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1、新职业英语第一册新职业英语第一册Unit 5 部分练习答案和参考译文2011-03-07 20:08:25|分类: 新职业英语 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 课文A 国际贸易 每当我们走进商店、餐馆、剧院或者任何别的商业场所进行消费的时候,我们就在进行交易。从根本上说,国际贸易同我们在国内进行的贸易并无差别。理解贸易的关键是牢记贸易发生的原因。不管是哪里的人,他们进行贸易的理由是因为他们相信通过贸易可以获益。当我们想想另一种选择,即我们每个人都自给自足,那么贸易的意义就更容易理解了。 通过进出口可以创造出更加多样化的商品和服务,因为各个国家都可以专注于自己最有优势的产品。一个国家通过专门生产自己

2、生产效率最高的商品,就能提高产量,就有机会来提高销量,并增加利润。更多的利润则可转化为员工更高的工资和对工厂及设备更多的投资。进出口也会为消费者提供更多廉价的商品。 我们可以用绝对优势和相对优势的经济学原理来解释贸易带来的好处。假设有一名律师和一名法律助理,如果这个律师准备案情摘要或打印信件所花费的时间比法律助理少,那么用经济学术语来说,该律师在准备案情摘要和打印信件方面都拥有“绝对优势”。如果到此为止,我们就有可能会说这个律师两件事都应该做,因为他这两方面都更在行。 按照相对优势的原理,该律师应专注于发挥其最强项打官司,而法律助理则应专注于打印信件。如果各取所长,他们实际的工作效率会比各自都

3、做这两项工作要高。通过专门从事各自最擅长的事情,然后以自己的产品去换取所需,双方均可获益。 通过国际贸易,不同国家得以用自己最高效生产的产品去换取别国最高效生产的产品。市场上的消费者越多,每个国家专营自己优势产品的能力就越强。需要着重强调的是,律师和法律助理都会从专业化分工和贸易中获益。同样,国际贸易对所有参与国来说都是一个双赢的局面。P71 Task 2 经买卖双方同意成交下列商品,订立条款如下: This contract is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER, in accordance with the terms and

4、 conditions stipulated below:唛头 Marks and Numbers品名 Description of Goods数量 Quantity单价 Unit Price总值 Total Value装运期 Shipment DateP76 Task 4 Model 1: the lawyer, less time, type letters, than the assistant It takes the lawyer less time to type letters than it does the assistant. 1. the manager, a whole

5、 afternoon, explain the new company regulations It took the manager a whole afternoon to explain the new company regulations. 2. the government, several weeks, calm down the angry workers. It took the government several weeks to calm down the angry workers. 3. Jimmie, a whole day, figure out the com

6、plex situation . It took Jimmie a whole day to figure out the complex situation. Task 5 Model 2: There are many consumers in the market. The ability of each country to specialize in what it does best becomes great. The more consumers there are in the market, the greater the ability of each country t

7、o specialize in what it does best. 1. She works hard. She makes achievement. The harder she works, the better achievement she makes. 2. There were many fans in the hall. The player felt excited. The more fans there were in the hall, the more excited the player felt. 3. The questions are difficult. I

8、m not likely to be able to answer them. The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I am able to answer them. Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases. 1. 他们的境况比我们的好。(better off) Theyre better off than we are. 2. 为那件事哭泣没有意义。(make sense) Crying for that m

9、atter does not make any sense./Crying for that matter makes no sense. 3. 据说游泳对身体健康有极大好处。(benefit) It is said that swimming brings great benefit to our health. 4. 他认为自己的想法是绝对的真理。(absolute) He believed his idea to be absolute truth. 5. 老师不太相信乔治的借口。(be inclined to) The teacher wasnt inclined to believe

10、 Georges excuse. 6. 我方何时能收到你方的确认函?(confirmation) When can we receive your letter of confirmation? 7. 如果你能接受合同中的条款,请在此签名。(terms and conditions) If you can accept the terms and conditions of the contract, please sign your name here. 8. 根据你方要求,现寄上衬衫样品。( in accordance with) In accordance with your reque

11、st, we are sending you the shirt samples. 新职业综合英语第一册Unit 4 练习答案及课文译文2011-03-07 19:51:20|分类: 新职业英语 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 Reading A 工业设计 我想设计一只闹钟,它带有一个移动式闹铃开关,闹铃第一次响时开关触手可及,但之后闹钟一次比一次难触碰到,于是闹钟闹个不停,直到我完全醒来。 作为工业设计师,我们的工作就是设计产品所有批量生产的各种各样的产品,从法拉利汽车到烤面包炉,从家具到电视机。我们通过画图、素描、甚至涂鸦来构思产品,将生产厂商想象的某种产品的样子呈现给他们 我们的职业目标之一

12、是使产品具有吸引力。一位工业设计师草图本里的内容常常看上去就像平面化的科学狂人的实验室,满是各种各样产品的涂鸦。我们工业设计师们也用双手来进行创意,用粘土、造型泡沫这些工作室里的材料来展现产品的手感。米开朗基罗在大理石堆中“发现”了他的雕塑作品;工业设计师们在粘土堆、泡沫堆,或者偶尔在电脑软件的帮助下找到了最新款随身听的形状。 不管用哪种工作材料,设计师们每次都会花上好几个小时去造型,去触摸,去把握,一遍又一遍地雕琢那些线条,不久,这些东西就会成为真正可以使用的产品,被千万个消费者触摸、把玩。当你抚摸着刚从盒子里取出的全新产品时,它的表面已经被设计师的双手和目光以这样或那样的方式抚摸和打量过成

13、百上千次了。 我们也竭尽全力使产品不会令人生厌。有些产品外形又酷又好用它们是一系列会在潜移默化中提升你生活品质的奇妙物品。而另一些产品,其令人讨厌的设计几乎使其实用性变得不值一提,比如桌角伤人的咖啡桌,以及看起来像曼哈顿地图一般令人迷惑的遥控器。两类产品的区别在于其设计方式,在于其外观和手感,而造成这一切不同的正是工业设计。课文B iPod 安全手册 重要操作信息 注意:不遵守下列操作指示可能导致iPod或其他物件受损。 携带 iPod内装敏感组件。切勿弯曲、摔落或挤压。如果担心划伤iPod, 您可以购买一个外壳。外壳另有出售。 使用接头和端口 不要强行将接头插入端口。如果接头不能顺畅地插入到

14、端口中,说明它们可能不匹配。连接时,确保接头与端口匹配,并且将接头对准端口。确保合适的温度 须在温度为摄氏0到35度(华氏32到95度)之间的地方使用iPod。在低温条件下,iPod的播放时间可能会暂时缩短。须将iPod存放在温度为摄氏零下20到零上45度(华氏零下4到零上113度)之间的地方。不要将iPod留在停泊的车内,因为车内的温度可能会超出上述范围。 在使用iPod或者给电池充电时,机壳发热是正常现象。机壳将设备内部的热量传导给外部的冷空气,起到散热的作用。 保持外壳干净 清洗iPod时,拔下所有电源线,关闭机器,并且将”锁定”转换开关(如果有)置于“锁定”位置。然后用微湿软布擦拭。避

15、免开口处受潮。切勿使用玻璃水、家用洗涤剂或其他化学清洗剂清洁 P60 Task 3 Model 11. The most important thing for us is to save lives. 2. The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and newspapers3. My purpose has been to point out the difficulties of the matter. Model 21 Mary studies hard, while her little brother Tom plays all th

16、e time2 The design of the product has been improved, while the quality is still disappointing. 3 The girl managed a sweet smile on her face, while she was bleeding deep inside.P61 Task 5 1. 我们一进大楼就找到了这个公司。(locate) We located the company as soon as we entered the building. 2. 这两家工厂都生产电脑配件。(manufactur

17、e) Both factories manufacture computer parts. 3. 我已经把报告的大部分写完了。(a chunk of) Ive completed a chunk of my report. 4. 你可以用锤子把这块金属弄平。(flatten) You can use a hammer to flatten out this piece of metal. 5. 我们能否进一步增强营销方面的优势?(enhance) Can we further enhance our marketing advantages? 6. 他的粗心导致了任务的失败。(result i

18、n) His carelessness resulted in the failure of the task. 7. 公司非常关心员工们的未来。(be concerned about) The company is very concerned about the future of the employees. 8. 办公室窗帘的颜色必须与环境相配。(match) The color of the curtains in the office should match the environment. Unit 7 Establishing Business Relations 建立贸易联

19、系2011-03-06 08:20:00|分类: 商务英语听说 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 reference / ?ref?r?ns; r?f?r?ns/ n (to sb/sth) (a) U act of referring (refer 1a) to sb/sth 提到; 说到; 涉及: Avoid (making) any reference to his illness. 千万别提起他的病. * The original text is here for ease of reference. 谨附原文以便查考. (b) C statement, etc speaking of or

20、 mentioning sb/sth; allusion 说到或提到某人某事物的言语或文字等; 暗示: He made pointed (ie obvious) references to the recent scandal. 他有针对性地提到最近的丑闻. * The book is full of references to places I know. 这本书里提到许多我熟悉的地方. C (to sb/sth) note, etc telling a reader in what other book, article, etc information may be found; boo

21、k, passage, etc referred to in this way or as an authority (向读者指示参考书 文章等的)附注, 旁注; (做此种用途的)书, 章节: a thesis crowded with references to other sources 有旁徵博引附注的论文 * check your references 要核对引证的资料 * cite Green 1986 as a reference 引用1986年格林的论述作参考资料. C (abbr 缩写 ref) (commerce 商) (on letters, etc) means of i

22、dentification (书信等的)编号: Please quote our reference when replying. 回信时请注明我方函件编号. C (person willing to make a) statement about a persons character or abilities (有关某人品格或能力的)证明文书, 介绍信; 证明人: quote sb/sbs name as a reference 提出某人某人的名字做可咨询的证明人 * provide a reference for sb 为某人出具证明 * supply sb with a referen

23、ce 向某人提供愿做证明的人 * She has excellent references from former employers. 她持有以前的雇主写的很好的证明书. * a bankers reference, ie a note from ones bank saying that ones financial position is sound 银行证明(证明某人财务状况良好). Cf 参看 testimonial 1. (idm 习语) bear/have some/no reference to sth (not) be connected with sth 与某事物有关无关:

24、 This has no reference to what we were discussing. 这与我们讨论的问题无关. a frame of reference = frame1. in/with reference to sb/sth (esp commerce 尤用於商业) about or concerning sb/sth 关於某人某事物: I am writing with reference to your job application. 敬覆者, 关於您申请工作一事. Cf 参看 terms of reference (term). without reference

25、to sb/sth not taking account of sb/sth 不考虑某人某事物; 置某人某事物於不顾: She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors. 她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去.# reference book book, eg an encyclopedia or a dictionary, which is consulted for information, not read right through 参考书, 工具书(如百科全书或词典).reference

26、 library (also reference room) library or room having books that may be consulted on the premises, but not borrowed 参考书阅览室(藏书仅供室内参阅, 不外借).reference marks marks, eg *, , , , used to direct the reader to eg a footnote, where information may be found 参照符号(如* , 用以指示读者参看脚注等).recommend/ ?rek?mend; ?r?k?m?

27、nd/ v Tn, Cn.n/a, Dn.n, sb/sth (to sb) (for sth/as sth) praise sth as suitable for a purpose; praise sb as suitable for a post, etc; speak favourably of sb/sth 推许某事物; 推荐某人; 赞许某人某事物: recommend a car, film, plumber, etc 推荐某汽车 影片 管子工等 * What would you recommend for removing ink stains? 你看用什麽方法可除去

28、墨迹? * She was strongly recommended for the post. 她获大力推荐担任这个职务. * I can recommend him as an extremely good accountant. 我推荐他一定能当个极好的会计. * Can you recommend me a good novel? 你给我介绍一本好的小说行吗? Tn, Tf, Tw, Tg, Tsg, Dn.t, Dpr.f suggest (a course of action, treatment, etc); advise 建议(采取某种做法 对策等); 劝告: Id recom

29、mend extreme caution. 我奉劝多加小心. * I recommend that you resign. 我建议你辞职. * Im not the person to recommend how the job should be done. 我不是能为做此事出主意的人. * I recommended (you) meeting him first. 我建议(你)先见见他. * I wouldnt recommend you to go there alone. 我劝你不要孤身一人到那里去. Tn, sb/sth (to sb) (of a quality, etc) make sb/sth seem attractive (指特质等)使某人某事物显得可取: a plan with nothing, little, something, much, etc to recommend it 毫无 没

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