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1、人教版新目标英语八年级下短文填空10篇含答案Passage OneA taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the 1 drvier. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness (证人) . This is what they said.TRUCK DRIVER : I was 2fromtheairporttoNewt on. A carcrossed theroad,soI sloweddown (减速).Ididnt stop. Ataxihitthe backofm

2、y truck. Nobody was seriously 3 but both cars were damaged (损毁的).TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newt on. The truck stopped 4 . Thedriverdidntgive mea warning (警示),I wasdrivingveryslowly. Icould not pass the truckbecause5were twocars coming nearfromNewton.Mytaxi hit t

3、he truck, and someglass_6my left hand.TOM: I was 7 the traffic about a kilometerfromthe airport. A Truck wasgoingto Newton.Itwasnot going very quickl y.Therewas ataxiabouttwo hundred meters 8thetruck. Itwasgoing 9When the truckslowed down, thetaxihit it. The taxi driverwasnotlooking atthetruck. Hewa

4、s lookingoutofthe windowatsomething.My friend sawthe10,to o.1 truck2 driving 3hurt4suddenly 5 there6 cut 7 watching 8 behind 9 fast 10 accidentPassage TwoClimbing the highest mountains in the world isnot aneasy job. You haveto fight bad weather,illness 1fear. ButJordanRomero, 2thirtenn-year -(old bo

5、y fromAmerica, will climbAsia 3mountain,Qomolangma.Hewill 4outthismonth.5parents andhelperswill climbwithhim.He 6_to taketwomonths forthisclimb.“ 1 I mready, But7 dont reach thetop8 ,Ill trynext time. ”he said. Jordan hasalreadyclimbedthe highestmountains ofsixother初中英语outinents洲).If he 9 to the top

6、 this time, he willbecome the 10 person to climb the worldhighest mountain.1 and 2 a 3 highest 4 set 5 His6 plans 7 if 8 successfully 9 gets 10 youngestPassage ThreeHave you 1 been to Ireland ? If not, youshould think of spending a vacation there. TheRepublic of Ireland lies 2 the south of theisland

7、. There are about 3,470,00 people in thecountry and the weather is quite wet but warm.Falls of snow in Ireland are most unusual.Ireland is full of interesting things to do. Youll find reataurants and cafes 3 Most of themhave a long list of Irish food and drinks. After your meal, you can take a walk

8、along the shore.The countryside is good 4 horse riding. Other sports you may want to do are sailing, boating, swimming, fishing and golfing. Ireland is famous for its theaters and festivals. So why 5 you stay longer for a party, an opera or a concert ?The Irish peoplearekind and friendl y. 1Frommoun

9、tains to beachesyouwill findpeople read1 tostop and talkaboutthe weather, thelocalgeography or historyandmaybeabout whatyoushould see next. TheIrish peoplehave 6theirown culure ofmusicandliteraturewell. 7 areashave differentkindsofmusic.In townsandvillages peoplegathertogether inthe eveningtosing an

10、d playmusic.They alsoget togethertoread their ownpoemstoeach other. Meetingsuchpeople is reallyfun,isnt8 ?1 ever 2 in 3 everywhere 4 for5 dont 6 kept 7 different 8 itPassage FourJean Nicole is a y 1 sale lover. She doesntwant to miss any chance to b 2 good things, because they are much c 3 than thos

11、e in shops. She is i 4 in almost everything, such a 5 gloves, old coins, paintings, tables and so on. Everybody calls her Lady Yard -sale”Two weeks ago, after Jean came back from a yard sale, she entered her store room. She was s6 to find thatshe had bought somany things.Jean counted themandmadea li

12、st.“Oh, dear !I can believe it.There aresevenbicycles, ninearmchairs, and fifteencamersAndthey haventbeen used evenonce.Shecheckedthe numbersagai n. It made hermad.How silly Iam !” Shethought. “ I can not l7 goto yardsales unlessI hold my own one tosellthese things out. Butw 8 anyone buythem?”1 yard

13、 2buy 3 cheaper4 interested5 as 6surprised 7longer 8 willPassage FiveMy hometown is a beautiful village. Great C 1 have taken place here in the past ten years. Ten years ago, it was a p 2 village. There was only one mountain path to go there. O 3 one or two families had bikes or radios. People l 4 i

14、n low straw thatched cottages (破旧的草屋) .Now my hometown has taken on a_ n 5 look. We have built a new highwa y. Every family can w 6 TV at home, and some have had cars. All the villagers are 7 in new houses, some even in large buildings. Every family has s 8 some money. Thanks to the government effor

15、t, now children can r 9 a good educatio n. We are living a h 10 life now.1 changes 2 poor 3 Only 4 lived 5 new6 watch 7 living 8 saved 9 receive 10 happyPassage SixHave you ever been to Taiwan ?Taiwan lies in the 1 of China. It the largest2 in China. Ithasanareaofabout 36,000square kilometersanditha

16、sa3 of over20,000,000. It isrichin4resources (资源).Bananas, rice andteaandsoonare famous athome and abroad. Clothes , food are also well - known the world. Its beautiful scenery, suchas Sun Moon Lake and Mout Ali, and its 6 climate (气候) make more and more 7 come to Taiwa n.Taiwan has 8 a part of Chin

17、a since ancienttimes. Most people of the island came fromFujianandGuangdong 9 .All thePeople onbothsidesof the strait (海峡)have astrong 10unite(统)our motherland .1 east 2island 3 population 4 natural 5 aroundPassage SevenI have beendoing a project at school recentlyabout 1 in danger. I think their li

18、vingcondition环境)is terrible in China. I am writing to you to suggest 2 we should do to help protect animals more.I feel so sorry for the giant panda. It one ofthepopular animals in the world and asymbol of China. We e learned that pandas mainlyto dotheirlive on bambo o. I think we should try more to

19、 stop people from destroying (毁坏)forests.Chinese alligator (扬子鳄)They live in some areasof eastern China,andnow thewater thereisnt5for them tolivein. Thegovernmentshouldstopfactories 6polluting thelakes and rivers.7we protectthese beautifulanimals inChina,morepeople maywishto visit China to seethem,i

20、s thetomore4 animal we shouldthey could be an important tourist attractio n. Itwould be good if more people came to visit ourbeautiful country 8 some quieter places in the country.I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important subject.Yours sincerelyLiYing1 animals 2 what 3 m

21、ost 4 Another5 enough 6 from 7 If 8 eapeciallyPassage EightIm Eric. I love my hometown-California. There I have many sweet childhood 1 .2 I was a small boy, I had to get up before sunrise to work on the farm. At sunrise Icould see ahouse with golden windows faraway3 the farm. Every dayIlookedat itwi

22、thinterestandwondered whatthehouselooked likeinside.To be4 . I reallywanted tolivethere !I oftensaidto myself, “ Someday Iwill5 ahouse like that.One day I walked to the house with golden windows. I walked for a (n) 6 and then Istopped in fornt of the house. To my surprise,therewereno7 goldenwindows.

23、 1wasveryupset.Later Ilearned thatthe windowswerenotgoldenatall.It was thesunrise thathadmadethem 8 golden.1 memories 2 When 3 from 4 honest5 ownhave 6 while 7 longer 8 lookPassage NineIt was a very special day because Dylan Terry came to the West End Children Home ! Dylan Terry is my favorite s 1 .

24、 I like him becausehe sings wonderfully, he is cute and he helps the kids a lot.Westoodnearthe door, w2for him.Everyone wasveryexcited. Finally,hearrived andshookhandswithus. He was sonice! He sangseveralsongsforus. Some ofuseven starteddancingw 3 hewas singing. Wewere havinga great time !T 4 our su

25、rprise, Dylan joined us for lunch.He brought us one big cake. Everyone ate someand i was delicious . While we were eating,Dylan told us many interesting s 6 about himself. I never though i could talk to my favorite p 7 star. It was just like a drea m. I will remember this unforgettable experience f

26、8 .1 singer 2 waiting 3 while when 4 To5 it 6 stories 7 pop 8 foreverPassage TenThe Great Wall of China is one of the ancient wonders in the world. Every year, It attacts millions of tourists.The Geat Wallhas a historyof1 than2,000 years. It isabout six 2kilometers longfrom east to 3and is 7 metersi

27、n height. Inmany places, it is4 enoughfor10 men towalk side by side on top of it.When you look at the Great Wall, you can help thinking how the Chinese people were able to build it 5 modern machines. In fact, millions of people 6 more than 10 years building it, andmany people evern lost their 7 .thetheToday, as a 8 place of interest, Great Wall is known to people all over world.1 more 2 thousand 3 west 4 wide5 without 6 spent 7 lives 8 famous

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