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本文(江苏省常州市常武地区八校学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省常州市常武地区八校学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

1、江苏省常州市常武地区八校学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案常武2013-2014学年度第二学期期中考试高一英语试卷(八校联考) 第二部分 单项选择 21. It really shocked us that he should have made such _ rapid progress in his study in such a short time! No surprising. He has been making _ most of his spare time to study. A. a; the B. a; / C. /; the D. /; /22. In f

2、ront of the famous big trees _ a family, _ the parents treat their child like a friend. A. lives; where B. were; which C. settle; while D. staying; who23. _ Lei Feng, we set up a school _ after him. A. In honor of; naming B. In face of; named C. In place of; naming D. In memory of; named 24. The des

3、erted island is only _ by boat. A. suitable B. Fortunate C. available D. accessible25. It is said that his new apartment is _ the old one. Which one cant be used? A. three times larger than B. three times as large as C. three times the size of D. as three times large as26. The audience was _ very yo

4、ung children so there was lots of noise while the concert was going on. A. consisted in B. made up for C. consisted of D. made up of 27. It was not until he got back _ he found out the flowers needed _. A. that; watered B. that; watering C. when; water D. when; to be watered 28. It is still under di

5、scussion _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern restaurant or not. A. whether B. when C. which D. where29. The conductor made _ clear that no buses will be running. A. that B. what C. it D. which 30. It remains _ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the final. A. seen B. to be s

6、een C. seeing D. to see 31. Anna, you look so tired and wet all over! You know, all morning I _ my properties to my new office on the third floor. A. am moving B. have moved C. had moved D. have been moving 32. Its raining. She is less _ to come here. A. possible B. likely C. probable D. impossible3

7、3. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would come to shanghai this summer. A. that B. which C. what D. when 34. This book _ into many different languages. A. is reported to translate B. has reported to have been translated C. is reported to have been translated D. reports to have translated35

8、. Your suitcase seems very heavy. Need any help? _. A. That all depends! B. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. C. Its a pleasure. D. It couldnt be better. Thank you all the same.第三部分 完形填空 I once heard a story about an emergency medical expert named Jake. One day he was asked to help a(an) _36_ woma

9、n. When he arrived, she had no pulse (脉搏). From her colour and unusual eyes, he could _37_ shed suffered serious brain damage. _38_, he did his job particularly well, trying over and over to restart her heart. She _39_ consciousness (意识) at last.Her family kept in touch with him, and eventually he _

10、40_ the woman had got rid of the pain. However, she was _41_ blind and unable to talk.Jake thought about his _42_ to save her, wondering if he was against natures plan, increased a terrible burden (负担) on her family, and _43_ lasting peace for years of suffering and shame.His _44_ darkened his life

11、for many years until the day he received this _45_ from the womans son: “Mom died last week, and I want to thank you for giving me so many _46_ years with her. Although at first I felt only sorrow, I came to be _47_ and gain strength from my time with her. Every day Id hold her hand and tell her abo

12、ut my accomplishments (成就) and problems. I could always _48_ her strong pulse, and I _49_ know that she talked to me through her heart. With every _50_, she sent me love and encouragement. I _51_ our time together.”Jake restarted the dying womans heart, and her sons _52_ and willingness (愿意) to expr

13、ess it repaired Jakes self-made wound to his own _53_.The quality of our lives is _54_, not so much by what we do or whats done to us, _55_ by how we choose to think about our situation.36. A. dead B. unconscious C. easy-going D. pretty37. A. tell B. introduce C. check D. examine38. A. Later B. Agai

14、n C. Even D. Still 39. A. recovered B. lost C. found D. forgot40. A. realized B. hoped C. learned D. thought41. A. forever B. often C. constantly D. immediately42. A. method B. decision C. motivation D. curiosity43. A. exchanged B. ended C. brought D. got44. A. panic B. excitement C. doubt D. thinki

15、ng45. A. story B. note C. gift D. diary46. A. extra B. helpless C. exciting D. busy47. A. hopeless B. anxious C. content D. proud48. A. feel B. find C. discover D. examine49. A. gradually B. approximately C. terribly D. sincerely50. A. cry B. strike C. beat D. breath51. A. saved B. spent C. wasted D

16、. treasured 52. A. strength B. gratitude C. skill D. joy53. A. heart B. figure C. pulse D. life54. A. ruined B. repaid C. reduced D. determined55. A. and B. when C. but D. while第四部分 阅读理解 AEarn Money This Summer with Sunny Libraries! Do you have too much free time this summer vacation? Do you need a

17、summer job to earn extra money? Do you want to be involved in your community (社区)? Sunny Area Library System (SALS) has job opportunities for high school students. These are good chances to get work experience.Book Theater brings childrens book stories to life. It has shows at all Sunny Libraries. A

18、pplicants (申请者) should enjoy performing in front of an audience and working with young children.Work Hours:Practice: Fridays 4:00 pm 6:00 pmPerformance: Tuesdays 10:00 amRate of Pay: $16/performanceComputer Tutor (导师) helps guests to deal with technology problems, involving Internet searches and usi

19、ng the SALS Website to find materials. Applicants should have computer skills.Work Hours:MondayFriday 9:00 am5:00 pmRate of Pay: $ 8/hourBookmobile helps the driver find the routes to libraries. The truck you work in is air-conditioned, and the driver is friendly. Applicants must be able to lift hea

20、vy boxes. Work Hours:Sunday and Friday 9:00 am 4:00 pmRate of Pay: $10/hourReader Desk provides service with a smile while checking materials in and out to guests. Friendly attitude and ability to work on library data system required.Work Hours:MondayTuesday 8:00 am4:00 pmRate of Pay: $ 7.50/hour56.

21、 If you are interested in acting, _ should be your choice.A. Book Theater B. Bookmobile C. Computer Tutor D. Reader Desk57. If you get the job of “Bookmobile”, you are expected to _.A. work with young children B. lift heavy boxesC. check materials for guests D. repair computers58. The purpose of the

22、 advertisement is to _. A. attract students to libraries B. raise money for librariesC. introduce new books D. offer job opportunitiesBCar TalkWhen I got the driving license (执照) last summer, Mom and I took our first trip around an empty parking lot. Then I found that my mother was not the best teac

23、her for me. It wasnt that she shouted, or told me that I was doing poorly. As you can imagine, my mothers “helpful instructions (指示)” only made me more nervous.Since I could no longer practice with her, the job was placed in the hands of my father. The idea of learning from Dad was not one that thri

24、lled me. I loved him dearly, but I just did not see Dad as someone I could be comfortably learning from. He almost never talked. We shared a typical (典型的) father-daughter relationship. Hed ask how school was, and Id say it was fine. Unfortunately, that was the most of our conversations. Spending hou

25、rs alone with someone who might as well have been a stranger really scared me.As we got into the car that first time, I was not surprised at what happened. Dad and I drove around, saying almost nothing, aside from a few instructions on how to turn. As my lessons went on, however, things began to cha

26、nge. Dad would turn the radio up so I could fully appreciate his favorite Stones music. And he actually began talking. I was soon hearing about past failed dates, “basic body” gym class, and other tales from his past, including some of his first meeting with Mom.Dads sudden chattiness (爱讲话) was shoc

27、king until I thought about why he was telling me so much in the car. In all the years, I had wondered why my father never spoke that much, but I had never stopped to consider that it was because I had never bothered to listen. Homework, friends, and even TV had all called me away from him, and, cons

28、equently (因此), I never thought my quiet father had anything to say.Since I began driving with him, my driving skill has greatly increased. More important, though, is that my knowledge of who my father is has also increased. Just living with him wasnt enough it took driving with him for me to get to

29、know someone who was a mystery.59. The author couldnt practice driving with her mother because _. A. she couldnt talk with her mother B. her father wanted to teach herC. her mother made her nervous D. she didnt trust her mother60. At first, the idea of learning driving from her father made her _.A.

30、happy B. uneasy C. satisfied D. disappointed61. What surprised the author when the driving lessons went on?A. Her Dad liked modern music. B. Her Dad was the best teacher.C. Her Dad was a chatty person. D. Her Dad told her his sad stories.62. With her story “Car Talk”, the author indicates that _. A.

31、 fathers love their daughters dearly B. mothers are less patient than fathers C. family members need real communication D. it takes time to improve the father-daughter relationshipCIt is quite reasonable to blame (指责) traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind

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