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1、成人高考英语复习题成人高考英语复习题成人高考英语复习题成人高考英语复习题1.“Did any of my friends call me up just now?” “ _.”A.Nothing B.No body C.No one D.None2.She is wrong and she realizes _.A.This B.that D.her3.We took _ for granted that you would join.A.It B.this C.that D.its4._ is very kind of _ to help us.A.That, you B.That

2、, they C.It, you D.It, they5._ of us has been to the museum.A.Anyone B.Nobody C.Every one D.Everyone6.We are proud of _ motherland and you are proud of _.A.our, yours C.ours, your C.our, your D.ours, yours7.My friends office is closer to the bus stop than _.A.I B.mine D.your friend8.Theyve done

3、 _ to him.A.harmful thing B.harmful everything C.anything harmful D.nothing harmful9.She cant find her keys _.Anywhere. B.somewhere C.nowhere D.everywhere10.Everyone took _ place on the platform.A.ones B.its C.his D.her11.Why dont you find _ to eat since you are so hungry?A.anything B.something C.ev

4、erything D.nothing12.“Do you study French or English?” “I dont study _.A.both B.all C.either d.neither13.He thought _ a great honour to be invited to the B.that C.what D.one14._ of them spoke at the meeting, didnt he?A.All B.Both C.Each D.Every15._ can be done well if one tries his best.A

5、.Anything B.Every thing C.Nothing D.Something16.“Are the two answers correct?” “No, _ correct.” one is B.both are not C.neither is D.either is17.Be sure and let me know if _ happened to you.A.anything B.everything C.something D.what18.Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A.this B.that

6、 C.he D.it19._ is ten miles from _.A.There, it B.It, it C.It, itself D.There, itself20._ student in the class made some suggestions except Mary.A.Every B.Each C.Another D.All the21.Quite _ students knew _ English so the class had to begin with ABC.A.few, little B.a few, few C.a few, little D.few, a

7、little22.There is _ hope of our getting there.What shall we do?A.a little B.any C.some D.little23.There are fifty-five students in our class.Some are good at maths; _ at physics; _ at English.A.the others, other B.others, another C.the others, others D.others, the others24.The scientist is _ as is a

8、dmired by all of us.A.such one B.such a one C.a such one D.a one25.If you dont do it, _.A.neither do I B.nor do I C.neither shall I shall I26.“Are there _ pictures on this page?” “ _.”A.any, None B.any, No one C.some, No one D.some, None27.We _ been to Japan and they _, too.A.all have, all have

9、 B.have all, have all C.all have, have all D.have all, all have28.“Who likes music best among them?” “I think _ of them like music.”A.none B.neither C.both D.each29.“Who was in your room?” “ _.”A.None B.No one C.Nothing D.No body30.“How many people did you see in the sitting-room?” “ _.”A.Nobody B.N

10、o one C.None D.No body31.Whose new notebook is that? Its not mine.It may be _.A.somebody elses B.anybody elses C.somebodys else D.somebody else32.The baby was soon B.itself C.its D.him33.I want some more coffee but there was _ one B.nothing D.none34.All the milk is fresh but _

11、is for sale so you cant buy any.A.none one C.all D.Not all35.“What would you like to drink?” “ _.”A.None B.Nothing C.No one D.Not any36.Would you like _ piece of cake?A.other B.another C.more D.much37.“Are there any buses still running at this hour?” “ _! Im afraid.”A.All B.None C.No one D.A fe

12、w38.You may take any of these oranges.If you dont like this one, you may take _.A.the other B.all the other C.another more39.He is too excited to say _.A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something40.Listen to _ sister!A.she and her B.her and her C.her and she D.she and hers41.I believe _, bec

13、ause they all tell lies.A.both of them B.neither of them C.none of them D.not all of them42.Of all my friends _ is so diligent as George.A.none B.either one D.neither43.They both have some friends, but his _ more C.was D.are44.My mother says very _.She is a woman of _ words.A.l

14、ittle, few B.few, little C.a few, a little D.a little, a few45.Either the boy or his twin sister must have eaten _ dinner here.A.his B.their C.her D.theirs46.Is this museum _ he visited last month? B.the one C.that D.which47.I dont want _ of the two kinds.Please show me _.A.all, one B.every, an

15、other C.neither, another D.either, another48._ little water is not enough for _ many people.A.Such, so B.So, so C.Such, such D.So, such49.“Do you like these gloves, madam?” “No, show me _.”A.another B.other ones C.some others D.the other50.The first pair of glasses didnt fit properly, so he asked fo

16、r _.A.another pair B.other glasses C.others D.another glasses51.“I feel a bit hungry.” “Why dont you have _ bread?”A.any B.some C.a little D.both B and C52.That was _ I wanted.A.which B.the one C.the one what D.one53._ wants to become a film star._ want to be ordinary persons.A.Not every child, No o

17、ne B.No every child, SomeC.Not every child, some D.No every child, No one54.The baby was left, with _ to look after him.A.someone B.not one C.any one one55._ little birds eat _many insects.A.Such, so B.So, so C.Such, such D.So, such56.He cant speak German, _ can I, _ can she.A.nor, nor B.neithe

18、r, neither C.nor, neither D.either, either57.“Who broke the window?” “I suppose _ must be one of the children.”A.the one B.he D.who58.The worker didnt think there was _ wrong with the watch.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything59.Was _ not _ you wanted ?A.what, what B.what, that C.that,

19、 what D.that, that60.Many people support the proposal but _ are against it.A.fewer B.few C.all D.more61.“Would you like _ more ?” “ Yes, please.A.some B.any D.little62.“Are you hungry?” “No, not _.”A.a little B.a few C.a bit D.all63.The Americans elect their President _ four years.A.each B.eve

20、ry C.all D.for64.“_ is my hope for the future.” Said the boy.A.Which B.So C.Such D.Much65.“Have you got everything ready for the meeting?” “Not yet.We need _.”A.another three chairs B.other three chairs C.three other chairs D.others three chairs66.I have two pencils.One is red._ is blue.A.Another B.

21、Other C.One D.The one67._ present.A.Anyone isnt B.Any one isnt C.Any of them isnt D.No one is68.Everything is uncomfortable, _? it B.isnt it that D.isnt this69.Dont put your trousers on the table.Youd better put _ in the B.them C.this D.that70.“Hello, who is speaking?” “ _ is John

22、speaking.”A.It B.That C.This D.He71.I have three sisters: one is a nurse, _ is a student, _ is a teacher.A.the other, the other B.another, another C.another, the other D.the other, another72.His father had little school education._.A.So had I B.Neither did mine C.So did mine D.So mine did73.Please w

23、rite on _ other B.each C.every D.both74.He stopped and turned round every _ meters.A.few B.a few C.the few D.some75._ who leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.A.Anyone B.Any one C.Anyone of them D.Those76.See to _ John does his homework every B.that C.that it D./77.Th

24、e physics problem she is working on is more difficult than _ she did last C.that D.this78._ ought to be no trouble because he knew the answers.A.It B.There C.He D.That79.I have no more tickets.Please ask _ students.A.the other B.other C.others D.the others80.His eyes were fixed upon

25、Della.There was an expression_r in _ that she could not read, and _ terrified, they B.them, it C.those, which D.that, that81.I had _ to eat this morning.I wanted to have some bread but there was _ left.A.nothing, none B.none, nothing C.nothing, nothing D.none, none82.“Whats the trouble?” “T

26、he family never agree about _ shares of the property.”A.her B.its C.their D.his83._ Chinese people are hard-working people.A.Our B.We C.Us D.Ours84.Who has _ deer, Li or Wang?A.a lot of B.a fewer C.fewer D.less85.Dont hurry.There is _ time to get there.A.little B.any C.a little D.not much86.My wife knows just very _ English.A.a little B.little C.a bit D.a lot87._ boy should do his best.A.Every B.Each a C.One D.All the88.These cups are ours.Those are _.A.others B.others C.others D.the others89._ Parents are co

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