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1、跑步经典语录英文跑步经典语录英文导读:本文是关于语录大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、她飞跑着,两条腿像钟摆一样机械地抬起落下,又抬起,再落下。She ran, her legs lifted and fell mechanically like pendulums, and then lifted and fell again.2、我所做的只是在自己炮制的惬意的空虚和怀旧的静默中不断奔跑,这是一件很美妙的事,不管别人怎么说。All I did was run in the comfortable emptiness and nostalgic silence I concoct

2、ed. It was a wonderful thing, no matter what others said.3、如果想哭就去跑步,把泪水变成汗水蒸发掉。If you want to cry, run and turn your tears into sweat.4、跑步,节食,规律生活,健康作息,有点情趣的爱好,有点奢侈的享受,一样都不能落下。Running, dieting, regular life, healthy work and rest, a little hobby, a little luxury enjoyment, can not be left behind.5、我

3、背起书包,三步并作两步飞奔出家门口,要不然迟到可就要挨老师批评了。I picked up my schoolbag, took three steps and rushed out of the door in two steps. Otherwise, I would be criticized by my teacher for being late.6、随着裁判的一声枪响,运动员们纷纷跃出起跑线,像离弦的箭一样向前冲去。他们互不相让,跑道上尘土飞扬,仿佛海水涨潮一样汹涌而来。With the referees shot, the athletes jumped out of the st

4、arting line and rushed forward like arrows off the strings. They refused to give in to each other, and the runway was dusty, like the tide of the sea.7、跑步永远是我最差劲的项目。仅仅八百米我都要跑上四分钟,我跑得那么慢,而你却走得那么快,怪不得我追不上你。Running is always my worst sport. I have to run for four minutes for only 800 meters. I run so s

5、lowly, but you walk so fast. No wonder I cant catch up with you.8、一路跑过去,一路享受清新宁静的感觉,速度并不快,有节奏地调整呼吸,五步一吸气、五步一呼气,汗水滑落,湿透衣裳。Running all the way, enjoying the feeling of freshness and tranquility all the way, the speed is not fast, adjust the breathing rhythmically, five steps one inhalation, five steps

6、 one exhalation, sweat slipping, wet clothes.9、跑步的时候,不要有太高的期待,把握好每个跑步的细节,往往会有好的成绩;人生没有太高的要求,关注到每个成长的细节,往往会有超出预期的成就。When running, do not have too high expectations, grasp the details of each run, often have good results; life does not have too high requirements, pay attention to the details of each g

7、rowth, often will exceed the expected achievements.10、跑步的真谛是越跑越痛快,跑下去,让软弱离开身体。The essence of running is to run faster and faster, run down, let the weak leave the body.11、枪响了,我一个箭步窜了出去,使出全身的力气奔跑着,耳边风声呼呼响。When the gun rang, I darted out one by one and ran with all my strength, whispering in my ears.1

8、2、两人几乎同时撞线,如一阵疾风一样,裁判员惊讶得发呆,过了一会儿才醒悟过来。The two men almost hit the line at the same time. Like a gust of wind, the referee was surprised and dazed. It took a while for him to wake up.13、喜欢跑步,在跑步中能让自己想通许多的问题。Like running, in running can let oneself think a lot of problems.14、一直在原地的运动是踏步,往前的是跑步,但是生活为什么

9、永远为一样东西原地踏步呢!The movement that has been in place is treading, and the movement that goes ahead is running, but why does life always tread in place for the same thing?15、我去跑步不纯粹是一种体育锻炼,从一定意义上讲,它也是一种职责,一种生活必需,或者说一种精神追求。I go running is not only a kind of physical exercise, in a sense, it is also a duty

10、, a necessity of life, or a spiritual pursuit.16、看到阿走跑步时的矫健英姿,全身上下在高速运转显露出的悠然自得,尽管相识了解已久,但看到这个似乎是为跑步而生的男人在全力奔跑时,青濑依然为之折服。Although I have known him for a long time, I am still convinced to see the man who seems to have been born for running when he is running all the time.17、喜欢跑步,喜欢倾听耳边的啾啾虫鸣;喜欢耳边的习习凉

11、风;喜欢思想的天马行空;喜欢跑步时的大汗淋漓;喜欢肆意自由而急促的呼吸;喜欢冲刺时的感觉和喜悦。Like running, like listening to the chirp of insects in the ear; like the cool breeze in the ear; like the free thinking; like running sweat dripping; like wanton free and rapid breathing; like the feeling and joy of sprint.18、跑步,让我不再轻易迷失在各种诱惑里,不再回过头去关

12、心身后的种种是非与议论。不去顾及已经走过的路,我要向前走。Running, let me no longer easily lost in various temptations, no longer look back to care about the various rights and wrongs behind me. Regardless of the road Ive traveled, Im going forward.19、人不是因为衰老才停止跑步,而是因为停止跑步才衰老。People do not stop running because they are old, but

13、 because they stop running.20、冲出起跑线时,几名运动健儿还是并驾齐驱,几乎是笔直的一字行,可转眼之间就拉开了距离,形成了不规则的曲线。When they rushed out of the starting line, several athletes kept abreast of each other, almost straight lines, but in a twinkling of an eye, the distance was widened and irregular curves were formed.21、妹妹没命地跑呀,快跑到我眼前了,

14、我忙闪身出来,妹妹一头撞在我怀里了。My sister ran like hell. She ran right in front of me. I was so busy that she hit me in the arms.22、不开心的时候,一个人跑跑步,打打篮球,出点汗,就开心了。When you are unhappy, you will be happy if you run, play basketball and sweat a little.23、一个人在操场上跑步,心里很平静,我就知道,在孤单的这条河里,我已学会了游泳。A man runs on the playgrou

15、nd, his heart is very calm, I know that in the lonely river, I have learned to swim.24、做一个幸福的人,读书、跑步、努力工作,关心身体和保持好心情,成为最好的自己。Be a happy person, read, run, work hard, care about your body and keep in good mood, and become the best self.25、跑步是一种独特的体验,它融合了人类的两种原始冲动:恐惧与快感。无论是害怕了还是快活了,我们都会去跑步。既是奔跑着逃开不幸,也

16、是奔跑着追寻幸福。Running is a unique experience that combines two primitive human impulses: fear and pleasure. Whether we are frightened or happy, we all go running. Running away from misfortune is also running for happiness.26、我爱跑步,因为不仅可以锻炼身体,而且可以放松身心,还能看风景。从那以后,我爱上了跑步,每天吃好晚饭都会去河边跑,你也要经常锻炼身体哦!I love runnin

17、g, because it can not only exercise, but also relax, as well as see the scenery. Since then, I have fallen in love with running. Every day after dinner, I go to the riverside to run. You also need to exercise regularly.27、运动员个个精神振奋,脚下呼呼生风,像离弦的箭一样向前飞奔。Athletes are all energetic, Next88 under their fe

18、et, like an arrow away from the strings, running forward.28、我失恋的时候我要去跑步,因为跑步是能够把我体内多余的水分蒸发掉,那样比较不容易流泪。When I am lovelorn, I want to run, because running can evaporate the excess water in my body, which is not easy to shed tears.29、跑步让我明白人生就像一场马拉松。如果你犹豫了,别人就会轻而易举的超过你,如果你不顾阻碍不顾一切地冲向终点,最后你就会获得成功,享受成功的喜

19、悦。Running makes me understand that life is like a marathon. If you hesitate, others will easily surpass you. If you rush to the end regardless of obstacles, you will succeed and enjoy the joy of success.30、她们动作协调有力,在冰面上轻快地飞驰,仿佛两只飞燕,在紧贴地面飞翔,你追我赶,互不相让。Their movements are coordinated and powerful, and

20、they fly lightly on the ice, like two swallows, flying close to the ground. You chase me and catch up with each other.31、他越跑越起劲儿,其他队员也不甘落后,拼命追赶,个个气喘吁吁,汗流浃背。He ran more and more vigorously, and other players were unwilling to lag behind, chasing desperately, panting and sweating.32、太阳每天都是新的,而新的太阳总会给我

21、们以新的希望。虽然已经退休,但我们同样需要和年轻人一样去奋斗,去拼搏,去创造。同样需要去歌唱,去舞蹈、去跑步。Every day the sun is new, and the new sun always gives us new hope. Although we have retired, we also need to struggle, struggle and create like young people. They also need to sing, dance and run.33、如果你想强壮,跑步吧!如果你想健美,跑步吧!如果你想聪明,跑步吧!If you want

22、to be strong, run! If you want to be fit, run! If you want to be smart, run!34、起跑后,经过几分钟的拼搏,他把所有的对手远远地甩在后面,以冠军的姿态轻松而豪迈地在跑道上奔跑,冲向最后的目标。After starting, after a few minutes of hard work, he left all his opponents far behind and ran on the runway with ease and heroism in a championship manner towards hi

23、s final goal.35、跑步的过程,就是不断进取的过程、跑步中,我强烈感受到了青春活力的跃动。于是,每一天的议事日程,我都要作这样一个安排:早晨,我去跑步。The process of running is the process of continuous progress, running, I strongly feel the leap of youth vitality. So, every day on the agenda, I have to make such an arrangement: in the morning, I go running.36、跑步教会我的

24、是自律,是克制,是不放弃,是死磕到底。Running teaches me self-discipline, restraint, not giving up, and death.37、读书,去别人的灵魂里偷窥。旅行,去陌生的环境里去感悟。电影,去荧屏里感受别人的生活历程。冥想,去自己内心的秘境里探寻。跑步,去享受别人到不了的世界。Reading, peeping into other peoples souls. Travel, go to unfamiliar environment to feel. Movies, go to the screen to experience the

25、life of others. Meditate and explore your inner secret. Running, to enjoy the world that no one else can reach.38、天冷了,许多同学围上围巾,戴上帽子,还是觉得冷:跑步的同学,有的半弓着背,缩着脖子,有的不时哈气暖手,从嘴里吐出团团白气。When it gets cold, many students wear scarves and hats, but they still feel cold: some runners are half-arched, neck-hunched,

26、 and some warm their hands from time to time, spitting out white air from their mouths.39、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独;没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要一直奋斗。No one will accompany you for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to loneliness; no one will help you for a lifetime, so you have to fight all the time.40、跑步这种无聊、孤独的运动,谁逼你都没戏,

27、就得是心中那把火点燃了,自己心甘情愿了,才会坚持下去。Running is such a boring and lonely sport that no one can force you to play. You have to light the fire in your heart and stick to it willingly.41、跑步,不仅仅是跑出去,而是把自己找回来。Running is not just about running out, its about finding yourself back.42、突然发现,以后在跑步累个半死的时候,是再也不会有人给我加油了。S

28、uddenly found that in the future when running tired and half dead, no one will refuel me anymore.43、我只是喜欢他跑步认真的模样,喜欢他的态度,我喜欢看他冲刺,喜欢看他跨过终点的那一刻。I just like the way he runs seriously and his attitude. I like to watch him sprint and the moment he crosses the finish line.44、最好的跑步,就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。独自

29、跑步,不受羁绊,没有约束。有一天,穿上跑鞋,带上自己,有多远,跑多远。The best way to run is to find a long-lost feeling in a strange place. Running alone, unbounded, unbounded. One day, put on running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far to run.45、嗬,好家伙!他这一跑起来,你就看不见他的腿怎样抬、怎样落,连一点响声都听不见,真比鹰追兔子还快。Oh, boy! As soon as he runs, you can

30、t see how his legs lift and fall, and you cant even hear a sound. Its faster than an eagle chasing a rabbit.46、看!他向前猛跑几步,到了踏板跟前,脚用力一蹬,身子用力一弓,同时。胳膊向后一摆,身子向前一跃,像猛虎扑食一样腾空而跃起,然后轻轻地落到松软的沙坑里。Look! He sprinted forward a few steps, reached the pedal, pushed his foot hard, bowed hard, at the same time. The arm swung backward, the body leaped forward, leaped up like a tiger, and then fell gently into the soft sand pit.

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