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1、新教材译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教案译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学要求教学内容及课时安排:1.话题和功能:Family members/ Getting to know other people2.日常用语与句型:Who is she/ he? Shes my aunt./ Hes my uncle. Whos that girl? Shes Su Hai./ Shes my sister. Were twins. 3.词汇:were = we are, twin, aunt, baby, cousin, we, girl, man, woman, boy, name4.歌谣:Whos t

2、hat little girl? 5.语音:字母n在单词中的发音。八课时单元教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Who is she/ he? Shes my aunt./ Hes my uncle. Whos that girl? Shes Su Hai./ Shes my sister. Were twins.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇were = we are, twin, aunt, baby, cousin, 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词we, girl, man, woman, boy, name 4.会诵读歌谣:Whos that little girl? 5.能听

3、懂、会说、发音准确:字母n在单词中的读音。单元教学重点、难点:重点句型:Who is she/ he? Shes my aunt./ Hes my uncle.词汇:twin, aunt, baby, cousin, we, girl, man, woman, boy, name语音:字母n在单词中的读音难点句型:Who is she/ he/ that girl/?的语调和用法。词汇:twin, aunt, man, woman, girl, cousin的读音; 语音:字母n在单词中的读音译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学设计方案 NO:1教学内容Unit 8 Were twins!课型新授

4、课时间教学目的1、通过全家福照片及纸偶的展示学习句型Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.。2、通过学习Story time,能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词aunt, twins, were。3、.通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。4、能在真实的情景中运用Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.进行交流。重点、难点、通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。、能在真实的情景中运用Whos

5、 she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.进行交流。课前准备光盘、PPT、头饰、大树道具课 时第一课时教学过程:Step1: Warm up1. (课前准备五个纸偶,画上不同的人物(分别代表自己和家庭中其他成员)。课堂上戴着纸偶现场操作,模拟出不同人物,与学生进行交流。)T: Look, this is a girl.This is a boy. This is a man. This is a woman.通过介绍纸偶学习girl, boy, man, womanT: Who are they? Lets listen to a song.2.

6、Listen to a song T: This is me. Welcome to my family. Look! Whos he? 指着爸爸的纸偶S1: Hes T: Yes, hes my father. Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you too. Whos this girl? 指着画有妹妹图像的纸偶S1:Shes同法引出其他家庭成员,渗透文中主要句型3. 学生出示自己的全家福T:This is the finger family. Who wants to show us your family

7、 photo?(投影) Whos this man / woman / boy / girl?S1: Shes / Hes mySs:Whos this man / woman / boy / girl?S1: Shes / Hes myStep2 : Presentation1、 出示学校场景图,引导学生整体理解对话内容T: Today is Open Day. The children and their families are at school. Who are they? Look at the picturee and listen to the tape.Ss: 学生整体听录音

8、初步理解课文内容2. 从学生已知人物入手,引导学生带着了解未知人物的目的,听课文录音,进一步理解课文内容,理清人物关系T:(指着Mike)Whos this boy?S1: Hes Mike.T: (指着Yang Ling)Whos that girl?S2: Shes Yang Ling.T: (指着Su Hai) And whos this girl?S3: Shes Su Hai.T: (指着Su Yang) Is this Su Hai?S4: No, shes Su Yang.T: Yes, theyre twins. (Teachtwins)T: 继续出示课文中另外两个成年人物图

9、Whos she? Whos he?Lets listen and matchSs: 听录音,连线T:Who is he?Ss: (引导学生回答)Hes Mikes uncle. So Mike saysHes my uncle.此环节时,将人物图片贴在黑板上3. 引导学生认识理解man, woman, boy, girl等词T: Who are in the playground?Ss: Mike, Yang Ling, (看着黑板一一复述)T: I have some words here. Can you help them to find friends?(事先将单词也做好,让学生将单

10、词及人物配对,Mike boy)Step3 Consolidation1.Read the dialogue after the tapeRead in role Read in groups Act out the story2. 布置学生准备一些自己感兴趣的名人或卡通人物,小组之间讨论A. Homework.1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Try to recite the dialogue.3. Copy the new words.4. Make the family tree(

11、参照Fun time)B. Homework.1. Recite the dialogue and the words.2.Using the sentence Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / talk about your family.3. Introduce your familyThis girl is my . This man is. 二度修改板书设计Unit 8 Were twins!Whos this / that ?Mike Uncle Yang Ling Su Hai Su Yang Aunt boy m

12、an girl woman 译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学设计方案 NO:2教学内容Unit 8 Were twins!课型新授课时间教学目的1、通过制作讨论家谱,学生能够熟练运用句型Who is she/ he? Shes / Hes my.2、在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。3、通过小短文的学习,让学生能在真实的情景中正确运用Whos this? This is my.4、通过培养学生学英语的兴趣,运用英语的意识。重点、难点1、通过制作讨论家谱,学生能够熟练运用句型Who is she/ he? She

13、s / Hes my.2、通过小短文的学习,让学生能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。课前准备多媒体,PPT课 时第二课时教学过程:Step1: Warm up1. Greeting 让学生带一些自己小时候的照片,老师上课用投影呈现T: Whos this girl?Ss: Shes T: Whos that boy?Ss: Hes (老师呈现一些明星) T: Whos this man?Ss: HesT: Whos that woman?Ss: Shes 2. Free talka. Act Story time (1)PPT出示图片及空气泡,让学生填写(注意语音语调)(2)Act in

14、 role.Step 2 PresentationFun time1、 出示老师的全家幅T: Whos this baby?Ss: Its your(daughter).T: Yes, this baby is my daughter. Teach babyT: Who can ask me some questions?S1: Whos this woman?T: Can you guess?Ss: Shes yourT: Yes, shes my mother.以此方式教学巩固单词man, woman, girl, boy, baby, aunt, uncle2、 教师用剪贴画在黑板上呈现

15、一张家谱,从家谱书顶部画起,边画边让学生猜猜人物是谁T: Now I want to draw my family tree. Look, whos he ?Ss: Hes your father.T: Whos this woman?Ss: Shes my mother.T: Look, whats this? Its a tree. Its a family tree. Whos this?Ss: Hes / Shes 3、 家谱设计大赛T: This is my family tree. Do you want to show me your family tree. Firstly,

16、please talk about your family tree in groups. Every group chooses the best one.投影呈现小组优秀家谱树,小组内同学问,该同学回答S1: Who is he?S2: Hes my father.S3: Who is she?S4: Shes my aunt.二度修改板书设计Unit 8 Were twins!A: Whos he / she?B: Hes / Shes . A: Whos this / that boy/girl/man/woman?B: Hes / Shes.译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学设计方案

17、NO:3教学内容Unit 8 Were twins!课型新授课时间教学目的1、通过制作讨论家谱,学生能够熟练运用句型Who is she/ he? Shes / Hes my.2、在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。3、通过小短文的学习,让学生能在真实的情景中正确运用Whos this? This is my.4、通过培养学生学英语的兴趣,运用英语的意识。重点、难点1、通过制作讨论家谱,学生能够熟练运用句型Who is she/ he? Shes / Hes my.2、通过小短文的学习,让学生能正确理解、掌握对话

18、内容,并能朗读对话。课前准备多媒体,PPT课 时第三课时教学过程Step1: Warm up1. Greeting 让学生带一些自己小时候的照片,老师上课用投影呈现T: Whos this girl?Ss: Shes T: Whos that boy?Ss: Hes (老师呈现一些明星) T: Whos this man?Ss: HesT: Whos that woman?Ss: Shes 2. Free talkStep2 Cartoon timea.整体呈现对话内容,出示图片,教师用语言引导学生通过上下文理解对话,体会幽默之处T: Look, Bobby and Sam are watch

19、 Sams family photoes. Whos John? Lets read the story.b.学生通过阅读初步理解故事内容Ss: Sams grandpa, Sams father, Sams cousin are John.T: Oh, they all named John. Thats funny.c.学生在小组内开展趣味朗读活动,加入动作表情,读出趣味二度修改板书设计Unit 8 Were twins!A: Whos he / she?B: Hes / Shes . A: Whos this / that boy/girl/man/woman?B: Hes / Shes

20、.译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学设计方案 NO:4教学内容Unit 8 Were twins!课型新授课时间教学目的1、通过单词复习和相应的练习,能正确地听、说、读单词 cow, pig, chicken, duck, pear, apple, orange.2、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? Theyre. Are these / those?3、通过跟唱、分组唱、表演唱等方式,能会唱歌曲 On the farm4、通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音。重点、难点1、通过师生、生生的对话,

21、使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? Theyre. Are these / those?2、通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音。课前准备多媒体、PPT课 时第四课时教学过程:Step1: Warm up1.GreetingT: Good morning / afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Miss .Step 2. Rhyme time1. 教师制作歌谣中三个角色的手指纸偶,让学生来猜猜纸偶上的人物是谁?T: Look at my finger puppe

22、t. Whos that little boy? Listen to the tape.Play the rhymeSs: His name is Robbie Roy.T: Is he tall?Ss: No. Robbie Roy is not very tall. (教师重点指导该句子的朗读)T: 教师指着另两个纸偶问 Whos this?Ss: A cat. / A mouse.T: Yes. His cat and mouse are also small. (教师重点指导该句子的朗读)2. 教师出示歌谣,学生尝试认读3. Read after the teacher4. Read

23、in groupsStep3 Read and write1. 出示三上Mike的全家福T: Robbie Roy is our new friend. Look, whos this boy?Ss: Hes Mike.T: Yes. Do you know Mikes family? Who can be Mike, and introduce your family.Ss: This is / This is T: Ok, you did a good job. Lets play a game. Look at the pictures on my hands. They are bac

24、k to you. Lets guess who they are. 把Mike 一家的图片反过来对着学生T:Who can ask?S1: Whos he / she?Ss: Hes T: You can use whoto ask questions.完成Ticking time 第二项打星部分2. 出示55页图片a. T: Wow, you know Mikes family well.Look at the picture carefully. Can you talk about it?(小组讨论)S1: Whos this boy? S2: Hes Mike. S3: Whos t

25、hat man? S4: Hes Mikes uncle. b. T: If you are Mike and his friend, how to talk about the picture?(小组讨论)S1: Is he your? S2: Yes/ No. Hesc. Finish the dialogue on P55d. Checkout the answer uncle, aunt, girl, sister完成Ticking time 第一项打星部分Step3: Sound time1.Listen and repeat T: Next, lets look at these

26、words: man, new, nine, twin, woman. Whats the same letter?Ss: N.Read these words after the teacher.T: Ok. Lets read these words together.Ss: man, new, nine, twin, womanT: Great! Read after me/n/. Ss: /n/ T: n, n, n, /n/ , /n/, /n/ man, new, nineSs: n, n, n, /n/ , /n/, /n/ man, new, nineT: n, n, n, /

27、n/ , /n/, /n/ twin, womanSs: n, n, n, /n/ , /n/, /n/ twin, womanT: 同学们,想想看,还有那些也是发这个音呢? Ss: . T: Good!You are so clever. Look at the picture ,Nick is nine. Nancy is ten. Nick has a book. Nancy has a pen. Whats the meaning? Ss: 尼克九岁。南茜十岁。尼克有本书,南茜有只钢笔。T: Follow me Nick is nine. Nancy is ten. Nick has

28、a book. Nancy has a pen. Ss: Nick is nine. Nancy is ten. Nick has a book. Nancy has a pen.教师强调读句子是字母n的发音/n/T: Can you say the sound of the letter n?完成Ticking time 第三项打星部分Step3 Homework1.Finish the exercises2.know the sound of the letter m二度修改板书设计Unit 8 Were N man new nine twin womanNick is nine. Nan

29、cy is ten. Nick has a book. Nancy has a pen.译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学设计方案 NO:5教学内容Unit 8 Were twins!课型新授课时间教学目的能综合运用本单元学习的词汇、语句,谈论物体。重点、难点能综合运用本单元学习的词汇、语句,谈论物体。课前准备录音机、磁带,四会单词卡片, 句子卡片,多媒体。课 时第五课时教学过程:一、Greetings 二、Say a rhyme:Whos that little boy? 三、Review 1.出示句子卡片,学生认读。 2. 快速出示四会单词卡片,学生抢读,再组织学生拼读。 四、Checkout time 1.多媒体出示本部分图片,指导学生认真观察图片中的物体。2.尝试讨论。五、Do exercise 指导学生完成本单元每课练、听读训练的练习。 六、Ticking time 结合练习情况,指导学生对本单元的学习进行自我评价。 二度修改板书设计Unit 8 Were twins!A: Whos he / she?B: Hes / Shes . A: Whos this / that boy/girl/man/woman?B: Hes / Shes.

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