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1、英语六级短文改错20篇第一篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)Most studies suggest that when women and men do thesame job and have the experience, pay rates tend to besimilar. Most of the dollar differences stem from fact that -71. women tend to be more recently employed and have more -72. years on the job. Whether

2、women who have started a career.will attain pay equality with men rest on at least two factors. -73. First, will most of them continue part time at their jobs after -74. they have children? A break in their employment, or a decision -75to work part time, will slow its raises and promotions. because

3、it would for men. Second, will male-dominated -76. companies elevate women to higher-paid jobs at the different -77. rate as they elevate men? On some fields, this had clearly not -78happened. Many men, for example, have committed their -79. lives to teaching careers, yet relative few have become -8

4、0. principals or headmasters.答案:71. from fact - from the fact72. recently - frequently. 73. rest - rests74. part - full75. its - their76. because - as77. different - same78. On - In79. men - women80. relative - relatively第二篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)Time spent in a bookstore can be enjoyable, i

5、f -71. you are a book-lover or merely there to buy a book apresent. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelters away a sudden shower. 72.Whatever the reasons, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust jacket is irresis

6、tible, even this method of selection ought -73. not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather bored book. You soon become engrossed in -74. some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realise you have spent far much -75. time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten

7、appointment - without buying a book, of course. This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is impossible to do this. A music shop is very much -76. like a bookshop. You can wander round such placesto yo

8、ur hearts content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach to you with the inevitable -77. greeting: Can I help you, Sir? You neednt buyanything if you dont want. In a bookshop anassistant should remain the background until you -78. have finished browsing. Then, only then, are hisservices n

9、ecessary. Of course, you may want to.find out where a particular section is, since when he 79.has led you there, the assistant should retire.discreetly and look as he is not interested in 80.selling a single book.答案:71. if - whether72. (away) from73. (even) although74. bored - boring75. (far) too76.

10、 impossible - possible77. /78. (remain) in79. since - but80. (as) if第三篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)The key to being a winner is to have desireand a goal from which you refuse to be deterred (被吓住). That desire fuels your dreams and the special goal keeps you focusing. -71. Deeply down we all have

11、a hope that our -72. destiny is not to be average and prosaic. Everyone talks about a good game, but the winner goes out and do something. To win, there has to be movement -73. and physical action. Attitudes and persistence can help us become who we want to be. -74. Competition is the best motivator

12、. Because -75. many people use competition as an excuse for not doing something, those who really want to success -76. see competition as an opportunity, and theyre willing to do the tough work necessarily to win. -77. Learn to deal with fear. Fear is the greatest deterrent to taking risk. People wo

13、rry so much -78. about failing that their fear paralyzes them, drained the energy they might otherwise be using to -79. grow. You can cultivate self-respect by developing a commitment to your own talents. It may be necessary to do the thing you fear the most in order to put that fear in rest, so tha

14、t it can no -80. longer control you.答案:71. focused 72. Deep 73. does 74. what 75. While/Although 76. succeed 77. necessary 78. risks 79. draining 80. to 第四篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)Changes in the way people live bring about changes in the jobs that they do. More and more people live in towns a

15、nd cities instead on farms and in villages. Cities and states have to provide -71. services city people want, such like more police protection, more -72. hospitals, and more schools. This means that more policemen, more nurses and technicians, and more teachers must be hired.Advances in technology h

16、as also changed peoples lives. -73. Dishwashers and washing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand. The widespread use of such electrical appliances -74. means that there is a need for servicemen to keep it running -75. properly. People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads -76

17、.changes in the way of life. As income goes down, people may not -77. want more food to eat or more clothes to wear. But they may want more and better care from doctors, dentists and hospitals.They are likely to travel more and to want more education Nevertheless, many more jobs are available in the

18、se services. -78.The government also affects the kind of works people do. -79.The governments of most countries spend huge sums of money for international defense. They hire thousands of engineers, -80.scientists, clerks, typists and secretaries to work on the many different aspects of defense.答案:71

19、. (instead) on - of72. like - as73. has - have 74. the - /75. it - them76. leads - causes77. down - up78. Nevertheless - Therefore79. works - work/job/jobs 80. international - national第五篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. I

20、n the eighteenth century farmers were quite self-sufficient. The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. The surplus crop would be sold to buy a new -71.items in the local general store.In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to -72. the city, yet eighty percent of the Ame

21、rican population was still in the country. In the late nineteen century, farm work and life -73.were not much changed from that they had been in old days. The -74.farmer aroused at dawn or before and had much work to do, with -75.his own muscles like his chief source of power. He used axes, -76.spad

22、es and other complicated tools. In his house cooking was done wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only improvement on the candle. The familys recreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the nearby small town or -78.village to transact some business as w

23、ell as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town.The children attended a small elementary school (often of just one room) to that they had to walk every day, possibly for a -79.few miles. The school term was short so that the children could not help on the farm. Although the whole family work

24、ed, and life -80.was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.答案:71. nothing - everything 72. because - although73. nineteen - nineteenth 74. that - what75. aroused - rose/got up76. like - as77. complicated - simple78. consisted后加 of79. that - which80. and - /第六篇: Error Correct

25、ion (15 minutes)Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car,flying, swallowing an aspirin table or eating a chicken sandwich-they can all be fatal.Clearly some risks worth taking, especially when the -61.rewards high: a man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of

26、 a second-floor window is an acceptable risk to save its life. But in -62.medicine a few procedures, drugs, operations or tests -63.are really a mater of life and death. There may be sound medicine reasons are totally dependent the balance of risks and benefits for the -65.patients.Surgery fo

27、r cancer may cure or prolong a life, but the removal of tonsils(扁桃体) cannot save anything a -66.sore throat. Blood pressure drugs definitely help some people live after a heart attack, but these same drugs may be both necessary and harmful for those with only -67.mild blood pressure problems. Decidi

28、ng how much discomfort and risk we are preparing put up with in the name of better health is a high -69.personal matter, not a decision we should remain to -70.doctors alone.答案:61. risks worth are62. its his 63. a few few64. medicine medical65. in on 或 upon66. anything a but 或 except67. neces

29、sary unnecessary 68. preparing prepared 或 ready 或 willing 69. high highly70. remain leave 第七篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)A good way to get information for essays and reports is to interview people who are experts in -71. your topic or whose opinions may be interesting.Interviews are also a good w

30、ay to get a sampling ofpeoples opinions on various questions. Here are some suggestions that will help you make most of a -72. planned interview:1. If the person to be interviewed (the interviewee) is busy, cancel an appointment in -73. advance.2. Prepare your questions before the interview so that

31、you make best use of your time. In preparingthink about the topic about what the interviewer is -74. likely to know. 3. Use your questions, but dont insist in sticking to -75. them or proceeding in the order you have listed. Often the interviewee will have important information that was never occurr

32、ed to you, or one -76. question may suggest another very useful one.4. If you dont understand something the interviewee has said, say politely and ask him or -77. her to clarify it or to give an example.5. Take notes, if the interviewee goes too slowly -78. for you, ask him or her to stop for a moment,especially if the point is important. A tape recorder lets you avoid this problem. Therefore, -79. be sure the interviewee

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