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牛津小学英语3B 全册教案.docx

1、牛津小学英语3B 全册教案Unit 1 My school bag 教学内容: A. 词汇(八个文具类单词)要求“三会”。 B. 词汇(三个单词)要求“四会”。C. 日常交际用语:Whats this /that in /on the ? Whats this /that in English ?Its Come here D. 歌曲A B C song要求“会唱”。教材简析: 编写者有意识地在第一单元安排了“确认物品”这一语言功能项目,并在词汇中主要选取了文具类单词。教师应把握教材的这一设计意图,尽量创设真实、自然的情景,给学生“学以致用”的亲切感。 单词教学是本册新增的教学内容,要求学生四

2、会掌握。教学中贯彻“先听说,后读写”的原则,要将听说记写在一堂课里有机结合,穿插进行,以提高课堂教学效率,建议在学习单词时,也适时对单词进行拼读。 教学要求: 1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a bag, a tape, a book. 2、能听懂、会说新授的七个文具及玩具类单词: a school bag .a crayon , a knife ,a storybook ,a copybook ,a stapler及a toy , train .3、能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in /on the?Whats this /that in English ?Its

3、Come here, 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。 4、能正确理解、运用介词in和on . 5、会唱歌曲A B C song . 教学重点: 见教学要求:1、2。 教学难点: 见教学要求2、3、4。 教学安排: 第一课时:A部分第1、2幅图。B部分单词a tape ,a knife ,a crayon , a school bag . 第二课时:A部分第3、4幅图。B部分单词a storybook ,a copybook ,a stapler ,a toy train . 第三课时:C、D部分。 第四课时:E部分,并完成WB。教具准备:图片(文具类及人物Gao S

4、han. Yang Ling)、磁带、录音机、教学挂图、书包等实物。 教学过程 The first period Teaching Contents: A. Vocabulary: a tape, a knife, a crayon, a school bag. B. Patterns:Whats this /that in /on the ? Teaching Aims: 1、能听懂、会说表示文具的单词(见上)以及短语Come here . 2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in /on the ?并能用Its 回答。 Teaching steps: A.Revi

5、ew and study. a. 学习新短语come here (师手拿教具进入教室):Come here , close the door ,please . (生关好门以后,师道谢:Thank you ). 生跟师学说:Come here. b.Greetings:c. 认识本册教材中将要出现的人物,注意人物衣着的变化,并认识两个新人物:苏阳、苏海,双胞胎的区别在于她俩头上发卡颜色的不同。 d. 回顾上学期所学的一些单词(形式自便)。 BPresentation and practice. 1.介绍句型Whats that/this in/on the ? a.区别this和that。 借

6、助实物和图片,引导学生说This is Thats e.g. Ss: This is a desk /Thats a pencil sharpener. b. Ss learn to say: Whats this /that? Its 借助上学期所学文具类单词,如pen ,ball pen等。 c. The Ss learn to say: Whats this/that in /on the ? 把文具放在书book ,desk, pencil box上面或里面,让学生区别in和on . d. Practice. e. Play a game : Touch and guess . S1:

7、 Whats on the desk? S2: (被蒙上双眼) Its a S1: Yes /No . 2.过渡学习新单词:a tape ,a knife ,a crayon ,a school bag . a.在游戏中,放入knife或其它让生猜是什么,引入新单词学习。 b.The Ss look and learn: tape, knife, crayon, school bag. Spell: t-a-p-e tape. k-n-i-f-e knife. c. Sing a song: tape, tape, tape. 把四个新单词编成儿歌,调用小星星 d. Drill: 连锁操练。

8、S1:Whats in my pencil box? S2: Its a S1: Yes/No ,its a S2: Whats in my pencil box? S3: Its a S2:Yes/No ,Its a S3: Whats in my pencil box ? C. Learn to say. 1. 写出课题:Unit 1 My school bag.2. 出示教学挂图,认识人物Gao Shan , Yang Ling 3. Discuss: Whatre they saying? 注意纠正: in 和on . 4. Listen to the tape and try to

9、imitate. 5. Action. Group work (小组内交流,运用新知) DEND。 Design: Unit 1 My school bag. Whats this/that on /in the desk? Its图片 a tape . 图片 knife . 图片 Crayon 图片 School bag . The second period Teaching Contents: A. Vocabulary: a Storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train. B. Patterns: Whats this/that in En

10、glish? Oh, I see. Teaching Aims: 1. 能听懂、会说表示文具或玩具的单词(见上)及短语Oh ,I see ,Excuse me . 2. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in English? 学会交际。 Teaching Steps: Step1 Free talk and motivation. 1. Sing a song: tape, tape, tape. 2. Free talk. T&S.S&Ss:Good morning .How are you? Look at my coat .Lets go to the park

11、 .Whats this in your desk? 3. 英汉对照:in in in 在里面。(口水歌) on on on 在上面。 4. Listen and do. ( 听指令摆东西) There is a tape on the desk . There is a knife in the book. Step2 Presentation . 1. The T shows the teaching picture. (A 部分第 3、4 幅画) The Ss discuss: Whatre they saying? ( Ss 有可能说上上一节所学的句型 : What this on t

12、he desk? ) 2. Listen to the tape and try to say something. 3. Listen and say .(学生和录音一问一答,完成对话) Tape : Excuse me , Wang Bing, Whats this in English ? Ss: Its a knife . Tape: Thank you . Tape: Whats that in English ? Ss: Its a crayon . Tape: Oh ,I see . 4. Learn to say: Whats this/that in English? T&S

13、s, S&Sspractice ,利用所学单词。S&T practice 进入本课新单词学习:a storybook ,a copybook, a stapler ,a toytrain.Check. T ask S: Whats this/that in English? S answers : Its a storybook/ T: Oh ,I see. 5. Listen and try to imitate. Step3 Consolidation. 1. Sing: tape, tape, tape. 2. Listen: A B C song. Step4 Consolidatio

14、n. 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Try to read the dialogue. 3. Talk with your friends. Step5 Oral work. (见练习册P3 ,把题目变一下:Ask and answer .) e.g. .T: Whats that in the book? S: Its a pen. Step 6 END. Design : Unit 1Myschool bag Whats this /that in English ? Its a 图片 storybook 图片 copybook 图片 stapler 图片 toy t

15、rain Phoneticsymbol: school bag sku:l bAg crayon krein tapeteipknife naif storybook 5stR:rIbUk copybook 5kRibUktoy train tRitreinstapler 5steiplexcuse iks5kjU:s The third period Teaching Contents : CLook and say : Whats this /that on ? DLook , read and write: Whats this /that in English ? Its Teachi

16、ng Aims : 1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a bag, a tape, a book. 2. 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语Whats this /that on ?Whats this /that in English ? Its 3. 能正确使用礼貌用语Excuse me . Teaching Steps : Step1Free talk and motivation . 1. Sing a song “ Hello! How are you ?” 2. Greetings : 3. Free talk . 以How are you ?展开对话,一直引到本课句型Whats th

17、is on the desk?/Whats in your desk ? 大量复现Book 3A 中的物品。 4Review the new words: a school bag ,a crayon ,a copybook ,a storybook ,a tape ,a toy train ,a stapler ,a knife . Play a game “心灵感应.” Guess, What am I thinking about ?(猜老师心里在想什么单词)? Step 2 Look and say . 1. Group work . 以小组为单位模仿Learn to say 中的场景

18、进行交际问答。 2看图、讨论交流。 3Check 抽查个别小组学生的问答、练习情况。 4Action个别表演(提醒学生注意使用Excuse me ) Step 3 Presentation . 1. Sing a song (Sing after the recorder ): ABC song . 2. T出示单词a bag, a tape, a book 卡片。 Who can tell me these ones /this one? Hands up if you know it . 3. The Ss read the words after the T. 4. The Ss lea

19、rn to write the words : a bag ,a tape, a book. T: Be careful ! Thats a new words .Watch how I write it . first ,the capital word a bag( T在四线格中范写a bag) SsLearn to write “a bag.” by fingers . 同法教授其它。 5. The Ss take out pens and copybooks ,then write “a bag ,a tape, a book.” neatly . T 巡回检查。 Step 4Work

20、:Copy the words : Design :Unit 1 My school bag . a bag ,a tape, a book The fourth period Teaching Contents: E Fun house 1. Listen and circle. 2. Play a game. 3. Sing a song :A B C song . 4. Work Book Unit 1. Teaching Aims : 1、能熟练掌握本单元所学的字母、单词与短语。 2、能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学礼貌用语和交际用语。 3、会唱歌曲 A B C song . Teac

21、hing Steps: Step 1 Free talk and motivation . 1. Greetings . 2. Play games : a. 图片快速闪动:What can you see ? b. “心灵感应。” 3. Free talk .Whats this on the desk ? Whats that in your book ?Do you know Whats this in English ? T&S S&S. 把单词 a bag ,a tape, a book(的卡片)放在句中进行操练,既训练句型又复习单词,一举两得。 Step 2 Revision .

22、1. Think and guess . T 出示图片,遮住大部分,让学生猜图上画的是什么:GuessWhats it? 图片内容为文具、家具类(things for school ,things in a room ) 2. 复习 in ,on 的用法。 Whats in my hand? Whats on my hand? Step3Listen and circle . 1. Listen to the tape and circle what have you heard ? 2. Check the answers . Step 4 Play a game : Whats in my

23、 school bag ? 1.示范问答:T askS: Whats in my school bag ? S answer T:Its a crayon . 2. Group work . Step5 Sing a song . 1. Listen to the tape : A B C song . 2. Sing after the tape . 3. Sing together . 3B Unit2教案Unit 2 Yes or no 教学内容:、要求“四会” a key, a clock, a watch。、词汇(六个日常用品类单词)要求“两会”。、日常交际用语:May I come

24、 in? Come in, please. Is this /that .Yes, it is. /No ,it isnt .Its /What a nice ! Can I have a look? Sure. Here you are .要求“两会”。、歌谣,Its his key . 会诵读。教材简析:本单元在Whats this /that ?的基础上,进一步引导学生运用一般疑问句Is this/ that ? 去确认周围的常见的事物。为配合 “认物”这一功能项目的展开,本单元所教词汇也可以日常生活中的一些常见物品为主。应注意的是,问句中的this 或that 在回答时要用it 替代,

25、以避免重复。教过May I come in ?后,教师可要求学生在每次进入教师办公室或上英语课迟到时,坚持用“May I come in ?”代替汉语的“报告”,教师也应用Come in ,please .回答。教学要求: 1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a key, a clock, a watch.2、能听懂、会说日常用品类单词 a fridge ,a bed ,a computer ,a camera, a radio, a clock.3、能听懂、会说日常交际用语May I come in ? Come in Please .Is this /that ? Yes ,it is /No

26、,it isnt . Its What a nice ! Can I have a look? Sure, here you are.4、能背诵歌谣Its his key .5、能掌握sure 的正确发音。教学重点:见教学要求:1、2、3。教学难点:见教学要求2、3、5。教具准备:图片(日常生活用品及人物Nancy , Gao Shan )磁带、录音机、挂图、实物等。教学安排:第一课时: A部分第1、2 幅图,B部分单词 a watch ,a radio, a camera ,a computer .第二课时: A 部分第3、4 幅图,B部分单词 a clock ,a key .第三课时: C

27、 、D 部分和歌谣。第四课时: E部分,并完成 Workbook. 教学过程 The first period教学内容:单词:a watch, a radio ,a camera, a computer.句型:What a nice ?May I come in? Come in ,please .Is this ?Yes ,it is /No, it isnt .Its 教学要求:能听懂、会说表示日常生活用品的单词 (见上)。能听懂、会说日常交际用语What a nice ! May I come in? Come in, please. Is this? Yes, it is / No,

28、it isnt. Its 教学进程:A、 Free talk and motivation .1. Lets sing a song: A B C song.2.师生问候: Good morning /afternoon .How are you?3.指着室内物品用 Whats this /that (in the pencil-box /on the desk)? Its Whats this /that in English ? Its 与学生互相问答。(复习Unit 1 中的单词 )4拿出人物图片以Who is he /she ? He is /She is 介绍Nancy .Gao S

29、han. Wang Bing, Yang Ling.B、Presentation and practice .1. 介绍生词: a watch ,a radio ,a camera ,a computer .a. 教师出示一个包,把要学单词的实物与文具放在包里让学生摸一摸 ,猜一猜 ,指名上台摸,教师问Whats in my bag ? Its 或问Whats this in English ? 这样逐一学习上面四个单词,教师读,开火车,拼读。如:radio r-a-d-i-o radio watch w-a-t-c-h watch camera c-a-m-e-r-a camera b. Sing : radio, watch ,camera ,radio, watch ,camera .(配上Hello! How are

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