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1、初三英语选择题XX英语选择题悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2009-2-1 23:331.Kevins brother is responsible _ the companys sale. C.for 2.Its amazing that Steven is successful in business thought he is _ at school. A.already B.still C.always D.also 3._ a chief cook in that famous restaurant,Peter earns a lot. A.For B.Be

2、 C./ D.As 4.The earth is our home. We must _ the land, air and water clean. A.change B.let C.stay D.keep 5.Laurence seldom fails in the physics exam because he works _. A.quickly B.quick C.hard D.hardly 6.Dan is so careless that he made quite _ mistakes in his homework this time. A.a little B.little

3、 C.few D.a few 7.Tomorrows meeting is very important. Please ask them _ there on time. A.go B.going go D.went 8.I looked down _ the airplane window, but nothing could be seen. A.though B.through C.pass D.past 9.I think someone has _ my mobile phone. A.steal B.stole C.stolen D.stealing 10.What a

4、re you going to do _ this coming Sunday, Kitty? A.on D./ 11.The other students often _ me to help them with their computers. A.invited B.ask C.let D.need 12.More and more students dont have _ sleep these days. A.many B.some C.much D.a lot 13.What a pity! The big peach tree _ down sometime

5、next week. A.will cut B.cut C.cuts D.will be cut 14.Youd better _ out at night. Its dangerous. A.go go C.goes D.not go 15.My cousin started the business _. A.six days ago B.six days C.for six days six days 16.After visiting Hainan Island, we flew _ Beijing. B.on D.onto 17.Prof.Ji

6、 spoke so fast that _ of us could catch his words. A.nobody B.none D.anyone 18.A:Mum! _ I go out and play tennis? B:No, you _. You havent finished your homework yet! A.Can, neednt B.Must, cant C.May, mustnt D.Need, may not 19.In ancient times, people _ on animal skins and bones. A.write B.wrote

7、 C.writing D.written 20.We dont like this game. Its _. B.interesting C.boring D.bored Help me !提问者: 741115593 - 见习魔法师 三级 最佳答案1.Kevins brother is responsible _C_ the companys sale. C.for 2.Its amazing that Steven is successful in business thought he is _A_ at school. A.already B.

8、still C.always D.also 3._D_ a chief cook in that famous restaurant,Peter earns a lot. A.For B.Be C./ D.As 4.The earth is our home. We must _C_ the land, air and water clean. A.change B.let C.stay D.keep 5.Laurence seldom fails in the physics exam because he works _C_. A.quickly B.quick C.hard D.hard

9、ly 6.Dan is so careless that he made quite _D_ mistakes in his homework this time. A.a little B.little C.few D.a few 7.Tomorrows meeting is very important. Please ask them _A_ there on time. A.go B.going go D.went 8.I looked down _B_ the airplane window, but nothing could be seen. A.though

10、rough C.pass D.past 9.I think someone has _C_ my mobile phone. A.steal B.stole C.stolen D.stealing 10.What are you going to do _D_ this coming Sunday, Kitty? A.on D./ 11.The other students often _B_ me to help them with their computers. A.invited B.ask C.let D.need 12.More and more student

11、s dont have _C_ sleep these days. A.many B.some C.much D.a lot 13.What a pity! The big peach tree _D_ down sometime next week. A.will cut B.cut C.cuts D.will be cut 14.Youd better _A_ out at night. Its dangerous. A.go go C.goes D.not go 15.My cousin started the business _A_. A.six days ago

12、x days C.for six days six days 16.After visiting Hainan Island, we flew _A_ Beijing. B.on D.onto 17.Prof.Ji spoke so fast that _B_ of us could catch his words. A.nobody B.none D.anyone 18.A:Mum! _C_ I go out and play tennis? B:No, you _. You havent finished your homework yet! A.C

13、an, neednt B.Must, cant C.May, mustnt D.Need, may not 19.In ancient times, people _B_ on animal skins and bones. A.write B.wrote C.writing D.written 20.We dont like this game. Its _C_. B.interesting C.boring D.bored 请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 请那些具有资质的英语老师或者是英语学习者将下面的几道选择题解答了,并且写出详细解答过程以及所用的知识依据,或者是不选其他的

14、理由,因为2天后期末考试,英语老师病了无法解答,如果解答正确再加上50-100分 作者:shabby12009-1-12 12:16 回复此发言 2回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 1)Foerunefavours_brave. A.anB.theC./D.a 2)_oldMarchisusuallyintheNortheast. A.AB.TheC.AnD./ 3)AlexanderBellinvented_thlephonein1876. A./ 4)-MayIhelpyouwithsomejeans,sir? -Yes,Idliketotryonthos

15、eblue_. A.pearB.oneC.twoD.ones 5)Oursummerholidayiscoming.Two_thestudentsinourschoolwillgotothebeach. A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundredofD.hundredsof 6)Thoughthefamousdancer,TaiLihua,isdeaf,shedancesmostofthepeople. A.asgoodasB.aswellasC.bestamongD.betterthan 7)Itstoolong,buttherearefewnewwordsinit. -Goo

16、d!_itllbehardforthechildren A.AndB.ButC.OrD.Though 8)Wushuisbecomingmoreandmorepopular_foreigners 9)-Dad,lookatthebuilding.Itsonfire! -Call119_themobilephonerightnow. A.inB.onC.byD.with 10)-WhathappenedtoTim? -Hewascrossingthestreet_amotorbikehithimfrombehind A.whileB.whenC.unti

17、lD.because 11)Ourcountryisquitedifferentfrom_20yearsago. A.thatitwas B.whatitwas C.itwasthat D.whatwasit 12)Lilylikes_. A.whathertwinsisterlike B.whathertwinsisterdoes C.whatishertwinsisterlike D.whatdoeshertwinsisterdo 作者:shabby12009-1-12 12:17 回复此发言 3回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 13)Iwastold_BillGateswas13h

18、ebegantoplaywithcomputers. A.thathowB.howthatC.whenthatD.thatwhen 14)Ifyougototheparktomorrow,_. A.sowillhe B.sohewill C.sohedoes D.sodoeshe 15)Welldowhatwecan_youwithyourEnglishstudy. A.tohelp C.helped D.behelping 16)Ilikethekindofclothbecausethiskindofcloth_well A.iswashed B.washes C.bewash

19、ed D.washed 作者:shabby12009-1-12 12:26 回复此发言 4回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 就这么多了!谢谢解答! 作者:shabby12009-1-12 12:27 回复此发言 5回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.A 16.B 作者:cookkiee2009-1-12 13:17 回复此发言 6回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 1.B.the加adj.表一类人-好运偏袒勇敢的人.(我想,你第一个单词是不是拼错了?)

20、2.B.特指. 3.C.在发明物的单数前加the表示泛指-亚历山大贝尔在1876年发明了电话. 4.D.指代前面提到的事物,并且用了those所以是复数,所以用ones. 5.C.hundred:百(n.);百的(adj.).前面加具体数字时用单数;twohundredstudents=twohundredofthestudents(注意of和冠词的变化). 6.B.aswellas:和.一样好,修饰动词-不选A,其他选项的翻译有些牵强. 7.C.or:否则. 8.B.bepopularfor:对于.很流行,很受.欢迎. 9.B.onthephone:在通话中;通过电话-是固定用法. 10.B

21、.when有正当这时突然.的意思. 11.B.主语从句-.20年前的那个样子. 12.B.表语从句,从句用陈述语序,所以排除C,D.又因为twinsister-双胞胎姐姐,所以用第三人称单数-does. 13.D.我被告知当比尔盖茨13岁时他开始玩电脑.其他翻译不通. 14.A.由if引导的条件句,主句用将来时,所以选项中他也去用助动词+主语表也. 15.A.sbwilldowhatsbcanto+do-尽某人所能做某事,固定句式. 16.B.wash有洗起来的意思. 作者:Maggie_11132009-1-12 16:10 回复此发言 7回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择

22、题 看了6楼的回答,有些地方我觉得是有点问题的, 5题:你给的答案我认可,您认为twohundredstudents=twohundredofthestudents,其实不一样,前者是“200个学生”,后者是“这些学生中有200个(暗含总数不只200个学生) 8题,我认为你答案错了,应该是A答案,become(be)popular with(=among)固定搭配“受。欢迎” 9题,答案应该是Dwith,你的解答没有问题,on(=over)thephone在电话中的。问题是前面说了themobilephone“手机”,所以应该是这样翻译“立即用这手机打119” 12题你答案我觉得是对的,不过您

23、解答错了,不是表语从句,是宾语从句,从句中的does是“代动词”代替前面的“like 15题不是固定英法,当然这样的情况很多,使得人们认为是固定用法,在WelldowhatwecantohelpyouwithyourEnglishstudy.句子中,can与to之间省略了do,所以让人误解情态动词后面用to,翻译了就明白了,”我们将尽我们所能(做)的一切来帮助你学习英语“ 作者:贵阳新思路英语2009-1-12 17:56 回复此发言 8回复6:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 您好,我对您的解答深表感谢! 这些英语选择题是2009版北京教育出版社出版的“初中毕业班热点精题选集”这本书看出版社

24、是比较权威的,而且在我们这里的书店已经上架了好几年了,我从小学六年级就知道有这么一本书,但是书唯一的不足就是答案仅仅就是答案,没有任何的解析,再加上英语老师病了,所以上网来请高手指点迷津!对于您的热心解答再次表示衷心的感谢! 但是,您的解答和标准答案还有几处不同,再次把答案写在下面,请您仔细看一下,是答案的确有这样的说法,还是出版时的错误!谢谢了 作者:shabby12009-1-13 17:17 回复此发言 9回复7:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 您好,我对您的解答深表感谢! 这些英语选择题是2009版北京教育出版社出版的“初中毕业班热点精题选集”这本书看出版社是比较权威的,而且在我们这

25、里的书店已经上架了好几年了,我从小学六年级就知道有这么一本书,但是书唯一的不足就是答案仅仅就是答案,没有任何的解析,再加上英语老师病了,所以上网来请高手指点迷津!对于您的热心解答再次表示衷心的感谢! 但是,您的解答和标准答案还有几处不同,再次把答案写在下面,请您仔细看一下,是答案的确有这样的说法,还是出版时的错误!谢谢了 作者:shabby12009-1-13 17:17 回复此发言 10回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 标准答案如下 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.A 有争议的就在前面的几道

26、题 16.B 作者:shabby12009-1-13 17:21 回复此发言 11回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 重点不清楚的是 2.题 6.题 13.题 作者:shabby12009-1-13 17:24 回复此发言 12回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 2,B 这里表示特指,March大写应该是一个大家都知道的传统活动 old放在这里是为了迷惑你,让你以为选C 6,C 文中的意思是她虽然是聋子,但还是比大多数人挑得好.选B的话,和大家一样怎么还能是个著名的舞蹈家呢?肯定要比一般人跳得好才能是舞蹈家 A不对因为good是个adj(形容词),dance后面应该用adv(副词) 7

27、,A 根据句意选A 这太长了,但是里面的新词很少 很好,这对孩子们来说会很难。 第一句的潜台词意思是,这东西对孩子们还是有难度的,因为它太长。虽然新单词少,它还是有难度。 第二句,表示赞同,and是表示并列关系连词 其他都是转折关系连词 8,7楼是对的选A, 13,D told,动词后面要跟宾语或是宾语从句,而宾语从句只能用that引导,所以排除BC,后面因为出现了13岁,出现的是个时间,因该是时间状语从句,时间状语从句用when引导,how引导的是方式状语从句。 作者:aksander2009-1-13 23:06 回复此发言 13回复:请权威人士解答几道初三英语选择题 2.以我的智商是翻译不出来这句话是什么意思了,即使我选对了 3.为什么要加the呢?XXX发明了电话,指的是电话这种事物,为什么要特指呢? 10.我选了A,总觉得when比较宏观,

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