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1、六年级下册练习题Unit 1 How tall are you ?词形变换a) tall taller 1.big_ 2old _ 3heavy_4. thin_ 5. fat_ b) yes no 1 big_2 old_3 fat _4 light_判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同 用和表示1 short for( ) 2 horse world( )3 word work( )4 where hair( )5 worm corner ( )6 book room( )7 there here( ) 8 bear dear ( )9 heavy head( )10 tail baby( )

2、11 noise boy( ) 12 bike live ( )选出发音不同的一项1.A. pain B. tail C. said D. grain2.A. pine B. bike C. pink D. driver3.A. baby B. pants C. bad D. back4.A. how B. yellow C. cow D. now 5.A. cloud B. about C. house D. should选择正确的疑问词填空(Where , when, who, whose, what, how many, how old. How. Which. Why)1 _ are

3、you doing? 2 _ does he spend his weekends?3 _ is your mothers birthday? 4 _ students have their birthdays in June?5 _is the matter? 6 _is that girl in the white dress?7 _gloves are they? 8 _one?9 _are you? 10 _dont you go to bed now?用所给的词适当形式填空1 Amy is _(tall) than Lingling. 2 Im _(strong) than Ling

4、ling.3 My hair is _(long) 4 A cat is _(small) than an elephant.5 This computer is_(large) than that one6 Our school is _(nice) than their school.7 I like_(swim) very much 8 Yang Ling_(do ) her homework every evening.9 I often go _(shop) on Sundays. 10 Whose bag is it? Its _(I ).阅读题 根据短文判断对错A Lucy is

5、 a new student in our class. Shes an American girl. Shes twelve. Lucy has a twin sister. Her names Lily. They look the same. Lucys fifteen minutes younger than Lily .Lucy is 135 centimeters tall. Lily is 132 centimeters tall. Look, this is Lucy and Lilys bedroom. There are two beds, two desks and ch

6、airs in it. Where are their bags? Lucys bag is on the desk. Lilys bag is behind the chair. Lucys bag is lighter than Lilys. Lucy and Lily are in different classes. They go to school and go home together every day.( )1 Lucy and Lily are American girls.( )2 Lucy and Lily look the same.( )3 Lucys twent

7、y minutes younger than Lily.( )4 Lily is taller than Lucy( )5 Lucys bag is behind the chair.( )6 Lucy and Lily are in different classes.( )7 Lilys bag is heavier than LucysBTom is my little brother. Hes six years old now. He has big eyes and a small mouth. Hes short. He wants to be a writer. He ofte

8、n borrows books from me.One day , Tom is ill. My mother takes him to the hospital. The doctor asks the nurse to give him an injection. Tom cries for a long time. Dear son. Dont cry. Youll feel better after a while,my mother says. When my mother gives the money to the nurse, Tom says angrily No, she

9、hurt me. She made me cry. She should give me some money!1.Tom is six years old.2.Tom wants to be a nurse.3.The doctor gives Tom an injection.4.Tom cries for a long time when he has an injection.5.Tom thinks the nurse should give him some money.CMrs. Black is a farmer. She does lots of hard work. She

10、 works all day. But now she often forgets things and doesnt do the work well. She worries about this a lot. So she goes to the doctor ,Mr. Brown.Whats wrong with you, Madam? says the doctor.Oh, doctor, I cant remember things . I often forget it in half a minute. What can I do? Can you help me? says

11、Mrs. Black.When does your trouble begin? the doctor asks.When does what begin? asks Mrs. Brown.1.Mrs. Black is a worker.2.She does lots of housework all day.3.She worries about her memories.(记忆)4.She often forgets things in half an hour.5.Mr. Brown is a doctor.6.She forgets things in the doctors roo

12、m again.选出不同类的一项 1A.heavier B. longer C. funny 2.A.sperm whale B. lobster C. killer whale3.A. ton B. meter C. kg 4.A. than B. yellow C. brown5.A. hair B. feet C. old 6.A. feet B. leaf C. tigers D. women7.A. milk B. juice C. meat D. coffee 8.A. meter B. deep C. tall D. thin选择最佳答案 1.A pencil is 15_. A

13、. cm B. m C. mm2.You are 35_ A. g B. tons. C. kg 3. The Great Wall is 5,000 _ long. A. cm B. m C. km4. Line up _ shorter _ taller. A. go, to B. come, to C. from, to5.How _are your feet? I wear size 19. A. big B. long C. heavy6.Youre taller than _ brother. A. me B. your C. you7. This is _. A. I B. my

14、 C. me8. Look at that panda. _ color is black and white. A. Its B. It C. Its9. Shes taller than_. A. my B. I C. me10. His hair is longer than_. A. me B. my C. mine11.Youre taller than _. A. you B.I C. me12. The boy is six _ tall. A. foot B. feet C. m13. My legs are longer than_. A. you B. your legs

15、C. your D. yours 14. The blue monkey is more beautiful than the yellow_. A. that B. it C. one15.-_ do you watch TV? -I watch TV once a week.A. How soon B. How long C. How often16.My fish is smaller than _.A. Amys B. Amys C. Amy D. Amys17.Jims books are more than _. A. Lucy B. Lucys C. Lucys 18.-_? -

16、I wear size 17.A. How big are your feet? B. How long are your feet? C. How heavy are your feet?19.I am 158 cm tall, but you are 155cm.So_.A.I am taller than you . B.I am shorter than you. C. You are 3 cm taller than me.20.Shes _ than Jim.A. two years older B. older two years C. two years old D. two

17、older years选择适当的词填空1.I am 150 _ tall.(am, cm)2.My friend is shorter _ me. (than, then)3. _ tall are you? (How, What)4 Im 12. Lily is 11. Im _ than her. (shorter, older)5. Roma is ,but London is .(big bigger)6. Alice is ,but Mary is than Alice.(nice nicer)7. This line is , but that line is than the f

18、irst line.(short shorter)8. The right house is , but the left house than that one. (small smaller)句型题1.Shes 167cm tall.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is she?2.Its tail is 40cm long. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is its tail?3.Tom is 50kg. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is Tom?4.I think the yellow monkey is 50cm tall.(变否定句) I _ think the yellow monk

19、ey _ 50cm tall.5.My room is 50 square meters. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is your room?6.Lucy is 170cm tall. Jim is 175cm tall.(合并一个句子)Jim is _ _ Lucy.7.My hands are bigger than yours.(变同义句) Your hands are _ than _.8.I like the brown monkey. (对划线部分提问) _?阅读理解(A)Girl: Mom, look, there are some birds.Mom: Which bird

20、 do you like?Girl: I like the green one. Its taller than the blue one.Mom: Which bird is stronger?Girl: The blue one is stronger.Mom: I like the blue bird. I think its younger.Girl: But the green birds tail is longer than the blue one.Mom: I think its about 20 cm long.判断正(T)误(F)。1. The green bird is

21、 shorter than the blue one.2. The blue bird is stronger than the green one.3. The green bird tail is about 20cm long.4. The mom likes the green bird.5. The girl likes the blue bird. (B)选择正确答案。There is an eraser, a pen and a ruler in my beautiful pencil-case. It is sunny today. They are very happy. T

22、hey are talking. The eraser says to the ruler “ I am fatter than you.” The ruler says, “Yes, but I am taller than you.” The pen comes up and says, “I am stronger than either of you.” But the others say, “You are the strongest, but we are more beautiful than you. Look at the eraser, he can erase(擦除)

23、some mistakes(错误) in notebooks. Look at the ruler, he likes sports very much. He can run and jump.” How interesting they are!1. The eraser is _ than the ruler. A. shorter B. fatter C. stronger2 . Which one is strongest? A. The ruler. B. The pen. C. The eraser.3 .Which one is more beautiful? A. The r

24、uler. B. The eraser. C. Both the ruler and the eraser.4 . What can the eraser do? A. He can erase the mistakes. B. He can run and jump. C. Both A and B.5. How many characters(人物) in the story? A. There. B. Four. C. We dont know.Unit Two Whats the matter, Mike ?判断单词读音1 rain play ( ) 2 know now ( )3 s

25、oup soap ( ) 4 part party ( )5 class water( ) 6 when who ( )7 hole got ( ) 8 south count ( )9 know knee( ) 10 loud country( )对话排序1 Ive got a bad cold. 2 No. 3 Thank you. 4 Hi. Liu Tao. Whats wrong with you?5 Not at all. 6 I have some medicine for cold. Here you are. Take them at once and have lots o

26、f rest. 7 Do you have any medicine?_句型转换1 Whats the matter with your friend?(改为同义句)_ _ with your friend ?2 Ill sleep with you.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ with _ ?3 She feels bored(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ her ?4 We are going to have a football match(对划线部分提问)_ _ you going to _ ?5 Today is Saturday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ toda

27、y ?6 I went to the park(改为否定句)I _ _ to the park.中英文互译 1 发烧_2 疼痛_3 感冒_4 牙疼_5 头疼_6 喉咙疼_7 累的_8 生气的_9 feel sick_10 see the doctor_ 11 take some medicine_12 a football match_13 高兴的_14 兴奋的_ 15 go skating_16 in the water_五 根据所给的情景,选择适当的表达(可多选)( )1 去医院看病时,医生常常说:A. Take some medicine and have a rest B Whats

28、wrong with you?C. Open your mouth and say “Ah”( )2 想知道Ben 是哪国人时,可以说:A. What nationality are you? B Where are you from? C. Where do you come from?( )3 看见别的同学趴在桌子上,你可以关切地问:A Whats the matter? B Whats this? C Im tired.( )4 你感到很瞌睡,你可以说:A Im bored. B Im sleepy C Im hot( )5 听到别人说自己病了,你可以说:A Im glad to hear that. B Im sorry C Im sorry to hear thatUnit Two Whats the matter, Mike ?六 给单词分类A 名词 B 动词C 形容词 D 副词E 数词F 介词G 代词H 连词( )1 name face neck plane( )2 red beautiful right different( )3 twelve thirty four hundred( )4 not here much very( )5 run swim

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