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1、违反合作原则的20个samples精编版 违反合作原则产生的特殊会话含义的具体事例合作原则共包含四大准则,其下又分为若干小则,格莱斯曾指出,反语(irony)、隐喻(metaphor)、夸张(hyperbole)和缓叙(meiosis)都会最终导致合作原则的违反现象,现根据四大准则进行举例分析。 合作原则 Cooperative Principle (一)量的准则 Maxim of Quantity(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose

2、of the exchange;(2)所说之话不应包含超出需要的信息。Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. For example, 1. Earl: I just want to look nice for my son when he comes in. Max: What? I am going to meet your kid? Earl: Well, one of them. Max:“One of them?” How many do you have?Earl: So far?Max: O

3、h, Earl, I love you.Earl: This is my son, Darius. He is the No.1 Chrysler salesman in all of Detroit. And he is my very favorite if he is the one Im thinking of. (From Bankruptcy Sisters)Analyze: This is a scene of Bankruptcy Sisters, Earl only told he dressed so decently to meet his son, but didnt

4、say clearly if Max would meet his son together, thats why Max felt puzzled and asked him how many of his sons; then Earl answered“So far?” , until the last sentence he did tell the purpose for meeting his son and add another unnecessary message “ if he is the one Im thinking of.” Because of the hiat

5、us or the redundancy of their conversation, makes the audiences fall into a reverie and sets a humorous comedy atmosphere. 2. Caroline: Oh my God! Is he your father? Max: Yes, he is my father. And my mother is a piece of chalk. (From Bankruptcy Sisters)Analyze: This is a conversation between Carolin

6、e and Max. Caroline asked if the man came into the cafe was Maxs father, Max answer “Yes” but add one more sentence “And my mother is piece of chalk.” which indicated the man was not Max s father at all. Obviously, though this situation is typical message redundancy, it helps the listeners to unders

7、tand the speakers real meaning and humor. 3.柳小姐之夫:老婆,请问一下你会不会打我? 柳小姐:我干嘛要打你啊?你又没做错事。如果我要真的打你的话,一定就是你做错事了。从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事情都要做到,对我讲的每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我、骂我,要相信我。别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心呢,你要陪着我开心;我不开心呢,你要哄我开心。永远觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里面也要见到我,在你的心里只有我!就是这样喽!(出自电影河东狮吼)Analyze: In this conversation, Mrs.Liu ha

8、d obeyed the maxim of quantity, the content of her answer was over the question requests. However, the extra message of her answer shows the true requirements of Mr.Liu, also makes the audiences realize Mrs.Lius personality.4. A tourist hailed a bus at a request stop and asked the conductor, “Whats

9、the fare to Regents Park?”“5 pence,” said the conductor. The tourist didnt get on the bus, but instead ran along behind it after it pulled away. As he met the bus again at the next stop, he panted, “Whats the fare to Regents Park now?”“10 pence,” said the conductor, “Youre running the wrong way.”Ana

10、lyze: In this funny story, the tourist was a niggard, tried to save money by running after bus and shorting the distance to his destination. At first, he asked the fare to his destination and was told “5 pence”; but after he ran tired out and asked again, then was told the fare had risen and he ran

11、the wrong direction of his destination. Its ascribed to the first time, the conductor did not tell details to the tourist, brought a misunderstanding to the tourist and the readers: as the tourist ran more that he could saved more money. Hence, the hiatus of the conversation makes a misunderstanding

12、, the conductor obeyed the maxim of quantity, deceived the stingy tourist by omitting necessary information advisedly.5. Liz: Jon, theres something important I need to ask you. Something that I wouldnt ask most guys who come in here. Jon: Wait, no! I think I know where this is going. Liz: You do? Jo

13、n: I do. Liz, Ive wanted to ask you the same thing for a very long time. Liz: Are you sure that were talking about the same thing? Jon: Absolutely. Yeah, uh, Ive never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Jon: Liz, I am ready to take a chance. I am ready for. Liz: Thank you. Jon: A dog! A d

14、og! Im ready for a dog. (from movie Garfield)Analyze: In above conversation, Liz only said she had something to ask Jon but didnt clear the details of it. And Jon was impatient to listen till the end, and then said he knew the content of that “something”. Until Liz held a dog needed to be adopted ca

15、me out, Jon realized he had misunderstood. Apparently, Jon didnt get enough information from Liz, so he misunderstood her and violated the maxim of quantity accidentally, which makes this talk dramatically. (二)质原则(Maxim of Quantity): (1)不要说自知虚假的话。Do not say what you believe to be false(2)不要说证据不足的话。D

16、o not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.For examples:1. The following is an AD: Feeding Your Body and Starving Your Hair?Aussie Hair insurance is a leave- in, multi-vitam in and mineral conditioning hair supplement that can nourish your hair from within. .If your hair is dry, frizzy or u

17、nmanageable., maybe its just hungry!Analyze: The slogan “Starving”of the AD usually used to describing humans aspiration of food. However, this AD used the word to describe hair was obeyed the maxim of quality, giving the obvious fake information to people to attract them, by this, this violation be

18、comes meaningful. 2. The following is an AD:Sophisticated, Sweet-to-drink Pink LadyAnalyze: This AD slogan created a metaphor by obeying the maxim of quality. “Pink Lady” is a brand of deluxe wine, the word “Sophisticated” means superior. But “Sophisticated” generally uses to embellishing a person b

19、ut other things, so it breaks the maxim of quality indeed. On the other hand, “Pink Lady” also means beautiful lady, so that the using of “Sophisticated” was reasonable; and yet the “Sweet-to-drink” would violate the maxim of quality. Due to these twofold violations, this AD shows a very different s

20、ense: if we compare the wine to beautiful lady, that would be fairy and elegant. The AD mixed them up, thereby appealing readers to dreaming about this wine brand. Though it violates the maxim of quality, it wins the attention of costumers.3. The following is a slogan in a shoes shop:A room for 5 to

21、esAnalyze: The slogan is a great parallelism. Rooms are the space for people doing activities, and shoes are the space for toes to stay, that is the similarity of these two. By this similarity, readers can easily understand the meaning of the slogan; moreover, rooms give people the impression about

22、comfortable and safe, so the shoes do. Thus, readers associate from the rooms to the shoesboth are shelters, then deep into their similarityboth giving protection. With the desire of be protected, people will be willing to buy the shoes. If changes the “room” to “box” or “pot”, readers can understan

23、d the meaning too, but it cannot create a emotional association to be a successful metaphor, which only break the maxim of quality but not to be a good AD.4. 韦小宝:各位观众,谢谢各位凑得这么近、站得这么直听我说书,真是太给面子啦。今天要说的人物就是天地会的总舵主陈近南,所谓平生不见陈近南,便称英雄也枉然。他身高八尺,腰围也是八尺。 众人:哇!那岂不是四方了吗? 韦小宝:四方就四方,一样米养百样人,八角形的都有。我告诉你!他武功的名堂呢,

24、称之为“九天十地菩萨摇头怕怕霹雳金光雷电掌”!一掌打出,方圆百里之内,不论人畜、虾蟹、跳蚤,全部化成了飞灰啊!(出自电影鹿鼎记)Analyze: According the maxim of quality, Wei should answer the question honestly based the truth but his own imagination. With this hyperbole expression, Wei attracted peoples attention resourcefully, although he violated the maxim of q

25、uality. 5. During the height of a particularly severe air-raid in London in 1940, the staff of a large building was taking shelter in the basement. The raid had been on progress for several hours and bombs were still falling. Suddenly one of the typists said to her friend, “come on, Gladys, Im not s

26、topping here any longer. Its 5 oclock. Its time to go home, raid or not raid.” Out they went but within a couple of minutes they were back again.“Change your mind?” asked one of the other typists.“Yes,” said the first girl. “Weve no umbrella and its pouring with rain outside.”Analyze: These two girl

27、s in this story could not stand the endless air-raid and stayed at the basement any longer, and one of them decided to go home, no matter the air-raid end or not. Maybe we will think that girl is a brave one, however, she backed, said because of she had no umbrella and outside were rain pouring that

28、 could not leave. The ending of this story is really ironical, the girl is so brave that can ignore the death, but stopping by the rain; the huge contrast of that girls images has produced a clownish reaction. The reason the story can produce a clownish reaction is it ignoring the dangerous concepti

29、on but emphasizing the negligible things (raining), which violates the maxim of quality. (三)关系原则(Maxim of Relation):要有关联,要切合题。Be relevant, and connecting to the theme. For examples: 1. Scene: Max was serving the customer Max: Hi, ready to order?Customer: Do you have anything thats real special? Max:

30、 Not according my high school guidance counselor. (From Bankruptcy Sisters)Analyze: Max is asking if the customer ready to order food, and the customer wants to know if the restaurant has any special dish. Whats for fun, Max misinterprets the meaning purposely to violate the maxim of relation, and h

31、elps the audiences realize the funny point. 2. Two rather deaf old gentlemen were traveling on the underground. As the train drew into Wembley Station, one of them shouted,“Is this Wembley?”“No,” shouted the other, “its Thursday!”“What did you say?”“ThursdayThursday!”“Yes, so am I, shall we get off

32、here and have a drink?”Analyze: From the above conversation we know that those two old gentlemen are both deaf, so they cannot hear each other clearly. One of them asked if there was the Wembley Station, another heard as if today was Wednesday,because the pronunciation of “Wembley”are close to “Wednesday”. Then the one who answered “Thursday” had repeated his answer over and over again, made the first one of them thought that man was thirsty, so he suggested to get off to ha

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