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1、天津市高考英语单选2000年21. - Whats the _ like today ?- Cloudy.A. sky B. air C. land D. weather22. I asked her for _ ink, but she didnt have _.A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some23. These knives are made _ metal and wood.A. from B. of C. by D. in24. My clock doesnt _. Can you mend it for me ?A

2、. use B. move C. walk D. work25. This street is much _ than that one.A. straight B. straighter C. straightest D. more straighter26. Your room looks dirty. Will you please _ it clean ?A. take B. make C. let D. tidy27. - Which of her parents is a doctor ?- _ are.A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither28.

3、The dictionary _ me 20.A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost29. Which do you like _, tea, orange or water ?A. good B. well C. best D. better30. - _ is the school ?- Only a few kilometres.A. How far B. How much C. How old D. How many31. I _ to bed until my granny came back home.A. didnt go B. went C. had

4、gone D. have gone32. If it _ tomorrow, Ill go by car.A. rain B. will rain C. rains D. would rain33. We all helped him with his English so he didnt _with his study.A. fall off B. fall down C. fall behind D. fall over34. Her mother told her _ in bed.A. not read B. not to read C. dont read D. to not re

5、ad35. Youd better _ the cinema by bus.A. dont go B. to go C. to go to D. go to36. The medicine _ cool, clean and dry.A. must keep B. must be kept C. must be carried D. must be in37. Mr Green _ in China since five years ago.A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live38. When class began, we st

6、opped _ to the teacher carefully.A. listening B. listen C. listens D. to listen39. Theres _ with my bike, I hurt myself.A. wrong something B. something wrongC. anything wrong D. wrong anything40. Can you see _ ?A. what hes reading B. what is he readingC. what does he read D. he reads what2001年21. Th

7、e little bady has two already. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths22. Of all these subjects, I like Chinese_. A. more B. better C. well D. best23. The book was written English. A. in B. with C. from D. by24. Its nice of you to help him. A. true B. truly C. real D. really25. Don t worry, I 11 take

8、good care Polly. A. for B. of C. with D. to26. He hurt her badly_ she had to see a doctor. A. too; that B. so; that C. either; or D. too; to27. She always thinks of more than herself.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others28. Both Kate and I ready for the picnic now.A. is not B. is getting C.

9、are getting D. am getting29. You may go and ask him. He knows about Japanese. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little30. He the bus and found a seat next to the window. A. gets on B. got on C. gets off D. got off31. Please write to me as soon as you Shanghai. A. arrive B. reach C. got to D. come32. I

10、a letter from him since he left. A. didnt receive B. haven t got C. didnt have D. haven t heard33. Remember to the lights after school. A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on34. I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum? Yes, you A. Must; can B. May; may C. Need; need D. May; need35. Can you tell us_? A.

11、where have you gone B. where you have gone C. where have you been D. where you have been36. Youll be late for school you dont hurry. A. if B. whether C. or D. so37. A talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give38. Do you think an

12、English film tomorrow night? A. is there B. there is going to have C. there is going to be D. will there be39. He wasnt feeling well. lie had to_. A. stops working B. stop working C. stops to work D. stop to work40. I spent half an hour my homework.A. finish doing B. to finish doing C. finishing to

13、do D. finishing doing2002年21. The market isnt far from here . Its only _ bicycle ride .A. half an hours B. half an hours C. half an hour D. an hour and a half22. She has been in Tianjin for ten years . Tianjin has become her second _ .A. family B. house C. home D. room23. _ India and China are of _

14、same continent .A. (不填);the B. The ;theC. (不填);(不填) D. (不填);a24. Is it your ticket ?No , _ is in my pocket . Its _ .A. mine ; her B. my ; his C. mine ; hers D. my ; hers25. She is too busy to help us finish the work .Lets do it _ . A. herself B. myself C. ourselves D. itself26. The old woman kept on

15、e black dog and two white _ .A. one B. ones C. those D. ones27. We should keep _ in the reading - room .A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quickly28. Which is _ to learn , fishing or swimming ?A. easy B. easier C. the easier D. more easily29. Jim has made many friends since he _ to China .A. came B. co

16、mes C. has come D. will come30. They _ all their money , so they have to walk home .A. spend B. had spent C. have spent D. will spend31. Henry _ be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now .A. mustnt B. isnt able to C. may not D. cant32. What would you like to _ us about your hometown ?A.

17、 speak B. talk C. say D. tell33. We could see nothing because the lights suddenly _ .A. went on B. went over C. went down D. went out34. When _ this kind of computer _ ?Last year .A. did ; use B. was ; used C. is ; used D. are ; used35. I really dont know _ about it .A. what to do B. how to do C. to

18、 do what D. how can I do 36. Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard , _ ?A. did he B. couldnt he C. didnt he D. could he37. _ interesting the news is !A. How an B. What an C. How D. What38. Call a taxi , _ you will miss the train .A. and B. though C. because D. or 39. Can you tell me _ s

19、he is waiting for ?A. why B. whose C. whom D. which40. This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it .A. too ; to B. so ; that C. very ; that D. too ; that2003年1. Whats the matter with you? I caught _ bad cold and had to stay in _ bed.A.a; (不填) B.a; the C. a; a D. the; the 2. Today is September 10th. Its _

20、Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers.A.Teachers B. Teachers C. the Teachers D. Teachers3. _ school is much larger than _. Really?A.Our; your B. Our; yours C.Ours; yours D. We; you4. Im hungry. I would like to have _ nice to eat.A.any B. anything C.something D. some5. He had something t

21、o write down and asked me for _.A.a paper B.some papers C.some pieces of papers D.a piece of paper6. Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk?_, thanks. Id like just a cup of tea.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None7. The _ now is that we have lots of _ to ask.A.problem; questions B.q

22、uestion; problemsC.question; problem D.problem; question8. Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _ one.A.three B.third C.forth D.(不填)9. I want to know _.A.what is his name B.whats his name C.that his name is D.what his name is 10. He walked _ fast for us _ catch up; that B.suc

23、h; that C.enough; to D.too; to 11. China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of; to; to; in; on 12. In our city, its _ in July, but it is even _ in August.A.hotter; hottest; hot C.hotter; hot; hotter13. You _ go and ask Meimei. She _ know the

24、st; can B.must; may C.need; can D.can; may14. Im sorry youve missed the train. It _ 10 minutes ago.A.left B.has left C.had left D.has been left15. I bought a new dictionary and it _ me 30 yuan.A.paid B.spent C.took D.cost16. Mum? May I go out and play basketball?_ you _ your homework yet?A.Do; finis

25、h B.Are; finishing C.Did; finish D.Have; finished17. I have to go now. Please remember to _ the lights when you leave.A.turn off B.turn down C.turn up D.turn on 18. Im sorry, I really dont know _ the mend should I mend C.what to mend to mend19. A talk on Chinese history _ in t

26、he school hall next given B.has been given C.will be given D.will give20. It is _ to work out this problem. You needt go to the teacher.A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily2004年( )21. What _fine weather we have these days! A. a B. The C. / D. an( )22. Please keep quiet

27、. If you make a lot of _, you may disturb others. A. voice B. Noise C. sound D. singing( )23. Mrs Jenny gave us _ on how to learn English well. A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice ( )24. Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and _? A. she B. IC. his D. me( )25. When shall

28、 we meet again? Make it _ day you like. It”s all the same to me. A. one B. anyC. another D. all( )26. In our class _ of the students are girls. A. three fifths B. three fifth C. third five D. third fifths( )27. Waste paper and bottles are collected _ recycling. A. by B. asC. for D. from( )28. Forest

29、s help to keep water from running away, _ drought does not often happen. A. and B. butC. so D. though( )29. The temperature was below zero. It was difficult to _ the car. A. move B. getC. begin D. start( )30. This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _. A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice ( )31. Could I _ your telephone? I have something important to tell my parents. A. keep B. borrowC. use D. lend( )32. _ do you go to Hong Kong? Sorry, I”ve never be

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