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1、全国高考英语人教新版词法专题副词讲义教师版高考专题-词法-副词 知识集结 知识元 副词的原级比较 知识讲解 副词的原级用法主要有:1. as+副词原级+as,表示双方在程度、特征等方面相等。This kind of language appeared as early as the Stone Age. 这种语言最早出现在石器时代. 2. not+as/so+副词原级+as,表示不如。Gina doesnt dress as/so strangely as the other girls. 吉娜的穿着没有其他女生奇特. 例题精讲 副词的原级比较 例1.Im not sure whether K

2、ate dances _ Jane. Aas good asBas well asCas better asDas best as【答案】B【解析】题干解析:考查副词的原级比较. 句意为,我不确定Kate是否跳得和Jane一样好. dance为谓语动词,修饰动词应用副词作状语,排除A;asas中间为副词原级,排除C、D. B项正确. 例2.He doesnt drive a car _ his brother. Aas good asBas better asCso better asDso well as【答案】D【解析】题干解析:考查副词的原级比较. 句意为,他不如他哥哥开车开得好. dr

3、ive为谓语动词,修饰动词应用副词作状语,排除A;as/so.as中间为原级,排除CB. soas用于否定句,D项正确. 例3.He speaks English _ his aunt. Aas good asBas well asCas better asDas best as【答案】B【解析】题干解析:考查比较级. 句意:他说英语和他的姑妈说得一样好. as. as是平级比较. 所以 c d排除good 形容词修饰名词,well 副词修饰动词这里修饰 speaks 用well. 所以B选项符合句意 副词的比较级与最高级 知识讲解 副词的比较级和最高级的构成1. 副词的比较级和最高级的构成方

4、法基本上与形容词一样,单音节副词规则变化是在词尾加-er和-est构成比较级和最高级. highhigherhighestwidewiderwidest2. 多音节副词要在词前面加more和most构成比较级和最高级. quicklymore quicklymost quicklycarefullymore carefullymost carefullyslowlymore slowlymost slowly3. 副词比较级和最高级不规则变化如下:原级 比较级 最高级well better bestbadly worse worstmuch more mostlittle less least

5、early earlier earliestfar farther farthestfar further furthest副词比较级和最高级的用法副词比较级和最高级的用法与形容词比较级和最高级的用法极为相似1. 副词比较级+thanShe reads fasterthan he. 她读得比他快些. I write betterthan you. 我比你写得好些. 2. 强调比较级超过比较程度时,用much/even/a lot等+副词比较级+than句型I hope you will do it a bitmore carefully next time. 我希望下次你做这工作要稍稍再细心点

6、. Now I read a littlefaster than before. 现在我阅读速度比过去稍快一点了. 3. 用as/not so + 副词原级+as结构She loves her school as much asher own home. 她爱校如家. He doesnt get up so early asyou do. 他没有你起得早. 注意问题点拨:asas结构既可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句;soas结构只能用于否定句. 4. 用副词比较级+and+副词比较级表示程度越来越The birds fly higher and higher. 鸟儿们越飞越高. They w

7、alk more and more slowly. 他们越走越慢了. 5. 副词比较级的特殊用法,也就是倍数表示法:倍数+as+副词原形+asI dont speak half as well asyou do. 我英语讲得不及你一半好. He can read twice as fast asI can.他阅读的速度比我快一倍. 例题精讲 副词的比较级与最高级 例1.The Million Pound Bank Note is a great novel. I totally agree. No other one can_reflect the social situation in Br

8、itain at that age. AwellBgoodCbetterDbest【答案】C【解析】题干解析:本题考查了副词的比较级. 根据语境,对话者两人都在赞扬百万英镑这部小说. well一般形容身体健康,good是好的原型,better意为更好,是比较级形式,符合语境,best是最高级形式. 根据翻译可以,没别的作品可以更好地反映当时的社会状况,故用比较级. 故选:C. 例2.The doctor advises us to exercise _ on hazy (雾霾) days because it may influence our health. AmoreBlessCbette

9、rDfewer【答案】B【解析】题干解析:考查副词,more更多,less更少,better更好,此处指雾霾天应更少锻炼,使用less. 例3.In some lowincome countries girls are seen as _ valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school.AquiteBveryClessDmore【答案】C【解析】题干解析:根据than boys 和are kept at home to do housework whi

10、le their brothers are sent to school. (女孩们会被留在家里做家务,而她们的兄弟就被送去上学)可以看出人们认为女孩不如男孩有价值,因此答案是C less,less valuable than 译为不如有价值. 其他选项中,A和B不表示比较;D的含义与句义正相反. 例4.Have you read this book?Yes,but that one is worth reading. AbestBmoreCbetterDmuch【答案】C【解析】题干解析:根据句意可知,此处表示两者的比较,即将这本书与那一本书在可读性上进行的比较;并结合短语be well w

11、orth doing:很值得做某事可知,此处应使用副词well的比较级;故选C. 例5._ more learned a man is,_more modest he usually become. AThe; theBA; aCThe; aDA; the【答案】A【解析】题干解析:例6.When it comes to my hobbies,I like rock climbing_.Avery wellBbetterCbestDthe better【答案】C【解析】题干解析:例7.Its getting dark,but Mr. Chen is till at his office. No

12、 surprise. Who else can _ he does. Ado less work thanBwork as hardly asCwork as hard asDbe working hardly like【答案】C【解析】题干解析:例8.Its _ dangerous to play with fire.AmostBalmostCthe mostDa most【答案】A【解析】题干解析:例9.I think watching TV every evening is a waste of timethere are meaningful things to do. AlessBm

13、oreCthe leastDthe most【答案】B【解析】题干解析:例10.After this accident we are _ concerned with the safety of travelling by highspeed rail. AlittleBlessCmuchDmore【答案】D【解析】题干解析: 副词的位置作用 知识讲解 英语中副词在句中的位置和汉语不尽相同,它的位置比较灵活,下面只是一些最常见的情况:1. 多数副词都可以放在它所修饰的动词后面We are living happily. 我们幸福地生活着. He runs fast. 他跑得快. 2. 时间副词

14、、地点副词和方式副词一般放在句末They went to the park yesterday. 昨天他们去公园了. He carried the eggs carefully. 他小心地搬着鸡蛋. 注意问题点拨:有时表示时间的副词也可放在句首,起强调作用Yesterday I got up late. 昨天我起床很晚. 3. 频率副词通常放在它所修饰的动词前面I often write to her mother. 我经常给她妈妈写信. She always plays. 她总是玩. 有时为了加强语气,频率副词也可以放在句首. Sometimes she goes to school by

15、bus and sometimes she goes to school by bike. 有时她乘公交车上学,有时骑自行车去. 注意问题点拨:very often(往往)和quite often(常常)这两个词组不放在动词前,必须放在句末或句首。 Very often the weather was too bad for us to go out. 往往是这样,天气很糟糕,我们不能出去. When I was in London, I met Mr Green quite often. 我在伦敦时,常常见到格林先生. 如果句子里有情态动词、助动词或动词to be, 频率副词就应放在这类动词

16、的后面。You must always remember this. 你要一直记住这一点. Is she often ill?她常生病吗?4. 否定副词一般放在行为动词之前、系动词be或助动词之后He seldom goes out at night. 他晚上很少出门. I never wrote to him. 我从不给他写信. 注意问题点拨:seldom, hardly, never有时也可位于句首,但要用倒装语序. Never I have seen such a thing before. 我从来没有见过这种东西. 5. 同时存在时间状语和地点状语时,时间状语一般放在后面The mee

17、ting will be held in the classroomtomorrow. 明天会议将在教室里举行. 6. 用来修饰形容词和副词的副词,要放在被修饰的形容词和副词之前It is a very magnificent hall. 那是一座富丽堂皇的大厅. She walks rather slowly. 她走得相当慢. 例题精讲 副词的位置作用 例1.It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold so she stood _ to her mother.AcloselyBclosingCclosedDclose【答案】D【解析】题干解析:

18、考查副词. close和closely都可以作副词使用. close意为接近地,靠近地,表示具体的概念,指空间上或距离上的近;closely意为仔细地,密切地,常表达抽象的概念. close to靠近、接近,符合句意. 故选:D. 例2.I dont believe that_little children can finish_much work in_short time. Aso;so;soBsuch;such;such aCsuch;so;such aDso;so;such a【答案】C【解析】题干解析:本题考查so/such的区别; so 是副词,常常修饰形容词、副词和动词,表示如此

19、地;such 是形容词,往往修饰名词或名词短语;此外,表示数量的形容词many/much/few/little前往往用so,但是little 表示小的时候,往往用such+little+n;本题中,第一空little是小的,故前面选择such,such修饰名词短语little children; 第二空much 前用so;第三空a short time 是名词短语,用such修饰,故选:C. 例3.We couldnt see because the light in the room was poor. Aclearly enoughBclear enoughCenough clearlyD

20、enough clear【答案】A【解析】题干解析:A 考查副词位置作用. 根据句子结构分析,此处修饰动词see用副词修饰,enough修饰形容词和副词位于其后面,修饰名词位于前面. 根据选项分析,故选:A.例4.Generally speaking,little girls prefer to be_. Abeautifully dressedBdressing beautifulCdressed beautifulDbeautifully dressing【答案】A【解析】题干解析:dress当及物动词时意思是给穿衣服,所以主语little girls和dress是被动关系,用过去分词,而

21、且副词修饰过去分词常放前,故选A. 例5.The little boy looked _ at the broken model plane and felt quite _. Asad; sadBsadly; sadlyCsad; sadlyDsadly; sad【答案】D【解析】题干解析:句中第一个空sad修饰动词looked at,要用副词形式;第二个空sad作系动词felt的表语,要用形容词形式. 故选D.例6.Its surprising that _ has mastered _ much knowledge about IT.Aso a little child; soBso l

22、ittle a child; suchCsuch a little child; soDsuch little a child; such【答案】C【解析】题干解析:表示如此,以至于的句式有1. such+a/an+adj+n(单数)+that;2. so+adj+a/an+n(单数)+that;3. so+many/much/little/few+名词;4. such+adj+n(复数不可数)+that;根据句意:这么小的孩子掌握了如此多的信息技术知识,这是令人吃惊的. 可知,第一个空后的little不是修饰不可数名词指少,而是指小,所以适用于句型such+a/an+adj+n(单数)+th

23、at;而第二个空后的much是修饰不可数名词,应该使用so 来修饰,故答案为C. 例7.We only had100 and that was _ to buy a new computer.Anowhere near enoughBnear enough nowhereCenough near nowhereDnear nowhere enough【答案】A【解析】题干解析:根据短语nowhere near意为远不及,离得远,差得远,以及enough修饰形容词或副词时,置于形容词或副词的后面可知,正确的选项为A. 例8.Mark jumped _ to get the first prize

24、 in the school sports meet. Atoo highBtoo enoughCenough highDhigh enough【答案】D【解析】题干解析:考查副词的位置作用. 副词high修饰动词jump,enough(足够地)作副词,修饰形容词副词时通常放在所修饰词的后面,D项正确. 故选:D. 例9.He found it dull to be kept in the same class with the other students, for his English was _ above the beginners level.Aobvious ratherBobv

25、iously wellCobvious muchDobviously fairly【答案】B【解析】题干解析:本题考查副词. 修饰后面的介词短语 above the beginners level用副词well,修饰副词well用副词obviously. A和C的obvious是形容词,应该是副词,D项fairly不能修饰above这样的介词短语. 故选:B. 时间副词 知识讲解 时间副词【概念】1. 时间副词是表示时间或期间的词。2. 常见的时间副词now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, finally, before, early, t

26、oday tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, immediately, already, just 等. 【用法】(1)表确定时间的副词(如today, yesterday等)通常位于句末,有时也位于句首:He went home yesterday. / Yesterday he went home. 他昨天回家了. 表示非确定时间的副词(如 soon, recently, suddenly 等)则除可用于句末(最常见)或句首外,还可位于句中(通常位于实义动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词之后):He went to Paris recently

27、. / He recently went to Paris. / Recently he went to Paris. 最后他去了巴黎. (2)still, already, just 等几个表示时间的副词通常位于句中实义动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词之后):Hes just left for school. 他刚刚去学校. I have already finished my work. 我已经做完了工作. still和already也可位于动词be、助动词等之前:She was still still was beautiful at the age of forty. 她到了40岁

28、仍然很美.I already have told him about it. 我已经把情况告诉他了. still若用于否定句,则总是位于助动词之前:I still dont understand what you mean. 我还是不明白你的意思. still 和already 还可位于句末,表示惊奇:Are you on page one still? 你还在看第1页?Is your mother back already? 你妈妈就已经回来了?常见时间副词用法:(1)afterwards,eventually,lately,now,recently,soon,then,today,tomorrow等和表示时间的副词短语:at once,since then,till. 上述副词和词组通常位于句首或句末,在祈使句中及与till短语连用时常放在句末:Eventually he came. /He came eventually. 他终于来了. Then we went home. /We went home then. 然后我们回家. Write today. 今天就写. Ill wait till tomorrow. 我等到明天. 动词为复合时态时afterwards,eventually,lately,now,recently,soon可位于助动词之后:Well

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