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人教版《新起点》一年级上册 英语教学设计.docx

1、人教版新起点一年级上册 英语教学设计学 期 教 学 目 的 要 求A. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心:B. 培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调并初步打下良好的书写基础;C. 培养良好的学习习惯D. 培养他们初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力、同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆、想象和创造能力。E. 适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国注意精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。周次月份节教 学 内 容备注193Unit 1293Unit 1393Unit 2493Unit 259-103Unit 3周后期十一放假6103Unit 3

2、7103Unit 38103Unit 49103Unit 410113Unit 511113Unit 512113Unit 613113Unit 614123Unit 715123Unit 716123Unit 8 17123Unit 8 1812Revision周前元旦放假1913Revision2013Revision and Examination人教版新起点一年级上册 英语教学设计北京市立新学校小学 课 题Lesson 1单元第一课时总第1课时教学目标1利用动画歌曲,儿歌等活动激发学生对英语学习产生初步的兴趣。2能听懂并使用问候语Good morning。3感知课堂指令语Stand u

3、p和Sit down,并做出正确反应。4认识4个主线人物:Bill, Lily, Andy和Joy,及宠物狗Lucy和主线人物的好朋友Angle。(说明:此课为一年级学生的第一节英语课,因顾及学生的接受能力和适应能力,故文具及学校等单词安排在下课时。此刻内容更改为课堂问候语指令语的学习,使学生尽快适应英语课堂的一般口令。)教学重点指令语和句型:Good morning.教学难点单词和句型的正确发音。教学用具录音磁带、文具实物、多媒体教学光盘、多媒体课件教 学 内 容教 法 说 明复备Step1:Greeting1. Take a look at English animated cartoon

4、 song. 2. Greeting and Self-introduction. T: Good morning, students. My name is Zhang Yanyan. Your English teacher. You can call me Miss Zhang.Step2: presentation1. T: Before every class, we should make a greeting each other. How to make a greeting? (T plays the teaching CD)2. Learn the sentence: Go

5、od morning. T: Gu, gu, good. Mao, mao, morning. Good morning. 3. Group work and pair work.4. Know the friends in book.5. Chant: Say Good morning to these friends.Step3: Extend1. T: When we are making a greeting before the class, what should you also do? (T plays the teaching CD). 通过欢快的节奏及卡通画面激发学生对英语

6、的兴趣,初步感知英语。老师自我介绍,拉近与学生距离。通过动画展示,激发学生学习兴趣。对初学英语的小学生,张口说是学习英语的第一步。分解单词读法可降低说英语的难度,利于学生张口说。利用轻快的儿歌复习新学的知识。创设情景,学习新句型培养学生反应能力和听力能力,加深对新单词印象。Unit One Lesson12. Say and do. T says stand up and sit down, a student does the action, and then T speeds up.Step4: Drill and practice1. Drill the greeting of clas

7、s.2. Simon says game.Step5: HomeworkGive a English name and make a name card.营造英语学习氛围,并为下课时作铺垫。板书无反思Unit One Lesson2课题Lesson 2第二课时总第2课时教学目标1学习文具及学校的英文单词2 学生学会交际用语“Hello”,并学会介绍自己“Im”3 学生感知TPR用语:“show me.”教学重点文具及学校单词教学难点文具及学校单词及会用“Im”介绍自己教学用具文具实物、教学光盘、单词卡片教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Greeting and warm-up1. T: Cla

8、ss begins!Ss: Stand up!T: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!T: Sit down, please.2. Teacher and students take out the name cards and say Hello each other. T: Hello, Im Cathy. S: Hello, Im .3. Students say Hello each other.4. Say the chant.Step2: Lead inT: Lets have our class. But before the class, you sh

9、ould get ready something. What? Guess a rabble.Step3: presentation1. T: Look at me. Guess! Whats in my hand? Look, This is an eraser. Read after me: eraser. An eraser.2. T takes out a ruler and teach ruler. So does book and pencil.3. Talk about what we can do with them.4. T: You should check whether

10、 you take these things before you go to school.(Teach school)5. See the word card and read the words.6. Teacher gives every group a name: ruler, book, pencil, eraser and school. Then play the game: Whats missing?7. Learn the chantStep4: Practice1. TPR: T: Show me your ruler/book/pencil/eraser.2. Gue

11、ss the word: two people a group, one act, the other one guess the word.师生互相问候,拉近师生距离,同时复习上课内容。在上课前学习打招呼的新知识,自然,流畅。在课堂上给新生互相认识的机会,增进学生间的友谊。游戏教学,调动学生学习积极性。实物教学,形象逼真,使学生更容易理解词义了解文具功能,拓宽知识范围,并为后面的猜词游戏作铺垫培养学生认单词的能力。利用比赛类游戏调动学生积极参与的同时巩固所学新知识。板书无反思Unit One Lesson3课题Lesson 3第三课时总第3课时教学目标1 能够运用所学英语进行交流2 学习新句

12、子:Your book!和Oh, thanks!3 复习所学知识教学重点复习单词并学习本课的英语对话教学难点Your book!和Oh, thanks!教学用具文具实物、教学光盘、单词卡片教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Greeting and warm-up1. T: Class begins!Ss: Stand up!T: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!T: Sit down, please.2. Teacher and students take out the name cards and greet each other. T: Hello, Im C

13、athy. S: Hello, Im .3. Students say Hello each other.4. Read the card.5. TPR 6. Say the chant with action.Step2: Lead inT: Do you remember our friends? Look at the picture. Who is she? Who is he? They seem to be speaking. Lets see what they are talking about. Step3: presentation1. Students watch the

14、 CD.2. Talk about what the dialogue tells us? (to be polite) 3. Teacher and students greet each other.4. T drops a book intentionally and waits for one student to pick up. Then teacher says: Oh, thanks!5. Act the dialogue.Step4: Practice1. TPR: T: Show me your ruler/book/pencil/eraser.2. Game: words

15、 jump and jump and jump. 师生互相问候,拉近师生距离,同时复习上节课内容。运用全身反应法复习文具等单词加深对主线人物的印象,利用谈话导入。创设情景,使学习生动,丰富。运用游戏,复习单词。板书无反思Unit One Lesson4课题Lesson 4第四课时总第4课时教学目标1 学习新单词:pencil case, backpack2 学习新句型:Whats your name? My name is.3 感知课堂指令用语Open.和Take out教学重点学习新单词和句型教学难点新句型和指令语教学用具文具实物、录音磁带、玩具狗教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Warm-

16、up and lead in1. Review the words: Read the cards.2. TPR T: Show me your ruler/book/eraser T: Show me your pencil case. (T takes out a pencil case to hint students.) 3. T: Show me your backpack. (T takes out a backpack to hint for students.)Step2: presentation1. Read the words: pencil case, backpack

17、2. T: Open your backpack. (T does the action) T: Take out pencil case. (T does the action)3. TPR T: Open your pencil case.4. T opens the pencil case and takes out a toy. T: I have a friend. He is a dog. Do you want to know his name? Lets ask him. T: Whats your name? Dog (T): My name is Lucky.5. Stud

18、ents ask the dogs name.6. T asks some students names with clapping hands. T:Name, name, whats your name? Ss: Name, name, my name is Judy.Step4: Practice1. Learn the chant.2. Students act and say the chant.3. Game: T asks one students name, and then he asks another ones.4. Students ask names each oth

19、er with name cards. 运用全身反应法复习文具等单词创设情景,实物教学,使教学生动,丰富。通过欢快有节奏的歌谣练习新句型创造情景,使学生能在实际生活中运用英语进行交流板书无反思Unit One Lesson5课题Lesson 5第五课时总第5课时教学目标1 复习文具及学校的单词2 会用英语进行早、中、晚问好教学重点复习单词并学习早、中、晚问候教学难点Good evening和Good night的区别教学用具录音磁带、教学光盘、太阳和月亮卡片、单词卡片教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Revision1. Game: 火车接龙2. TPR 3. Say the chantSte

20、p2: Lead in1. Students find the stationery from the picture and say: a ruler, an eraser, a book, a pencil.2. Pair work: 同桌互相找课桌上的文具,并说出。3. Listen to the tape, find the stationery and point to the neighbor.Step3: presentation1. T takes out the sun card and right hand up, left hand up and takes it, an

21、d then hand down. Left hand and right hand make a circle. It means that the sun rises and sets. 2. As the sun card is put up by right hand: T: Good morning!3. As the sun card is put up by left hand: T: Good afternoon!4. As the moon card is put up: T: Good evening!5. T does the action for sleeping: T

22、: Good night!6. Learn the chant.Step4: Practice1. TPR: Students greet to teacher according to Ts card or action.2. Students greet each other according to Ts card or action.3. Match: One student puts up the card and does the action; two or three students say Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! and

23、see who the first is?利用单词卡片进行比赛,运用全身反应法以及轻快的歌谣复习所学单词。从实际生活中找所学过的英语单词,使英语贴近生活。借助太阳与月亮的卡片和动作使学生理解morning, afternoon, evening和night的意思。在实际生活中运用英语,使英语贴近生活。利用竞赛游戏,充分调动学生参与课堂活动,巩固所学知识。板书无反思Unit One Lesson6课题Lesson 6第六课时总第6课时教学目标复习本单元学过的单词和句型教学重点复习单词和句型教学难点组织学生用英语进行表演教学用具文具实物、教学光盘教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Warm-up 1

24、. Read the card to review the words.2. TPR T: Show me your ruler/book/eraser T: Open your pencil case.3. Say the chants of this unit.4. T greets to some students and asks their names.Step2: presentation1. Students observe the cards of the story and say the meaning, and then T explains it.2. Watch th

25、e teaching CD. T does the action.3. Watch the teaching CD again, students dub for Bill.4. T and students act.5. Group work: students practice to tell story.Step4: Practice1. Review the words: 火车接龙2. Game: Simon says通过全身反应法、歌谣、问答等方式复习单词和句型通过配音和表演使学生更加熟悉课堂指令板书无反思Unit Two Lesson7课题Lesson 7第一课时总第7课时教学目标

26、1 能听懂并说出表示脸和五官的英语单词2 通过欢快的歌谣激发学生对英语的兴趣3 培养学生的合作意识以及良好的卫生习惯4 感知课堂指令语Touch your.和动词wash.教学重点学习脸和五官的单词教学难点歌谣以及单、复数教学用具教学光盘、小丑图、骰子教学内容教法说明复备Step1: Warm-up1. Greeting2. TPR:Review the words in last unitStep2: Lead inT takes out the card of the clown and tells a story: When the god was making the clown, h

27、e asked the clown:“What do you want to have?” The clown said:“I want a very big nose, very big mouth, a red face, two big eyes and two long ears.”The god said:“Yes, I give them to you .” Then, the clown look into the mirror. “Oh, My body! Im so ugly!” T: Today, lets learn My body.(write on the black

28、board)Step3: presentation1. T sticks the picture on the blackboard.2. Read the words following T.3. T points to the sense organ, the students say the word.4. One student point to his five sense organs, the others say the word.5. Learn the chant.Step4: Practice1. Game: Simon says T:Touch your nose/ey

29、es/mouth/ears/face 2. Game: paper diceEvery representative of group casts the dice drew the five sense organs, and says the word, his groupers draw the sense organ, if he casts the same sense organ, the groupers cant draw. The group which is the first to finish the five sense organs is the winner.运用全身反应法复习所学单词。通过童话故事,吸引学生,调动学生。运用直观教学法,是学生更易于理解单词的意思。运用全身反应法,不同的组织形式学习新单词,利于学生记忆T takes out the

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