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1、高考英语完形填空基础练习精品题75及答案2014高考英语完形填空基础练习精品题(75)及答案完形填空练习One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I 1 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, 2 he knew me . The man had a newspaper 3 in fr

2、ont of him , which he was 4 to read, but I could 5 that he was keeping an eye on me. when the waiter brought my 6 the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the 7 way in which the waiter and I 8 each other. He seemed even more puzzled as 9 went on and it became 10 that all the waiters in the restaurant kne

3、w me. Finally he got up and went into the 11 . When he came out, he paid his bill and 12 without another glance in my direction.I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had 13 . “Well,” he said, “that man was a detective (侦探). He 14 you here because he thought you were the man he

4、15 .” “What ?” I said , showing my 16 . The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I 17 say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a 18 .” “Well, its really 19 I came to a restaurant where Im known,” I sai

5、d. “ 20 , I might have been in trouble.”1. A. knew B. understood C. noticed D. recognized 2. A. since B. even if C. though D. as if 3. A. flat B. open C. cut D. fixed 4. A. hoping B. thinking C. pretending D. continuing 5. A. see B. find C. guess D. learn 6. A. menu B. bill C. paper D. food 7. A. di

6、rect B. familiar C. strange D. funny 8. A. chatted with B. looked at C. laughed at D. talked about 9. A. the waiter B. time C. I D. the dinner 10. A. true B. hopeful C. clear D. possible 11. A. restaurant B. washroom C. office D. kitchen 12. A. left B. acted C. sat down D. calmed down 13. A. wanted

7、B. tried C. ordered D. wished 14. A. met B. caught C. followed D. discovered 15. A. was to beat B. was dealing with C. was to meet D. was looking for 16. A. care B. surprise C. worry D. regret 17. A. must B. can C. need D. may 18. A. discovery B. mistake C. decision D. fortune 19. A. a pity B. natur

8、al C. a chance D. lucky 20. A. Thus B. However C. Otherwise D. Therefore 完形填空练习(八十八)15 CDBCA 610 DBABC 1115 DAACD 1620 BABDC完形填空(记叙文).Leaf was in love with Wind. Wind rocked Leaf to1and shook her awake every day, and always told Leaf about the beautiful places he had been, 2her feel excited.“I will

9、never leave you, 3you make me happy, ” Leaf whispered to the gentle Wind.When Tree heard these4he laughed and said, “Remember that you will wither, become brown, and be5by Wind. ” Leaf was6to hear this. “Thats a lie! ” she cried. She had heard the stories of7leaves turn old and die, but didnt8them.T

10、ime passed, and Leaf grew bigger and stronger, but then came the period of9yellow and old.“Your10 has come. Youll be blown away by Wind and become nothing but dust. ” Leaf laughed. “Your words cannot11me. Others may be sad, 12I wont. I choose to be happy with my fate. ” Tree was angry, “Youll regret

11、. ”But one day, when Leaf actually was carried away by Wind, she laughed13the air. “Oh, Im14with Wind! ” Instead of feeling15, she felt free. She could16the soft song of Wind, and felt herself flying higher and higher.When springtime came again, Leaf passed by Tree and heard him17the young leaves ab

12、out their18. But Leaf whispered to them, “Listen, my children. It doesnt have to be your fate. If you choose to be19, you will soar into the sky. But if you bend to your fate, you will be20forever. ” 1. A. relaxB. comfort C. rest D. sleep2. A. causingB. leaving C. making D. staying3. A. althoughB. w

13、hile C. because D. until4. A. languages B. words C. songs D. shouts5. A. blown awayB. put awayC. thrown away D. given away6. A. sorryB. unhappy C. interested D. important7. A. whyB. whereC. how D. when8. A. touchB. experience C. see D. believe9. A. growingB. stayingC. keeping D. having10. A. timeB.

14、age C. friend D. family11. A. destroyB. hurt C. beat D. affect12. A. orB. andC. but D. for13. A. atB. with C. on D. in14. A. playing B. running C. singing D. flying15. A. weak B. old C. huge D. light16. A. hearB. feelC. listenD. say17. A. givingB. suggesting C. explaining D. telling18. A. fateB. sto

15、ryC. guest D. destination19. A. goldenB. happy C. fluentD. foolish20. A. dollB. fleshC. dust D. brick参考答案43.DCCBABCDAABCDDBADABC: 完形填空(记叙文)My wonderful Aunt Helen Louise recently passed away very unexpectedly. I have been trying to stay1during this time. Today was an especially emotional day, 2I dec

16、ided to try and keep myself3by doing a little“treasure hunting”at my local Goodwill store.While I was browsing, I saw a young girl trying to4a bicycle. Her grandmother and grandfather were steadying it for her. Her grandmother was very5and it made me smile to see the6of determination on the little g

17、irls face.I7through the racks but didnt find anything I wanted to8. I was on my way out of the9when I noticed the bicycle10 at the checkout counter. A light bulb went off right away in my mind, and I11the clerk if the12had been paid for. She told me that the little girls grandparents were going to b

18、uy it13they were looking around. I quickly14my purse for a Smile Card and I told the15I wanted to buy the bicycle for the girl. I paid, got the receipt and16it, along with the Smile Card, to the girls grandmother. I told her that the bicycle was17. The looks on that familys18were priceless and I cou

19、ld feel my Aunt Helens approval shining upon me.I19 my Aunt Helen every day, but I will continue to honor her legacy of generosity by doing random acts of20.1. A. negativeB. positive C. comfortable D. useful2. A. forB. but C. so D. and3. A. excitedB. hopeless C. kind D. busy4. A. rideB. take C. driv

20、e D. seat5. A. encouragingB. surprising C. interesting D. moving6. A. feelingB. look C. impression D. exhibition7. A. walkedB. brokeC. browsed D. ran 8. A. repairB. record C. borrow D. buy9. A. schoolB. doctorC. library D. store10. A. earnedB. entered C. parked D. exported11. A. expectedB. asked C.

21、expressed D. forced12. A. bicycleB. carC. bus D. plane13. A. afterB. before C. until D. since14. A. found B. searched C. observed D. watched15. A. expert B. guardC. clerk D. granddaughter16. A. showedB. introduced C. explained D. handed17. A. set freeB. charged forC. paid for D. spent on18. A. bodie

22、sB. faces C. words D. gestures19. A. remember B. remind C. waitD. miss20. A. kindnessB. happinessC. growth D. institution参考答案44.BCDAABCDDCBAABCDCBDA:完形填空(记叙文)I used to come to the United States very often for shopping or vacations but being an1student and living with an American family for a2was a g

23、reat opportunity for me to know about the American culture.My name is Eugenio, and I am3Mexico. I was an exchange student from 1992 to 1993 and4with a very nice American family, the Littles, in a city near one of the Great Lakes.I went to Bay City Central High School, and I liked it a lot. I5a lot o

24、f friends;most of the students in school were very nice and tried to6me with my English.When someone is an exchange student, he learns about other7, and this makes this person an open-minded person.Of course, I also think it is very important to learn formal English by studying the8, knowing all the

25、 rules, and9the grammar with the listening and speaking. 10 I went to America, I learned some grammar and important11of English, and I think that helped me a lot12it was easier for me to get by.I was a sophomore in high school at Bay City, and I took regular classes with13speakers. At first, it was

26、hard for me to14, but after three months my15was very fluent.I remember one day I had to give a(n)16presentation for a Human Physiology class. My English was17bad that I was afraid that my classmates were going to18me, but one very important thing I learned is that if you want to improve your Englis

27、h, you need to19the fear and try your best. The oral presentation came out pretty20and my classmates liked it very much.1. A. exampleB. expert C. experience D. exchange2. A. dayB. week C. month D. year3. A. ofB. in C. from D. to4. A. suffered B. went C. lived D. connected5. A. realizedB. made C. rec

28、ognised D. knew6. A. endB. help C. startD. leave7. A. culturesB. knowledgeC. customs D. traditions8. A. vocabularyB. grammar C. pronunciationD. structure9. A. comparingB. linkingC. combining D. connecting10. A. AlthoughB. Since C. Until D. Before11. A. skillsB. rules C. methods D. news12. A. because

29、B. whenC. while D. but13. A. nativeB. national C. kind D. healthy14. A. speak B. understand C. listen D. write15. A. EnglishB. abilityC. tongue D. skill16. A. oralB. culturalC. conditionalD. level17. A. quiteB. such C. so D. rather18. A. shout atB. point atC. look at D. laugh at19. A. make use of B.

30、 lose control of C. get rid of D. take charge of 20. A. difficultB. poorC. good D. satisfied 参考答案45.DDCABBCBCDBAABAACDCC: 完形填空练习(二十八)The house itself had been sold that morning. Now it was the 1 of the contents in it. The crowd of dealers, collectors, and bargain-hunters moved around 2 this and that

31、 and generally having a last 3 round before the excitement of the chase. Every piece was 4 and listed, and everyone had a copy of the list.The 5 was to take place in the sitting room.The salesman was trained to notice the 6 movement of a hand, eyes or even eyebrows (眉毛), 7 of which might signal a bid (叫价).The salesman came in the climbed to h

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