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1、基英二词汇翻译quizzes每课一练: Lesson One Another School Year - What forI. Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.The meeting was _ over by the mayor to discuss the tax raise in the city.A. presumed B. propelled C. presided D. prickedAlthough cats cannot see in complete d

2、arkness their eyes are much more _ to light than human eyes are.A. glowing B. sensitive C. brilliant D. gloomyEvery year a number of students graduate from the school which will _ new students the first week in September.A. absorb B. include C. enroll D. registerIf you want to clarify the fact, you

3、need two witnesses to _ that is your signature.A. notify B. certify C. assure D. assumeRelying on his _, the doctor cured the seemingly incurable patient.A. approach B. confidence C. faith D. expertise_ of his pioneering work in the late 1930s, Earl Hines has been called the Father of modern jazz pi

4、ano.A. As a result B. In support C. In the interest D. For the sakeA community is _ only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and powerful possess.A. conflicting B. friendly C. democratic D. hostileHe had wanted a 25% raise in

5、 pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to _. A. suffice B. modify C. gratify D. delightIn engineering projects, a laser beam is often used to _ the hardest substances.A. grind B. penetrate C. concentrate D. meltEarly explorers were confronted by the _ tribesmen of

6、 the interior.A. profound B. descriptive C. prospective D. savageDr. Hill has just received an invitation from Washington University to join the _ as a fulltime professor.A. committee B. association C. institution D. facultySnakebites are not _ fatal, but they can sometimes cause death if not treate

7、d immediately.A. occasionally B. inevitably C. ever D. neverWith data freely _ for reanalysis, it is of utmost importance to all of us not to be shown wrong by subsequent analysis.A. dreadful B. handful C. useful D. availableThe impact of the earthquake _ enormous tsunamis that flood coastal regions

8、 a thousand or more miles away.A. generates B. runs C. draws D. liftsHis speech rambled for half an hour, but the _ of what he had said was that too many people have too little money.A. material B. purpose C. essence D. contentThat was a(n) _ remark for him to make, and all of us who knew him well d

9、idnt know why.A. easy B. peculiar C. timid D. obscureOur knowledge of dinosaurs is wholly _ from the bones that has been found here and there buried in the ground.A. acquired B. retained C. absorbed D. soughtMuch of northern Canada lies within the Arctic Circle, and _ ice or the sparse vegetation kn

10、own as tundra(冻原).A. it is permanently covered by B. by permanently it is coveredC. is permanently covered by it D. it is covered by permanentlyThe chief justice of the United States presides over the Supreme Count during oral arguments and in conferences _.A. of which decisions concern B. have impo

11、rtant decisions C. that important decisions D. concerning important decisionsDocumentary evidence supports claims that _ the New World in about 1000.A. reached the Vikings B. the Vikings reached C. reaching the Vikings D. the Vikings that reachedAccording to some educators, the goal of teaching is t

12、o help students learn what _ to know to live a well-adjusted and successful life.A. do they need B. they need C. they are needed D. as they may needI wish I hadnt been so busy yesterday, otherwise I _ you with the cleaning.A. will have helped B. should help C. could have helped D. could helpJust as

13、the builder is skilled in handling of his bricks, _ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words.A. as B. so C. thus D. likeResearch indicates that some that get ahead usually have _ strong desire to avoid _ failure.A. a/ B. /a C. the/ D. aaThe Internet was first started by the . a

14、rmy _ a communication system.A. in B. for C. with D. as“Im really tired and there are so many things to do.” “Well, if it would be _ any help, I would do some cooking.”A. in B. of C. with D. forI _ of going up to Scotland at the end of December, but Ive only got a few days holiday.A. think B. have t

15、hought C. will think D. am thinkingThrow some bits of bread in the pond. Fish _ and eat it.A. are going to come B. will come C. are to come D. were comingTo fit in with the development of the market economy, factories should guarantee _ high speed _ good quality.A. either or B. notbut also C. bothan

16、d D. neithernorIf there _ peace, we must try in every way to prevent war.A. is to be B. will be C. should be D. is going to beII. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.我们来这儿不是为了闲坐,而是为了帮助你们解决实际问题。(notbut)_我的汽车平均每星期消耗汽油五十升。(to average out)_他开始专门画鸟,后来又专门写关于鸟类的文章。(to specialize in)_

17、我们也可能由于听从了我们所钦佩的人的劝说而去从事不适合我们的工作。(as a result of)_中国已与世界经济越来越紧密地联系在一起,尤其在加入世贸组织以后。(to be on the way to doing)_他讲话讲到中间忘词了。(to be stuck for)_我们必须确保使原子能用于和平事业,造福人类。(to see to it that)_要想更多地了解我们所居住的这个世界,我们应该接触不同的文化。(to be exposed to)_这些商店企图诱惑人们去买他们不需要的东西。(to be out to do)_年轻人往往朝前看,而老年人喜欢回顾过去,在这一点上,所有的国家

18、都如此。(to be true of)_ Lesson 1 KEY I. 1 5 CBCBD 6 10 ACABD 1115 DBDAC1620 BAADB 2125 BCBAD 2630 BDBCAII. We are here not to sit idle, but to help you (to) solve the practical problem.My cars petrol consumption averaged out at 50 liters a week.He specialized first in painting birds and later in writin

19、g about them.We may also be persuaded to embark on a career for which we are unsuited as a result of following the advice given by people whom we admire.China is on the way to becoming more closely related to the world economy especially after its WTO accession.In the middle of the speech, he was st

20、uck for words.We must see to it that atomic energy is used for peaceful purposes and welfare of mankind.To learn more about the world we live in, we should be exposed to different cultures.These shops are out of trick people into buying what they dont need.The young tend to look ahead while the old

21、like to look back upon the past. This is true of all nations.Lesson Two Maheegun My BrotherI. Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Within a month after he returned home, my father had grown _ and simply wanted to try his luck elsewhere.A. relent B. restless C

22、. numb D. alertTurbulence in the air causes images to _ , as anyone can see in the twinkling of stars. In a telescope, images become blurred and resolution is lost.A. expand B. increase C. wiggle D. mobilizeWhen I found the light switch, the unshaded bulb only illuminated two small cats, sitting on

23、the table _ round the inside of the empty ham tin.A. licking B. digesting C. eating D. swallowingThe prospecting team traversed far and wide in _ of mineral deposits.A. examination B. pursuance C. search D. caseSalmon have been known to _ up waterfalls as eleven feet in their journey to the places w

24、here they spawn.A. leap B. limp C. withhold D. thrillYou feel unhappy now because you got sick and couldnt go with your friends, but it will turn out _.A. for the better B. for the best C. for the sake D. for yourselfThis matter isnt very important, and shouldnt _ us very long.A. detain B. refrain C

25、. withhold D. preventThe city will _ these buildings to make room for the new highway. A. tear off B. tear out C. tear away D. tear downMany companies are reducing personnel costs by _ overtime, cutting part-time workers and forcing full-timers to take early retirement.A. smothering B. skimming C. s

26、lashing D. skippingThe water had been _ out for half an hour before the workman came to repair the water pipe.A. spurting B. springing C. spurring D. stirringThe nurse _ the skin covering his vein with the syringe(注射器)and injected the medicine.A. pursued B. pieced C. pinched D. radiatedThe boy who b

27、roke the cup _ under the table, trying to hide from his angry father.A. crouched B. craved C. cashed D. congestedHe _ the children for fear that they should destroy his garden.A. drove on B. drove round C. drove over D. drove offA luxury express _ train jumped the tracks on a bridge in eastern India, killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northern Railway spokesman, the death _ is expected to rise.A. figure B. poll C. toll D. span You cant help people who wont admit they need help. They are as prou

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