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1、人教版高一英语必修一Unit2知识点梳理及练习带解析人教版高一英语必修一Unit2知识点梳理及练习(带解析)1.重点词汇official adj 官方的正式的.公务的 voyage n 航行航海conquer 征服.占领 because of 因为native 本国的;本地的 n 本地人本国人 come up 走近,上来提出actually实际上,事实上 base根据 n 基部;基地,墓础 at present 现在;目前 gradual 逐渐的.逐步的 enrich 使富裕;充实,改善 vocabulary 词汇.词汇量.词表make use of 利用 使用 latter 较后的后平的;(

2、两者中)后者的 . fluent 流利的.流畅的 frequent adj 频繁的常见的 usage 使用.用法.词语惯用法 command命令;指令;掌握request请求;要求 dialect 方言 expression 词语;表示表达 midwestern 中西部的.有中西部特性的 African adj 非洲的:非洲人的;非洲语言的 play a part ( in )扮演个角色:参与 2.短语归纳1. 不只有一种英语 more than one kind of English2. 在一些重要方面 in some important ways3. 彼此不同 be different f

3、rom one another4. 与现代英语不同 be different from modern / present day English 5. 世界英语 world Englishes6. 起着的重要作用 play an important role / part7. 起着越来越重要的作用 play a more and more /an increasingly important part / role8. 因为它特殊的作用 because of its special role9. 国际语言 an international language10. 在16世纪末 at the e

4、nd of the 16 th century11. 在17世纪初 at the beginning of the 17 th century12. 在20世纪前期 in the early 20 th century13. 比以往任何时候都 than ever before14. 即使 even if / even though15. 以德语为基础 be based on German16. 使用更大的词汇量 make use of a wider vocabulary17. 它自己的特色 its own identity18. 众多讲英语的人 a very large number of

5、English speakers19. 学英语的人数 the number of people learning English20. 迅速增长 increase rapidly21. 标准英语 standard English22. 信不信由你 believe it or not23. 讲最好的英语 speak excellent English24. 相邻的城镇 neighboring towns 25. 从一个地方搬到另一个地方 move from one place to another26. 充分利用不同的方言 make full use of different dialects2

6、7. 目前的形势 present situation28. 国际组织 an international organization29. 词汇与惯用法 vocabulary and usage30. 辨认出他的口音 recognize his accent31. 中西部地区的方言 midwestern dialect(s)32. 发出命令 give commands33. 提出客气的请求 make a polite request要点提炼 Section A重要词语辨析1. voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour【解释】voyage: 去国外或较远地方的海上旅行Colum

7、bus succeeded in making a voyage to America in 1942.journey: 指较远的从一地到另一地旅行,距离较远,多指陆地They will make a journey to Beijing by 一系列的旅程,泛指旅游We had six days travel by car.trip: (短途)旅行The Greens will take a weekend trip to the Great Wall.tour: 为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行We will make a tour of Hainan n

8、ext week.【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). It is tiring to take a long _ by train from Paris to Moscow.2). The _ from England to Australia used to take several months.3). Well have time for a _ to France next weekend.4). We went on a guided _ round the castle.答案: 1). journey 2). voyage 3). trip 4). tour1. re

9、cognize/realize/know(1)recognize 指原来很熟悉,经过一段时间的间隔或别的原因后又重新认出来。(2)realize 强调在经过一个过程后的了解。(3)know 是延续性动词,指互相间十分熟悉、十分了解应用1(1)Only after you lose your health will you _ the importance of health.(2)Ive _ Tom for years.(3)I _ him as soon as he came into the room答案:recognize known realised2. such as/for exa

10、mple/that is/and so on(1)such as 用于列举事物时常放在所列举事物与前面的名词之间,且其后不用逗号,直接跟所列举的事物,可与 like互换。它所列举的事物的数量不能等同于前面所提的事物的总和,否则就用 that is或 namely。(2)for example 主要用于举例说明,其前后多用符号隔开。其位置比较灵活,可位于句首、句中或句末(such as只能位于所列举的事物之前)。(3)that is 相当于 namely,它所列举的事物的总量等于前面所提到的事物的总和。(4)and so on 对几个事物进行列举时,在说了其中的几个以后,用.and so on进

11、行概括,说明还有例子,但不一一列出了。应用2(1)My daughter studies four subjects in school, _, Chinese, maths, English and PE.(2)Overcooking(烹饪过度), _, destroys many nutrients(营养素).(3)He can speak some other languages, _ French and German.(4)There are some books, pens, erasers _ in my bag.答案 that is for example such as an

12、d so on3. especially/ specially【解释】especially意思是“尤其,特别”,表达事物的不寻常或特别重要specially 指为了某一目的,专门做某事【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). Our city is very beautiful, _ in spring. 我们城市很美丽,尤其在春天。2). He came here _ to ask you for help. 他是专程来这里向你求助的。答案: 1). especially 2). specially 4 a number of / the number of【解释】a number

13、of意思是“若干;许多”the number of意思是“的数目”【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). Today _ people learning Chinese in the world is raising rapidly.2). _ books in the market are in English.答案: 1). the number of 2). A number of重要词性变化 1. actual adj. 实际的actually adv. 实际上;事实上2. base n. 基地;基础base v. 以为根据basic adj. 基本的3. east n. 东

14、方eastern adj. 东方的;东部的【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) What did he _ say? (actual)2) The _ cost was much higher than we had expected. (actual)3)My knowledge of physics is pretty _. (base)4)She used her familys history as a _ for her novel. (base)5)This novel is _ on historical facts. (base)6)He is interested in

15、 _ customs. (determine)7) The wind is blowing from the _. (determine)答案: 1) actually 2) actual 3) basic 4) base5) based 6) eastern 7) east 重点词汇,短语,句式1.official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的You will have to get official permission to cut down the trees.你得获得官方批准才可以砍伐这些树。There will be an official inquiry into the ma

16、tter.将对这件事进行正式调查。【拓展】official 或 officer两者都有官员的意思,但是所指不同1,official常指政府官员或行政官员2,officer常指身特定制服的官员,如军官或者警官等。练习:我爸爸是军官,而他爸爸是政府官员。My father is an_ in the army, while his father is an_ in the government.答案:officer official2. voyage n.航行;航海;航天The voyage from America to France used to take two months.从美国到法国

17、的航行通常要花2个月的时间。例题:他们要进行横越大西洋的航行。They want to_ _ _ across the Atlantic.从水手辛伯达的几次旅行中,他学会了很多关于大海的知识。From _ _ of the sailor Sinbad, he knew a lot about the sea.答案:make a voyage the voyages3. native adj. 本国的;本土的 n.本地人,本国人The women are native people.这些妇女是本地人。Finally, she returned to her native land.她最后返回了她

18、的祖国。The panda is a native of China.熊猫原产于中国。【注意】native 做形容词用时,只能做前置定语。be native to 意为(动植物)是特有的,原产于The tiger is native to India, 这种虎产于印度。4. actually adv. 实际上;事实上 (相当于in fact/ as a matter of fact)He looked calm, but actually he was very nervous.他看起来很镇定,实际上却非常紧张。Perhaps I will stay up and watch the film

19、. Actually, I think I will just go to bed.或许我会熬夜看这部电影,不过我想我还是去睡觉吧。【其他】actually adv.居然;竟然He actually expected me to pay for the ticket.他竟然指望我给他付票钱。actual adj. 实在的;实际的;实际上;确实What were his actual words? 他到底怎么说的?5. base vt. 以为基础 n.基础;基地;I based my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.我把希望寄托在我们昨天的得到的好

20、消息上。This provides a good base for the development of new techniques.这为新技术的发展奠定了良好的基础。base sth on sth 以某事物为另一事物的根据或基础be base on 以为基础on the base of 以为基础an air base 空军基地The story is based on facts.这个故事是以事实为基础的。One should always base ones opinions on facts.一个人的观点应该以事实为基础。6gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的gradually ad

21、v.逐渐地,逐步地Things gradually improved. 情况已经渐渐地改善。gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的This is a gradual change in his attitude towards his stepmother.他对待继母的态度正在逐渐改变。7. latter adj. 较后的;后半的;后者的She lived a hard life in the latter part of her life.在她的后半生,她过的很辛苦。【注意】the latter (已提到的两者中的)后者,通常与the former(前者)相对应They are two ch

22、oices for us. Many boys support the farmer, but I favour the latter.注意区分later 后来 8. frequent adj. 频繁的;常见的His visit became less frequent as time passed.随时时间的流逝,他渐渐不常登门了。frequently adv. 常常;频繁的Buses run frequently from the city to the airport.公共汽车不断的从城市开往机场。词组1. because of 因为;由于典例1). They are here beca

23、use of us. 他们是因为我们来这里的。短语归纳because of 是复合介词。because 是从属连词,引导原因状语从句。练习 He came late to school again _ he got up too late. The girl cried _ what the teacher said. we have to cancel our trip _ the bad weather.because of的近义词组thanks to 因为;由于as a result of 由于的原因by reason of 因为due to 因为,由于owing to 归功于Thank

24、s to his help, I finished the task on time.多亏了他的帮助,我按时完后了任务。I had to stay at home due to the weather.由于天气原因我只能呆在家里。e up走近;上来;提出典例 1). The little came up to the stranger and showed him how to get to the police station. 小男孩向陌生人走去,并告诉他去警察局的路。3). It is certain that the question will come up at the meeti

25、ng. 这个问题在会议上一定会被提出来的。5). I am afraid something urgent has come up. 恐怕发生了什么急事。短语归纳come across邂逅 偶遇come about发生 come at向扑来,攻击 come from 来自come out 出版;开花;结果是 come up with想出come true实现 come down下来;传承练习 用come构成的词组填空。1). The hunter walked across the forest when suddenly a bear _ him. 2). The magazine _ on

26、ce a month.3). I wish you can _ to England on your holiday.4). The engineers has _ new ways of saving energy.5). They _ an old school friend in the street this morning.答案: 1). came at 2). comes out 3). come over 4). come up with 5). came across3. at present 现在,目前 1. present n. 礼物adj. 在场的;目前的vt. 赠送典例

27、 1). The mountain bike is a birthday present from my parents.这辆山地自行车是父母给我的生日礼物。2). I am afraid I cant help you at present. 恐怕现在我没法帮助你。3). In the present case, I advise you to wait. 按照目前的情况,我建议你等等。I am afraid I cant help you just at present -I am too basy.恐怕现在我帮不了你,我太忙了。重点用法at present=at the present

28、time=now 目前,现在be present at 出席;到场(反义: be absent from)present sb.with sth = present sth. to sb.把某物送给某人【注意】present作为adj.“现在的;当前的”讲时,常做前置定语;而做“出席的,到场的”讲时,常做后置定语。He doesnt know how to deal with the present problem.他不知道则呢么应对当前的局势。The people present at the meeting are advanced workers.出席会议的人都是先进工作者。练习 中译英

29、1). 所有(那些)在场者一眼就看出那个错误。2). 这本书是哥哥赠送给我的。答案: 1). The mistake was obvious to all (those) present. 2). This book was a present from my brother.4. make use of 利用;使用 典例 1). You ought to make good use of any opportunity to practise English. 你应该好好利用机会练习英语。use前可加形容词,表示不同程度的利用。短语归纳make good use of 好好利用make fu

30、ll use of 充分利用 make the best/most of 充分利用use up 用尽,耗尽You are not making the best (use) of your talents.你并没有充分发挥你的才能。练习1). 要充分利用一切机会说英语。2). 我们要很好地发挥她的才能。答案: 1). Make full use of every chance you have to speak English. 2). We will make good use of her talents.5. such as例如;像这种的1). Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry. 有些诗人, 如济慈和雪莱, 写的是浪漫

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