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2、中水平以上的学生都知道议论文的“三要素”是论点、论据、论证,也通晓议论文的基本结构:提出问题分析问题解决问题,但真正动起笔来就犯难了。知道“是这样”,就是讲不出“为什么”。根本原因还是无“米”下“锅”。于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大段抄起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。 AS/RS RACKING INSTALLATION GUIDE单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让

3、学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。 为满足公司日益增加的自动化立体仓库货架订单要求,提高我司立体仓库货架的安装精度和效率,特制定此规范。其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必

4、须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 In order to meet our companys AS/RS racking installation precision and efficiency of our increased order, we formulate this guide.一、接到安装任务单,找设计人员沟通图纸内容,拿到所有图纸(包括方案图、立柱组装图、横斜撑的位置),掌握安装要点、难点,确定使用工

5、具并准备好工具:电锤、电线、电动扳手、墨斗、常用扳手、手电钻、经纬仪、水平仪、100M钢卷尺。 Check and study all of drawing of the project. Get main design idea of the project. Master the main point and difficulties. Prepare the tools as follows: Electric hammer, electric wire, electric wrench, wrench, fountain, commonly used electric drill, t

6、heodolite, level,100M steel tape.一、安装人员进入施工现场后,首先对地基状况、预埋件进行检测(无预埋件的仅检测地基),合格后方可安装;如不在规定范围内,必须将测量的数据传到公司,等公司给出具体解决方案后再安装。The installer should check the base situation and the Embedded parts after the installers go into the site. If the base situation and Embedded parts is qualified, the workers star

7、t to install. If not, installer should send the the date to company. After company offer some solution, then worker can install racking.注:判别条件Discriminant conditions地面平整度允许偏差:Ground flatness allowed deviation:长宽尺寸(m)Length允许偏差(mm)allowed deviation50101501515020在最大载荷下,货架基础地坪的沉降变形应小于1/1000。 Under Max

8、load, the racking base Settlement deformation should be less than 1/1000.三、地面放样 The ground setting out1、仪器工具:经纬仪、水平仪、100M钢卷尺、墨斗等 Instrumental: theodolite, level,100M steel tape, ink and other2、取一点K为放样基准点(K为仓库的中心点),根据土建基准确定X向基准线,将经纬仪架于K点,作出X向基准线的垂线为Y向基准线,并校核两条基准线的垂直度。分别以X向、Y向基准线作出轨道中心线和柱脚中心线。画线前一定要找到

9、货架的安装基准,如果现场的测量的尺寸和图纸的尺寸有误差,一定要消除误差或者把误差控制在某一个不重要的尺寸上。 To take a bit of K lofting reference point (K warehouse center point), according to the civil baseline to determine the X to baseline, a theodolite frame at K, make X to the datum line for Y to vertical datum line, and checking the two baseline

10、verticality. With X respectively, Y to the datum line to make the track center line center line and column. Draw a line to find the shelf mounting reference, if the site measurement of size and drawing size error, must eliminate errors or error control in one important dimension.四、将水平仪置于中间的K点,进行地面水平

11、度的测量, Put the level in the “K” point and check the flatness of the ground.逐点测量并记录货架底脚及地轨(如无需安装地轨可不测,地轨测点为地轨底板所在点)的每一点的水平标高,分析出最高点和最低点,算出地平差量,并验证此差值与设计最大调节量是否一致;Measure and record the level of every point of footplate and ground rail .(Measure point of the ground rail is the shim position.) Find the

12、peak and the lowest point.calculate the horizontal difference如不符合要求,将少量的超低点补高或超高点降低处理,直至满足要求为止。If requirements are not met, a small amount of ultra low fill high or super high reducing treatment, until satisfied.预埋已进行浇灌的以最高点为基准,其他点补高,数值偏差较大的要通知公司。Pre buried has been watered with the highest point as

13、 the reference point, the other, larger deviations to inform the companys value.注:常见柱脚固定形式在地面满足要求后处理方法Note: the common column fixed form in the ground to meet the requirements of post processing method1可调底脚 不处理,但要保证同一底脚接触面水平误差0.5mm The adjustable foot treatment, but to ensure that the same foot cont

14、act surface level error 0.5mm2膨胀螺栓 打孔放地脚螺栓(此方式采用外膨胀),垫好调节垫片,满足水平误差0.5mm;The expansion bolt hole on the bolt ( the way using external expansion ), pad adjusting gasket, satisfy the level error of 0.5mm; 采用内膨胀时边竖柱片边垫调节垫片,立柱底板满足水平误差0.5mm The expansion side vertical column side pad adjusting gasket, col

15、umn bottom meet level error of 0.5mm3预埋板(焊螺栓、直接焊立柱) 保证调平板或调节螺母水平误差0.5mm the embedded plate ( welding bolt, direct welding column) ensure adjusting nut flat or horizontal error of 0.5mm4已进行二次浇灌的,补焊垫板满足水平误差0.5mm Since two time to irrigate, welding pad satisfy the level error of 0.5mm五、货架安装Installation

16、1、货架安装前应对每一构件进行严格检查,如有变形在安装前予以矫正。 Shelf installation before responding to each member to carry out strict inspection, such as deformation before installation to be corrected.2、在木制的组装台上进行组装柱片,以防止喷塑层划伤;根据现场情况采用吊车、卷扬机或人等方法进行吊装(如用卷扬机或人力时固定定滑轮,原则上定滑轮固定点比货架片最高点高35m),第一片吊起后要将其四周拉紧,竖起第二片后连上横梁,然后再竖第三片并挂横梁,根据


18、对焊起来。堆垛机进入货架后再按之前的顺序安装余下的货架。货架安装完毕后,全面复查各连接螺栓的紧固情况,使之均处于紧固状态。 In wooden assembling bench assembly column, in order to prevent the spray layer scratch; according to the scene with cranes, winches or methods ( such as hoisting winch or human when fixed pulley, a fixed pulley is fixed point principle t

19、han the shelf plate the highest point of high 35m ), article a lift to the around second pieces of tension, erected after the upper beam, and then third vertical slice and hanging beams, according to the design requirements of installation back pull and horizontal tie, and mounting rail crane beam,

20、column, beam adjusting verticality levelness, meet the requirements after the fixed foot, fastening parts between the connecting bolt; then then vertical column, hanging beam, column encountered second back tension group stops when the vertical column, installation of back pull and horizontal tie, b

21、roadly tuned to this region, levelness verticality; after adjustment continue moving forward vertical column, hanging beam, and so on, until the lifting to stacking machine manufacturers requirements location, installation the remaining rail crane beam (the between each part connecting bolts do not

22、tighten ). The shelf body ( except for days, rail ) after installation, the levelness, perpendicularity and channel direction, the vertical channel direction of straightness straightness adjusting, meet the design requirements after the shelf plate column and the connecting bolt. After installation

23、of days, the track, before installation to the shelf body painting days, the track correction, to ensure that the correct only after install, each section of track after adjusting the butt. Stacker crane into the shelf after the press before the installation sequence the remaining shelf. Shelves aft

24、er installation, a comprehensive review of all the connecting bolts fastening, which are in the fastened state.注:天地轨安装要求(具体见安装图)Note: the world rail installation requirements ( see the specific installation diagram )1用水平仪测量每一固定点处地轨上表面的水平标高,并通过增减垫片(测量地平时,垫片应摆放好),使轨道全长的水平度在1mm内,基准按设计要求为准; Level meter

25、for measuring a fixed point on the rail surface level, and by increasing or decreasing the gasket ( measured in peacetime, the gaskets shall be laid ), make the track length level within 1mm, according to design requirements for reference;2用水平仪测量地轨顶面,测量位置和调整方向同上,使其精度控制在每米0.5mm内; Level meter for meas

26、uring rail top surface, measuring position and adjust direction ibid., make its accuracy control in each meter0.5mm;3用经纬仪测量地轨侧面,调节使其每米1mm内,全长控制在2mm内;Surveying with theodolite to track side, adjusted its per metre 1mm, full-length control within 2mm;4地轨接头处按图纸要求就位后用高碳钢焊条(KT-42E430,BJ/T4747,506焊条亦可)对焊,

27、焊后用磨光机打磨,最后紧固压板螺栓(有定位块的紧贴轻轨焊于底板上); The rail joints according to the drawing requirements in place with high carbon steel welding rod ( KT-42E430, BJ/T4747506welding rod welding, after welding can also be ) with grinder grinding, the fastening clamp bolt ( with a positioning block to light rail welde

28、d on the bottom plate );5轨道顶部表面及顶部两个侧面要打磨光,轨道头部横向外轮廓表面的打磨按以下要求进行,轨道头部下表面不必磨光,但要磨平。 Top of rail surface and the top two sides to be polished, rail head horizontal surface grinding according to the following requirements, rail head surface need not be polished, but be removed.1)、轨道顶面的局部要求:在50mm长度内局部凹深

29、0.1mm,用磨光设备容易作到此项要求。 The top surface of the local tracks:50mm length local concave deep 0.1mm, with polishing equipment easy to achieve this requirement.2)、轨道侧面的局部要求:在100mm长度内局部凹深0.5mm。 The track side local requirements: in the100mm length local concave deep 0.5mm.3)、总公差应符合标准FEM9.831的要求。General tole

30、rances shall be in accordance with the FEM9.831 standard requirements.4)、熔焊接头的轨道头下表面及轨道腹板应磨得与原轮廓表面一致,以防止车轮被抬起、倾斜或 被钩绊住。Welding joint rail head surface and the rail webs shall be worn with the original contour surface, to prevent the wheels are raised, tilted or hook snagging.需打磨的范围图15 轨道的打磨5)、轨道顶部凸缘

31、的下侧应平滑,无毛刺及大的凸起焊疤,以避免造成车轮运行的障 碍。在两条轨道接头处焊成的轨道腹板两侧面亦应磨平,此平面亦作为支撑轮滚动的表面。 Track to the top of the lower side of the ledge shall be smooth, no burr and raised welding scar, in order to avoid wheel running obstacle. In two rail joints welded rail web side should also be removed, the plane also as a suppo

32、rting wheel rolling surface.6)、天轨对接处尽量贴合或按图纸就位,调整好垂直及水平弯曲允许偏差后采用对焊方法焊接,角钢天轨还应在天轨上表面焊接连接板,焊后打磨。 Rail joint drawings or to engage in place, adjust the vertical and horizontal bending tolerance after the introduction of butt welding method welding, steel rail should also in the days of rail surface welded with a connecting plate, welding after grinding.六、安装过程中需注意以下事项:The installation process should pay attention to the following matters:1、所有螺栓和连接面要除锈;天、地轨的对接焊缝必须平整光滑,焊缝不允许突出轨道表面,以免影响堆垛机

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