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1、张亚哲六级词汇笔记美化打印版susinan那我再发一个是98.6的57.Out of _ revenge , he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her repution.A.perfect 完全 (very 非常 很)【perfect storm 惊涛骇浪 (“完美风暴” 是没有文化的表现)莎士比亚原著】B.totalC.sheer 完全的 纯粹的D.integral 构成整体 所需的 完整的 整个的完全出于报复 (revenge 报复)blacken her character 玷污她的人格ruin her reputati

2、on 损坏她的名誉(不要跟陌生人说话)answer:C58.A most _ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.A.trivial 琐碎的(绝对考点词)【同义词:inconsiderabel insignificant 反义词(重要的):prominent/eminent/celebrated/conspicuous/foremost/distinguished】B.delicateC.minorD.miniatureanswer:A59.T

3、he children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful ballons _ slowly into the sky.A.floating 漂浮 四级词汇(阿甘正传羽毛慢慢升向空中【ascend】,然后开始漂浮【float】,狂风一阵吹来,一直飘【drify】)B.raising 举起 升起C.heaving (heavy 举起重物)四级词汇D.ascending上升 攀登 轻 薄的东西升向空中轻的薄的升向空中用:ascendanswer:D60.Do you have any _ about waht living beings on

4、 other planets would be like?A.ideal 完美的想法或事务B.comprehension 全面的 广泛的C.notion 概念D.intelligence 智力 脑力Intel(智慧的罗马词根)Microsoft(阿拉伯飞毯叫soft)最细微的东西载成它的理想Compaq 包装 打包 表示把最好的东西打在一起luncent (透明的)朗讯 科技使人之智慧更为透彻CIA:Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局61.We rarely perceive more than a minute _ of the sights and soun

5、ds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.A.fiction 虚构的 捏造的【motion fiction/picture 电影 novel 小说 truth/report】B.function 功能 v 坐动词表示“运转 工作”deprive of 剥夺C.fraction 碎片D.friction 摩擦 冲突rarely barely 仅仅 刚刚 几乎不能barely 前的数字比barely后面的数字大answer:C62.For many patients, institutional care i

6、s the most _ and heneficial form of care.A.persistent 坚持的B.appropriate 合适的 适合的C.thoughtful 为他人着想的 沉思的D.sufficient 足够的 insufficient 缺乏的institutional care 慈善机构照顾的方式2000.06 41For many patients, institutional care is the most _ and beneficial form of care.A.pertinentB.appropriateC.acuteD.persistentanswe

7、r:Banswer:B63.Its pleasure for him to _ his energy and even his lift to reaearch work.A.dedicate(dedicate to devote to)B.dictate 命令 指使 dictator 独裁者 dictatorship 独裁 统治C.decorate 装饰D.directconductor 音乐指挥director 艺术总监answer:A64.They are well _ with each other since they once studied in the same univers

8、ity.(都给了0.5分错题)A.indentified(be indentified with 与某人持认同,感觉的与某人接近)B.recognized (A , B区别不考)【n. recognition 赞誉 承认 be recognized 被承认 被证实】C.acknowledged 承认 告知D.acquainted (be acquainted with 与某人熟识)answer:D65.There is a _ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.A.gentleB.subtl

9、e(事情)不明显 不显著 (人)精明的 敏锐的C.feeble 脆弱的 虚弱的D.humble 谦虚的answer:B66.All the finished products are stored in a _ of the delivery port and shipping is available at any time.A.garage 车库 停车场 parking (美)泊车B.cabinet 橱柜 酒柜(内阁 【引申】)内阁表示核心的政府职能部门,中国是国务委员wardrobe 衣柜C.capsule 太空舱 胶囊D.warehouse 货舱 大型仓库或超市(mart/mall 大

10、型超市)answer:D67.When he tired to make a _, he found that the hotel was completely filled because of a convention.(99年前最爱考的题目)A.reservation 预定B.claim 声称C.mess n. 混乱的 无序的D.revision 复查 修正mess up I have messed up all the the mess (英国字典用来说美国经济混乱,美国字典用来说欧洲经济混乱)answer:A68.Parents taken a great int

11、erest in the _ questions raised by their children.A.nasty 严重的 糟糕的B.naive 天真无邪的 天真而自然的C.obscure (讲过多遍)D.offensive 冒犯 进攻 defensive 防御的answer:B69.Although it was his first experience as chairman, he _ over the meeting with great skill.A.presided(preside over 主持)B.administered 治理 管理C.mastered 控制 掌握 n 大师

12、D.executed v 宣判死刑 执行 实施dministration MBA:Master of Business AdministrationDBA:Doctor of Business Administrationexecutive adj. 行政的CEO:Chidf Executive Officer 首席行政官 首席执行官COO:Chief Operation Officer 首席运营官Board 董事会CFO:Chief Finacial Officer 首席财政官FC:Finacial Controller 财政总监关系:CEO下面是COO,CEO上面是BoardCFO跟CEO

13、平级,CFO下面是FCanswer:A70.Both parties promised to _ the contract to be signed the following day.A.keep with B.tangle with 和某人吵架 与某事有瓜葛 tangle 难以解决的 复杂的事务C.adbere to/complain with/conform to(符合标准及要求)(3个遵守)D.devote to 全力以赴contract用的不好treatry 协议answer:C99.1的不过不全,后面的还有是2000年的如果大家需要告诉我,我就发喲好累喲:(眼都没了:(41.The

14、 Space Age _ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A.initiated(initial 起初的 开始的,initiative 起初阶段 主动地位 领先优势 initiate v 某事发生)B.orginated(origin、originate from 某事从某处发源 sb originate sth 某人发明/创造 什么东西)C.embarked (embark on doing sth 开始一件令人激动的事情)D.commenced (com

15、mence 重大的 事件及历史时期的开始)launch 发射 升空lease 租约answer:D42.John said that he didnt quite _ and asked me to repeat what Ihad said.A.snatch up 掠夺 忽然行动B.summon up 鼓起勇气 积累信心C.catch out 当心表示明白的六级2个词组make sense of(make sense) / catch on understandanswer:C43.When he tried to make a _ , he found that the

16、 hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.(99年1月最后一次)A.complaint(complain v 抱怨)B.claim C.reservationD.decisionanswer:C44.A budget of five dollars a day is totally _ for a trip round Europe.A.inadequate 不够的 不充分的B.incapable 无能的、绝望的、无助的C.incompatible compatible(正确答案只有incompati

17、ble with 与对立 【没有 compatible with 与协调】)D.invalid 违法的、无效的、不正确的、无理由的valid 有效的answer:A45.In our highly technological society, the number of jobs for unskilled workers is _.A.sbrinking 减少B.obscuring 只考形容词形式,表示“费解,晦涩”,做动词“使费解,使模糊不清”C.alteringD.constrainingalter:changealteration n 变化 改变alternate adj 轮流的 交换

18、的 v 交替 轮换alternative n 异端 异类 adj 选择性的 二中选一的misfit 不合时宜alternative 不指蛊惑仔 指精神上学术著作上的异端异类answer:A46.The fire has caused great losses ,but the factory tried to_ the consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.A.decreaseB.subtract 数字的减少C.minimizeD.degrade v (使)降级 使堕落 使退化extravag

19、ant 奢侈的 过分的 重要的answer:C47.If the world is to remain peaceful, the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local _.(局部战争)A.collisions n (运动物体)碰撞 冲突(文化意识或战争)(collide 运动物体碰撞)B.combats 战争中的小战斗 突袭C.contradictions 反驳 驳斥矛盾D.conflicts 长期战争 内心冲突 争执utmost most extremeanswer:D2000.1的50.It took us only a

20、 few hours to _ the paper off all four walls.A.shear 剪羊毛的大剪子B.scrape 刮 擦 清除C.stroke (strike 过去分词) 击打D.chip 削chop 砍answer:B51.The famous scientist _ his success to hard work.A.imparted (impart 传授 赋予)B.granted agree with 政府的资助C.ascribed (ascribe to 归因于 归咎于)D.acknowkedged 承认 接受承认接受考过:recognise/identify

21、/be acquainted withanswer:C52.It is difficult to _ of a plan to end poverty.A.speculate (speculate on 猜想)B.conceive (conceive of 设想 考虑)C.ponder 深思熟虑【ponder on/upon 】D.reckon 【reckon 考虑 认为 reckon with/speculate on/conceive of 阅读会考:contemplate 沉思状】设想 构想ponder/reckon 考虑answer:B53.Now the cheers and app

22、lause _ in a single sustained roar.A.mingled 【2000年开始喜欢考mingled (mingle in/with) mingle:(声音、气息、气味)混合结合】B.concentrated 集中 (concentration 集中的 concentration camp 集中营)C.assembled 忍的聚集和集合(如火警一旦拉响,人民聚集在天井)converge 集合 聚集D.permeated 弥漫 渗透 普及answer:A54.Improved consumer confidence is _ to an economic recover

23、y.A.crucial 重要的 决定性的 至关重要的 B.subordinate 附属的 次要的(subcidiary 附属的分公司 subsidy 补助金 津贴)C.cumulative 渐增的 积累的D.satisfactory 注意熟悉四级词汇answer:A55.Although the body is made up of many different tissues, these tissues are arranged in an _ and orderly fashion.A.incredible 令人惊讶的 难以置信的B.intricate 复杂(机械复杂,人体) compl

24、incated complex 三个复杂C.internal 内部 external 外部 eternal 永恒D.initial (看前面笔记)tissues 组织soft tissue 软组织cloze中考:fashion 方式(patter/type)不指时尚answer:B56.If you work under a car when repairing it,you often get very _.A.waxy (wax蜡)B.slipery 光滑 狡猾(皮肤,地面)C.sticky 粘性很足的 stick坚持D.greasy 满身油污grese 油脂CET考试低于8%的学生作对送

25、0.5分托福只抽改80%的题,重要对了就677分answer:D57.The damage to his car was _, therefore,he could repair it himself.A.considerable 重要的 显著的 相当大的B.appreciable (appreiable 与 respectable/respected 的区别)C.considerate 不重要的 很小的D.ambitious【注意总结“重要的”“不重要的”单词】trivial 琐碎的 不重要的answer:C58.My sister is quite _ and plans to get a

26、n M.A. degree within one year.A.aggressive 有进取心的 强有力的 坚持己见的B.enthusiastic 热情洋溢的C.considerate 为他人设想的,体谅别人的D.ambitious 野心勃勃的answer:D59.The manager tried to wave aside these issues as _ details that would be settled later.A.versatile (versatility (人)多才多艺 (机器)用途广泛B.trivial 琐碎的 不重要的C.perliminary 预备性的

27、ternate adj 更换的 轮替的(alternative)复习answer:B60.His _ was telling him that something was wrong.(沿袭99年 考“哲学”)A.inuition 坏事情将发生的直觉B.hypothesis 假设(推测)(对事务和未知理念的推测和假设)哲学用词C.inspiration (inspire/inspiration/inspirational(01.1)/stimulation/stimulus/motivate/motivation/incentive 坏的诱惑)D.sentiment 情绪:受情绪影响(sent

28、imental 煽情的)61.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _ of American lige.A.fashions 加了s 表示时尚B.frontiers 前线 前沿C.facets 宝石的刻面,事务的不同方向D.formats 格式公式 file 文件 档案answer:C62.Parents often faced the _ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and

29、what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.A.paradox 似是而非的 矛盾的 悖论的B.junction 交汇之处C.dilemma 进退两难的境地D.premise 前提betweenandanswer:C63.Clark felt that his _ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent.A.apprehension 领悟 忧虑B.appreciationC.presentationD.participation 参加(四级)the underwent 经历answer:D64.As one of the youngest professors in the university , Ms King is certainly on the _ of a brilliant career.A.threshold 门坎(四级)B.edgeC.porch 门廊(欧式建筑)D.courseMiss = Ms 英语语体学中:未结婚的用MsMiss 表示提醒你还没有嫁人呢,我有机会么?你这么开放呀?27岁以上的女人不要用

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