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1、儿童趣味英语谜语儿童趣味英语谜语篇一:英语趣味谜语 1.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? 2.What will you get if you cut the head of a bear? 3.What number comes ne_t? 1,2,4,7,_,_,( ) 4.A plane left Beijing to Guangzhou .The whole fight takes four hours.The plane left Beijing at _ o clock.Shanghai lies

2、in the middle of two cities.Now it is twelve o clock.Where is the plane now? 5.If two cats are in front of a cat ,and two cats are behind a cat,and one cat is in the middle,now many cats are there in all? 6.What letter is an insect? 7.John runs faster than Bob but slower than Tom. Bill usually runs

3、faster than Bob, sometimes runs faster than John, but never faster than Tom. Who is the fastest runner? 8.Helen is twenty years old, and her age is four times as much as Mary s. When Helen s age is twice as much as Mary s, how old is Helen then? 9.Mother gave Alice 30 dollars. She spends a fifth of

4、the 30 dollars on books, a quarter of the remainder at a hairdresser s and buys a new skirt for _ dollars. How many dollars does she have now? _.What does everybody do at the same time ? _.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired ? _.Why do lions eat raw meat ? _.How many sides does a c

5、ircle have ? _.What can t talk but can speak the truth ? _.With which hand do you write ? _.How do you know policemen are strong ? _.From what number can you take half and leave nothing? _.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? _.what is pronounced like one letter,written with t

6、hree letters,and belongs to all animals? _.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? _.What person does every man take his hat off to? _.What can you swallow than can also swallow you? 23.Which three letters can frighten a thief away? 24.What appears once in every minute,twice in every m

7、oment, but not once in thousand years? 25.What would you say if you saw a ghost(鬼)? 26.Which is the left side of a cake? 27.A police saw a truck driver going the wrong down a one - way street,but paid no attention to him.Why? 28.Where should the milk be best stored ? 29.What always has one eye open

8、but can t see? 30.What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than by yourself? 31.Which letter of the alphabet separates Europe from Africa? 32.Why is a river rich? 33.I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees; rivers but without water;what am I? 34.A man jumped from a plane,but

9、there was nothing wrong with him.Do you know why? 35.Why did John say he didn t know where the sun was? 36.Where does a person stay for the longest time in his life? 37.What is it,which will tomorrow and was be yesterday? 38.What has many teeth but never uses them for eating? 39.The more you take aw

10、ay, the bigger I become. What am I? 40.What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? 41.When is it correct to say I is ? 42.If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become? 43.How many sweets can you put into an empty bag? 44.How can you leave the room with two

11、legs and return with si_ legs? 45.How could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt? 46.I unwrapped a lump of sugar and put it in my coffee. The sugar didn t get wet.Why? 47.If it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg, how long does it take to boil four eggs? 48.If three birds ar

12、e sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them,how many will be left? 49.When is your uncle s sister not your aunt? 50.Mrs.Smith has nine children,half of them are girls. How can this be true? 51.Where can you never tell the truth? 52.What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cupboa

13、rd all night? 53.What walks around all day and lies under the bed at night with its tongue hanging out? 54.How many cheese sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? 55.When will a net hold water? 56.Why is a room full of married couples empty? 57.What table has no leg? 58.What tables grow in the f

14、ields? 59.Which American man has had the largest family? 60.A hungry donkey was tied to a rope eight feet long. About thirty feet away The donkey can eat those carrots easily. 61.What can you hold in your left hand,but not in your right hand? 62.I have seven letters. The first two stand for a boy. T

15、he first three stand for a girl. The first four stand for a brave boy. 63.Why does a man s hair become grey before his moustaches? 64.Why are people close to their mothers instead of their fathers? 65.Where can you easily put your right hand,but can never put your left hand? 66.What question can nev

16、er get answer YES. ? 67.What is the beginning of everything,also the end of life? 68.Mary had a big dog,and I had a smaller one.One day,the two dogs raced to see which ran faster.The dogs were soon tired out. Finally,my dog won the _ -mile race. Now which dog had more sweat on its body? 69.What part

17、 of a clock is always old? 70.which letter makes her hear? 71.I jump into the water, what do I do ? 72.My first is in snow , but not in ice , My second is in rose , and also in rice , My third is not in pencil , but in paper . My whole is a place where there is a lot of water. 73.Why don t babies ne

18、ed glasses? 74.What do you drop when you need it and take back when you don t? 75.What s the difference between a monkey and a flea(跳蚤)? 76.What is the center of gravity? 77.When Columbus discovered America,where did he stand? 78.What is four feet on four feet waiting for four feet? 79.When the boy

19、fell into the water,what s the first thing he did? 80.What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? 81.A Police officer had a brother , but the brother had no brother.How could that be ? 谜底: 1.Blackboard 2.Ear 3._ the sky 5.3 6.B(bee) 7.Tom 8.30 9.8 _.Grow old! _.Father Christmas _.They don

20、t know how to cook ! _.Two. The inside and the outside _.A mirror. _.Neither. We use a pen ! _.Because they can hold up traffic with just one hand. _.8 _.si_th _.Eye _.6 _.A barber. _.Water. 篇二:精选趣味英语谜语 趣味英语谜语(谜底附后) 1-_ 1.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? 2.What number comes

21、 ne_t? 1,2,4,7,_,_,( ) 3.What letter is an insect? 4.What can t talk but can speak the truth ? 5.From what number can you take half and leave nothing? 6.Which three letters can frighten a thief away? 7.What would you say if you saw a ghost(鬼)? 8.Why is a river rich? 9.Why did John say he didn t know

22、 where the sun was? _.Where does a person stay for the longest time in his life? _.What is it,which will tomorrow and was be yesterday? _.If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become? _.When is your uncle s sister not your aunt? _.What tables grow in the fields? _.What c

23、an you hold in your left hand,but not in your right hand? _.What is the center of gravity? _. what kind of dog never can bite and bark? _. what rises in the morning and waves all day? _. what is easy to get into but hard to get out of? _.What letter is a question? 答案: 1.Blackboard 2._ 3.B(bee) 4.Fat

24、her Christmas 5.8 6.I C U 7.I would say nothing and run as fast as possible. 8.Because it has two banks. 9.Because it was at night. _.In bed. _.Today. _.It remains a white stone. _.When she is my mother. _.Vegetables. _.You can hold your right hand in your left hand, but you can not hold your right

25、hand in your right hand. _.The letter V. _. hotdog _.a flag. _.trouble _. Y _.Ather_scl_osis 动脉粥样硬化 _. Hyp_r_en_ion高血压 23. Di_b_tes 糖尿病 24. con_c_ous意识 25. int_rn实习生 26. In-patient dep_rtm_nt 住院部 27. Adm_ssion of_ice 住院处 28.Emer_en_y room 急诊室 29.Ves_el 血管 30.Rou_ine e_amin_tion 常规检查 31.Di_gn_sis诊断 3

26、2.Inj_tion 注射 33.Cap_ _le 胶囊 34. Antib_ _otics抗生素 35.Low p_ _tein diet低蛋白饮食 36.D_re_tor of the hospital 院长 37.D_ _m认为,相信 38.Des_ _ny命运 39.Ele_ _ _t优雅的 40.mat_ _ _成熟的 w_ _k网络 42.Mini_ _ze使减到最小 43.m_ple 枫树,枫叶 44.Incre_ _ble难以置信的 45.Inqu_ _y 问诊 46.appl_ _d鼓掌 47.manip_l_te控制,操纵 48.Intell_ _ence 智力 49.lo

27、g_sti_ 逻辑 50.Fa_ _ly家庭 答案: _.Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化 _. Hypertension高血压 e t s 23. Diabetes 糖尿病 a e 24. conscious意识s i o e 25. intern实习生 e 26. In-patient department 住院部a e 27. admission office 住院处i f 28. Emergency room 急诊室 g c 29.vessel血液s e 30.Routine e_amination 常规检查 t 31.Diagnosis诊断 a o 32.Injectio

28、n 注射ec 33. Capsule 胶囊 su 34. Antibiotics抗生素 i o 35.Low protein diet低蛋白饮食 r o 36.Director of the hospital 院长 i c 37.Deem认为,相信e e 38.Destiny命运 t i 39.Elegant优雅的 g a n 40.mature成熟的 u r e work网络 o r 42.minimize使减到最小 m i 43.maple 枫树,枫叶 a 44.Incredible难以置信的 d i 45.Inquiry 问诊 i r 46.applaud鼓掌a u i 篇三:儿童趣味谜

29、语 儿童趣味谜语之一 _1 五个兄弟,住在一起,名字不同,高矮不齐.【谜底】手指 _2一个黑孩,从不开口,要是开口,掉出舌头.【谜底】瓜籽 _3 人脱衣服,它穿衣服,人脱帽子,它戴帽子.【谜底】衣帽架 _4 屋子方方,有门没窗,屋外热烘,屋里冰霜.【谜底】冰箱 _5 两只小口袋,天天随身带,要是少一只,就把人笑坏.【谜底】袜子_6 弟兄七八个,围着柱子坐,只要一分开,衣服就扯破.【谜底】蒜 _7 独木造高楼,没瓦没砖头,人在水下走,水在人上流.【谜底】雨伞 _8 身穿大皮袄,野草吃个饱,过了严冬天,献出一身毛.【谜底】绵羊_9 一个小姑娘,生在水中央,身穿粉红衫,坐在绿船上.【谜底】荷花 _0

30、 颜色白如雪,身子硬如铁,一日洗三遍,夜晚柜中歇.【谜底】碗 _1 有面没有口,有脚没有手,虽有四只脚,自己不会走.【谜底】桌子 _2 白嫩小宝宝,洗澡吹泡泡,洗洗身体小,再洗不见了.【谜底】香皂 _3 身穿绿衣裳,肚里水汪汪,生的子儿多,个个黑脸膛.【谜底】西瓜 _4 不怕细菌小,有它能看到,化验需要它,科研不可少.【谜底】显微镜 _5 象只大蝎子,抱起似孩子,抓挠肚肠子,唱出好曲子.【谜底】琵琶 _6 是笔不能画,和电是一家,要知有无电,可去请教它.【谜底】测电笔 _7 圆筒白浆糊,早晚挤一股,兄弟三十二,都说有好处.【谜底】牙膏 _8 上不怕水,下不怕火;家家厨房,都有一个 (打一生活用

31、品).【谜底】 锅 _9 一个老头,不跑不走;请他睡觉,他就摇头 (打一物).【谜底】不倒翁 _0 大姐用针不用线,二姐用线不用针,三姐点灯不干活,四姐做活不点灯.(打四种动物)【谜底】蜜蜂 ,蜘蛛,萤火虫,纺织娘 _1 驼背公公,力大无穷;爱驮什么车水马龙(打一物).【谜底】桥 _2 头戴红帽子,身披五彩衣,从来不唱戏,喜欢吊嗓子(打一动物).【谜底】公鸡 _3 先修十字街,在修月花台,身子不用动,口粮自动来(打一动物).【谜底】蜘蛛 _4 有头没有颈,身上冷冰冰,有翅不能飞,无脚也能行(打一动物).【谜底】鱼 _5 身披花棉袄,唱歌呱呱叫,田里捉害虫,丰收立功劳(打一动物).【谜底】青蛙 _6 大姐长的真漂亮,身穿桔红花衣裳.七颗黑星上面镶,爱吃蚜虫饱肚肠.二妹最 爱嗡嗡唱,百花园里忙又忙.后腿携带花粉筐,装满食品喂儿郎.三姐身披黄衣裳,腰儿细来腿儿长.飞到田间捉害虫,尾巴毒针塞刀枪.(打三益虫) .【谜底】瓢虫,蜜蜂,黄蜂,马蜂) _7 头小颈长四脚短,硬壳壳里把身安,别看胆小又怕事,要论寿命大无边.(打一动物).【谜底】龟 _8 一物长来真奇怪,肚皮下面长口袋,孩子袋里吃和睡,跑得不快跳得快.(打一动物).【谜底】袋

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