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1、高中英语非谓语动词专项训练80题高中英语非谓语动词专项训练80题1:The ground is with leave.A. covered ; fallingB. covered ; fallenC. covering ; fallingD. covering ; fallen2:It was stupid your advice.A. for me to not takeB. for me not to takeC. of me to not takeD. of me not to take3: -Did you get your pay ?-Yes ,I remember .But I f

2、orget the exact amount.A. being paidB. to be paidC. payingD. having paid4: of reading, he put down the book and stopped TV.A. Tiring ; watchingB. Tiring ; to watchC. Tired : to watchD. Tired : watching5: It is important a beginner the correct pronunciation of a foreign language when he studies it.A.

3、 of ; to teachB. for ; to be taughtC. of ; to be taughtD. for ; to have taught6: That Arab said that he had never heard of a pilot.A. womans beingB. a woman to beC. a womans to beD. a woman bein g7: We have not decided there by bus or on foot.A. to getB. gettingC. if to getD. whether to get8: I must

4、 apologize for ahead of time.A. not letting you knowB. letting you not knowC. letting you know notD. letting not you know9: -Did you have trouble with your car this morning?-Yes , but I finally managed .A. to get it startB. get it startingC. to get it startedD. getting it started10: I prefer studyin

5、g English at home the match.A. to watchingB. rather than watchingC. rather thanD. to watch11: I knew he didnt listen to me , but I went onto get him in the plan.A. to hope ; interestingB. to hope ; interestedC. hoping ; interestedD. hoping ; interesting12: -I cant make out whether this figure is a t

6、hree or an eight.-Perhaps you need you eyes .A. examining ; (不填B. to have ; examinedC. to have ; examiningD. to be ; examining13. I saw your father under the tree , .A. seat ; thinkingB. seating ; thoughtC. seated ; thinkD. seated ; thinking14: The library needs , but itll have until Sunday.A. to cl

7、ean ; to waitB. to clean ; waitingC. cleaning ; to waitD. cleaning ; waiting15: many times , they succeeded the experiment.A. Having tried ; in doingB. Tried ; in being doneC. Having tried ; to doD. Tried ; doing16: “We must keep a secret of the things here”, the general said at the man in charge of

8、 the information office.A.discussed ; stared seriouslyB.being discussed ;seriously be discussed ;seriously staredD.having been discussed ; and seriously stared17: He did his best to make himself with his English.A. understand ; spokenB. hear ; spokenC. heard ; speakingD. understood ; spo

9、ken18: My grandpa likes young people basketball.A. to watch ; playB. watching ; to playC. watching ; playingD. to watch ; playing19: -Whom should the message be sent to ?-My father is the one .A. to sent itB. to be sent toC. for senting itD. to sent it to20: I didnt feel like,so he suggestedan Engli

10、sh letter right now.A.reading ; practicing writingB.reading ; to practice to read ; to practice read ; to practice write21: They know her very well. They had seen her up form childhood.A. growB. grewC. was growingD. to grow22: The chair looks rather hard , but in fact ,it is ve

11、ry comfortable to .A. sitB. sit onC. be setD. be sat on23: There was a terrible noise the sudden burst of light.A. followedB. followingC. to be followedD. being followed24: -Good morning. Can I help you ?-Id like to have this package,madam.A. be weightB. to be weightC. to weightD. weight25: Last sum

12、mer I took a course on .A. how to make dressB. how dress be madeC. how to be made dressD. how dress to be made26: The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for the president.A. to prepareB. preparingC. preparedD. was preparing27: Shes upstairs letters.A. writesB. is writingC. writeD. w

13、riting28: The speaker raised his voi ce but still couldnt make himself.A. hearB. to hearC. hearingD. heard29: The murderer was bought in , with his hands behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiredC. to be tiedD. tired30: On Saturday afternoon , Mr Green went to the market ,Some bananas and visited

14、 his cousin.A. boughtB. buyingC. to buyD. buy31: Jane was made the truck for a week as a punishment.A. to washB. washingC. washD. to be washing32: Mr smith warned her daughter after drinking.A. never to driveB. never driveC. never drivingD. ever drive33: I can hardly imagine Peter acrossthe Atlantic

15、 Ocean in five days.A. sailB. to sailC. sailingD. to have sailed34: -Shall we go skating or stay at home ?-Which do yourself ?A. do your ratherB. would you ratherC. will you ratherD. should you rather35: a replay , he decided to write again.A. Not receivingB. Receiving notC. Not having receivedD. Ha

16、ving not received36: The salesman scolded the girl caught and let her off.A. to have stolenB. to be stealingC. to stealD. stealing37: Little Jim should love to the theatre this evening.A. to be taken C. to takeC. being takenD. taking38: -I usually go there by train.-Why not by boat for a changeA. to

17、 try goingB. trying to goC. to try and goD. try going39: I would appreciate back this afternoon.A: you to call B. you callC. your callingD. youre calling40: is a good form ofexercise for both young and old.A. The walkB. WalkingC. To walkD. Walk41: “Cant you read?” Mary said to the notice.A. angrily

18、pointingB. and point angrilyC. angrily pointedD. and angrily pointing42: The computer centre , last year, is very popularamong the students in this school.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened43: Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.A. to inventB. inventingC. to have inven

19、tedD. having invented44: How about the two of us a walk down the garden.A. to takeB. takeC. takingD. to be taking45: down the radio-the babys asleep in the next room.A. TuringB. To turnC. TurnedD. Turn46: The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks ,That he had enjoyed his stay h

20、ere.A. having addedB. to addC. addingD. added47: The first text books for teaching English as a foreign Language came out in the 16th century.A. having writtenB. to be writtenC. being writtenD. written48: She set out soon after dark home an hour later.A. arrivingB. to arriveC. having arrivedD. and a

21、rrived49: We agreed here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A. having metB. meetingC. to meetD. to have met50: -You were brave enough to raise abjections at the meeting.-Well , now I regret that.A. to doB. to be doingC. to have doneD. having done51: Such people are .A. respectB. to respectC. to be r

22、espectingD. to be respected52: There is nothing to do except till it shops snowing.A. to waitB. waitingC. waitD. waits53: I am sorry you so much trouble. And thank you for you help.A. to giveB. to have givenC. givingD. gave54: She was sorry she had got no knife .A. to cutB. cuttingC. to cut itD. to

23、cut it with55: The novel is said last month.A. to publishB. to be publishedC. publishD. to have been published56: She doesnt like .A. praisedB. to praisedC. to be praisedD. praising57: you the truth. I dont want to tell you about it.A. To tellB. TellingC. To be toldD. Told58: -Do you want to give a

24、talk on that subject?- .A. I wouldnt prefer.B. I prefer notC. I prefer not toD. I prefer to not59: -In class you should listen to Miss Gao EnglishA. to speakB. speakC. speaksD. spoke60: We ask to work in the countryside.A. to be sentB. to sendC. to be sendingD. sending61: Catching the first bus will

25、 mean at five oclock.A. to get upB. get upC. getting upD. got up62: The television is a machine.A. newly-inventingB. newly-inventedC. newly-inventD. newly-invention63: English is one of the widely language.A. useB. usingC. usedD. to use64: Deeply , I thanked him again and again.A. touchedB. touchC.

26、touchingD. to touch65: the windows and the door, the students left the room.A. Being closedB. ClosedC. Having closedD. To close66: The mothers saw their children well at the nurser y.A. taking care ofB. to take care ofC. to be taken care ofD. taken care of67: from his looks, he is a kind man.A. Judg

27、ingB. Being judgedC. To judgeD. Judge68: The boys body was covered with a national flag, .A. left his face exposedB. to have his face exposingC. leaving his face exposingD. leaving his face exposed69: When I got home, I found the gas but the door remained.A. burned ; lockingB. burning; lockingC. bur

28、ning ; lockedD. to burn ; to lock70: that it was going to snow, the climbers decides to put off their attempt on the highest peak.A. Having been toldB. Having toldD. Told D. Telling71: Ill never forget Paris for the first time.A. to visitB. visitB. visiting D. visited72: The students are busy for th

29、e examination.A. prepare B. preparing C. to prepare D. to be prepared 73: I regret hard at school. A. not to study B. not having studied C. not study D. having not studied 74: Your car need . A. to oil B. being oiled C. oil D. oiling 75: The old man needs . A. look after B. looking after C. being lo

30、oked after D. to look after 76: The problem is worth . A. discussing B. discuss C. being discussed D. discussed sights, Edison would spend 77: Instead of the time in the public library. A. seeing ; reading B. see ; read C. to see ; to read D. seeing ; to read at the seaside. 78: All the children enjoy A. to play B. play C. to be playing C. playing 79: Please remember the lights before the classroom. A. turn off ; leave B. to turn off ; leaving C. turning off ; leave D. turning off ; leaving 80: He pr

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