 4一、1 rga

25、nizing 2 sell 3 burst 4 disaster Fresh 6 destred7 useless 8 eletriit 9 udging 10 inured二、1- BB 6-10 DAAA 三、1 right aa 2 at an end 3 be prud f 4 a (large) nuber f give utUnit 一、 1 Qualit 2 ntinued 3 eduated 4 reard vilene 6 ruelt7 vte 8 psitin 9 ative 10 prisn二、 1 advised; n 2 are ut f r 3 lse heart

26、4 Believe in; believe set up 6 has; been rried abut 7 an; realize 8 in truble 9 ing t per 10 is illing t help语言点总结Unit 1 Friendshiprd usage1add (t) v 1) t put tgether ith sething else s as t inrease the nuber, size, r iprtane; 2) t in (nubers r aunts ) s as t find the ttaleg: The fire is ging ut; il

27、l u add se d?The snstr added t ur diffiulties Add up these figures fr e, please2ignre v t tae n ntie f; refuse t pa attentin t eg: His letters ere ignredEven the best f en ignred that siple rule advie as pletel ignred3 nern v 使担心;使不安 (+abut/fr); 涉及,关系到;影响到eg: The bs pr health nerned his parentsHe is nerned fr her safetThe nes nerns ur brtherHe as ver nerned abut her4 lse ad nt firl r tightl fixedShe re lse garents in the suerI have gt a lse tthSe lse pages fell u

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