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1、初中比较级和最高级全方位练习题初中比较级和最高级全方位练习题(一)写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:IOng Wide fat heavy SIOW few brightly UnhaPPy (二)用所给词的正确形式填空:1、 Of the two girls, I find LUCy the (CIeVer)、2、 Gold(黄金)is (Iittle)USefUI than iron (铁)、3、 My SiSter is two years (Olel )than I、4、 JOhn S ParentS have four daughters, and She isthe (yo

2、ung)Ch 订d、5、 The (CheaP)bags are the not USUalIy the best ones、6、 The ShOrt One is by far expensive Of thefive、7、 The boy is not SO (interesting)as his brother、8、 DiCk SingS (WelI), She SingS (Well)than John, but Mary SingS (Well)in her class.9、 She WilI be much (happy)in her mew house.10、 ThiS Clre

3、SS is that、(twice, asas,expensive)英语语法之形容词比较级和最高级练习题1When We SPeak to PeOPIet We ShOUId be 、A、 as POIite as POSSibIeB as POIite as POSSibIyC、 as POIitely as POSSibleD、 as Politely as POSSibIy2ThiS book is that one, but than that one、A、 as difficuIt as; expensiveBX as more CIiffiCUIt as; more expensi

4、veC、 as difficuIt as; more expensiveD、 more CliffiCUlt as; as expensive3I think the Story is not SO as that one、A、 interestingB interestedC、 more interestingD、 most interesting4HiS father began to WOrk he WaS SeVen yearsold、A、as OIcl asB、as early asC、SinCeD、WhiIe5、I think SCienCe is _ than JaPaneseA

5、、much importrntB、importantC、much more ImPOrtantD、more much IlllPOrtmt6ThiS PenCiI is than that one、A、IOngeStB、IongC、IOngerD、as IOng 7 TheSe Children are this year thanthey Were IaSt year、A、moretallB、moretallerC、VerytallerD、 much taller8It WaS Very hot yesterday, but it is todayA、 even hotterB、 more

6、hotterC、 much more hotD、 much hot9When We arrived, We found the meeting room CrOWdeelWith StUdents、A、 quite a fewB、 Only a fewC、 fewD、 a few quite10The house is SmalI for a family Of six、A、 much tooBX too muchC、 Very muchD、 SO11The jacket WaS SO that he decided to buy it、A、 muchB、 IittieC、 expensive

7、D、 CheaP12OUr CIaSSrOOm is Iarger than theirs.A、 moreB、 quiteC、 VeryD、 much13The earth is aboUt as the moon、A、 as fifty times bigB、 fifty times as bigC as big fifty timesD、 fifty as times big14YOUr room is mine、A、 tWiCe as Iarge thanB、 twice the SiZe OfC、 bigger tWiCe thanD、 as tWiCe Iarge as15YOUr

8、room is than mine、A、 three time bigB、 three times bigC、 three times biggerD、 bigger three times16IIiS father is t han his mot her. ;A、 OIder four yearsB、 as four years OlderC、 four years OIderD、 bigger four years17MathS is more POPUIar them 、A、 any Other SUbjeCtB、 all the SUbjeCtsC、 any SUbjeCtD、 Ot

9、her SUbjeCt18China is Iarger than in AfriCaA、 any Other CoImtryOther CoUntriesC、 the Other COlmtry Jl%D、 any CoImtry19When SPring comes, it gets 、A、 Warm and WarmB、 COlder and COIderC、 Warmer and WarmerD、 ShOrter and ShOrter20At IaSt he began to Cry 、A、 hard and hardB、 more hard and more hardC、 hard

10、er and harderD、 IeSS hard and IeSS harder21When SPring COmeS the days get and nights.、A、 ShOrt; Ionglong; ShOrtC、 longer; ShOrterD、 ShOrter; IOnger22 I IOOk Elt the PiCture, I Iike it、A、B、The best; the moreThe more;the IeSSC、Themore;IeSSD、More; themore 23you COme back,itWilI be、 , The quicker; the b

11、estB、 The SOoner; the betterC、 FaSter; the betterD、 The SOoner; better24I Iike One Of the two books、A、 the OIderB、 OIdeStC、 the OIdeStD、 OIder25WhiCh is COImtry, China Or Japan?A、 the IargeB、 the IargerC、 IargerD、 IargeSt26WhiCh do you Iike , tea Or coffee?A、 WelIbetterC、 bestD、 most27ThiS WOrk is f

12、or me than for you、A、 cliff icu ItB、 most CIiffiCUltC、 much clifficuItD、 more difficuIt28WhiCh month is , June, JUly Or AUgUSt?A、hothotterC、 hottestD、 the hottest29WhO jumped Of all?A、 farfartherC、 farthestD、 the most far30WhO is Of you three?A、 the OIdeStmuch OlderC、 OICleStD、 OIder31TOm is One Of

13、boys in OUr class.A、 tallestB、 tallerC the tallestB、 the tall32、 MOSt Of the WOOdS been taken good Care of、A、 areB、 isC、 hasD、 have33 Iike PIaying football and WatChing TV、A、 MOSt boysB、 MOSt Of theyC、 MOSt boyD、 MOre Of they34 are here Watering the flowers here、A、 SOmeB、 SOme Of the boysC、 SOme boy

14、D、 SOme Of boys35 have nt bee n to AnIeriCa n、A、 MOSt themB、 MOSt theyC、 MOre Of themD、 MoSt Of them36The tree is in the garden.A、 the tallerB、 the tallestC、 taller than Of allD、 tall、37Mary StUdieS harder in her class.A、 as any OneB、 them any Other girlC、 than the OtherD、 them anyone38DO you have t

15、o tell us?A、 SOmething newB、 new SOmethingC、 anything newD、 new anything39No, 、 OnIy a IittIe cold、A、 quite WelIB、 nothing SeriOUSC、 not WOrryD、 anything SeriOUS40 COme here, I have to tell you、A、 interesting SOmethingmything interestingC、 nothing interestingD、 SOmething interesting41 Inl not to Iif

16、t the heavy box、A、 ShOrt enoUghenough tallC、 health enoughD、 StrOng enough42 IIe has to think it over、A、 many timeB、 timesC、 time enough Dt enough time43nDo you Want ?A、 else anythingB、 anything elseC、 Other anythingD、 else SOmething44 WoUld Iike to go to the Park With me?A、 WhOnl elseB、 What elseC、

17、 WhO elseD、 ElSe who45 Wei Fang is OnIy six, but She SPeakSEngIiSh her motherA、as good asB、as better asC、as WelI asD、as best as46 She WaS SiCk yesterday, but Sheto go to SChOOI today.A、enough goodB、good enoughC、enough WelID、WelI enough47 ThiS kind Of book is- for the ChiIdren toread.A、 enough WelIB、

18、 enough goodC、 WelI enoughD、 good enough48 ThiS Shirt is no good、 That One iseven A.betterB、WOrSeC、WeIID、WOrS t49We have never Seeninteresting films.A、SUChB、SUCh anC、SOD、SUCh a50Dont read books you CantIm derstand、A、as; SUChB、such; asC、same; asD、as; as51ThiS is book IdIike to readOnCe more.A、SUCh an

19、 interesting;thatB、SO interesting; thatB.C、 SUCh an interesting; asD、 a SO interesting; as52We havent Seen play、A、 SO WOnderfUIB、 a SO WOnderfulC、 SUCh WOnderfulD、 SUCh a WOnCierfUI53I think the book is Very 、A、 interestingB、 interestedC、 interestD、 interests54They Were Very to See each Other againA、 PIeaSedB、 SUrPriSingC、 happ订 y5 ACBC6-一10 CDA11-15 DDBBCl 6-一20CDDC21-一25 CBBAB26-30 BDDC31-一35 CCBD36-40BBCBD41-一45 DDBCC46-一50 DDBB51-一55 DC56-一60BDBCB61-65 BDBD66 C

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