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1、英语专业词汇1104docObstetrics and Gynaecology 妇产科bstetriks gainikldiPediatrics 儿科pi:ditriksTrash bin垃圾箱 Trash can 垃圾桶Clothespress closet衣橱Plague 鼠疫Mourning 服丧期Hes a ruddy idiot. idit 他是个大傻瓜。Dont treat me as (if I were) an idiot. 别把我当傻瓜。I feel such an idiot. 我觉得自己简直是个傻瓜。No, my mother does my underwear. I t

2、ake my pants and shirts to the cleaners. 不,我母亲洗我内衣裤,我把袜子和衬衫拿到干洗店里洗。A trademark used for underwear, especially mens briefs. 乔基裤内衣的商标名,尤指男性三角裤Fabric knitted of this thread, used especially for hosiery and underwear. 里耳线织物用这种线织成的织物,尤指袜类及内衣多年的放荡生活毁掉了他的健康。Years of dissipation had ruined his health.放荡放荡不羁

3、的状态或性质The state or quality of being libertine.人而无一住址者是为流浪汉,住址有二者是为放荡儿。A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two address is a libertine.他很自私,不想把汽车借给我。Hes too selfish to think of lending me his car. selfi别这麽自私-在这所房子里要事事均分。Dont be so selfish its share and share alike in this house.你的行为说明你很

4、自私。This behaviour illustrates your selfishness. 尽管他很同情你,但他不会说任何冒犯老板的话,他是知道自己的利害所在的。However much he sympathizes with you, he wont say anything to offend his boss. He knows which side his bread is buttered.对不起,我冒犯您了,但决不是有意的。Im sorry I offended you; it wasnt my intention.如有冒犯之处,请多多原谅。If I have offended

5、 you, I ask your pardon.尽管他很同情你,但他不会说任何冒犯老板的话,他是知道自己的利害所在的。His speech was an affront to all members of the community. frnt 他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。He put an affront upon me. 他当众侮辱我。weak feeble flabby 软弱她双腿仍有些软弱无力,但总的情况尚好。There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.他会被认为是个软弱无

6、能的领导人。He will be considered a weak leader.怕这怕那的人是软弱的人。A fearful person is a weak person.His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). 他的藉口站不住脚,很快就没词儿了(不作声了).This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will. 这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。Having a feeble or unsteady gait; shaky. 不稳的,虚弱的; 摇晃的The fellow was not a

7、s flabby as he looked and I began to fear I had met my match. 那家伙并非像他看上去那么弱。我开始担心自己是碰上了对手。Soft and flabby. 柔软松弛的Im getting flabby lying here in bed, he grumbled, and look at my hands-smooth as a babys bottom. What kind of hands are these for a working man to have? 我躺在床上肌肉都变得松弛了,他咕哝道:看看我的手-如此细皮嫩肉的。干活

8、的人怎能有这样的手?他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他仍得好好学习。He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work.他既无天分也不想学习。He has neither talent nor the desire to learn.别看他有天分,他还没把心用到专业上去。Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.He makes much account of her musical genius. 他重视她

9、的音乐天才。He is not so much a genius as a hard worker. di:njs他的努力胜于天分。He is a mathematical geniusStrawberry 草莓Thomboepsychological saikldikl adj.心理(学)的counselor kaunsl n. 顾问, 参事, 法律顾问denaturation di:neitreinn. 改变本性, 变性penis pi:nis n.阳物, 阴茎vagina vdain n.阴道, 植叶鞘cunt knt n. 阴道, 女性之阴部, 性交, 肉体, (尤指被视作性交对象的)

10、女人例句:You stupid cunt! 你这笨蛋!ribaldry ribldri n. 下流, 猥亵的话excrement ekskrimnt n. 排泄物, 粪便idiocy idisi n. 愚蠢This 62 year-old man with a long history of hypertension was admitted to the hospital because of headache, vomiting and unconsciousness for2 hours. On admission, his blood pressure was 190/120 mmHg

11、, pulse rate 100/min and respiratory rate 24/min.This patient lapsed into coma soon. His pupils were pinpoint in size and minimally reactive to light. The corneal reflexes were absent. There was no automatical movement on four extremities with exaggerated deep tendon reflexes and Babinskisigns on bo

12、th sides. Then the patient developed respiratory failure and hyperthermia rapidly. Questions:1. What neurological structures were damaged? 2. What is your diagnosis about the patient?3. What differential diagnoses should you think about?4. What is the principle treatment to the patient?神经内科词汇Aabdomi

13、nal epilepsy腹性癫痫abdominal reflex腹壁反射abiotrophyacalculiaacrobrachycephalyacrocephalosyndactylyacrocephalyApcrts syndrome acrodyniaacromegaly肢端肥大症acrosclerosisaction tremor动作性震颤Adies Syndrome,agnosia失认症 agraphia失写症agyriaakinesia失动症akinetic mutism运动不能性缄默症akinetic seizurealcoholism alexia失读症Alper diseas

14、eAlzheimers diseaseamaurotic idiocy amblyopiaamnesia健忘症amusial失歌症amyotonia congenita amyotrophic lateral sclerosisamyotrophia肌萎缩analgesiaanencephaly无脑畸形anesthesia感觉缺失 anesthesia dolorosa痛性感觉缺失anomia名称健忘症anosmia嗅觉丧失anticonvulsant抗惊厥剂;抗惊厥药apathy情感淡漠aphasia失语症 aphonia失音症apoplexy脑卒中apraxra精神性失用症aprophoriaaprosody失语韵症arachnodactylyarachnoiditis蛛网膜炎araphiaareflexia反射消失;无反射 Argyll-Robertson pupilArnold-Chiari malformation阿-基氏脑畸形 arrhigosis冷觉缺失 astereognosis实体感觉缺失asterixis扑翼样震颤ataxia共济失调athetosis手足徐动症atonia张力缺乏atopognosia位置失认症 a itory hall ination幻听a itory-oculogyric reflexa itory seizure

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