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1、人教版七年级下英语期末专项复习短文填空专项训练短文填空专项训练(一)This is an old story.One day, a man was not happy when his 7-year-old _1_made a box with some paper.The family was not very _2_and didnt have much money.So the father thought that his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper.The next day, the little girl gave the _3_ to her fat

2、her and said, “Dad, today is your birthday.This is a special gift _4_ you.”After hearing _5_his daughter said, the man became happy again.But he soon got angry when he found there was_6_ in the box.“_7_didnt you put anything for me in the beautiful box?” He asked his daughter.The little girl_8_at hi

3、s father and cried, “Dad, I put my love in the box.Its all for you!” Then the man felt ashamed (惭愧的)and said _9_ to his daughter.Sometimes, we cant _10_love with our eyes.We should feel it with our heart.(二)Swimming is very popular in the world.Many people like swimming _1_ summer, and in the other

4、three_2_too.They think water makes them feel cool and swimming makes them _3_ fit.But sometimes its also _4_if you dont know how to keep safe when swimming.If you swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe.A lot of people died when they were enjoying themselves in the _5_, and most of them were stude

5、nts.Now some people are not careful enough in swimming.They often think they can swim very well, _6_nothing will happen to them in water.If you go swimming in summer, please _7_ the following very useful rules.Dont get into water when you are by _8_.If there is _9_“No Swimming” sign, dont get into w

6、ater.If you remember these, swimming will be _10_ and enjoyable.(三)Its said that bats (蝙蝠)are almost blind (瞎的).Do you know _1_ the bat finds the way? In fact, bats find their ways _2_the help of their ears.Bats make a sound that we cant _3_at all.They cry _4_ they fly and the echoes (回声)of these cr

7、ies come back to their_5_.In this way they can know where they should go.Bats fly out in the_6_.In the daytime(白天), they just _7_ together in their homes.When the evening comes, they begin to go out and _8_ for food.The next morning, they come back from work to sleep until the evening.Some people th

8、ink that bats are _9_animals.In fact, they are very useful.They catch and eat pests(害虫).This is very _10_for people.(四)Thanksgiving Day was coming soon.Miss Green, a primary school teacher, gave some special homework to her _1_.“Please draw a picture to_2_ your thanks,” said Miss Green.Most students

9、 drew _3_turkey or other things about the festival_4_, Douglas, a shy boy, drew a different thing.He just drew a hand.His classmates were surprised at his picture.One child said, “It must be a farmers_5_, because farmers keep turkeys.” Others guessed it was _6_ fathers hand because his family was _7

10、_.His father had to work day and night for money.Miss Green _8_ the little boy whose hand it was.He answered, “Its yours.You often take me by the hand to teach me how to hold a pencil over and over _9_.”Oh, the boy was giving his thanks _10_ his teacher.Miss Green was so moved that she hugged(拥抱)the

11、 little boy.(五)One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates.Then he went to his grandfather and told him his story angrily.“He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I hate him.” The _1_ said slowly, “Let me tell you a _2_.When I was a boy, I often hated others for what they did.” As the boy_3_

12、 to the story carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always_4_ tigers inside my heart.And one is_5_ and kind.He is good with everything around him._6_, the other is bad and unfriendly.He fights_7_everyone for no reason.He cant think carefully _8_ he always hates others.They both try to contr

13、ol (控制)me.” The boy looked into his grandfathers eyes and asked, “Grandfather, _9_ tiger controls you at last?” The old man said seriously, “The one that I feed.I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少)_10_angry now.”(六)A factory began to make a new kind of dog foo

14、d.The boss of the factory held _1_party to show his new dog food to everyone.Many people _2_the message from newspapers or television.There was a dog_3_ the party.It would eat the dog food and everyone would _4_ its picture.The plan was to show everybody how soon the dog would finish_5_the dog food.

15、When the time came, a plate of the dog food was given in _6_ of the dog.Everyone looked at the dog.But there was one problem.The dog didnt eat any of _7_.It didnt like the dog food! The boss (老板) of the factory was very_8_.He decided to help the dog to eat the food fast _9_ all the people present(在场

16、的) were watching quietly.But the dog didnt listen to him.So the _10_ ate the dog food himself to show that his product is of good quality.(七)This is a story about a young man and an old man.A young man is _1_on a horse with a bag of apples.He doesnt know how long it will_2_ to get home.He sees _3_ o

17、ld man on his way.He asks _4_ when he can reach his place.The old man looks at the heavy _5_ and says, “If you ride slowly, you will reach your place in 3 hours.If you ride _6_, you will get home late at night!”The young man is _7_ at the old mans words.It sounds very strange.He wants to get home ea

18、rly, _8_ he makes his horse run faster.When he rides along the road, the _9_ start to fall out of the bag.He stops and picks up the apples.He does the same thing many times.He reaches his place late _10_night.He then knows the real meaning of what the old man has told him!(八)A mouse saw a full bag o

19、f rice.He wanted to eat it, so he _1_a small hole (洞)in the bag.He went in through the hole, and ate a lot of _2_.He was full, and he was very_3_.Then he wanted to come _4_ through the small hole.He tried several times, _5_ he could not.He tried again.It was no use.The mouse started to shout for_6_.

20、A dog heard and asked, “_7_ are you shouting?” The mouse answered, “I made a small hole and came into the basket.Now I cant get out through that hole.” The dog said, “It is because you ate too _8_ rice.” The dog laughed and went away.The mouse slept in the basket.The next morning he could get out of

21、 the basket, but _9_wanted to eat some rice.He ate some again, so he couldnt get out.He thought, “I will _10_ out tomorrow.” Then two cats passed by.They found the mouse and ate him.(九)One day, a sheep lost his way and went into a stable (马厩).He said to himself, _1_ am I? This place looks so large a

22、nd special.I dont see my family and friends anywhere, either.” He was very scared because the stable was a little noisy (嘈杂).He_2_ a horse walking out of the place.The horse said, “What _3_ you doing in our home? This place is not_4_.Get out of here,right now!”The_5_ then found that he was in a stab

23、le.He thought, “I must _6_my way out.These horses are so different _7_ us!” The sheep couldnt ask any horse about the way out_8_ they were busy eating their food.The sheep wanted to leave, but he couldnt find the _9_.The sheep shouted, “My good friends! If somebody gets lost in our home, we will be

24、_10_ to them and help them.” At last, the sheep found his way out with the help of the horses.(十)Three strong young men lived in a village.They didnt do any work at all.They just walked around the _1_and made fun of people.One hot summer day, the three young men were walking on the road.When they go

25、t to a farm, they saw an old man _2_ white hair.They found he was growing some fruit _3_.A young man laughed at him and said, “Why are you growing those trees?” _4_second young man said, “You are so _5_ now.You cant _6_ to the day when you can eat the fruits.”“My trees will have fruits in some years

26、.I may not live to eat the fruits_7_many others can enjoy them.In this way they will remember_8_ for my hard work.But what do you do? How will people _9_ you?”The three young men knew that the old man was right.They knew that others couldnt remember them _10_ if they continued to do nothing.From tha

27、t day on, they started working very hard.短文填空专项训练(一)1.daughter2.rich3.box4.for5.what6.nothing7.Why8.looked9.sorry10.see(二)三)1.how2.with3.hear4.when5.ears6.evening7.stay8.look9.bad10.good(四)1.students2.show3.a4.However5.hand6.his

28、五)1.grandfather2.story3.listened4.two5.good6.However7.with8.because9.which10.get/become/feel(六)七) (八)1.made2.rice3.happy4.out5.but6.help7.Why8.much9.he10.get(九)1.Where2.saw3.are4.yours5.sheep6.find7.from8.because9.way10.friendly(十)1.village2.with3.trees4.The5.old6.live7.but8.me9.remember10.well

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