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八年级英语下学期期末教学质量检测试题扫描版 人教新目标版.docx

1、八年级英语下学期期末教学质量检测试题扫描版 人教新目标版广东省潮州市潮安区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期末教学质量检测试题20172018学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测八年级英语科听力材料及参考答案听力材料一、 听句子根据句子的内容及所提的问题,选择正确的图画,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。1. The English class will finish at four oclock, but the math class will end one hour later than it. 2. Dannys father works in No. 2 Hosp

2、ital. He is a famous doctor. 3. Go along the street, turn left at the first crossing, you can see the bookstore on your right. 4. I was playing volleyball while Maria was playing basketball at this time yesterday afternoon. 5. Amy is my younger sister and she is 1.5meters tall.二、听对话听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,在

3、各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号写在题号前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。M: Hi, Laura. Where were you last weekend? I called you on Saturday, but you werent at home.W: Oh, I walked to the coffee shop in the morning and then went to the bookstore to buy a birthday present for my sister.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。W: How much is

4、one tea set with four cups?M: 160 yuan, but if youd like to pay 40 yuan more, you can have the set with eight cups.W: OK. Ill take the tea set with eight cups.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。M: Would you please have dinner with me at Baiyun Restaurant tonight?W: Oh, Id love to, but Ive already had dinner plans tonigh

5、t. Another time perhaps?听第四段对话,回答第9小题。W: Did you watch a talent show or a game show yesterday, Frank?M: Neither. I watched a talk with my grandparents.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。M: I usually learn English by reading novels.W: Watching American movies is also a good way. It helps us to know how foreigners commun

6、icate with each other. 听第六段对话,回答第1112小题。W: Good morning, doctor.M: Good morning. Whats the trouble?W: Ive got a headache and coughed a lot. I dont feel like eating anything.M: Now open your mouth. How long have you been like this?W: Since last Friday.M: Youd better take some medicine and stay in bed

7、 for two days. Here is the medicine.听第七段对话,回答第1315小题。W: Weve waited here for nearly ten minutes, but no bus comes.M: Im afraid well be late for class.W: Have you got the time, Bob?M: Yes, my watch says it is a quarter past seven.W: Does your watch keep good time?M: No. My watch is five minutes fast.

8、W: Look! There is a bus coming. Lets go. Its No.32.M: OK, lets go.三、听独白根据短文内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳选项,并把最佳选项的字母编号写在题号前的括号内。独白听两遍。Let me tell you something about eating at American restaurants. First, in the USA, people like waiting for a table better than sitting with people they dont know. If

9、you are sitting at a table with people you dont know, it is rude to smoke without asking first. Then, at American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served cold water before you order. You may find free bread and butter, and if you order coffee, you may also get a free one. Next, servings

10、in restaurants are often large. If you cant finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food, ask a waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you are taking the food away. Finally, tips are not usually added to the bill. They are not included in the price

11、of the meal. You should leave it on the table when you decide to go. In some restaurants, a waiter brings a bill on a plate and you put your money there. Then they give you your change.四、听填信息你将听到一篇关于Camden Market情况介绍的短文,请根据所听内容,完成下面的信息采集表。短文听两遍。The biggest and most popular market in London takes pla

12、ce every day in Camden, but it is the busiest and the best on the weekend. Camden is famous all over the world for its fashion, artists, clubs and music, but it is the most famous for its market. It is the largest street market in the UK. More than 400,000 people come every weekend to look, shop, ea

13、t and meet friends. There is music everywhere. The street food is delicious, and it is the cheapest in North London. In every part of the market you find something interesting. It has the most amazing clothes, beautiful gifts, music and shops. The Electric Ballroom is the oldest nightclub in Camden.

14、 You can hear the latest rock bands before they become famous. 参考答案一、15 CBAAC二、610 BCBCB 1115 ACBAA三、1620 CBCAB四、21. popular 22. weekend 23. the UK 24. delicious 25. rock bands五、单项选择(20分)2630 ACDAB 3135 CDDBC 3640 ADCBD 4145 ACABB六、完形填空(10分)46-50 ACBCD 51-55 BCBDA七、阅读理解(30分)5660 ABCAB 6165 DBCDA 667

15、0 EDFCA八、短文填空(10分)71. To 72. remembered 73. if/ whether 74.hard 75. hurts76. days 77. husband 78. the 79. angry 80. kind / friendly/ thankful九、根据汉语完成句子(10分) 81. feel free 82. larger/ bigger population 83. cleared out 84. Hurry up/ Be quick/ Come on; been on 85. Watching the tea preparation十一、书面表达(15

16、分) My Favorite Toy My favorite toy is a toy panda. It was a gift from my mother on my fifth birthday. I have had it for nearly ten years. The toy panda is about 30 cm tall. It looks very lovely and I used to sleep with it until I was ten years old. Now I am not a small child and have grown up. I wont play with it. I want to give it away to a childrens home. I think the children there will like it. What about your favorite toy? Can you share it with me?

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